,vmvi, wuxxx, uituuuJN. TUESDAY, JUNE 13 1911 - ' A 1 ', ' . , . . . - . . . ....... . PAGE 2 LA GRANDE EVEKING OBSl&Vift, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1911. J 8 i Money In vested n rings jarcomeo You TOBACCO CHEFS. !f a toou I pive us 1 1 "Tnke I'.of "uarj l?eis Rewards t f l i ' i - i v that cannot be measured alone in dollars and cents. There's satisfaction in knowing you have h & home when possibly all other investments fail it gives you a feeling of security an?, demands the recognition of your fellow townsmen, be- r . cause by building you show your faith in the fu j ture of the community. And every community ffci Iniown by its deeds. You can help and at the - same time help yourself. A home investment is ; always the most meritorious, and loss is less like . ly because you are dealing in values you under- stand and with people you know. We have sup ' v pleid the lumber for the homes of many of your friends who are now on the road to success, and want to talk with you whenever you're ready. V .-V '. 5 :' I . ' i - .l '' ! -" i k k j Z WENAHA LUMBER pal ; GREENWOOD & MADISON j ! Home Phone 421. Bell Phone, Main 732 Experts That Mako Sauces For voring the Different Brand. J "I am a totmcco chef." nald the cal low man. "I make the n tires that give us fmoklnjr or ebeuinu toliacco as a Toou ner mnken tnt' miicp trnico solo colbert or poiiliM crwle.' - ke thU' Unrb. nwwt.i Juirr .nlns rr brown." no popular, anion? the more uroxirou type f tpanii?n Well, the flavor of this plujr In doe tq 4t a sauce mnde of uj:ar. licorice, whlofcy f and honey., ' i j? ' "Der Is a mild, cool pipe tobneco that college ? hoys favor, i smell n. : Very aromatic, eh? Well. 'it has been steeped in a sauce compoxed of the esseutial oils of citrouella. bercamot ' and cassia. " , ' ' I )' ' y ' , "But it Is when yon rome , to the ' i hlp:h jrrade Havana clpir. the clar . f that sells for 40 or f0 cents, that you , f j see the tobacco chef at bis best. - Be , 'doesn't make bis sauces then of such r Anmninn litnMiiHIunta ota iat tt ml ' Kiipo-O - mot. licorice and so forth No. be makes them of bacteria. The flavors of the high grade U.ivana tobaccos depend, you see, entirely on their ferments. Eacb tobacco undergoes a different fermentation, and here the of years which cause these fermenta Hons to the leaf .V . . . "Yes. the tobacco chef of the highest type, the one who ferments Havana tobacco, handles the various breeds of bacteria as an ordinary, rhef bandies pepper and salt, mustard and cloves and mace."-Buffalo Express. It It : ' 1 A BUSINESS Is similar to a personality. It has charactergood, bad or Indifferent, the same as an individual. If the principles of the individual arc fundamentally sound lie's an 0. K. individual. If the policy of the business Is right and its tafthoel j sqmfre it Is an 0. K. business. THE WARDROBE SHOP Is the place to have your clothes cleaned, pressed, repaired aid dyed , because It Is on the square all of the time. . 1113 Adams Avenue Phone Main 735 WILSO N BROS. J. E. Bradley 5 Co. sanitaryplumbing" KEPAIIt WOUK A SrECIALtr. PHONESt SHOP BLACK 71. KESIDEXCE BLACK 8182. NEXT DOOR TO CITY HALL A Gllmpte of Biemaiek. Lord Ooschen was once asked to dinner by the Uermuu 4-huucellor aud described the occasion lu bis memoirs "Bismarck made au excelleui dinner. but not ho good as I expected. , The fish course consisted of lampreys, and Bismarck said that he bad mice, to ins shame, eaten eighty-one at a silting Lord Odo. remembering the fate of a British king. Asked If he bad uo rea son to regret the feut. 'Yes. he said, 'I did regret It..: I have often regret- ted.what l,have eaten, but never what I have drunk,' . But have .vim been the worse for it I did not say 1 bad not been the worse for my ot a Hons. I said I bad never regretted them.' lie spoke In slow but good English and said a number of quaint and good thiugs. Uere Is a very char acteristlc specimen: i rather envy-voi: English statesmen, the excitement .of the bouse of commons. You have the pleasure of lielug able to call a man u damned infernal scoundrel. Now, can't do that In diplomacy.'" '' When Parasols Began. Parasols when they flrst came luto use must have been cumbersome, Henri Estlenne. writing In. 1578, speaks of a parasol as capable geuer ally of sheltering four persons from the sun. And when they diminished in circumference the material still re mained of the heaviest Bed velvet parasols, with heavy . gold fringes. were carried by ladles of fashion in the days of Louis XIV. At that time it was possible when crossing a bridge in Paris to hire a parasol at one eud and deposit It at the otbex, the charge for the accommodation being a sou. Under the regency fashion went to the other extreme. Men's parasols folded into the shape of a three cor nered hat and could thus be carried elegantly under the arm. Ladles' par asols were hinged, so that they could slip into the pocket, for ladles had pockets then. London Spectator. Steward's Opera House SATURDAY, JUNE 17 TWENTY-FIFTH SEASON ''0 THE ORIGINAL Denman Thompson's Celebrated Play "Tfee OHs Homestead- ' Hi SEVERE STORMS SMILUI ! iillll r- i : " v f k r" ONE MAN KILLED AD MlJCH DA31- ' i ivl i AGE- '.DOXE. I i I U mi t ."''V ? " Gain Knocked Down aBtL'; Total B' , suit of Storm Is Etenlve. In the worst electrical storm which has,, fielted this country Bincefca year of the. Heppner flood, one man was killed last night, considerable gra'.' was beaten down and more or less damage done to stock and buildings by accompanying cloudbursts, says the Pendleton East Orfgonian. j' : Henry Picard, a French-Indian, Hutu's; 'vrars. 1 th votlm of the lightning, a bolt striking within two feet of his head, and killing, h.ai in stantly. His son, Henry Picard,; Jr was sleeping beside bim at the tim: 8ut miraculously escaped , with ' only a burned neck." MK' Pf raid. "w4 ' his son were spending the warm night lii ajent a short distance from the house on the reservation one-half mile south of the' agency on the Umatilla reser-vatlon-.owned by Violet Bourner. At 10:20 a' bolt of Ughtnlfag struck a small iron ; rod In -a wagon tongue which had been set In the ground for use as a tent pole, shat erlng tht wood into a thousand fragments and scattering them fr- a distance of 50 yards. -The back end of the tent was torn' out and ' the shock instantly killed the elder Picard besides burn Ing his body badly. The son, who was sleeping at' his father's side, ' was stunned for some . -.Ime and, upon re covering consciousness, discovered his fathf r was dead. Ctrc;r; Fcljcn vir.z net'fed h after5 an investlgat'on, dec!d;d an' in quest was unnecessary. He brovlU Vsrk'with him a bundle of the frag msntg of the wagon tongue. The 6e (-freed lfav?s bEsid-a his son, a wife md dmighter, Pearl, who were asleep 'n ;he -'ions? during the storm. Gr 'in K'afcti Down. Reports have besn coining in all day frcm various parts of the county to the effect that considerable rate was beaten down by the heavy rain that accompanied the electrical storm but the damage is not considered very heavy and lvost of the stalks will rise aira!n. Th? heavy stands on the res ervation were not affected, but In th foothills and In the My rick section cont'd "Vhle aenr.ee wp.s beaten flat Several Cloiid'jnrsts. . A number of small cloudbursts are reported from different parts of the county but aside from the washing of summer fallow, the drowning of chickens and small stock and the de structions of a few corrals, the dam ope was small. IADRITF VANISHES. Falling Ha?r Ends and Hair Grows Profusely. JUST AS PLAYED IN NEW YORK FOR 3 YEARS The Famous Double Quartette The Palms The Great Church Choir A Perfect Cast Complete Scenic Production AH the Favorites DIRECTION MR. FRANKLIN THOMPSON ' - PRICES: 50c to $1.50. Seats on sale at Van Buren's Thursday Your money back If Parisian Sage sn't the beBt hair tonic the btst hair grower the best hair saver you ever used, you be, the judge. Ask the New- lin Drug company. It's r ally a wonder what a phenom enal Bale Parisian Sage has made for itself in America in a few years. And what a multitude of people have been cured of falling hair, dandruff and Itch lng scalp by its use. And . now the American women praise Parisian Sage Jor Us peculiar ability to turn harsh, faded, lusterless hair' Into fresh, beautiful, silky and lustrous hair in a fe wdays. t Parisian Sag; is today the favorite hair dressing and tonic, of discriminate Ing Americans, because it is the only hair grower that will do just as It Is advertised to do, or money hack. , It kills the dandruff germ and cure dandruff, stops falling hair and itching scalp In two weeks. If it doesn't the Newlln Drug company and druggists everywhere will give you your money hack. . If-you haven't tried Parisian Sag S t a large BOc bottle today. -24 6-3. 14. - - ' Do you want to make more money? W'p want energetic salesmen In your territory. Expense money advanced. For particular address Albany Nur series. Inc., Albany Oregon. 7-30t La. Thuiday, raode : v -- . -."-.'.:"'.- V V ; KIT CARSON'S WILD WEST buffalo mm AND TRAINED WILD ANIMAL EXHIBITION. TENTH TRANS-CONTINENTAL TOUR. THE LARGEST WILD WEST SHOW QH EARTH COMING DIRECT ON THEIR OWN SPECIAL TRAINS OF DOUBLE LENGTH RAILROAD CARS FROM THE BIGGEST RANCH IN THE WORLD. Menagerie of Trained Wild Animals From all parts of the Globe. Daring and death defying acts almost ft fV ' ( beyond the realms of lucid Imagination. V; .; ' i ' ;: '. , . . ..... A COSMOPOLITAN COLLECTION OF COWBOYS AND GIRLS, VANQUEROS, SENORITAS, GUARDIS RURALES, CHAMPIONS OF THE LARIAT, ROUGH RIDERS, PONY EXPRESS VETERANS, DARING . " ' ; ATHLETES, ' COMICAL CLOWNS, THRILLING 4 . INDIAN FIGHTS AND WAR DANCES. PRINCE BOTLOINFS TROUPE OF RUSSIAN COSSACKS, The most daring Horsemen in the World. BANDS of SIOUX, CCEYENNE and COHIANCnE INDIANS, Fresh from the Camp-fire and Council, making their r3t scquaintance , . with pale face civilization. The Grand Ethnological Performance conclucss wlih'Lhe Superb Spectacular, Dramatic, Historical. Fantasy, fvrV "TiJ) tm luetiMt AhMMVPc iCTiit , i, , Jjf' "The Battle qI Wounded Knee Introducing a vast and mothy hore cf Indians, Scouts, Trappers and Soldiers that actually tcck as'.lvs pert in the last brave stand and hopeless struggle the noble redskin mads for his freedom and rights. TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY, RAIN OR SHINE Afternoon at :. Evening at 3. Doora open One Hour earlier. VVATEK PROOF CANVAS. CANNOT LEAK. Grand, Gold Glittering Free Street Parade TWO MILES LONG at u a. m. daily on the main thoroughfare!. BIG FREE EXHIBITIONS on Show Grounds Immediately alter the Parade BRING IN YOUR DAD HORSES AND K2ULEQ Our Cowboys will ride them FREE OF CHARGE. $2S.OO wUI km jMfrf to any parson brtmgln m frora or mulm (hoy FOR Quick Results list your FARM AND FRUIT LANDS, With $ E. S. GIVENS INVESTMENT CO, We have Seattle people who are wanting to invest in. OREGON we have investedand can interest our friends. . Write us at once, givinsr a complete description of what you have for sale, If 1 - Ml 1 11 T- J ' ' anu wo wm gci yuu results, iu agents. E. S. GIVENS INVESTMENT CO. 226 LEAKY BUILDING, SEATTLE, WASH. ''-J-t--1jfJ1frtitTit1fln(HlOiiiJi.frtii,.f it J. . .