La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 09, 1911, Image 1

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FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1911..
t n m
Grand Jury Fo June Completes W oris
Last Evening and After Making Re
port is Adjourned.
Two m
The grand Jury for June completed vey water to the fields. ; ifl ?
Its work last evening and made the . (2) In regard to the outward con
following report with recommenda-: dltion of the buildings we find them In
tions to the court: ' , good repair and well preserved. " -
In the circuit court of the state of . ,(3) In regard to the hospital build-
Oregon, county of Union. ! (ing; we find a good modern building
In the matter of the report: of the ' equipped with porcelain bath tub, url
' grand Jury. , . - ..nal, lavatory and toilet properly con-
r, We, the grand Jury for the June, nected with a cesspool, off torn dis
. term of the above entitled court; for tanee from" 4he building; but we find
. the year, A. D. 1911, beg leave to make tha' the building Is without any water
the following report: 4 v y j j connection whatever, and that, every
We have been la session four flaysi drop of water used by the Inmates
..and. have returned Into court nine must be carried some little dletanc,
: true Dills of indictment, ana tnree not; uoiu iuw weu iu tiio u' i ilia
true bills of indictment, and carefully j house. None of the Inmates are phy-
. investigated all other, cases and mat-. slcajlyt able capable of carrying; sufll
ters brought to our attention."'.:"'' I clent ' water-for the use otill,.espe
We have visited all yie public offlcei allylfr, bathing; we also flnd . no
at the court house, and, so, far as we provision.!,, made 'fori heating "bath
are able to Judge, public property and water, except In. a can on top of a Ut-
. records , aro carefully and - properly tie heating stovejWlth the result that
kept and cared for; and public officials ' bathing, a dire necessity among the In
are faithful, competent and courteous, mates therein, la involving so much
We find that In the west jail, cots labor, and inconvenience, as it does,
' only are used for prisoners to sleep bas become a pa8tart';Vi-'v.Y'';'.'j:,.-.4
on, and there are no Iron bunks at- : We find that the wards are hot prop
tached to the walls of the cells. The erly equipped with bedding; many of
sheriff reports that prisoners, either the mattresses and comforts are rag-
wilfully, or otherwise," break and ruin ged and dirty, and should be burned
these cots, and that the are otherwise and replaced by new ones. There are
unsuitable for ' Jairuse. v We recom- no sheets. We found seven inmates in
- mend that Iron bunks be supplied and the hospital, three of whom are quite
.'attached to the irons on the walls of .helpless, and confined to their beds;
Whipple Manfcred in Wife's Hotel
Byr4 Was Jealous of Tktim aad An.
frry Because Mrs. W hipple Would
Not Beiara His Affections Posse Is
It by Sheriff Stone It Is Feard
Others May Be Killed.
01 FBRTLfiflD
Entire Family Horribly Slaughtered by
Fiends For Whom Entire Country
Side and Officers are Searching. ;
the cells, and that the use of portable
cots be discontinued.'
, - It has come to the knowledge of the
grand Jury, that the public highways
and bridges of .the county, In various
sections, are continually, during the
Irrigation and other seasons, damaged,
and persons and property lawfully
one of the latter three is paralyzed
and the other two are almost entirely
helpless with . rheumatism. .. ' One of
these men bas been an inmate abcuit
five days only, and he is not only In a
helpless condition, but is in extremis,
not expected to live more than a few
days. He says he suffers excrutiat-
travellng the same; endangered by the : Ing pain, depriving him of his sleep,
reckless and lawless use of water and that he has not been seen by a
along and at the sides of roadg and j physician since he has been placed in
bridges. It Is our Judgment' this prac- the county hospital. , This patient
tice should be prohibited by the prop- needs not only a physician but a
er authorities, that life and property , nurse as he is helpless and so restless
may receive-adequate public protec- j that, he tears the clothing from his
tlon from the dangers arising from body. This man' in addition to being
these conditions. , ,
We visited " the coun- farm, , in a
body, on the 7th day of June, 1911, and
found the following conditions ' and
make recommendations as follows: .
. (1)' We found the farm and orcliard
in a prosperous condition,' well' cared
for, and all things in good shape ex
cept the-Irrigation flume which Is old
and in a .dilapidated condition, and no
longer capable of conveying water. We
recommend that the Old flume be re
placed by a pipe line adequate to con-
helpless, is covered - with running
sores and from lack of proper nurs
ing is in a filthy and stinking condi
tion. We find that the hospital Is not
provided with any attendants other
than the inmates themselves and they
are not physically able to look after
the building and helpless patients, In
any . proper manner. None of the In'
mates Or t employes made, any ; com
plaints to us and this report Is entlre-
( Continued on Page Eight)
'; Spokane, June '9. Armed with , a
high power rifle and with plenty of
ammunition, William Byrd, who killed
i .Tnhn Unnalra mnA DU. WhlnnU nil
perhaps fatally wounded Justice Cl W.
Meisner of DIsman, has so far escaped
capture.'1 . V LSii . i f f.
i"J .""Big "Posse" Pnrsues.''"";'
A big posse led by Sheriff Stone Is
composed of a large party of men hun
ters in Saktser count, 25 miles south
of -this -city. The posse is determined
to capture the , murderer and . more
blood may flow before' he is caught or
killed. . ' i
? : Jealousy Is Canse. '
It 18 believed that Byrd killed Whip
ple partly because he' was Jealous of
hm, and partly because Mrs. Whipple
refused to reciprocate his affections.
The murder took place in a hotel
conducted by" Mrs. Whipple. Byrd
stayed at this hotel. : '
Meisner in Posse. -
Justice Meisner was a member of
the posse which was pursuing Byrd
when he was shot by him. It is feared
others may be killed before the fug!
tive Is killed or captured. , ' , , . y
Bcports From outli Tell of Total Dc.
structlon of Towns Volcano folinta
.Thought to Be Extinct Is Ayaiii la
Eruption and Population of Sur
rounding Counlrj- Ter'or Stricken
Clreat Excitement in Mexico City.
Mexico City, June 9. That hundreds
of people have been killed and, half a
dozen towns completely destroyed by
raonrrln. earthnuaVa trwlar. 1 thfl
gist of" meagre advice received here.
, r Collma la Eruption. v (
I '.The shock which has caused greater
damage than; the first, -destroying
towng and killing their, population,
was the severest near the volcano Col
lma. Collma is again In eruption and
Is causing the wildest kind of ; terror
among the population; living near Us
base. 1 Collma was supposed to be an
extinct. crater but is again belching
forth smoket and cinders, ...
' Towns Degtroyed. . ' ':; :' ;;.
The towns of Seapotin, Tonlla, Pla-
tanar and San Andreas are reported
to have been completely destroyed and
hundreds of t;he population of these
cities killed.
Great excitement prevails in Mexico
City over the report of the recurrence
of the earthquake. The authorities
here are doing 'all In their power to
ascertain the truth of the reports,
i f Fifty Dead in Octalan.
Guadala Jura, June 9v Reports re
celved here" today from the districts of
Jalisco and Cellma say that the earth
quakes have continued here intermit
tently all day. . Tonaya Is said to have
beta destroyed and a number killed.
In Octalan there are 50 dead and many
buildings are destroyed, y
Portland, June 9. One pf the nioEt son was killed, then the mother and
heinous crlr own in the annals lastly the little" eight-year-old daugh
ters was discovered ter.
Oautllated bodies of
if e, son and daugh
he Hill home near
5 Estracada line six
Z -
3 Wends." V:
is ns the crime was
- fiends for whom
sea and corps, of
, g Ws the nelghbor-
of the autho
today whenl
William Hill;
ter were foui
Ardenwald, oi
miles from Pi
v Do. .
From all in
the dd of dej
hastily organli
detectives, are
ing wooas.
head was plit open and the heads of
the two children were entirely sever
ed 'from; their bodies. ; "' ! "i ,
The coroner of Clackamas county
said that Mrs, HUl'and her daughter
bad been mistreated before they, were
killed or immediately after the slaugh
ter. '. :;:'4::,:,.':y.. -::V --yy -
;; HUl Killed First V
' From all Indications it Is believed
that HUl was kiUed first, UU:"lcuIl
was crushed with an ax. Following j as Cowin, a prominent Portland at
tho murder of the father the small t torney.' h ;
Detectives Hushed to Scene.
Immediately upon the discovery of
the crime detectives were ruBhed upon
the scene, City detectives from Port
land, and deputy sheriffs from Multno
mah and Clackamas counties aro
working on the case, &hd' clttetna are
forming posses to search for the fiends
V H Kelglbor Slakes I'scorery.
The discovery of the mutilated bod
iea of Hill and his family in their homa
via. dluviiiiiwl . )i - M ra, . C... -H. . li at
thews, a neighbor 'lo'the' auirdered'
family. ' ir '
Hill was an employe of the pollwood
Gsb company." . '-""'
Sirs. Hill Daughter of Cc n in.
-iae two children, PhllliSj aged nlno,
and Dorothy aired five, are the "chil
dren of M'ts. Hill by her divorced hus
band, James Rlntoul, an athkte and
newspaper man residing int. Salt Lake
Mrsl Hill is the daughter of Thorn-
Ruling Made to Lessen Daugtr
::''' Postmen.
Special Train to Come With Baker
and Many Rooters.
A report of the Investigation of the the materials used in tho foundation
Elm street paving which was instanc-ffor paving on said Elm street, desire
10 express our neany approval or us
materials used by the Warren 'Con
ed by Councilman . Lodgsden's , attack
ion the1 Warren Construction com
pany, was made to the council last
evening at a special meeting called for
the purpose of bearing the report. The
investigating committee represented
all property, with the exception of one
lot on the corner of Jefferson and Elm
streets. This committee made Its in
vestigation yesterday and. reported
1 that it found the work being done In a
satisfactory manner.-
Below is a copy of the report as
submitted by the investigating com
mittee. , .
La Grande, Oregon, June 8, 1911.
To the Honorable Mayor, and City
Council of the City of La Grande, Oregon:'-.
;, . '
Gentlemen We, the undersigned
property owners along Elm street, in
the city of La Grande, Oregon, after
having made a careful examination of
structlon company in thigVork. We
consider it first class in every parti
cular and do not consider ' that the
Warren Construction ; company are
trying to use Inferior material, nor in
any way trying to evade their contract
with the city, tut are making every
effort to use the best , material ob
tainable and are strictly complying
with , the plans and speciflations in
every case. -:; ' ;
Respectfully submitted: . '
D. Fitzgerald. .'.':
W. H. Bohnenkamp. ' f '
Island City Mercantile, and
Milling company, per Fred
V J. Holmes, president
La Grande Natl Bank. ,
V By Fred J. Holmes, Pres.
Turner Oliver. .
A, C. Huntington.
"Play ball, Bill, and hold that bat In
your left hand."; ' 1 -
That's the slogan for Sunday morn
ing's bail game for Baker Elks are
coming to trounce the La Grande Elks
if they tan at the national game-. But
Frank Bramwell,. Jack Peare, et al,
openly ; assert that Baker's antlered
bunch have never seen the day they
can put It over the Elks of the Grande
Ronda valley. This bit of contention
will reach a climax Sunday morning
when to the strains of music from
two of the best bands In Oregon, the
umpire will call the Elks' ball game
at the ball park in this city.
For some time this game has be:(
on. Dates have been set but some
thing prevented and ttow all obstacles
are cleared away according to Louis
Fernald's telegram from Baker, and
they are coming. Coming in pairs, in
bunches, coming like the gladiator of
old to conquer the boastful Grande
Ronders, who in turn are obstinately
holding their own and demanding that
the old Missouri blood be shown.
The big fun will begin the moment
that special ' train whistles for La
Grande. The herd will be met at the
train with La Grande's band and hun
dreds of good fellows with the glad
hand. A band concert will be ren
dered on the street after which the
game will take place
In the afternoon Baker's regular
ball team plays with La Grande's hit-
Atlantic Fleet to Go to Eovol.
Stockholm, Juno 9. The tour Ara
of erican battleships comprising the sec
ond division of the Atlantic fleet will
conclude their visit to 'Stockholm ta-
X Washington June 9. Special notice morrow and will depart for Revel,
has been sent to all mall carriers that During their week's stay in Stockholm
they need not deliver mall to homes; the officers and men of the fleet have
where vicious dogs. are kept during the(been, lavishly entertained. In their
summer. ' Government officials state honor the Stars and Stripes bavebeen
that the ruling was made-to lessen tho displayed In many parts of the city.
chances of the mall carriers 'being bit
ten hy dogs suffering from hydro
phla. ;; y y- v'--'' V
Court A's fr Records and Papers
Pertaining; to Sixth Street
A writ of review Issued by '; Judge
Knowles of the circuit court tor $ re
view of all records and papers per
tatnlng to the paving of Sixth street
was served on C. M. Humphreys ; at
6:30 last evening by Sheriff Chllders.
The issuance of the writ was asked
for by several property owners whose
property has been assessed for the
street improvement.
Those who are plaintiffs in this case
are F. D. Halstens, George Ball, E. 3,
Ball, P. L. Thornton, Mamie Lewis,
the trustees of the Baptist church,
Hattle McDonald, M. A. Anthony, Ber
tha Berger, E. .Rosenbaum, F. L.
WaBhburn, M. A. Harris, E. Coleman
K. M. Floyd, D. Fltrgerald and F. M
The court requires that the writ to
gether with all documents, records
and papers pertaining to the pave
ment of Sixth street be returned to
the ourt for. review on or before June
19th. ' '. " V'r '' ;.v '
Railway Telegrapher Celebrate. X.
; i Cedar Rapids, la., June 9. A cele
bration was held here today in honor
of the 25th anniversary of the Order
of Railroad Telegraphers, which was
oganized In Cedar Rapids June 9, 1S5?,
The oganization started with a dozen
members. In 23 years It has develop;'
ed into one of the largest and most
influential labor , organizations Iu
America, with 20,000 members repre
senting the telegraph and kindred ser
vices of virtually ail the leading rail
road systems of the United State1! Can
ada and Mexico. For mora than' 20
Thousands of persons, including the
members of the royal family and hifrh
officers of the Swedish army and navy, .
have taken advantage of tho oppor
tunity to' inspect the warsh'pe. .
y Credit Men to Meet
: Minneapolis, Minn!, June 9. All ar
rangeraent$ are complete for the en
tertainment of the 16th annual con
vention of the National Association of
Credit Men, which is to meet In this
citj next week for a session of four
days. A representative gathering of
10,000 credit men throughout the Unit
ed States is expected. ;:..
Rats vs. Spain In Court
The case for the replevy of a horBe
i In which Fred Ratz is plaintiff and A.
years the order had its headquarters C. Spain of North Powder Is defend-
in Cedar Rapids, but a tew years ago ant was commenced last evening and
the offices were jemoved to St. Louis, is still before the court today.
Albuquerque, N. M., June 9. A San
ta Fe passenger train, No. 3, known as
the California limited, collided today,
with a tie train and it Is reported that
six of the passengers on the limited
were killed. A considerable number
of others were injured.
The wreck occurred near Domingo
30 miles, north of this place. A mis
take in orders Is responsible for the
catastrophe... -'f r:'':'.V;y;'v i:".
A relief train hearing doctors and
nuses is enroute to the scene of the
disaster. '' ' v', -.'
Meeting of Harvard CInbs.
St. Paul. Dr. A. Lawrence Lowell.
Minneapolis, Minn., June 9. Hun- president of Harvard uniterslty, !
To File Diets Appeal
Hayward, Wis., June 9. As soon as
stenographers complete transcribing
the 400,000 words of evidence in the
John Dletz case, attorneys will file an
appeal for the defender of Cameron
ters and all of the Elks, the band and Dam who is now under sentence of
the accompanying rooters will (witness life Imprisonment following his con
that exhibition also. - , vlction of killing Deputy Sheriff Harp
dreds of Harvard graduates from all
parts of the country gathered in Min
neapolis today to renew acquaint
ances and to Join in singing the prals.
es of their alma mater. The occasion
Is the 15th annual meeting of the- As
sociated Harvard clubs. The mem
bers held their annual business ses
sion this morning at the Radisson
hotel and this afternoon were taken
on automobile rides about the city.
Tomorrow will be spent at Lake Min
netonka and in the evening this gath-
here as the guest of the convention.
Conducting Religions Institute '
Whitman College, Walla Walla, Wn.,
June 9. Dr, B. S. Winchester, form
erly professor of natural science In
Whitman college, but at present edu
cational secretary of the Congrega
tion Sunday school and publication so
ciety of Boston, is visiting in the city
and conducting an Institute of religl-
ering wiU close with a banquet In ous education.
. .. '-