tAGE2 LA GHAInDE FANNING OBSlillVKK, FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1911. Iffustee Sale o W tools E3-. " ' "' " 1 1- li i ' Any white waist in stock Value up to $9.00 Any silk waist $lj)0 lowers two bunches xr 5c Any hat in the stock $2. 75 oy yot sit $mm oin atyai 3ni y ilk Kimorias $4.9.8; ( - i- Mesdames Smith & Davids are here witH their line of hair goo s exchanged after leaving the store...No ffoods reserved;.CASH ONLY ' W J J . . . . No good Go w. 4 British Soldirs tit Bunker Hill. J. E. Bradley 6 Co. SANITARY PLUMBING REPAIlt WORK A SPECIALTY. THOXESi SHOP-BLACK 871. RESIDENCE-BLACK 8482.. NEXT DOOR TO CITY HALL S3E St. John, N. B., June 16. The St. John Fulleers. comprising the G2nd regiment, 200 strong, left here by fa cial train today for Boston to take part In the Bunker Hill day celebration tomorrow. The re glment is in com mend of Col. .1. L. McAvity and Is nc-i-ompunicd by the regimental band and drum and bugle corps. The soldiers will remain In Boston several days and during their stay they will be the guests of the Massachusetts Volunteer militia. " Steward House s Ooera SATURDAY, JUNE 17 TWENTY-FIFTH SEASON THE ORIGINAL Denman Thompson's Celebrated Play The Old Homestead i . Baptist Young People to Meet, j Oakland, Cal., June 16. (Oakland ; churches of many denominations hzvc Joinrd in the arrangements for enter tuhiing the stores of vlsLora who will h-i durin? the next three days for the Pacific coast convention of the Baptist Young People's societies. May 'of the d:l) ates have already arrlvrJ in the city.. All of the Paciflc sta'ts and British Columbia will be repre sented at the convention. The scs- ' slons will begin tomorrow and con- Unite until Tuesday. Among the nct labl; speultcra will be Rev. J. R. Sarc ipey of the Southern Baptist theologi cal seminary, W, N. Hartshorn of th-j j;,tT.o'ort s"ii)nv school associa tion, Dr. Brou&her of Los Angeles and Prof. Ira M. Pr'ce of the university of Chlcagb,' ""; l ' : : ;; ' C. T. Darley Cement Contractor ' . . , Consult him before letting your sidewalk JUST AS PLAYED IN NEW YORK FOR 3 YEARS . d 1 The Famous Double Quartette The Palms The Great Church Choir A Perfect Cast Complete Scenic Production All the Favorites DIRECTION MR. FRANKLIN THOMPSON PRICES: 50c to $1.50. Seats on sale at Van Buren's Thursday Student' Y. JT. f. .4. Conference Portland, June 16. A students' con ference under the auspices of the In terna lonal Young Men's Christian as sociations of the northwest opened at Columbia Beach today With a repre sentation of 30 colleges of Oregon, Washington, Montana and Idaho. The tor.X.;ence Is the largest gathering of Us kind that has ever been held in thla section of the country. The sessions will centre 1 ten days. ; Sotice for Bids.. Notice Is hereby given, that the un dersigned will receive sealed bids for the construction of a stone wall on the lot adjoining the M. & M, bulling, plans and specifications are at the office of D. C. Brtchoux, Savoy hotel. Bids to be in not later than June 20th. Right is reserved to reject any or all bids. 6-ll-6t . D. C. BRICHOUX. Right in your buslert wmou when you hv th least time to spar you aro motf likely to Uke diarrhoea and low aeveral (Irvs' time, unlesa toU have Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at lijind ami take a doae on the first appear- nre of the disease. , For eale by all dcnlew. rn vmi want to make mora money? We want energetic salesmen In your territory. Expeuie money aavancea For particular address Albany Nur series. Inc., Albany Oregon. 5.27-30t a sysiHESS : . Is similar to a personality. It ha3 character good-, bad or Indifferent, the same as an Individual. , If the principles of the Individual aro , fundamentally sound he's an O'. K. Individual. If fhe pcl!cy of the business Is right and Its method J squa"re It is an O. K. business. THE WARDROBE SHOP Is the place to have your cloihes cleaned, pressed, repaired asd dyed because It Is on the square all of the time. - W I L S C N B R O S. 1 1 pLni Matn FOR tin uieimesMi n I t- :, . 8 list your FARM AND FRUIT LANDS j With Jf E. S. GIVEN3 INVESTMENT CO. invest in OREGON we have investedand can interest our friends. Write us at otma. mvintr a u complete description of what you have for sale, and we will get you results. No agents. E.S.GIVENS INVESTMENT CO. 226 LEARY BUILDING, SEATTLE, WASH. 0 t