PAGE 8 LA GRAND! EVENING OBSERVER,. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1911. goods, clothing, shoes, furnishings, or ladies ready here, even you b;uy dry to-weat garments far in advance of y(m we or any other store in La Grande have ever here tomorrow and inspect the thousand and one things on display and sell at in mamr tostencesjusthalftheir actual worth. GINGHAMS (THE VERY BEST) U -13 MEN'S EXTRA PANTS. , . LADIES' SUITS AND DRESSES ; 500 PAIRS OF SHOES ON SALE. Toil du Nords, A, F. C. and Red.Seals. The New Fangle brand which is high -wu, Shoes at less than half price for men, Regular 12 l-2c and 15c grades on sale, grade. - A complete assortment on sale ai lesstnannau price, ue sure ana sup- women and children. Bin after bin piled large' assortment .. 11c at HALF PRICE. ply your wants at this time. ? : high with choice styles. . ' A CANVAS GLOVES LADIES' TRIMMED HATS. WASH GOODS AT HALF. ; ' MEN'S EXTRA GOOD SHIRTS, Good quality, heavy duck, one sale. .... 5c Every lady not suplied with a hat for Now is the time you want those dainty All colors, heavy shirting full made, as ; ; . . .. this season should take note of our half warm weather'dresses. We are selling sorted prices, 'on sale wi..,;;;,.,;;..;43c, . " - price sale on high grade hats. . wash goods at half price. -;y;-;,'.;;v;:;'i' ; ?x;:;-':.:. v $500.00 vorth of good dependable merchandise of various kinds will be given away absolutely; free du La Gtande's Greatest Sale. Only a few more days and this opportunity will be history Get busy NOW ! You can buy more goods fo less money than ever in your life-here and NOW r O) . 1 t i"nn "i '"' i-J 'l ." Sale Positively Closes Sat urday Night, June 10th BETTER HURRY! T-h e F a I r D e p a r fm'ell k3 ;m MILES OX H0BSEBACK. young School Teacher to Make Trip With Father and Brothers. i, Spokane, Wash.. June 7. Fifteen hundred miles on horseback 1b the summer vacation trip, terminating at Phoenix, Ariz., upon which mI Vir ginia Vance, a young school teacher, started from Konnewlck, Wash., on the morning of June 1. Her father and brothers will accompany her In a cov ered wagon and carry supplies and camp equipment, while Mrs. Vance and two younger children are to travel by water and rail to Freano, "Cal., to re main there until next fall, when they will Join the rest of the family; at Phoenix. Miss Vance has decided upon , a route to the southwest through .Ore gon, Nevada and Arizona by way of Pendleton, to Lakevlew, thence to Gnater Lake and Into Nevada, keep ing nea rthe California line and fol lowing the canyon of the Colorado river In Arizona, No efforts will be made to establish a record, nor will Miss Vance offer souvenirs or photo graphs for sale to cover the expenses of the trip, as Is usually the case on similar tours: She has ample funds to carry her through, and, in addition, her father Is a man of means. -, The little party will sleep In the op en, cooking the meals at campflre? and stopping occasionally to hunt and Ash. j It is also planned to make detours Into the surrounding country along the Cal Ifornai border. "I have been planning this trip for a long time," Miss Vance said, "but the opportunity to make it was not offered j until my parents decided to make their future home in Arizona. Of course, I expect to return to eastern Washington next fall, probably traveling through California, where I may make numer ous Btops." dings of the season took place in Trin ity church today, when Miss Mildred Whitney, daughter of the late Calvin, E. Whitney of this city, ,became the bride of Ernest G. Stillman, son of James Stillman, the eminent New York banker. A large party of guests from New York attended the ceremony. to give promise of one of the most successful conventions ever held by the organization in California. Stmmun.Whitman Weddiuir. San Francisco, Cal., June 7. Oue of the largest and most fashionable wetl- Callfornia Christian Endea lorers Santa Ana, Cal., June, 7. A host of enthusiastic young people from every part of the state invaded Santa Ana today for the annual convention of t!-,e Christian Endeavorer societies ot California. The sessions will last' ' Seymour Fights Trial, v San Francisco, June 7. Determined not to surrender the chleftanshlp of the San Francisco police, Chief Sey mour today secured another writ pre venting the police commissioners from proceeding with his trial set for this afternoon. New charges were filed by the police captain today. It la charged that Seymour failed to close gambling places, reported to him. : 'rows, president of the National One Cent Postage association has Just an nounced that President Taft and Post master General Hitchcock had as sured him that the question of one cent postage would be presented at the next session of congress.. The light for higher magazine postage would be renewed he said. . over Sunday. The large attendance and the attractive program combine To Present 1 Cent Postage Bill. Cleveland, O., June 7. C. W. Bur- Elks at Traverse City. , Traverse City, Mich.,' June 7. On of the largest crowds ever : gathered In Traverse; City was on hand otday at the opening of the state convention of Elks. All the local lodges of Elka throughout the state of Michigan were represented by large delegations. 66 pan : .fiie 4-V a li e BY CHARLES DICKENS I o o -. 99 First lime Ever Shown in Movins Pictures Three Reels, Making a Complete Evening's Entertainment me II P . FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JUNE 9th and 10th Be Sure and Witness This Remarkable Story in Pictures. SAME PRICE. AS USUAL, 10 CENTS