La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 07, 1911, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    y ... ......
WT?TYVTT?C!T A XT Tf firrT? 4
I ' ' ' " i . .
$75 to $200 Each
$75 to $200 Each
tion Lots
Buy on Your
Own Terms
0. A. C Professor on Stallion Board
Says Horsemen Will Be Saved.
William Miller &Bro.,
110? Adams Avenue.
$75 to $200 Each.
$75 to $200 Each
The place for those who care to have their
clothes Cleaned, Pressed, Repaired and
Dvd All WAfli An hv thm ff r
Suits made to measure. Ail work called
for and delivered:
The Wardrobe Tailors, Wilson Bros., Props.
Ui3 Foley Btdg. Phone 735
7 , ' i
The Prettiest Waists
and gowns will become soil
ed and stained in time. But
their usefulness is by no
means ended
If Cleaned and Pressed
by us they will be as good
as new. Send us the waist,
frocks, suit or coat that .you
cannot wear because they
are spoiled or spotted. We'll
make them so you wear
Main 64. Waggoner & Znndel.
All the New
in Painthig, Paperhanglng,
Decorating and Tinting.
Ton can get the same ser.
vice here yon can In large
Phone Red 971 and talk to
Who Knows the Business.
Right in jour busiest season when you
have the least time to spare you are most
likely to take diarrhoea and lose several
days' time, unless you have Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea Remedy at
hand and take a dose on the first appear
ance of the disease. For sale bv all denlers.
! Happiest Girl In Lincoln.
A Lincoln, Neb., girl write, "I had beei
ailing for some time with chronic eonstina
tion and stomach trouble. I began taking
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablet
and in three days I was able to be up ami
got better right along. I am the proudest
gin m Lincoln 10 ana such a good medi
cine." For sale bv n l dpnlern.
wiiiuiiii...,i.!,!iiui.iii, ii....u.n., -gaii - "y n.
H A CK A NH ' uPtown fice Main 720 i
' t-Vlw t. Residence phone Main 25 ;
AMBULANCE e. L bussey
1. W:Welton & Son
Phone, Main 10
Dealers in Rock Springs Coal andWood
Officials do Not Know now and Peo
ple do Not Know Conditions.
Boston. Mass., June 7. A complete
revolution In the treatment of mis
demeanants and petty offenders thro
ughout the United States was propos
ed by Dr. Ferderlck Howard Winea,
Statistician of the Board of Adminis
tration of State Institutions of Illinois
at the opening session of the National
Conference of Charatles and Correc
tion here tonight.
Dr. Wines characterized the aver
age county or municipal jail in this
country as a school for crime, a cess
pool of moral contagion, a propogat
lnfs house df criminality, a public
nuisance and a disgrace to modern
civilization. The public indifference
to the "situation he partly attributed
to ignorance. "The county officials"
he said, "do not know what a Jail Is
supposed to be and the people do not
know what their Jails really are. In
plain Anglo-Saxon, the truth, is that
wherever there exists local graft and
political dishonesty the countv prison
is its center and its stronghold. The
sheriff or the Jailer makes a personal
profit from crime by charging per
diem for board for prisoners and by
the receipt of fees for ' locking and
unlocking the Jail doors. The profits
are a live wire. No. local politician,
possibly no member of the legislature
or even of tha state administration
dares monkey with It.
"We have substantially won the
fight for the reformatory stats prison
and the Intermediate sentence becau3
we concentrated our .fire upon a vul
nerable point and? made every shot
tell. In attacking the county jail
system we have pursued the opposite
policy. We have addressed our ar
guments and remonstrances to the
county officials, of whom there are in
Tound numbers 2500 sets, instead of
to the legislative bodies, of which
there are less than .50 We have
pleaded fer new jails, better jails,
when we should have demanded their
replacement by prisons owned and
controlled by the state and their eman
cipation from political control with Its
petty and selfish interests.
"There was a time when local con
trol was necessary and proper, but
that was long ago. Today the county
prison is an anachronism. We im
ported It with other Institutions from
England, but conservative England
has outgrown It and dates the dawn
o fits regenerate prison system from
the year of Its abolition. There Is no
good and sufficient reason why the
state which enact the criminal code
with Its- definition of crime, Its pro
hibitions and its penalties should as
sume the custody and care of the man
committed to prison for three years
and refuse to recognize its responsi
bility for the man sentenced for three
months, abandoning him to the hap
hazard mercies of inferior Jurisdic
tion which is certainly Ignorant, often
brutal and some times dishonest. It
is not the majesty of the county but
that of the state which calls for vin
dication. The supervision of crims,
let It take what form it may, is the
business of the state. The state should
name, and it should have exclusive
authority over the executive agents
to whom it entrusts the discharge
of ..this supreme governmental func
tion. 1
"The one hope of enlightened pro
gress in dealing with the problem of
crime is the overthrow of the county
Jail system. To this end we must
direct our energy. With the state
once in command there can be no ques
tion but it will find a way to right the
wrong and .remedy the evils which In
here In the present organization and
management of minor prisons."
Lutherans In Conference.
Washington, D. C, June 7. The
General Synod of the Evangelical Lu
theran church of the United States,
the oldest of American Lutheran bod
ies, assembled In the Luther Place
Memorial church in this city today for
lts 45th biennial convention. The
conference is attended by several hun
delegates representing 300,000 mem
bers of the church. Th sessions will
last a week or longer. Proposals for
a closer affiliation with other denomi
nations In church and mission work
will be discussed. The conference al
so is expected to take the .final steps
for the adoption of the new common
Lutheran hymnal.
Corvallls, Ore., June 7. Prediction
is made by Prof E. L. Potter of the
animal husbandry department of the
Oregon agricultural college, who !s
also secretary of the new state stal
lion license board, that the operation
of the new stallion law will save the
horsemen of the state many thousands
of dollars.
"If we had had the law before U
would have saved some $10,000 or $13,.
000 to the horseman of the state on
the price of animals sold them as pure
bred under bogus eert'flcates," said
Prof. Potter yesterday discussing the
results to be expected. "It is prob
able that $1,000 more was paid allocs
for the dozen stallions with unsatis
factory pedigrees for whom we have
received requests for licenses, than If
a true statement of their breeding had
been given at the time of sale.
"We have thus far had applications
from about 400 stallion owners, whlcli
s probably not much over half , t!
number of stallions owned at present
In Oregon. The greater number have
come from Wallowa county, though
many have come In from Marlon, Doug
las, Baker, and other parts of thr state
We take these applications as an evl
u.ucc ut. feuou iaiiu uu uuj pai't vi me
breeders, and they will not, of course,
be prevented from using their stal
lions between the filing of the appli
cation and the' issuance of the license.
The heavy correspondence .regarding
applications and the work of classify
ing and .filing them, occupies us at
present, but when that is done we will
begin issuing the licenses.
"Besides correcting the present
practice of some horsemen of selling
and using stallions having bogus pedi
grees, the new law will do much to
raise the standard of soundness, and
thus Improve the stock of the future.
The future saving to horsement of
Oregon on these two points will "be
mc:e than the entire cost of Inspec
tion and registration, to say nothing
of the prevention of the uso of stal
lions as 'hound' which have diseases
or constitutional weaknesses liable to
affect the offspring."
Who is the honest man?
He that doth still and strongly
good pursue.
To God. his neighbor and liimselt
most true:
Whom neither force nor fawn
ing can
Unpin or wrench from giving all
their due:
Whose honesty Is not
So loose or easy that a ruffling
Can blow away or glittering look
It blind;
Who rides his sure and even
While the world now rides by,
now lugs behind
George Herbert
In the little world In which
children have their existence
there is nothing so finely foltand
so finely perceived as' Injustice.
"Great Expectations."
A man who has any good rea
son to believe In himself never
flourishes himself before the
faces of other people In order
that they may believe in him.
"David Copperfleld." .
The desplsers of mankind are
of two sorts they who believe
their merit unappreciated and
they who receive flattery know
ing their own worthlessness. Be
sure that the coldest hearted
misanthropes are ever of this
last order. "Barnaby Budge."
Careless About Appendioits In ta
Many La Grande people have chron
ic appendicitis which Is carelessly
treated as If it were ordinary bowel or
stomach trouble. If you have wind
or gas in the stomach or bowels, pour
stomach or constipation, try simple
buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as It
Is compounded In Adler-1-ka, the new
German appendicitis remedy. A. T.
Hill states that A SINGLE DOSE of
this simple remedy will relieve any
bowel or stomach trouble.
uittebrandt Auto Co. Receives Shipment of Elegant Cars
I IU -ft.Zh P
- - a :
hiZw- it8ST H?d.lon T00 33- al is recognized by automobll. .
builders as one of the most elegant and durable cars on the market today
have arlved and are on display at the DIttebrandt Auto Garage.
Many Grande Ronde people have been anxiously awaiting the arrival nt )
nT."33'" bod,e8 the best principles' to U I found ??n the auto-
"is recKnIf,d Mte "tandard medium priced car. Substantially
built to undergo all kinds of treatment this car guarantees long life of ev-
?E ,'ervJoe- Ihe Hud90n ,a a nam to bem look for and
the skill and workmanship used in the construction of this car has never
been questioned, even by the most earnest rivals. .
an ana nave a demonstration In one of the classiest cars of the season J
Phones: Btll Main 758: IndenenrtAnt171 ""reason.
To Discnss Church Troubles
Biddeford, Me.. June 7. nnleeAte
yepresentlng Xhe French-speaking
wmuuucg or New England and por
tions of Canada assembled here today
In convention to discuss the troubles
ErsTi!;; cui or lu mvuvu ui Bittiiop
Walsh of Portland, In excommunicat
ing a number of prominent laymen
as a result of a dispute over the man
agement of church property. In ac
cordance wit hthe provisions of the
Corporation Sole," or law governing
the management of religious proper
ties, Bishop Walsh has denied the
laity the right-of representation In
the management of church property.
His attitude In the matter has met
wth strong resentment on the uart
of the lay members In the French
parishes, which are numerous In this
section of the country. The protes
tants declare they will carry the dis
pute to Rome and, falling to get re
dress there, they will seek the civil
courts to order an accounting of th
church property In the Portland diocese.
tomorrow the trains brought in the
vanguard of the veterans and their
friends today, and the largg number
of early arrlvala , indicates that the
attendance will exceed the expecta
tions of the local comratteo on ar-
campment the business streets are
profusely decorated with flaga and
' ' ' "!,'"'
Electricity Displaces Moles.
The Darby Coal company of Darby-,
vllle, Virginia, after operating sever
al years with mule haulage and hand
mining, decide to avail Itself of the
many advantages of running by elec
tricity, and will Install electric haul
age and chain coal cutting machines.
It has placed an order with the Gener
al Electric company for five six ton
locomotives. Electric power for op
eration will be obtained from the com
pany's own plant. With this Installa
tion It will be able to increase its but
put and also to effect a reduction in
the cost ot production.
W Iwconslu 0. A ,R .
Green Bay, Wis., June 7. Although
the annual encampment of the Wls
consln Q. A. R." does not begin until
For summer diarrhoea In children al
ways give Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil, and a
speedy cure is certain. For sale by alt
dealers. . .
'"pHERE is one watch
you can buy with a
surety of satisfaction
and good value the
Behind every Waltham is a
clear, clean-cut guarantee
good for all time. Behind
that guarantee is the largest
watch factory in the world.
Xhere is no need to argue
the superiority of Waltham
Watches. That has been
established for nearly three
fourths of a century.
"Iff Time You Owned a Waltham?
We make a specialty of
Waltham Watches. Com
plete assortment of all
grades and styles. Talk
with us about a Waltham.
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