La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 10, 1911, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    PAGE 8
SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1911.
Society and Clubs
- ; aa i -
Social activity centered In Portland ladles with their needles and fancy
this week. The warm weather and the,; wok.- A dainty luncheon was served.
tone to hike for the mountain or the
const has arrived and local society
bag heard the call. This week there
was almost an exodus to Portland. A
' large number went to the metropolis
of the northwest to enjoy the magnl
. flcent beauties and wonderful displays
of the iRose Festival. Many have gone
There was no meeting of the Neigh
borhood club this week. No more
meetings of that organization will be
held until next fall. ', -
ik rtvoovtn .o a t - .u. J. lit I
w . M uu. jjfew Time Schedule Kia Been Eeceh.
-team of the order of the ast Star ( ' H w,th Few
which, meets la conjunction with the! : .
A new time schedule No. 4 for the
grand lodge' and others are leaving to-
Aq-w' tf ialrA narf In sKa mifHno rn t9
one of the most beautiful features of f W' R: w" "celvPd ta mrU
the meeting " ,lng ftnd the onlj ln tlme
- a I which affect local trains Is the
' "W T -W T . . K I
change of time , for the- Wallowa
branch trains. Beginning tomorrow
the branch train will leave at' 10
o'clock week days and 11 o'clock Sun
days. The afternoon train from the
branch will arrive hereafter, at 2 p.
m. week days and at 1:55 Sundays.
Adlarose. Chllders the daughter of
ITr. and Mrs. Wallace P. Chllders. en
tertained at a birthday party upon the
occasion of her third birthday yester
day, at the home of her parents, 1904
-e4ar afreet. - '.; ,. ': .
The afternoon was spent playing
games. Refreshments were served,
the color scheme being pink' and white.
Those prewnt were: Genevieve Han
na, Verdaras Smith, Maxlne Lewis,
Aladyne Synhorst, Alene ; Harvey,
"Weyman Scott, Bennie Shaffer, Jack ; Good crowds at the Arcade theatre
Densler, Audrey Bookman. Genevieve .V.ubltoh the bellef that the pictures
eison. usmer Anarews, mm server, no &t that popular theatre are great-
Tonight the Last Time for Great Pic
"'tares Here. .
Would Be the First Event oritsTilnd
In Eastern Oregon.
Besse Scrlber, Ruth Taylor, Beth
Hesse, Delora Shaffer, Adlarose Chll
dera. :'
' -; u ' ' :
' The Marled " FolkV cl ubga ve their
ly appreciated. The tale of Two Cit
ies, that great story of French revo
lutionary times, ,1s accurately portray-
The costumes and scenic effects give
regular flauco last -Tuesday evening ( a lear Insight to the customs of those
in me iuixs auditorium, a gooa many troublesome days and add greatly to
were present and , a very enjoyable
evening was spent. As the weather Is
getting quite, warm the dance last
, Tuesday will probably be the last giv
en by the club until next all.
, The wedding of Miss Mabel Kincald.
daughter of . Mr and Mrs. Kincald of
Ashland, Ore., to Roy Corbett, of La
Grande, took place June 5th, at the
"home of the bride's parents. They will
make their future home ln southern
California. "
Mrs. J. Van Burea delightfully en
tertained the Five Hundred cub at her
home Thursday afternoon. A pleasant
afternoon was spent playing the game
from which the club receives its name.
The honors of the afternoon went to
Mrs. J. J. Carr, :, Refreshments were
served and a good time' was enjoyed.
the beauty and Interest of the pictures.
That La Grande is to have a real
live aviation meet, with . aeroplanes
that will fly Is now taking the shape
of more than a mere hoped for occa
slon. t :' v- m '
8. M. Slough, publicity manager of
the Commercial club, today receded a
letter from Charles L. Young of Seat
tle, asking If La Grande wants an avi
ation meet in the near future with a
machine that is guaranteed to fly. The
aviator whom Mr. Young represents Is
Charles F. Walsh, the famous bird-man.
" Mr; Slough ;wlll communicate with
the aviators and find out what can be
done towards landing, the big event
for .La " Grande. This would be the
first aviation meet In Eastern Oregon
and the first between Walla Walla and
Boise. " '';;." V"
Kand and Xrrphy Pass Throngh. -:
John K Rand and Chas. P. Murphy,
of Baker,., passed through La Grande
thlg morning on their way home from
Portland where they had been before
.out wuus vntuuuu; ill
Yesterday afternoon I saw 'The Old
Homestead.' A gentleman in the aud
ience pointed out to me a sweet-faced
and gray-haired woman who was en
Joying her first play. She was at least
65, probably a little older. It was a
pleasure to watch that woman as she
followed the unfolding of the homely
but touching story. One could almost
read in her face the things that pleas
ed most What an experience that
must have been. Think of living so
many years and without ever having
been Inside a theatre. The veteran
playgoer would have dlfliculty In pic
turing even remotely the eensatlons
that the presentation of a strong and
wholesome plar like 'The Old Home
stead' would make upon them." '
Steward theatre, Saturday, June 17,
Report of the Condition of the
at La Grande, in the etate of Oregon,
at the close of business, June 7, 1911.
; 'Besources. , -
Loans and Discounts ......$238,585.63
Overdrafts secured and Un
secured .... 1 '. ...... ;
U. S. Bonds to Secure Clr-
culatlon . .
Other, bonds; to secure 'Uj S.
i 'j '
? cooo.oo
'' 61.45
, ' 429.69
Case of Rati vs. Spain SU11 With the
The trial of Robert Owens charged
with horse stealing will begin, Monday (
morning. He is charged with stealing
a horse from Guy Patton '; of Elgin.!
Owens is already under a ten year sen-
tence for stealing a horse having plead
guilty on one count. ' '-
The Ratz vs. Spain case, Involving
the ownership of a horse, went to the
Jury this morning and no verdict had .
been reached this afternoon. (
the; noted Homestead case. This case
is of Importance to the public because
it involves the rights of a homestead
er. Frank Pierce, of th Iron Dyke
mine on Snake river, took up the land
as & homestead where the town of
Homestead now stands. Years passed
and finally a special inspector for the
government appeared and began to
punch holes In Pierce's claims to resi
dence. It got into the courts and will
soon be tried. ; ' . ; ?
' . , Band Concert Enjoyed.
The first of a series of weekly open
air band concerts to be given by the
La Grande band on the dierent corners
The afternoon section of the Kaffee of Adams avenue was given last even-
Klatch was delightfully entertained Ing on the corner of Adams and Fir
by Margaret Newlin at her home,'.' A streetg and .was greatly enjoyed by
pleasant afternoon was spent by the the citizens of the city.
. i; Arthur Vs. Spencer. ;
The case of Annie Arthur vs. H. D.
Spencer, a case from Elgin, was com
moced ln the circuit court this morn
ng. Attorney L. Denham of Elgin Is
defending Spencer. Mr. Denham with
Allen Baker, Tom McNorton and Hen
ry Tucker came aver (rom Elgin this
morning in an automobile to attend
court: Cochran & Cochran represent
the plaintiff.
ELECTRIC LIGHT WIRING. We will be pleased
to figure with you on your house. Work guaranteed.
The Real Estate Bargain Counter
We handle nothing in the real estate line but absb
solue bargains. "When you buy' through us you know
'that' you are getting the best that can be had for tho
money. If you have any real estate for sale that is a
BARGAIN, list it with us and a quick sale is sure.
We can refer you to many satisfied clients.
Real Estate and Insurance. Ill Depot Street
' leaves Tonight on Vacation.
Colon R. Eberhard, receiver of the
local United States land office, and
Mrs. Eberhard will leave this evening
for Portland. Mrs. Eberhard it a
member of the floral drill team of the'
Eastern Star order and will take part
ln the activities of the team. ' Mr. Eb
erhard will attend the conclave of
the grande lodge of Masons. They will
remain in Portland until July. '
U. S. 'bonds on hand
Premiums on D. S. Bonds
Bonds, Securities, etc.
Banking House, ifurlture
.and fixtures t...M.,U. 28,391.40
Due from National banks
(not reserve agents ..... 7,502.03
Vino, from imwnr 'Mi,' ;
Agents T.. ;. i J:. : ; 6,963.24
Checks and other cash items 609.23
Note of other . national .
banks y.:.t; 40.00
Fractional paper currency.
. neckels.and cents 114.2?
Lawful money re-
- serve In bank, . ; : ; :
'.' yiz. ' ;' .-".'s-'i ; ;" .
;;.-' '',.'', -; - Specie. ' X --r. '
Gold. ..........$21,465.00 :
Silver Dollars... 574.00 , ,
Frac. currency . 1.757.40 23,796.40
Legal Tender Notes. J.
Gold S 250.00 K"
Silver dollars v;.' 235.00 . .'.v;
Frac. Currency . 350.00 1,835.00
Redemption fund with U. S.
treasurer (5 per cent' of
Steward Theatre W31 Show One of
the Best of the Season.
A correspondent writing from New
York City says ; concerning Denman
Thompson's "The Old Homestead":
' The' Old Homestead, which was one
of the recent attractions at the Acad
emy of Music, Is one of the old resl
denters of the stage. Each year a for
tune Is gathered in by the old stand
by which Is now ln Its 25th' year. It is
never allowed to run down nor Is the
company permitted to be weaned nor
to grow slack or careless ln portray
ing the various roles. Plays like this
and others which are close to the soil
have a distinct value ty) the theatre.
They daw a certain clientele that will
jnot come out to any other play, no
matter how good It may happen to be.
........ ..r:$341,982.34
. Llabaities. r
Capital stock paid In ......$100,000.00
Surplus fund 7,000.00
Undivided Profits, less ex
penses and taxes paid . .
National Bank Notes out
standing ... A. ......... .
Due to other national banks
Due to Trust companies and
savings banks
Due to approved reserve
Indjvldual deposits subject
to check . . .
Demand certificates of de
posit ...................
' Time certificates of deposit
Ce rtified, checks . . . ...... ....
Savings accounts ......... 4.694.56
What Is this for . . . 4,694.56
United States deposits (pos-'
tal) 111.30
:' 12,826.12
, CO.00
Notice of Annual School XeeUng. ;
Notice Is hereby given to the legal
, voters of School district No. One of
Union county, State of Oregon, that
the annual school meeting of said dis
trict will be held at- the old high
school building in said district to be
gin at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. oni
the third Monday of June, being the )
19th day of June, A. D., 19U., , I
This meeting is called for the pur
pose of electing One director and the
transaction of the business usual at
such meetings. -
There will also be submitted to the
legal voters at said election the' fol
lowing question:
Shall School district No. One of Un
ion county,' .reimburse Arthur C. Wil
liams, clerk of said district for money,
amounting to $178.34, "lost. by him in
the failure of the Farmers' and Trad
ers' National bank of La Grande, Ore
gon, and by him forthwith paid to the
district - . ' -.' .-'
x Shall school district No: One of Un
ion county, state of Oregon, purchase
block 82 of Chaplin's addition to the
town of La Grande Union county, Ore
gon, at the price of $3,600.00 for a play
groundf ' ''''''- '''-"!
" Said election shall be held from 2 p.
m. until 6 p. m. and. It shall be by bal
lot, '.v.-;.;.'.':' ; .
Dated this 8th day of June,' A." D.
1911. ' .
, ;y. . . .HENRY HENSON,
.. TChalrman District School Board.
Attest: v. ;--'.
District Clerk.
e-8-19 : 'vv ':;j,' ".'"';;
Administrator's Notice.
- Notice ia hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed admin
istrator of the .estate of Frank Gail
Scott, deceased, by the. county court
of Union county, Oregon, and that all
persons having ,; claims against said
estate are hereby required to present
th Banie to said admlnitrator at his
office ln La Grande, Oregon, properly
verified on or before six months from
this date. ' , . - :.
Dated at La Grande. Oregon this
JJth day of May, 1911.
J. U. MClvc.JNiUN,
" Administrator of the Estate
of Frank Gall Scott. Deceased.
" Attorney for Administrator.
tTeam Work.
Bids wanted to haul crushed rock
from bin to Second street. State price
per ton. I furnish . the dump boxes,
the entire crushed rock hauling con
tract, on "Second street to by let to Due
or more parties in one contract". 1
reserve the right to . reject . any and
all bids.. :;",; r:. '..,
.. : J. L. MARS.
Do you want to make more money?
We want energetic salesmen In your
territory. Expense money advanced.
For particular address Albany Nur
series, Inc., Albany Oregon.
6.27-S0t ' -
"' y i5 Bf-'
tzsj from Hzyzl CrcZD
Crczxi cf Tcrter
SD14 UAki
NEVER ? nriirnu art vro
tai lins n LrlLUI the mmta
A viLUill.f Hnuiruni n mw
!-. fvco 23 Cents. -
''I "; new' consigjimest l'; I
I Boiled Ham
Cooked Tongue
and Dried Beef i
Suitable for Lunches and Out
Ings. We slice these fresh on
onr machine while yon wait
tPattison Bros. I
fhone Blaek 8L
Total. $341,982.34
State of Oregon, county of Union, ss.
i I. N. K. West, cashier of the above
; named bank, do solemnly swear that
the above statement is true to the best
of my knowledge and belief.
N. K. WEST, President
subscribed and sworn to before me
this 10th day of June, 1911. .
; ' .' ' Notary Public.
Correct Attest: '...-.
' . A. T. HILL, .
- Drectors.
pi . JllW
livv y
Free to You and Every Sister SltN
erlng from Woman's Ailments,
Itm woman.
J now woman's nffarlnira,
I have found the cure.
i woman's aUmenta. I want to tt-U ill 7m.
tlLU. .
thi. AnrU rw -.."T". V " "JUIU
Touraeir. Tour
u.uguw, ,our mower, or yonr slater. I Want to
tell you how to euro yonrselvea at hom whV
out the help of a doctor. Min .... J r' IzVc., 'S
iufforiuita? Wht w i. L-l .
tiprluet, we know better than any doctor 1 v
know that my'home treatment U aafe and sure
cure for iMwrtMi gr WtitlU iitc(itrM,
NrMl, Ulmnt wOnrtii Timwrt, w CmHit; dM Mint It
MM, kick tnd feowtlt, Mirim iomt fulian. MrKnuMi.
tmwt (itllni m Hit M, anliMMrf, Mtm to tn , M
fluMi, uilMM, IMmt. tut Mmmt Imbiti dwra cmmi '
fMikuiMt mcuIim tovuriez.
I want to tend you t tMplitt In ui'i truteMl
Mtttthj fnt to nrove to you that you can cure
yourself at noma, easily . j u Ickl y and
sureiT. nememoer, inai.n via CM I ns Mttilnf to
the treatment a complete trial : and If you
wish to oontlnu. Is will Cost yon only about lloenta a week or leas than two cento a day. It
will not Interfere with yomr work or occupation. Jm( mi M row M sMrtn, ieU me how yon
auSer If you wtah, and I will send you the treatment for your cane, entirely free.ta plain wrap
per, by return maU. I will also send you m f Nil, my book-"W0'l Ml if 0ICAI KWIUI" with
explanatory lUuatnUons nho ing whr women anlter, and how ther can easily cure themse'J es
at home. Every woman should have it, and learn to IMrt br smtH. then when the doctor nays
"Ton must have an operation," you can decide for yonratlf. Thousands of women hare cured
themselves with my home remedy. It cures iR sis sr rem, Tl MslMn f sttttort, I will explain a
almple home treatment which speedily and effectually cures Leucorrhofe, Green Sickness and
Painful or Irregular Menstruation tn young Ladles, Plumpness and health always results from
tense. .,
Wherever you live, I can refer yon to ladles of your own locality who know and will gladly
tell any sufferer that this lorn TiMtawst really tsmall women'sdlseasea, and makes wenen well
strong, plump and robust. Jstt mss as iter SMmt. and the free ten day's treatment is yours, also
the book. Write to-day, as you may not see tola offer again. Address
WR3. m.summers, pox h - Notre Dame, Ind., U.S. a.
I tie
First Tame
Be Sure and Witness This Remarkable Story in Pictures. Three Reels, making a Complete
evening s crueriainmeni.
y i
saae, i Tonight