. LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVEIi. TOESDAY, JUNE 13, 1911. PAGE 3 Have you seen JV orih 2nd Sheet, in Riverside Ad dition during the past veeh? The street grade has been established and the concrete curbing is In place. Even at this early period of the work you will be able to see what a fine street this will be. It requires no imagination to realize that in two years your in vestment here will double in value. . THEREFORE BUY AT THE PRESENT LOW PRIC ES. LOTS NOW ONLY $75.00 TO 1200.00 EACH. VERY EASY TERMS. . .. -v . THE ISIS HAS IT EXCEEDINGLY TIE PLOGBAM FOB MID WEEK.' v tf- ist-- rTsr-sr rw William r.Iuler&Bro4 110T Adams Avenue. PHONE. MAIN 1. 11 tf Aim irnm ATI EXAMS COTJJiTT SUPEBINTEJfDENT WILL HOLD THEM S0O; Regular Examinations for State Pa pers In This City Xext Week. On June 21 at the high school build ing Count Superintendent E. E. Bragg will conduct the regular examinations for state papers.. The list, of subjects to be examined follows: For State Certiflactes. (One year," five year, life.) Wednesday a.r m. Arithmetic, civil government, English literature. Wednesday p. m. Geography, gram mar, physics. 'Thursday a. m. Orthography, The ory and practice, bookkeeping. Thursday p, m.- Writing, physiol ogy, geology. Friday a. m. U, S. history, phyI cal geography, botany. Friday p. m. School law, psychol- ogy, geometry. , Saturday' a; m -Heading, .ieui, general history. Saturday p. m. Composition, Amer lean literature, history of education. For State Primary Cetttficates. Wednesday a. m. Methods In read ing, methods In arithmetic. . Wednesday p. m. Methods in lan guage, methods In geography. Thursday a. m Orthography, the ory and practice. Thursday p. m. Writing and physi ology. "' ' Friday a., m. Thesis, subjects for thesis LesBons by stories, language work in primary grades, number work in primary grades, busy work In pri mary graces, possibility of nature study in primary grades, phonics in primary grades, chfld study. Appli cant chooses one subject. r . Friday p. m. Physiology. Question on theory and practice, writing, arithmetic, physiology and psychology will be tile same for pri mary certificates as for other certifi cates. V ; For summer diarrhoea in children ! ys give Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil, and a speedy cure is certain. For sale by ah '"tilers. "" Ti it mm ii it j-v i him m r vw tf m v 1 T if W . r Mth)OIH MkUHO "Goodness" to the housewife-- WITH PRIDE OF COOKING, SIGNIFIES MATERIALS THAT WILL MAKE APPETIZIXG, PALATABLE FOOD-THEKIXD THAT BRINGS PRAISE FBOM FAMILY OR GUEST. Only the care we hare devoted to purchasing groceries that give the most satisfy ing results, can assure you absolutely of this goodness. When von bay from us yon know that "goodness" Is the first point that .we look for when renewing oar stock. "Goodness' Is as necessary to onr business as It Is to yon and yonr cooking. On It depends your future custom with this store. For "Goodness sake, therefore, nse only the best found at our store. L : j - -j Manager Sherwood Presents Program ; o Unusual Excellency. . Probably never before has La Grande had such a magnfilcent and in teresting program of moving pictures as Manager Sherwod put on this af ternoon, and to continue until Thurs day night. Four subjects, all totally unlike, and each one full of absorbing Interest for the student, mechanic, the lover of high clas drama, and thet multitude of peojrte who enjoy reai clean comedy. Tls selected program has been secured by .Mr. Sherwood through the head exchange of the west by constantly asking for and demand ing "the best." ; V''' To commence with there is a beau tiful drama by the Vitagraph company entitled "The Spirit of the. Light." A touching love story woven round an artist and a light house keper's daugh ter with Buch wonderful photography G. . tlj 2hlp5 iZ ??-Zn? ' ' wi-nt-tr ashore, until warned by "the spirit of the light" that the audience Is held spell bound by the expectancy that the ships wlir never be able to weather the point of land. It is a marvel of photography, evidently , taken under tremendous difficulties. ; Probably no other firm is the world is capable of taking and reproducing pictures such as this la. . Number two on the program is a series of moving photographs show ing the actual working of the great Atlantic City ocean motor, generating 7,500 horse power from the direct ac tion of the ocean waves. The picture is aptly entitled, "Harnessing the Ocean." This Is the only contrivance of Its kind in the world f :d fie. pho tography is so skillfully arranged that the system adopted is very easily understood even by an amateur in me chanics. Anyone Interested (as most everybody Is, more or less), in me chanics, should certainly . not miss Beeing this exhibit. Then the Pathe company has a pic ture called "The Rescue of the Aber nathey Kids." Well, If realism counts for anything in photoplay, this pro duction ranks very high. The "kids" ride out Into the forest with a lunch for their father. On their return they dlsmonnt from their hors; to go bird nesting and are pursued and attacked by two wolves. There is no mistake or "fake" about these wolves. They are real and they evidently mean busi ness. Just in time the kids climb into the branches of a tree and the wolves stay around until long after. When the father sets out to try and locate the children with the aid of three or four bloodhounds, real bloodhounds, too. Of course, the hounds follow the trail to where the boys took refuge In the tree and then the fur flies and flies fast, too. How this wonderful photo play is accomplished we know no:, but. nevertheless, it Is there and the genuineness of the details cannot be denied. To wind up with there is a roaring Edison comedy with old friend "Bumptious" as a hero of the civil war. He insists that alone he captured a flag from the enemy and refuses to share the honor with a comrade, who makes equal assertion that he eaptur : " 7- . " n A Kitchen Cabinet Means Kitchen Comfort The woman who is on her tset aii day appreclKei iacio gtt 0 savers. These cabinets have simplified kitchen work and removed much of the drudgery. It has a place for everything you can possibly need in your cook ing within easy reach when you are sitting down. There are bins for flour and sugar, coffee and tea jars for spices, bottles for extracts, drawers for kitchen Jli.il. i .L ' f - 1 1 -'. il: i.t - .1' ' .i i . u.eu5us apiaue iur eveiytnmg. une novet leaiure is a. metai-coverea worKia- ble, which is adjustable, sanitary, and acid proof. Cabinets like the one llustrated sell for $47.50. Other styles from $9.50 to $60.00. Have a Cool Kitchen-Use a Fireless Cooker :" mmmmmmmmmmammm mmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm c - , No need to swelter over a hot stove these days. We sell the "Caloric," the sim- plest and best. Bakes, stews and boils, and maintains an even temperature for hours. Requires no further attention after food is placed in the cooker. .Metal lined makes it easy to keep clean. Willnot absorb odors. So simple a child can operate it. Price $14.00. See them in our windows. BU.E N D2 A DB 02 COMPLETE HOUSEFURNISHERS ger Sherwood deserves all credit for Muster Plumbers Convene. ; to Chicago last year by members of obtaining such an interesting program Galveston, Texas, June 13-Mastr the Boston Chamber of Commerce, and we predict La Grande will not be plumbers from every section of the, 1 , slow to appreciate It. ; Princeton Cohiincnccment Princeton, N. J., June 13. -Many . Unlteil States, several thousand strong! i are here for the annual convention of the National Association of Master Plumbers which opened today. The 'plumbers will be he.V for four days. Entertainment Is plentifully lnter- ( spersed with the business sessions, at which matters of trade Interest will be discussed. President George E. Robinson of Austin called the meeting distinguished visitors participated to day, in the one hundred and sixty fourth annual commencement of the Princeton University. The academic procession formed in front of Nassau to order. , - , ; ' Hall shortly after 10 o'clock and then marched to Alexandria Hall, where the ' presentation of diplomas and the con- Clilcagoans to Visit Bpston. ferrlng of degrees took place. The Chicago, 111., June 13. A delegatiou program for the remainder of the day of 150 members of the Chicago Asso included the election of an alumni trus ciatlonof Commerce, accompanied by tee, the alumni luncheon In the gym- the governors of, several of the Mis- ed the trophy. Well, you must see It naslum, and a swimming exhibition in sisslppl Valley states, left today on a to find the sequel. It is great. Mana-' Brokaw pool. trip to Boston to repay the visit made ed here to review the procession. Illinois O. A. IL Veterans. Jollet, 111., June 13.Gally decorated In patriotic colors, Jollet extended & hearty v welcome today to the thou sands of veterans and other visitors gathered here for the 45th annual tn enmpment of the Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Illinois. To day was devoted largely to the busi ness of the encampment. Tomorrow, which will be Flag day, has been ap propriately selected as the day for the big parade. Governor Dcntien, Com- ; mander-ln-Chief John C. Gllman of Boston and other notables are expect- Steventohrs:--:ID ' - t ' '. " ' ' Ever hear of a nerve being taken out of a tooth without the least pain? It's easy to do when you know how--we do it. When it comes to extracting with the least possible pain we make a specialty of it. .. :3 ! ! . 'vj If 1 lr Our Name is Our Guarantee J. E. STEVENSON, D. D. S. ' G. A. BROWN, D. D.S. l , .iffl, h tjk, ,rii iii ifa.wft i."h i r ni irini-i i-- i i- AAAAAAAAAAMvAAAAAAAAAAAAAw ..f-.--'r..(1. ..v.tv- tf:w;. :...: .. ..M'f.' .ViAi,.