La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 09, 1911, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4
Editor and Owner.
Entered at the postoffice at La Grande
as second-class matter.
thank this city for the generous atten
tion and courtesy extended.
The decoration committee is al
ready at work devising proper plans
to make, the city beautiful on that day.
Give them a helping hand. -
flail, single copy
Dally, per week,
Dally, per month.
911 JUNE 19H
Sj AV i T I W i T I FS
I I I I 1 12 13
18 1820li 22324
Our old friend, Labor Commissioner
Hoff, is an active official and looks af
ter his department, but the question
among the people seems to be is the
department worth what It coats.
Factory Inspection and red tape are
strewn from one end of the state to
the other, ail of which lb expensive to
the taxpayers. Here is a new law add
ed to the juany others, which became
effective; May 20, 1911: ,
Section 1. Any person, firm or cor
poration .employing labor, who em
ploys more than thre persons at the
I same time, shall report to the commis
'. eioner of labor statistics and inspector
of factories and workshons any and
all accidents happing to any person
in their employment, directly or in
directly, due to aald employment, and
said person, firm or -corporation are
required to give the name, sex, age
and the particular employment of the
person so injured and explain the na
ture of the accident and the date and
This year La Grande will be host I , , , 7. "u"c'-e w
and entertain the people of Eastern 7 1 7 " " -
Oregon at an old-fashioned celebra. !?ort b made the Person be not
tion on the Fourth of July: She is go- JncPa?ated from Immed.
In to make an extra effort to a. tht L,olB u""ua"to ol u" lUB
rery guest ha. a good time and so ' a pftyB1Cl,m
long a. the lows of the state and city e! V ? f
are not violated restraint will ,' be "h not ce, 18 requ h-el to be sent to
- , .it -i ..u .... ithe commissioner of labor atatlsitcs
llUk AU'i all WIU W 4UV11CU uu BO
they pleaee. .
From every part of Baker, Union
Former resident Harried
From a Portland dally Is taken this
item: Married Karl L. Gillilan and
Miss Edith Willis. These are twoi
young people well known In La
Grande. Miss Willis left here a few
years ago to attend school In Walla ',
WHAT DOES IT ALL AMOUNT TO! Walla, and Karl went from this place'
to tne army. He served one enlist-'
ment ' and made two promotions, a
rare feat, and is now living In Port-
lland where he is a passenger brake-
man on the O-W. Mr. and Mrs Gilli
lan reside at 535 Everett Btreet.
Eastern Star Ladles to Portland, j
Many of the Eastern Star ladle ii
have already, gone to Portiand toi;
the grand lodge meeting next week !
Tonight Mrs. Fred Shllke and daugh '
ter, Miss Fredreka, and Mrs. N. Moll-!
tor will be pasengers for the Rost j
city. Tomorrow morning Mrs. Wade!
and Mrs. Lockwood will leae for the
same place and tomorrow evening :
Mrs. M. K. Hall end Xrs. C. T. Bacon
will Join the party at Portland.
Justice Marries, Two Connies.
George E. G. Smith and Miss 'Jose
phine Passey both of La Gande, were
married yesterday afternoon by Ar
thur C." Williams, Justice of the peace.
.Herman B. Breshears and Miss
Lydla C. Magruder were married yes
terday k by Justice of the Peace A. C.
Williams at hla office.: The young cou-
pie are residents of Elgin where they '
will malrd ffcslv--' - !
and inspector of factories and 'work
shops under this act, results in the
and Wallowa counties come, the word uc" " Ui r Z 'UJ",eu' "outo ,u
that large delegation, are coming; 1 wltln of the death of "uch rB0
nm!n- with Al.twrtHnn In vlvB , shall be sent forthwith to the COmmlS-
I of factories and workshops. -
Section 2. It shall be the duty 'of
the commissioner of labor statistics
.. .. Married In BoIhc . j
It is learned from the Boise States-!
man that E. H. Botts of La Grande was !
married the early part of this week in !
Boise to Miss Marcella Jackson of '
Boise. ' ; v .. ,-
once more the honored memories oti
revolutionary days, to renew allegi
ance to the old flag and to incidentally
Happiest Girl In Lincoln.
A Lincoln, Neb., girl writes, "I had beer
ailing for some time with chronic constipa
. i . 1 1 i i . i
iron ana eiomacn irouoie. i Desna uimn
"Italian Coast Scenes" (Gau-.
mont) Like all of this com
pany's out. door , pictures this
leaves nothing to he desired.
The view point, selected could
not be Improved upon and the
photography la beyond criticism
"The Winning of the Stepchild
ren" (Vitagraph) Showing
how a step-mother undertook
to win the- love of the children
of the man she was to marry
and how well she succeeded. It
is a simple home play that will
please you, and its a Vitagraph.
"The Attonement of Tolas'' A
very strong dramatic picture
with Egyptian settings.
The Hoyden" This film tells
the story of a tomboy girl who
developes Into a woman in
three short year.. , The comedy
Is lively and the theme is dif
ferent from any worked out in
picture story so far.
Song "Hurrah For the Sum
mer Time" by Mr. Bernie.
Mr. Greenaway, drums and ef
fects. ;
atlnee every day at 2 p. m.
1 and inspector of factories and work-1 Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tahiti j
shops to keep a correct record of all an.d.lnthre? 1 bto ? "n 1
1 .... ... . 'got better right alonif. I am the pmudei
acciaem. ana aeams reponea to ma ( gir in Lincoln to Sml such agoodmedi
o.iict, giving me' cause oi me acmem cine." or sate ny a", aeaiers.
or ceata, tne particular industry or
' employment In which the person was
' injured, where the accident, or death,
occurred, and publish the same in his
biennial report.
Section 3. Any employer of labor
who shall fall to report such accident
wthin. five days from its occurrence
shall be liable to a fine of not less than
125 and not to exceed $500 or to Im
prisonment in the county Jail for not
lees than five (5) days nor moreMban
six (6) months, or both, in the discre
tion of the court.
(Chapter 102, Laws of 1911.)
Baker and La Grande Regular Teams
.. ' Play Sunday Afternoon. ' ,
There will be no ball game in La
Grande Saturday afternoon but on
Sunday afternoon the regular ball
teams of Baker and this city will play.
It will be remembered that last Sun
day these two teams played a 12-inn
ing game and a brisk game is expected
for Sunday afternoon.
Our Dry Gocds Department
Replete with all the newest shades and pat
terns in materials for your new Spring and
Summer Dres
Strlpea, checks, bars, flow
ered and plain.
,V 15c to 50e yard.
in waist and dress lengths. .
Foulards, tnessalines and
taffetas. Dress patterns
$12.50 and $11.00. Waist
patterns $400 to $6.00.
;'' ' . ' ":r'i
All shades and weights.
Also many new shades in
lustrous linen finish ma
terials. 20c to 60c yard.
Dainty sheer materials In
nsw .patterns that will be
sure .to please., 10c to 2.c
yard. '.''y'":.
Just received man7 new
patterns in Amoskeag
dress ginghams. 12 . 1-2c
No : equal for wear and,
launders perfect. vA large
assortment of patterns to
select fiom. 25c yarA
Best Calicoes
5c ydJ'
Yard wide Percales :.115c yd.
Silk Mulls and Organdies 35c to
. 60c yd.
An Exceptional Showing of Fine
Laces, Trimmings, Embroideries,
Afover Laces and Bandings
K. W
' ; Married at Manse.
, . J. J. Walker and Miss Alice McNeal
were united in marriage last evening
at the Presbyterian manse. ' The bride
Is from Newport and the groom is n
resident' of La Grande. They will make
La Grande their home. Mr. Walker is
employed in the railroad shops.
- .
Old Friends and New
. Winning permanent, lasting friends Is the work '
of time, and this bank numbers among its ' clients :
hundreds of banks and business houses with whom u
it has had close relations for a great part . of ; the ,,
twenty-four years of its existence.
. Our friends have helped to make this one of the
largest and strongest banks in the West. We have
helped in their making, too., ,
We welcome new friends and will attend to their
want8with the same fidelity which ha cemented :.
our relations with our older ones. s '.
La Grande National Bank
CAPITAL , . . $ 100,000.00.:
SURPLUS . . 100.000.00 "
Fred J. Holmes, Pi es. . , ," ,W. J. Church, Vice Pres.
F. L. Meyerb, Cashtei Earl'f. Cashier .
I'rufcssor at O. A. C. l'asws Here En
route to Europe.
A number of graduates of the Ore
gon agrictural college and friends of
Union county. State of Oregon, that
the annual school meeting of said dis
trict will , be held at: the old high
scfcorl brild'ng in said district to be-
legal voters at said election the fol
lowing questions: V
Shall School district No. One of Un
ion county, reimburse Arthur C. Wil-
gin at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. on , Hams, clerk of said district for money,
$109 in P. O. Bank. ,
So far there has been $109 deposited
in the postals savings bank here. That
amount represents- the deposits of
seven individuals.
Nothing under $1.00 may be deposit
ed but a provision Is made for children
who are learning to practise economy
by saving their nickels and dimes.
Uncle Sam has provided cards on
which there is a ten-cent deposit
stamp. For each successive dime de
posited a stamp is given which is
pasted on the card. As soon as the
card represents $1.00 it may be de
posited in the regular way.
19th day of June, A. D., 1911. ; 1 the failure of the Farmers' and Trad
This meeting is called for the pur- 'ers' National bank of La Grande, Ore
pbse of electing one director and the gon.' and by him forthwith paid to the
transaction of the business usual a district
Prof. J. B. Horner, registrar at ths the third Monday of June, being the ' amounting" .to $1,678.34, lost by him in
O. A. C, greeted him this morning at
the depot as he and his wife and two
daughters passed through here en
route to Europe where they will spend
the summer, returning to Corvallls
next September
Prof. Hornels known to all the old
pioneers here and received his early
schooling in what was known In the
sixties as the Saw Buck school house.
such meetings. '
There will also be submitted to the
when you buy
your coal from
Grande Ronde Cash
Co. Pftone; Oan 6
Ml 1 111! IHIIimUMllillMllllliilllt ill, voter of School district No. One of
Old Folks Should Bo Careful In Their
. 8lotion of Regulative Medicine.
We have a safe, dtiwidal.le jand al
together Ideal remedy tbut l particu
larly adapted to the requirement!! of
aged people nud pt'tnons. of weak con
stitutions wbo suffer from constipa
tion or other bowel disorders. We urn
so certain that It will relieve tb"s
complaints and give absolute tmtlsf ac
tion in every particular that we offer
it with our personal guarantee "that It
hall cost the user, nothing If It falls
to substantiate our claims. Tblx rem
edy Is called Itexnll OrderlleM. . . .
Ilexall Orderlies have a wothing.
healing, strengtbenln);. tonic and regu
lative action upon tbe bowel. They
remove all irritation, dryness, soreness
and weakncsH. They restore tbe bow
els and associate organs to more vig
orous and healthy activity. They are
eaten like candy, may be taken at any
time without Inconvenlcuce. do not
cause any griping, nuuseu, diarrhoea,
excessive looseness, flatulence or other
disagreeable effect. ' Prit-e 'Sv. utid lfc
Sold only at our store Tbe Uexall Store
i Hill's drug store; 1
; .' ' t
i Try some
Sotlce of Annnal School Mooting. !
Notice is hereby given to the legal Frfch . riill-' Pirlrlo
a was ut . a 1V1I1V.O
Main 70
Ind. 0i
Del Monte Canned
Goods are as good
as the best...We have
Shall school district No. One of Un
ion county, state of Oregon, purchase
block 82 of Chaplin's addition to the
town of La Grande Union county, Ore
gon, at the prle of $3,600.00 for a play
Said election shall be held from 2 p.
m. until 6 p. m. and It shall be by bal
lot':. ;. .. ..." . :
Dated this. 8th day of June, A. D.
are those that everybody is looking
(or, because when yon smoke one of
them, yon want more. Th last pnll
Is the sweetest Get the last pnlL
Chairman District chool Board.
' Attest:
. District Clerk.
Team Work.
Bids wanted to haul crushed rock
from bin to Second street. State price
per ton, I furnish the dump boxes,
the entire crushed rock hauling con
tract on Second street to hi let to ;ne
or more parties in one contract. I
reserve the right to reject , any and
all bids. "
J. L. MARS. '
B-fcAJ.A.....'. J......-....'..i...,- . t - 1- M A
! ! A Few Suggestions for
! Sunday Dinner
. Which wfll be fresh Sat.
nrday' morning.
Dutch Cheese, Home Made
Hot House Cucumbers
Boiled Ham v
Green Peas i
few Potatoes
Wax Beans '
Fresh Tomatoes :,
FhM US mm
I Pattison Bros.
Phone Black 81.
. V WilL Exchange
Have $900.00 Equity in new $4,000.00, 5 room, 2
story house. House has double floors, combination
fixtures, curtains, large fire place, furnace in cement
basement, sleeping porch. Lot 50x100. Located in
Rose City park. Call and see pictures of house.
' H. COFFIN, 1107 Adams avenue." Main 1. '