La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 17, 1911, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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"Opportunity and f i: liW'i f3'
...,..,......,,, Lubln
A fine stori showing the rise
and fall of ech of two young
men whom fortune" dealt un
kindly with it different,, mo-.
ments In their lives. , , '
. . ,
"The Young King of Rome". .
Napoleon's love for his son.
A magnificently mounted drama
Introducing "Jimmle," the fa
mous boy actor as L'Alglon
Bonaparte's only in. '
"In the Days of W. .Biograph.
Illustrating an 0ft repeated In.
cldent in the early days of thtj
! California gold rush. It Is beau
I iituiiy uacied hbo. win please
everybody. -; '-. ';,;'.'.;.! :;:
"Scenes In Far TunW'' .kosmik
, Charming scenes taken In and
around the Mediterranean coast
portal '"''.') '', r':! . '-.
DR. A. C POSEY Specialist lor. Eye,
, ;ar, Nose and Throaty OtlseaseB." Eyes
fltted with glasW'-Over-Selder's
attended -the organization pt a torn
merclal club'at linbler'last evening.
' SO
The ( Modern Brothers of America
give a dance Thursday, Jjune 22nd, at
the Odd Fellows hall. Every one In
vited. Ice cream, and cake served.
. ' 6-16-20-21 ' ,
Woodtell Rennlon. ;
' ;r ! ' ' : ; ..' .
iThe fourth annual reunion of the
Woodell family will be held in the
Woods grove, northeast of La Grande,
June 23. 24 and 25.' All friends of the
family are Invited to bring their lunch
eon and enjoy Sunday with the' fam
ily. ; ; , .. ? ' 1 . . .
Preaching services at 2:00 o'clock
Sunday' afternoon. . ) ,
D 6-8-22 W 6-8-16 "
Illustrated song "First Dark
Night Next Week," sung by '
Matinees ,. . . . ' Miss Garrick . I
Mr. Ferrln
j Evenings
5 ' PEKS05ALS. A
J. B. Eaton of Salem 'is staying at
the , Foley today. ,j,r wj.,t
' ?K. L." Beyer," a' china and crockery
man of Portland, la at the Foley today,
It. Coblentz, a salesman of Portland,
is at the Foley today.
t ..""'-''-"'' ""' t Hyatt or Teiocaset Twaa, fa;
vc' r st today. "
:: Sawyer, president of the 1m
bler commercial, clubv was at the Som
mer this afternoon. $S jj
, .''JfriCJ'ranks.Hanlaa .wsb dowji irom
Meacham this morning and stopped :it
the Somnwr. -
. "The .Old Homestead'Uroupe is reg
istered, at the, Savoy this afternoon.
j MraH., L4 Andersouof Ontario is
rerfe vlBitlngVMr. and Mrs. J. J. Carr,
i Mrs,. Anderson is a sister of Mr. Carr.
Asistant Passenger Agent Scott of
he O-.W. was in the city this morning
on his way to Portland from the east.
Editor Flag of Eleln was In rh
cltv last even' It on his . way to Port
land, to transact business mature -.t
,L. M. Hoj t head of the local "Masonic
lodge, accompanied by Mrs.' HoytV who
' I., , I
i v - i
v ' ' ' ' '
L li ' , J
Plan on Fdot to'Mitke nterjr!e the
, Cenb-rlf issoctotionj .
I-:': ". Jkttl -V ..;::
,C. (Enterprise Chieftain.) ' ( ';
The Grande Rond- Baptist assocla-
lon met Id the" Baptist! church here
hursday afternoon bf last 'Week "arid
continued with three sessions a day
Hll , Sunday evening.-.: The meeting
Ivere full of interest and the attend
nce was large from the start, crowd
ng the large audience room at the
Sunday' sessions. ' '.' ;
I ; There were, nearly 40 'delegate! and
Visitors from outsids in" attendance,
10' of .iem", coming " from ' the two'
Churches at Baker., , "
j The following clergymen were here;
D. G. Dunkim C. H. Eymari, and E.
P. Walta of Baker; J. J. Davy from
Elgin; L. W. Gowen from La Grande
ind H. B. Foskett of McMlnnville.
fhi- Haines and La Grande churchea
are Just calling' pastors. Some of the
thurches like Burns and Ontario are
to tar distant that no delegates came
All were represented by message and
letter. ' ' ; 'i-:' - -.;'"
I Much interest was aroused by the
action of the association In which It
heartily endorsed ths plan to make
the Enterprise 'church a center of all
me Baptist worK m Wallowa coun
iyi endeavoring' to have all. 'the Bap
tists of the county unite with the local
church and have a resident pastor who
should &6' missionary Woik' all over
the' county.' The association "voted to
"rais $500 towards the Indebtedness bf
the local church, and 1 150 of that sura
was pledged by two individuals.' '
?L', r .-; . ;
PocateUo Trainnin Killed and Anoth
'I; Fatally Injured In Tustle. ,
Imjiortant Session Ilfld at Union Bp.
; eently ShoW Developme at
Notice Jor Bidi"
We feel that we are doing you a fa
vor when we tell you that you should
look close ly after your teeth, one of
the most Important parts of the hu-
man body as a multitude of ills will
result from Improperly masticated
food. " i-. '
You may not feel the results today,
; At the Epworth league, contention
which closed this week at Unlojp. ttjere
were 17 leagues represented,, leaving
but three towns, Wallowa, Prairie City
and Enterprise, uhlch dic not send a
repre8'jntaUveA vtotai'of"83 people,
Including 55 delegates and 28 visitors,
wre entertained by the Union chajfc
ten .' C.,:. -
The final report shows that there
ar 135 assoca$ ajid 489 active wor s
tptal of 621 leagde members In the Jjs
Grande district. The lpcBl"chaeter
have, held 708 devotional;' ii 1 "social
and 83 business meetings during the
year, having paid out $570.30 for mis
sions, j churches, needy, 'etc Distrfe t
and cabinet officers were elected and
Installed as follows:
.John Rudd. OuUrio, president W.
S.J Miller, Flora,' isi ' vice president:
Nellie Johnson, John , Day, 2nd vice
president; Mra! H. - C. Vinacke, La
Grande, 3 rd .vice-president; Mr8t C
M.; Playle, AHcer,v Jth'f ice rittI
dent; Letitia Thompson, Union, re
cording secretary; Althea Le, Baker,
corresponding secretary; F. l!' Lock
wood, Nyssa, treasurer; Ada tayrJo
seph. Junior League superintendent.
M fss Hat tie McMur ray, of , hf Grand e.
and Wm.A Johnson," of "'Ontario,"' were
elected general delegates to th gen
eral conference district convention.
' The second department presented a
resolution that the La Grande district
would support a hatlveliible woman 'in
China at a. cost of $30 a' year,' which
was carrkd. ''
.There will be two Bubdlstrlct con
ventions held this year, one at Nyssa,
Sept 14-15 and the other at Elgin, on
Sept. 21-22,j They are t? be jueld, tor
the purpose of, laying plans,, for th
winter worK.. .... . , ., ,
Notice Is hefeby given that the uo.
dejslgne will recelvtsealed bids for
the construction of a stone wall on the
lot adjoining the M. & M. building,
plans! nf 'specification ajfejaf the
oirtce'pi J1. tfc Brlchoiux Sa vojl holt 1.
Blds -to-be- in -tnoi'lateT-'than June
20th. Right Is reserved to reject any
or all bids. .' ' .
6-14-6t i D. C. BRICHOUX.
Faffes East!
.Ti' 1911
..;5.. From all points on
rySt 3iAVISAT10 (OMPAJfY ,
to ' ' ' v ' FARE!
Chicago .............. ... 72.54
Salt Lake, June 17. Conductor Wil
liam Kldd, of the Pocatello division
pf the Oregon Short JJne, was killed,
and Deputy Sheriff Jones of Idaho
fatally wounded In a fight with two
bandits they had arrested at High
bridge. Idaho, today. Jones had taken
two revolvers from the desperadoes
When one of thm got hold of, the gun
and shot. They then signalled the
train to stop and escaped. A posse is
pursuing. ''' '
attended the Eastern Star festivities in
Portland, returned this morning. ' "
Mrs. Ellis Klrtley is over from Pen-; .-'.'r: Vied but FlahK -
tlleton visiting' Mr. and Mrs. M, ,H. ! A man named McKay, a painter was
Klrtley this' week." ' Mr. Klrtley will . arrested last night in the Paul cigar
arrive tomorrow to spend Sunday here, store aft I? considerable rough house
Among th' members ; of the local ! between he and Officer Faulk. The fel-
chapter of Eastern Star, who attended low became noisy it Is said and when
the grand lodge as delegates ana mem
bers of the drill team were Mrs. E. Po
lack and Mrs. H. W. Bohnenkamp and
Miss Bertha Berber.
J. T. Wlllamson left this morning
tor Eugene where fie will join Mrs.
Williamson and attend the commence
ment exercises at the University . of
Oregon where their daughter will be
graduated with honors this year
he was ordered quiet, became
abusive. Alter considerable scuffling
and exchnr-vg 0f blows. Mr Faulk
assisted byMr. Paul, got the fellow
quieted and he suffered arest. He was
sentenced to several days in the city
Jail for the trouble he created, today.
Planning a Good Fair.
Thf Fair OHsnrlnMnn mot liit itu,.
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Cleaver 'have: n!ng with all memb-rs of the board
returned from a trip to Portland and
Salem. While at Salem Mr. Cleaver
or tomorrow but in time your entire ' attended, a board meeting of the re-
system, will fe?l .the effect of either gents of "Old wmamettee" university.
That institution is in a nounsning con
dtlon. reports Mr. Cleaver.
Clifford Kail .and Fred Meyers are
spending the day here awaiting de
parture of the La Grande team for El
gin tomorrow at 11 o'clock, when the
excursion begins. , .' :,'
W. B. Sargent and J. K. Wright of
the La Grande Investment company,
which is interested in Imbler fruit
lands, and Mr. Hlll of Hlbberd & Hill,
realty dealers. Vere-among those who
good or bad teeth. A little work such
as Btnall fillings put in in time will
benefit you greatly,
Our method of removing the pulp
tnerve) of a tooth without pain will
make you wond:r why -r- did not
have that tooth treated and filled soon
er. If , you are from Missouri let us
ehow you. . .
Extracting 50 cents Instead of a
UJJIAl ' i I i i -i nifKiHSEB mrmmm
NEW VELVET PUMPS,' Without Strap,
Short Vamw. at '. . . .......... MM,
i? it
NEW SUEDE PUMPS, with One Strap,
Short Vamp, at. .', v. .
.$4.00 '
v Stage LU at.. ..,..'.. v. 4.. W.00
r lain Toe, Stage Last. .". .' . . .
present and a report from the. old
board was presented and accepted.
Plans were freely discussed for the
fair this fall and indications are it will
ti the best evep eld in the county.
False alarm at Noon. "
Wat developed to have been a false
alarm, called the fire department out
at noon today. The alarm, came from
Sixth and N streets but was premature
and without proper cause.
: Will Lecture at Island. '
1 Dr. J. D. Gillilan will deliver his
lecture on "Yellowstone Park" at Is
land City next Tuesday evening. ,
Wm. Lawrence, In "The Old Home-
lea," who plajB Uele Josn."
Council Bluffs..
Omaha .......... I
ph . . . 4
Kansas City
Si Joseph
S?. Paul',:.','.
St. Paul,-vU Cjouncll Dluffs
Minneapolis, direct
' 'j Minneapolis,- via Council Bluffs. 63
... , Bostou ......110.09
ACREAGE WANTED Want 10 to 25 New York , 108.50
acres; according to' price, in; Grande. St -;LuIb . . . . . . .... . , . y . . . . . . 70.09
itnn A i vniiAr: ' win tnm' in nn i Washington, D. C. .. .107.60
. Mayor Leads Fire Gang.
.Hibbing, Minn., June 17. Charged
with arson and being accessory to rob
beries, Dr. DF. Dumas mayor of Cast
Lake, Minn:, was arrested today. The
arrest waa made br Plnkertons, who
J are reported to be rounding up others
I who are said to be members of a "fire
' ring" that has bepn ensured In whole
j sal arson and safe blowing for the
the last three years. Officers allege
that Dumas led the gang. ,
Names Gentlemenr'J'
5 Andrews,! Mr. Walter; y.'.;V. .';
Barnhart, Mr. G. 0.; ' 1 ' '
, Converse, A. B.' 1 ! -'''
: EvenB, Mr: Ed " ';; vS
... Farley,' Mr. Roger ' ' ;
Gully, T. R.
Johnson.' Mr. Hugh ' ' ;
: Keller, B. A. "'! " :
. Laanl, Mr. H. L. ' ! 1
Merckel, Mr. CarfD. v ""
McCall.'Mr. Roy "
McMahn, Mr. John j '
McCarthy, Mr, Eugene ' v '
Reynolds, Joe ; :
Thompson, Jas.
Varnes, Mr. Martin . . '
Walters, Mr. Btn ; V !.
Names Ladles.
Curl, Miss Maude (2)
Craig, Mrs. A. C. Harris,
JfTss Mamie
Kahl. Mrs. A. L. ' -Laam,
Mrs. Flora
Lundens, Mrs. James '
McKenzle, Mrs.
Mop, Mrs. Wlllard '
Nash, Utb. "Nlary
Nelson, Mrs. Franc '
Olsen, Miss Retta
Toney, Mrs. Anna f
Wealty, Miss' Louisa ; ;
Wolf, Miss Myrtle (2) ' '
count of price of acreage a $900
equity In new home In Portland.
Hou Beattractive, inside and out.
uruace. - riciure t oiuce,- tt. Out
fin, owner. 1107 Adams avenue.
Pone Main 1. ',. . ;;: I- . .
Atlantic City, N. J........... 102.40
i . Sale as'. .
June 5, 7. 9, 10, 12, 16. 17, 21, 22. 23,
i. . . . . ,... .
tt, isa. Bit ana av-t - ? - -
" July 12 3. 4, t. 6. 19. 20, 26, 27
LOST A blue Jacket on.,way to,;de'r
pot. Leave at Observer office.
'.home and goods wages to. middle
; a?ed lady td keep house for husband
s Address Ob-
family of threes
FOR "SALEP-lTOufie of " five'f boms.
, nd cold water. Three blocks from
ji-ound house.1 Phone Black 1191
1 ' 6-12-6t'"""''-''1"'
vi ; ' ' ; ' ; s '
i and 58. ... , ,
August 3" 4. 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 28,
li; 28. 29 and 80.
September 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
Stop-overs"Vlthln limits In'elthe j; di
rection. Final return limit October Slat
One way through Calfornla $15.00 ad
ditional. Inquire of any 0-W. It A N. Agesl
Z'-.t for Jlore .Complete information ..,"
wjl MesnnatAi
General Fsssenger JLgenVPortH '
Oregon. "
NEW HAY FOR SALE 'We will Bell
all or part ofSH.acesf.sraliihay
to W taken In field lat ,?7.o, ier ton.
1 ta Grahde Investment Cd. "6-14-lOt
FOR ItENT Suit M U hdnsekecplng
rooms With bath and laundry room.
Phone Black 3711.
6-10-tf ''-, ,..v-?
a f
Swartzi house,
People Seem Inclined1 to Tote That
Way Monday.
; ; '
At the annual school election to be
held Monday there will brfa chancy to
vote for or against returning to Judge
Wllllryns the amount of mory th dls.
trict ' had on deposit In the Scrlber
bank when It failed. The amount' Is
approximately $1,500, which Mr. Wil
liams at once paid into the treasury
from his oersonal funds. H Later the
Iosb has been discussed and the- gen-J
eral opinion seems to be to reimburse
Mr, Williams. On Monday there will
be an, opportunity to t vote foff such p
proceeding and every appearance now
Indicates it will carry.
; ' More Fmi-'Pslnl ;
The People's store has bad Its front
repainted the last , few; daye t which
makes a bright and attractive appear
ance," ....
Do you want to make more money?
We want energetic salesmen in your
territory. Expense money- advanced.
For particular address Albany Nur
series, Inc., Albany Oregon.
It T rafftr frwn tlwJlnf. Hchlnj.Hlo4
or pratrodluf PUra, trad mt jruur mUnm,
uii 1 will tll t kw to (in jounwU at
kocn br tk mi alMoivtlaa trwktacat ; and
IU Jm wrot mmt of tbla Immm ttMUanit
tn for trial, with rpfrrraem from jexa
wa loralltr if itqoMtod. lauaedUila r
llff M4 prrnaBcnt run immd. ttrad no
aieaw l"t Ml titm of ttia offer. Writ
twiar: to Mn, If. . Snaaam, , Bos P, Matra
Vmt, lad.
LOST A- bay horse, weight about li'
' 0(50 pounds, branded G on lft shoui
der. Anyone finding him call the'
Newun urug company. b-s-ii
. : ' fric2SCenfs.
FOR, SALE Three oC the best resi
dence lots in the city. Want small
payment, good " terms " on r balance.'
Address owner at Box 244, city fl-R-tf
WANTED All the boys in La Grands
between 10 and 16 yers old to Join
the Boys' Savers' club. Call at the
laundry and I will tell you all about
t. A. B. Cherry,, mgr."; Cherry's
New Laundry.
FOR RENT Star theatre; will be re-
modeled for store room. Inquire at
Arcade theatre.' ' ;' ' v "
Dutchers Vagon
Shop ;
No Horse Shoeing
Wagon repairing a specially.
It your Tires 'need resetting
give us a call, Second-hand
Buggies, Hacks andlCamp.
Wagons for sale.
Cor, of Greenwood and Monroe Sts.
WANTED-A girl to do general house
work. Phone Black 1422. 6-13-tf
FOR RENT Two furnished rooms fo
light housekeeping. Apply 106 Fl
street.: ' ' 6-16-3t
FOR SALE Refrigerator in first
class condition. Phone Main 33. ,
6-lS-6t ';' .'.':v' . 4 : ;';':' .'
- - "-j
FOR SALE Dry chain ; wood in any
quantity. $1.25 per.1oad,;at the" Teri
ry yards. Grande Ronde Lumber
company Pe.rry, Ore. 6-15-tf .
i j ...
berore -you put
mvyybuii, supply
see us.
f ST
f a
0 Produce
' ' " ' ' - " ,
Make a
Start In
The M,
f If you cannot afford one-of
the v more expensive cameras,
j start with a cheaper one, the
cheapest Is a good one far bet.
tPr',hnn7the best a decade ago.
We are ready to help begin
ners af Spy time, and can read
lly smooth out the trifling diffl
cnltleg that may be met. We
. hate a . dark room ho which
can be nsed free of charge at
Cameras from 1100 to $i0t00
and 'everything else' that ama
' tears heed at the
vra isn't i:::''..,:v'-:-.;
Wright Drug Co.
ELECTRIC LIGHT WIRING.' : W wiU be. pleased
to figure with you on your house. Work guaranteed.
4.: -A f