La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 07, 1911, Image 1

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Disturbance Thought at First to be Ex
plosion of Powder Magazines by Plot
ters Against Madero-Triumphal En
try'to City Forestalled.!
Sew 'York, June 7, Cables between
this place and Mexico are detached. A
report received by the Western Union
nPl HI ...... - . J . A
' 75 killed In Mexico City quake.
Panic In Mexico City.
, Mexico City, June 7. The thousands
of. people wEb flocked here to partici
pate In the demonstration of welcome
for Madero upon his triumphal entry
of Mexico City, were thrown into a
panic this morning when a severe
earthquake shock rocked the buildings
Soldiers Killed.
Three soldiers are reported to be
crushed under the falling walls of the
city barricades and It is said that al
most every prisoner in Helen jail is itt
Juied more or less seriously.
As far as is known no one was killed
In the city proper.
Damage IleaTy.
It is feared that the damagj here is
heavy. The larger buildings suffered
most. Wreckage Is strewn about in
awful confusion and the city water
works mains have been broken. ' AU
electric wires are down and the c'ty
will be In darkness.
Loss of Life In South.
It is believed that the loss of life
in the southern districts is heavy as
it seems that the seismic shock was
most severe there.
Madero's Plans Altered.
The earthquake which has brought
death and confusion to Mexico City
has caused Madero to alter 'his plans;
Today was tV time set for his trium
phal entry into this city. Wires rf-e
badly twisted and It Is impossible to
learn what his change of plans will be.
Thought Assassins.
The earthquake shock came Just be
fore daylight throwing the inmates of
all the hotels and rooming houses of
the city into a panic. It was at first
! believed that the shock was the explo-
ion of powder magazines by plotters
against the life of Madero. The long
continuation of the shock dispelled
that theory. Triumphal arches erect
ed to Madero withstood the shock and
are still standing.
Seismograph Broken.
Seattle, June 7. The needle of the
seismograph in the university of
Washington was completely shaken
off the recording sheet this morning by
the violence of a quake supposed to
be 3,000 miles south of here.
Registered In Washington, D. C.
Washington, D. C, June 7. The se
verest earthquake shock ever recorded
by the seismograph of the Georgetown
university was registered here this
morning between 6 and 7 o'clock. The
maximum north to Bouth movement
lasted eight minutes and the maximum
eat to west disturbance was of ten
minutes duration. .The shock tjs esti
mated to have occurred 4.000 miles
from Washington.
gienic they are scientific demonstra
tions. "The hors d'oeuvreg," the do
tor continued, "stimulate the gusta
tion of saliva and gastric and pancre
tory mechanism and start the secre
atic Juices. Olives clean the mouth.
Soup has little nutrition value but Is
rich in gastric excitors. A free flow
of Juices is thus insured for the fish, a
food rich in proteld. The entree, by
name, appearance and taste, secures a
flow of Juice to digest the Joint and
game true foods. The eavory main
tains the flow. Sweets and desserts,
with their pleasant taste and attract
ive appearance, are taken after actual
hunger has been appeased.
"And coffee is drunk at the conclu
sion because it produces hyperaema
of the gastric mucous membrance."
Not a word was said about cigars. ,
Map of Yorktown Field.
New York, June 7. Some" interest
ing relics of George Washington were
Included In a collection placed on sale
today at the Merwln-Clayton rooms.
Probably the most important item on
the list was a rare contemporary map
of the field of Yorktown, said to have
been engraved at the special .request
of General Washington. The map was
designed by Sebastian Bauman, a mili
tary engineer of the continental army
and engraved In Philadelphia In 1782.
: The map is dedicated to "His Excel
lency, Gen'l Washington, Commander-in-Chief
of the United States of America."
Food Situation In Rome-
Rome, June 7.-fc-"DckYf8od demon
strations are becoming very serious in
Rome. Hardly a day passes without
one or more of them and many are on
a tremendous scale, They are also
growing more violent. "Clashes be
tween the demonstrators and the po
lice occur frequently and Indications
are that serious riots are likely to re
sult soon. Conditions are more or
less the same throughout Italy, but In
Rome, where pikes are at their high
est, they are the worsts
It is a fact that, following a 40 per
cent rise in the cost of living in the
last five years, the recently Inaugur
ated Italian Jubilee celebration has
sent prices in i the capital up another
20 per cent. To meet these higher
prices there has been an averse in-
crease in wages in the same five years
or only 5 per cent.
At a recent mags meeting in pro
test against the present situation, res
olutions were adopted attributing the
difficulty to the parasitic life of the
idle rich on the products of labor, to
trusts,, to protectionist food taxes and
to the monopoly of vast areas of land
by owners who "refusa to pArmtt ft
cultivation but insist on holding it
merely for its increasing market value
. There is a growing conviction all
over the country that, unless the. gov
ernment speedily remedies matters, It
will not be long before there Is a revo
lution in Italy.
Peter Larm Ends Existence of Long
Suffering at Early Hour This Morning
At Daughter's Home.
The most peculiar case of suicide to,
be recorded in this section of the coun
try is that of Peter Larm. an old set-1
tier and native of Swe1 which oc
curred at an early ho lis morning
Civil Service Commissions.
Madison, Wis., June 7.The Nation
al Assembly of Civil Service' Commis
sions, which Is composed of the fed
eral civil service commissioners and
the civil service commissioner of sev
eral states and numerous cities, be
gan Its biennial meeting in this city
today. .
Kansas Editor Expresses His Beliefs
In Regard to Presidential Compalgn
.Denver, June 1. That progressives
will name a presidential nominee of
one the old party Is the belief of Wil
liam Allen White,, the Kansas editor
and magazine writer, who is here to
"If conservatives nominate Gover
nor Harmon among the democrats,
the progressives will nominate La Fol
lette." said White. "If, however, the
republican party Is controlled by con
servatives and Taft or Sherman are
nominated then the progressives will
seize democratic party and nominate
White said conservatives' nominee
would be defeated.
Denies All Charges of Bribery Altlrl
butes Them to Inmates of District.
Seattle. June 7. -Former Chief Chas.
Wappenstein took the stand today in
his own defense at the hearing of the
bribery charges made against him. He
made a general denial of evor havlna
received any graft money in connec-
j tlon with the operation of the restrict-
d district. He attributed the testi
mony of Gideon Tupper, chief witness
for the state, who swore he had paid
Wappenstein $1,000 on August 5, 1910,
to his own activity in prospecting the
Inmates of the restricted district.
Antarctic Explorer Heard From,
London, June 7. Captain Amundsen
is well on his way to the south pole,
according to the latest advices receiv
ed here from the Antarctic exploration
party. Advices received under date of
February 9th and printed in the Lon
don Times today state that Amundsen
was then about to start southward to
establish his main depot 80 degrees
south longitude.
Hyglenlsts Dine Sumptuously.
London, June 7. The Institute of
Hygiene had a banquet the other even
ing. It was quite a formal banquet
and the result was that Beveral of the
hyglenlsts present Inclined somewhat
to rclticlze it. as not exactly the kind
of banquet that hyglenlsts ought to
eat. So many courses, they argued,
were unnecessary and put a premium
on over-conauptlon.
Whereat, at the close of the meal,
up rose Dr. J. Strickland Goodall and
told the banquetters some plain truths
Course dinner, he said, are not unhy-
Mustic Teachers of the Northwest
Portland, Ore., June 7. The third
annual convention of the Northwest
Music Teachers' association met in
this city today with a large number of
prominent musicians present from
Montana, Idaho, Washington and Ore
gon. The convention wil be in session
several days.
v Gift of 6,000 Volumes.
Whatman College Walla Walla, June
7. ThU college has Just received a
gift of the library of ex-Senator Dawes
of Massachusetts. The collection con
tions some 6,000 volumes. '
at tne home of his dau w . Mrs. Belle i
Huntley, 1521 S aver i
PecnU J t. I
The method of 3 jg an existence
of suffering chc .v ,y Mr. Larm was
strangulation J dcullar form. It Is
greater thar ould endure so some-'
time early ;vv , morning he fastened
one end of a light piece of rope to the
foot rail of his bed and with the other
end placed about hi neck with a slip
knot, the unfortunate man braced him
self on his hands and knees on his
bed and drew back, drawing the rope
about his neck. It appeared that he
held this position until death came by
Was an Old Settler.
Mr. Larm had lived In this valley
foV over 20 years residing on a ranch
at Ladds canyon.
He was born in Sweden June It,
1835. Shortly after his marriage In
the old country Mr. Larm with his wlfa
immigrated to the United States, lo--cating
in Kansas where he lived untfl
he came to the Grande Ronde valley.
Had he lived until next Sunday , ho
would have reached his 76th birthday,'
Has Lived With Son.
For the past two years Mr. Larm
has lived with his son Carol in Wal
lowa. He had been suffering for a
long time with some Internal 'com
plaint and spent moBt of last whiter la
tne local hospital where fie, was Oper
ated upon for his trouble last Febru
ary., ; v'i .-:"';'V' V
After leaving the hospital he return-,
ed to Wallowa but was forced to re
turn to La Grande about three week
ago to be under the care of his doctor.
Seven Children Survive. , ,
The deceased Is survived , by' four
sons and three daughters. , Two sons.
Alex and John Larm reside tit Ladd
canyon Andrew Larm lives in Prlna
vllle and Carol, the son with whom he
had resided for the past two years, 1
a resident of Wallowa. His daughter
are Mrs. EvafiBton of Grants Pass, Mrs. .
John Alxa who lives in Kansas and
Ms. Belle Huntley of La Grande.
$20,000 Offered for Assassin.
Gonzales, Governor of Chihuahua, Re.
I cehes a Warning Telegram.
JURY IN $2,000 SUIT.
firand Jury Returns Three True Bills
of Indictment, One Secret.
El Paso, June 7. Abrame Gonzales
I whom Madero selected as governor of
Chihuahua said that he had received a
private telegram that $20,000 had been
offered to anyone who would kill him.
Gonzales said he will go to Chihua
hua and assume the office anyway. The
Mexican consul at El Paso is making
arrangements to transport Gonzales
over the Southern Pacific railway.
$100,000 Fl IN PORTLAND
Portland, Ore., June 7. As a result
of a disastrous fire here last night 50
persons are today homeless. The esti
mated damage to property Is $100,000.
The Hanover apartment house was
gutted and Is a total loss. The loss of tn Hanover house and Is beljeved to
the Hanover house alone, is $60,000. have been started from the furnace.
Three other apartment houses, the
King Hill, Weaver and Wayne were all
The Are started in the basement of
The grand Jury today returned three
true bills of Indictment. One is against
Peter Dukeritz charged with larceny
of a dwelling and one against James
Desmond for larceny. The third bill
of Indictment Is still held secret.
Verdict In West Case.
The Jury returned a verdict in the
case of Maggie West vs. the Mutual
Life Insurance company for the plain
tiff, awarding her $93.64. Mrs. West
asked for the full face of the policy,
$2,000, which her husband ly?ld In the
defendant company.
The case to follow the West case is
that of Claude- Ogilvle vs. Carl J.
Stackland. The hearing was com
menced this afternoon.
j It Is Understood That. He Will Sup.
port Republican However.
Washington, D. C, June 7. Roose
velt today telegraphed a flat denial of
the story which has been in circula
tion for a few days, that he would sup
port Taft for the presidency In 1912.
It is positively stated here on the
highest authority' that Roosevelt did
not pledge his support to Taft for re
nomnatlon as was published.
It is said that while In Baltimore
Taft and Roosevelt did not talk politics
In any way.
It Is officially denied also, that Sec
retary Myer brought assurance thac
Roosevelt would back Taft at the next
national convention. It is understood
that Roosevelt will support the re
publican nominee, however.
Washington, June 7. During the
cross-examination of W. L. Gary of the
steel trust today, it was Indicated that
a "money trust" seeking to control
every American Industry was develop
ing. He was , asked' regarding the
power and methods of J. Plerpont Mor
gan. He said that Morgan could have
forced the sale of the Tennessee Coal
& Iron company through his control
of the banks which held the stock of
the company as collateral.
"Does Morgan control most of the
banks In New York?" asked Represen
tative) Littleton.
"I do not believe that to be true,
but he owns several banks," replied
Gary. "Anyone with Morgan's cour
age, wealth and strength of character
can do much harm as well as much
good in banking circles, but I believe
with power and privilege there la al
ways Involved certain responsibilities
and obligations!
"That is one reason why I say that
this ocuntry must come to a .point
where there Is co-operation between
the government and the ' individual,
where the government, while recogniz
ing the rights of the Individual, must
exercise strict control.
"We should have additional regula
tive legislation," added Gary.
Iowa Postmasters in Sesnlon.
Waterloo, la., June 7. Postmasters
of the leading cities of Iowa rounded
up in force here today for the fifth an
nual convention of their state asso
ciation. The president of the associa
tion Is S. J. Robertson of Fort Dodge
and the .secretary, Frank Mimnocks of
Ottumwa. The Sunday closing of the
postofllces is one of the chief subjects
to be discussed at the meeting. The
principal speaker will be P. V. De
Graw, fourth assistant postmaster
general. The sessions will continue
Observe the Csarlna's Birthday.
St. Petersburg, June 7. The Em
press's thirty-ninth birthday anniver
sary was observed as a general holi
day throughout the empire today. The
health of her Imperial Majesty Is of
ficially stated to be better than for
some time past.
At Alabama Polytechnic.
Auburn, Ala., June 7. Commence
ment week at the Alabama Polytech
nic Institute closed with the gradua
tion exercises this morning. The ad
dress to the graduates was delivered
by Hon. James Calvin Hemphill of
Richmond, Va.
Wisconsin Medical Society.
Waukesha, Wis.; June 7. Several
hundred of the leading physicians and
surgeons of Wisconsin are attending
the annual meeting of the State Medi
cal society, which met In this city to-
day for a three days' session. Dr. By
ron M. Caples is presiding over the 1
sessions. The annual address on med
icine Is to be delivered by Dr. R. C. v
Cabot of Boston and the address , on
surgery Dr Joel C. Goldthwait, al-,
bo of Boston. , .
Dr. Elmer E. Brown the SpUiker
Washington, D. C, June 7. A dis
tinguished auuTence filled the Beiasco
Theater this morning at. the com
mencement exercises of George Wash-'
ington University. The principal ad;
dresis was dellyereTby Dr. Elmer K.-'
Brown, United States commissioner '
of education and chancellor-elect of
New York' University. '
'' ..VI;
;-l!l !
Examination Denied Robert Tuft.
Columbus, O., June 7. A'legal teehi
nlcality may postpone for two year
admission , to'.'the bar 'of Robert 'Taft,. .
the son of 4fdaBtTaf tftwho .f
pected to take- Wsfclwcgixain'aUon' ? '
soon. Young Taft was unfamiliar with -
the rule requiring student t.jreglter, ; . t
when they begin their law studies. ' " ' f r'
Because of this failure the right of ,
examination wai denied him.
Leaders' Friends to Dine.'," j
Washington, June 7.Flve hundid 1
friends of union labor movement have
been Invited to a dinner to be held
here June 14 to celebrate the reversal
of the Jail sentences against President
Gompers, .Secretary Frank Morrison
and Vice President John Mitchell of
the American Federation of Labor.
Seventeen congressmen who are mem
bers of unions will attend.
Mexico City, June 7. Despite the
earthquake and the ruins Madero en
tered. Mexico City in triumph today.
The streets were Jammed with the
shouting populace who loudly pro
claimed him as the "next president"
and "liberator." ,
Madero's entry into Mexico City was
in sharp contrast to the entry into the
city 34 years ago of Diaz whom he de
posed in six months of rebellion. He
was guarded only by a small escort of
guards. There was nothing martial
about his entrance.
After the parade of the afreets,
through the triumphal arches erected
to him, Madero retired to the home of
his father on Berlin street.