1 I I IX dKANDE EVENING OBSERVER, nUDAY.JUNEOlOll. 5 to $200. Each $75 to $200 Each T7T - . - 1.1 f M - Addi tion Lote Buy on Your Ovn Terms 1HT11 tlIl T 1107 Adama Avenue. William Miller a Bro., phone, main l ( $75 to $200 Each $75 to $200 Each A BUSINESS la similar to a personality." It has character good, bad or Indifferent, the same 'as an Individual. ; If the principles of the Individual are fundamentally sound he'a an O. K. Individual. If the policy of the business la right and Its taethod l squaTe it is an O. K. business. W THE wakdku Is the place to have your clothes cleaned, pressed, repaired and dyed ' because it la on the square all" of the time. Vf'-f, f, ' WII 0;M D D A O 1 113 Adams Avenue Phone Main 735 J. E. Bratfley S Co. ... SANITARY PLUMBING7 REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY. Phone, black 3482 NEXT DOOR TO CITY HALL FOR SUNDRY Hood River Berries Oranges Grape Fruf Fresh Tomatoes VJax Beans Asparagus Mounq Beets Radishes f Lemons Bananas Cnciimfters Green Peas UevTurnips Lettuce Cabbage p n u " '.: ... '; " . "'; a lliiL ill liliiu TTEHTIO mini I RICHARD ALL5UTT TO BE TRIED FOB MURDER OF SISTER i si ft A, Kitchea V -vJ The Killing of Mrs, Tiers and Attack on Others Occnred in March. Rockville. Md.( June 9. In the cir cuit court next Monaay Richard W. Allnutt will be placed on trial for the alleged murder of his sister, Mrs. Val eria A. Velrs. He s also charged with having murderously assaulted his eighty-year-old mother. Mrs. Marga ret Allnutt. and Miss. Jane Rawllngs, at the same time. Much' Interest is evinced In the case in view of the ex treme-atrocity of the deeds of which the young man Is accused and . the prominence of the family to which he belongs. . -' The killing of Mrs. Velrs and the at tacka on the other two women be curred on March 14 last at the home of Mrs. Margaret Allnutt near Daw soavllle, this county. Several months before, Richard Allnutt had married, and after his marriage he and his wife had boarded at the home of his broth er, Lawrence Allnutt, at Dawsonvllle. For some time prior to the tragedy different hurt vtatwl Wwun Ptoh- ard W. Allnutt and his mother and alster. The mother, her widowed, daughter, Mrs. Viers,' fifty-nine years old, and Miss Rawlinga; sixty years old ( occupied .the home. Richard wished to bring his wife : the-e , and asked for one-half of the house. To this the women" would not agree. They thought the house not large enough th accommodate all. . Richard, however, took a different view of the matter and brooded over his fancied wrongs, j Although the favorite brother In th eyes, of Mrs. Velrs, much of AUnutt'i animosity was directed toward her, and he went to the family borne on the morning of the tragedy and uiet her In the dining room, he was seized with a mania to slay. The man Is alleged to have grabbed the handle of a pitchfork and vicious ly attacked his sister, his aged mother and the latters old friend and com' panion. Miss Rawlinga, who happened to be In the room. Mrs. Velr's skull was crushed, her face , was battered, and one arm was broken." She died that night. Mrs. ' Allnutt , and Miss Rawllngs were also frightfully cut and bruised about the face and head, and for a week or more their condition ed was critical but they finally recov ered.. Allnutt fled from tie scene of the crime to : the- home of ' his ! brother, where he was arrested ' later In the day and brought, to Pockvllle, where he has since been confined in jail. ; The accused Is forty-five years old and a son of the late Nathan W. All nutt. one of the leading lawyers '; of this section, and is the brewer of Henry C. Allnutt. for many year "or lster of wills In this county. AtNfhe coming trial every effort will be made to prove that Richard was temporary' ly Insane at the time he Is alleged to have murdered Mb sister. During hia confinement he has Buffered from extreme nervousness and Is said to be on J the " verge of a complete break down. Several times he -has been examined by noted alienists. lAllnutt's bride of a few months has remained steadfast In her loyalty to him. His brother and other members of his family are also standing by him in hia troubles. Hia aged mother who la still suffering from the shock of the murderous attack made upon heri displays the greatest compassion for her son and it is expected aha will do all in her power to have him de clafed insane. , Matting Kitchen-ware 7 ) i 1 1 j . Wn i : v5 ''it'' .-. IJ I ti..- pMl. Mi'J ?'-. - , .jC-J 1 ; M TiiH ' i ii . 1 I Li 4 ' I MARVEL'UNIVERSAL. IW T X i 51 u: n CUBED TO STAT CUBED. Hew La Grande Citizens Can Find Complete Freedom from Kidney ' : Troubles,''. If you uffer from backache Prom urinary disorders From any disease of the kidneys, Be cured to stay eured. : Doan's Kidney Pills make lasting cure. ' !' ' , So grateful people testify. , ; Here's one case of It: Mrs. William Belrdneaur, 2130 Colorado street,' Baker City, Ore.,'aaya "My kldneya were badly disordered At the result of a cold I ctnoracted and j 1 suffered from an almost constant .tackache. To go up or down stalra caused severe pains throughout my . ... v :ti!:aANm: WE HAVE FOUND UMVEES AL RANGES TO (SITE THE BEST ALL-AROUND SATISFACTION , OF ANT RANGES WE HATE EYER SOLD, Oil KNOW OF. ONE STRONG FEATURE IS THEIR SMALL FUEL CONSUMPTION. THET BURN LESS FUEL BECAUSE THE OTEN IS SO CONSTRUCTED THAT IT RETAINS ITS HEAT LONG AFTER THE FIRE HAS DIED DOWN. OTHER SPECIAL FEATURES: 1 1 ' 7 SLIDING DAMPER REGULATES HEAT AND RETAINS !T !N RANGE. PORCELAIN-LINED OTEN DOOR AND RESERVOIR. ' . - . 4 RANGES STAND ON DOUBLE BASE MAKING IT EAST TO CLEAN AROUND. I NICKEL WORK WONT TARNISH-AN EXCLUSIVE FEATU11E OF THIS RANGE. AUTOMATIC OTEN CONTROL ANT HEAT TOU NEED. EYEBT UNIVERSAL GUAR INTEED. EN 02 V & A USB -COMPLETE HOUSFURNISHERS Jmfcnlii--iiwiiii--atf"lai'WfJ'r-iaj rnrif-ai'li"Hi""nr"1tl'f"Tf AfluiAjB rvm -4Aam1 tk.jAm iv body and I was also annoyed by head aches and dizzy spells. Reading of Doan's Kidney Pills, m yhusband pro cured a supply and the c6ntents of two boxes cured me. I shall always give Doan's Kidney Pills my endorse ment (Statement given November 3, 1908.) ,':.,'.' A Lasting Effect On May .26. 1910, Mrs. Beirdneaux said: "The cure Doan's Kidney Pills made In my case has been permanent. Whenever I have the opportunity, I recommend this remedy" For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New Tork, sole agents for the United States. "'- Remember the name Doan'a and take no other. Ap 14 My 12 Jun 9 Jul 7 28 Ag 25. -Piles Cured In S to 11 Days. PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to All the New Thing 8' It Painting, Paperhanging, Decorating; and Tinting. Ton can get the same ser vice here yon can In large eKles.' V .'v , Phone Bed 971 and talk to -, B.B. NUTTER Who Knows the Business. NEXT DOOR TO OBSERVER cure any case of Itching, blind, bleed- We want energetic salesmen In your Ing or protruding piles In 6 to 14 days territory. Expense money advanced, or money refunded" Me. For partlcular addre Nur. v 7 series, Inc., Albany. Oregon. . ' . . Do y,ou want to make more money? 5.27-S0t ft M Is oney Invested in a Home Brings You Real Rewards that cannot be measured alone in dollars and cents. There's satisfaction in knowing you have a home when possibly all other investments fail it gives you a feeling of security and demands the recognition of your fellow townsmen, be: cause by building you show your faith in the f u ture of the community. And every community is known by its deeds. You can help and at the same time help yourself. A home investment is always the most meritorious, and loss is less like ly because you are dealing in values you under stand and with people you know. 7e have sup pleid the lumber for the homes of many of your friends who are now on the road to success, and want to talk with you whenever you're ready, , WENAHA LUMBER CO. GREENWOOD & MADISON Home Phone 421. Bell Phone, Main 732