La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 13, 1911, Image 1

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Last nigh'ts storms throughout
the country were not without no-
tlce In La Grande. A sharp elec- i
trical storm that lasted but a
few minutes, was accompanied by 4
a heavy downpour of rain. No
damage of any kind is reported, S
rather, generally doing good to
grains and grasses. ' &
The temperature today reach-
ed only S4 degrees as compared to '?
89 Sunday and Monday. This Is
government Instrument reading.
Light thunder prevailed this af
ternoon with humid atmosphere.
$ $ f. ?-$? ? Cfs fc ,J -J, ,$
New York. June 13. The Atlantic
coast from Norfolk to New England
was visited by a tenillic electrical
storm last night fend tarly today. Four
of these have been experienced in the
past three clays. Wires are down in
many places and several days must
elapse bffore the extent of the de
struction and death will be known.
It is estimated that 75 are dead to
day cjnd the property damage in Dela
ware, Maryland and the Virginia pen
insula has gone over half a. million.
Three were killed by lightning In
Allentown. Penn., end three in Phila
delphia. Fifteen are missing near Nor
folk, due to swamped boats.
Washington and Baltimore are cut
off from direct wire communication
and along the James river near New
port' News, many small craft were
Graduates In Panic. ;
At Higestown, N. J., while, com
mencement oxereises were progressing
liehtnina: struck the bulMinar and set
fire to the roof. Hundreds were pani;
stricken and-rusht for exits. Wo
men and children were trampled down
in the excitement.' r , .
15 Dead at Richmond. '
Richmond, June 13. A cyclonic
storm which swept the lowerpenln
sula today left, in its path destruction
and an unknown number of lives were
lost, probably 15.
Storm at Baker.
Baker, Ore., June 13. Se-vere elec
trical storms here last night damaged
fruit tr?s and broke windows, but
crops were little damaged. Hail and
rain accompanied the storm,
Capitol Almost Isolated.
Washington, June 13. One man was
electrocuted and others injured and
heavy damage done by a storm which
swept this city last night. Today
Washington is almost Isolated with no
direct wires to New York working,
though a few shaky telegraph lines in
a roundabout way are working today.
Dangerous Leg of Paris to Turin Jour,
nej Attempted Today.
Borah Well Plensed.
J Washington, June 13. Asserting the
5 belief that the direct election resolu
tion would be ratified by the state leg
islatures. Senator Borah, republican,
of Idaho, father of the resolution, ex
pressed pleasure over ita passing.
"Personally," said Borah, "I would
have much prefered to see thfe direct
election of senators' resolution adopt
ed as It came from the judiciary com
mittee, but' it is exceedingly gratify
ing that the measure passed as it did.
I think If it reaches the states they
will ratify it though I believe it was
more certain of ratification had it pas
sed In the original form."
Meeting of Police Chiefs.
had come from Aviator Frey. ,IU annual convention of the International
friends think' lie has met wKh sonic
accident In the mountains.
R6me, June 13. Heedless of the
dangers of crossing the Appenines and
the decision of ,cN r blrdmen to with
draw, Aviator Frey today started the
Rome t0 Turin leg of the Paris-Turin
aeroplane race. The distance Is 300
miles and a prize of $100,000 has been
offered for the complete flight.
Thought it was' tacitly agreed when
the airmen reached Rome they were to
abandon the last and most dangerous
leg of the race, Frey decided to coii
ply with the original conditions and
assure himself of the prize.
S5 Xew Army Lieutenants.
West Point.- N. Y., June 13. The
8.") graduates of the class of 1911 of
the United States Military acodemy
received tlflr diplomas this morning
from the hands of Major General Leon
ard Wood, chief of staff, U. S. A. On
the platform were gathered army offl
Association of Chiefs of Police met
in this city today and will remain in
session .five days, with Major Richard
Sylvester of Washington, D. C, presid
ing. Chiefs of police to the number of
about. 300, representing metropolitan
and Canada, are In attendance. Sev
enties throughout the United States
eral foreign cities have 'also sent dele
gates to the convention.
Publishers Meet In Louisville.
Louisville, Ky., June 13. Publish
ers representing all the larger dally
newspapers from Virginia to Texas
and from Misourl to Florida are gath
ering in Louisville for the ninth an
nual convention of the Southern News
paper Publishers' association. The
program arranged for the two days'
sessions provides for the discussion
of a wide range of topics together with
addresses by a number of speakers of
national prominence.
Woodmen of the World.
Rochester, N. Y., June 13. The Sov-
cers, members of congress and other ereien camp, Woodmen of the World,
distinguished people In military and : one of the largest fraternal and bene
clvic life. I ftclary orders in America, met here to-
' j day in blennlaL session, with hundreds
Address by the German Ambasador.! of delegates in attendance. The con
Chicago, 111.. June 13. Count Jo- j yentlon will probably remain in aes
hann Bernsdorff, German ambassador , sion for ten days or two weeks. A pro
to the. United States, was the prlnci-' posal to establish In Texas a tubercu
pal speaker today at the 79th conyo-' losis sanitarium for members of the
cation of the University of Chicago, ; 0rder will be discussed. Another mat-,
when nearly 200 degrees were con- j ter to be acted upon Is the proposition
ferred. The ambassador's subject to erect an 18-story building In Omaha
was "The Foundation of the German I for the national headquarters of the
Empire." organization.
After Maine Is Raised Wreck
Will Be Sunk Ii the Deep Sea
a. : ;
- J
ft AAMttto: v
Rejection or Adoption of Conunlslon
Form Not Only. Fbjd 'Before These
EIer"n Men Ei 6 Mal' to Get
Representative oration on Body
Conservative ?1 mposc List
Photo by American Press Association
'ATHEX the battleship Maine is raised, which will be within a few
! weeks, the hulk will be towed to deep water in the gulf of Mexico
nuu ouua.-i.uui. la, mis ue uoue uuiess congress orders a difrer
ent disposition of the wreck that has lain iu the mud of Havana
harbor for thirteen years. The board of engineers in charge of raising the
Maine has advised that. this be done with the wreck uftor It Is stripped of all
articles of value and the secretary of war has approved the recommendation,
he tells congress. The cofferdam about the wreck is practically completed,
according to the official report, and soon the. work f pumping out the water
will be started. The plan Is to pump out the water until a considerable por
tion of the wreck is exposed to clear It of salvage, bodies and personal effects
and then pump out more water until another deck Is exposed., This procesa
will be continued until tket entire wreck Is clear and the complete 'examination
of the hull of the vessel is possible. The picture above shows the wreck as It
appeared a few days ago. It will be noticed that the huge cylinders forming
the cofferdam about the vessel have beeu filled with clay.
s ft A 3 .
IB :
t in today $
Chicago, June 13. Overruling the
motion by. the defense for a continu
ance, Judge Honore today ordered that
the trial of Evelyn Arthur See, foun
der of the "absolute life" cult, proceed
' Mayor' A. L." Rich
'? announced the perse, of the $
ciynmislon goverume P iommlt-
tee, nnd the members1 ,. subject
'f to call for the first meeting nt th"e ?'
word of the mayor. The mt'n who v
will act on this important subject.'?
are: . '"' ''"'
Fred J. Holmes. ,
W. H. Bolmenlcamn. - . .. ..
Wm. Miller.
Jerry Foley. '
John Collier. '
T. J. Scrogglns. ; . r''
$' P; C. Meyers.'' v '.!'-
S. N. Bolton.
J. II. Pea re.
Mac Wood.
David Bay. ' . ' ' '
Mildred Bridges, aged 17, and Mona
Rees, 24, "high priestesses" who re-!
fused to testify against See, wll be
witnesses for the court. The Btate
plans to bring 0ut details of revolting
practices of Sees' alleged religion.
Court Today Listening to ('use Airalnst
Grande Ronde (ash Co.
Judgment for Anna Arthur, plaintiff
in the action against H. D. Spencer &
company of Elgin to recover on a
hoard bill, was rendered yesterday
evening by the Jury hearing the case
and which retired for deliberations j
yesterday noon. The verdict gives
to the plaintiff. The litigation arose!
over the question of who was to meet
certain board bills In a logging canipl
owned by the Spencer company.
Today circuit court Is listening to
the trial of J. M. Bass against the
Grande Ronde Cash company relative
to a dispute over a hay account.
Toungr Wonifii Biblical Students.
Eureka Springs, Ark., June 13. The
annual summer conference of the
Young Women's Christian associations
of the southwest opened here today
and will continue until the 23rd. Sev
eral hundred young women, represent
ing the city, student and other branc h
es of the association in ;hls section of
the country, are present. Dr. W. Irv
ing Carroll of Texarka, President R.,
E. Vinson of the Presbyterian Thcolog-!
leal seminary at Austin, an 1 other,
well known educators and divine; will j
address the conference.
Claims No Illegal Use Made of the
Firm's Concctlous.
Washington, June 13. Frank Kel
logg, government "trust buster," this
afternoon testified before the Stanley
Steel trust Investigation committee of
the senate that his firm of David Kel
logg and Severance, for yenra had
been counsel for the Duluth Iron
range, Duluth Mesaba & Northern
railroad, the Duluth, Mesaba and Nor
thern railroad subsidaries of the Unit
ed States Steel corporations and oth
er companies connected with the
He said he had no apologies to of
fer as their affairs were not directly
connected, with the corporation's.
"Since 1907 I have practically given
my time to the government In the Stan
dard Oil cases," he said. "My firm,
however, continued to take all proper
business coming Its way."
Every member of the proposed com
mittee of 11 to consider and recommend
council action on the matter of a com
mission form of government in La
Grande, have been definitely selected
bv Mavor A. L. Richardson. The city's
executive proceeded with extreme
care in the selection of these 11 men
and it was his aim to get level-headed
business men aud prominent taxpay
ers on the committee, ,' "wh A
"The matter is extremely import
ant," said the mayor today, "and the
committee will be composed of such
men as have the best interests of the
city's future at heart at all times."
It Is not obligatory upon the com
mittee to recommend or reject the
straight out and out commission form
of government: there Is much lati
tude accorded the committee in the
council's resolution setting 'this com
mission on foot, and for that reason
there is much interest in the nature of
the ultimate recommendation of that
It is belleved that within a few days
the committee will be deliberating
earnestly and with care on what rec
ommendations to make as regarjs th?
betterment or changes of the pres
ent form of government in La Grail1$.
With Tenrose Heading' the Majority
Report, Handed in Without Recom
mendation, Three Others Present Rc
ports From as Many Sources Ma
jority Favors the House's Actions.
Washington, June 13. The opening
utuwe iu i uk teciiuuiaij unw . kvm-
uled to begin in the senate this after
noon when four separate, reports on
the bill are expected to be presented
by the flnancev coinmittef.r
Chairman Penrose presents a major
ity repot t as passed by the house with
the RooV'amenSment h' without any
recomnu lotions, ,; , ,.. , j , , , : .
La Folette. McCuniher, and Wil
liams have minor!: y r: ports to make.
La Toilette's report 'deili'r'es the 'mea
sure is discriminatory;, .favoring '- .
ufacturers, and not favorable . to far
mers.' , ;,, ' y ... -v; . V'"' "? '
Williams' report represented 1 the
democratic view,, opposed to the Voot
amendment, but 'approves Jhe bill a
passed by iiie'hoiise.'1 ,. A,.
It Is expected the debate will' last a.
month at least with these four men as
champions of the various phases of
the proposed hill. . :
Promises Expense Reduction.
In offering his separate report on
the reciprocity bill. Senator La Toilette-
served notice he would offer
amendments which he Bald would re
duce the cost of living over $200,000,000
annually. - V 1
mm- m
Saloon Men Claim Measure Means Fi
nancial Destruction to' Them.
Picture of Baker Shown.
Gale Sturdlvant, popular clerk at
the Peoples' warehouse, this morning
received a copy of the Boston Globe
of June 2, sent to him by Harry Mc
Ewen, formerly in the employ of the
same store but now living In the hub
city. The paper contained a large pic
ture of Tracy Baker of this city who
recently Joined the Boston , Red Sox
and the caption stated that he had
been seen in practice for the first
time June 1. The picture was a
splendid one showing "Bake" In the
act of whipping a ball. Pendleton
East Oregonlan.
Tacoma, June 13. The validity of
Tacoma's anti-treat ordinance Is be
ing argued today before Superior
Judge Chapman. The case is that of
Geo. Kelsel, a saloon man convicted In
the police court and fined $50 for vio
lating the ordinance. He appealed.
No matter which side loses It will
be appealed to the supreme court as
the saloon men declare the ontl-treat
ordinance means "bust" for many.
Canadian Foresters In Session.
Toronto, Ont., June 13. The annual
convention of the High Court of the
Canadian Order of Foresters met in
this city today with an attendance of
about 600 delegates representing local
branches of the order throughout the
Conclave of MIchlpn Templars.
Saginaw, Mich., June 13. Visitors
from all over the state were on hand
today at the opening of the 55th an
nual conclave of the Knights Templar
of Michigan. The initial session of
the .grand commandery this afternoon
was preceded In the morning by a big
parade of the visiting knights. The
proceedings of the gathering will con
tinue until Friday. .
Bombs Creat Panic.
Chicago. June 13. Hundreds wero
panic stricken this morning by two
dynamite explosions, occurring almost
simultaneously. Black Handera are
suspected. Recently two saloon keep
ers received demands for $500. They
Ignored them.
Ignosla Lottlsanto's saloon was dyn
amited first today and as a large crowd
gathered, a second explosltlon wrecked
Sam Remllas' place, near by.
At West Virginia University.
Morgantown, W. Va., June 13. The
annual commencement exercises at
the West Virginia university were
held today. The nddress to the gradu-
( atlng class was delivered by Professor
George B. Foster of the University of
IU il . A