PAGE 4 La GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1911. 'il i. J f s 1 Jit 1 I I I; t :l J . v 1 I j J ?: 1 i ! -Hp"" J s i I V t . I s If i It If- I: H II 5 i I f 1 ! 1 r : .. i I it t v. I i" f i'i. 5 I V 1 1 I 4 -. THE OBSERVER B? UCE DENNiS Editor and Owner. Entered at tbe postoffice at La Grande as second-class matter. ,' SUBSCRIPTION RATES Eitlf, single copy Dally, per week, Dally, per month. .U-.L I. J L.' 'Jl.'"" H JUNE toil lS IMITIWITI FIS. I i I 1 1 12 13 U 12 13 14 Ip 17 18 18 2021 222324 offers few attractions, but it Is In Just such' a place that the city hall cus todian has been making famous catch- t-3. : '.;..,'. .' . ' : . . ; The new form of fishing might still remain U II d'.s fvered were It not for. the act that something recently went wrong with the supply pipe of a large tank on the roof of the city hall building. Investigation Bhowed that a lake trout had tried to find Its way j through the pipe, and dying in the at J tempt, had stopped it. Further search 5c revealed the fact that the Jank'waa lib full of very hungry fish. "Win a hook C5c and line the custodian captured one i-i u; trout 'and -e ight bass In a short time, all of which had come through the pipes from tM central park reservoir some five mlhs distant.: investigation showed a -plentiful supply of fish in other tanks, and as a result city em ployes are now making aerial catches daily which , far surpass those of the anglers who seek th-ir game under ordinary conditions. AERIAL FISHING A SEW PASTIME -.. Aerial fishing la New York's latest pastime. , This does not mean angling for flying flab or from aeroplanes. Of course piscatorial yarns of varying dimensions and credibility ore plenti- ful at this time of the year, but a new record haB JUBt Deen"eBtablshed which far exceeds the feat of pimple Simon of Mother Goose fame In attempting to catch a whale in his mother's pail. As a , result city employes are now making good catches on dry land a hundred feet or more aboveMhe street level, and are claiming the title of aerial anglers. The man to surpass Simple Simon's record Is the custod ian of the city hall, who, as a result of his, catches of trout 'and-bass on the roofof this building has undoubtedly achieved a life membership In the Isaac Walton society. ' For a fishing ground the root of a business building La Grande fared fortunately yester day In that no petty crime was corn- mitted by the parasites and leeches following lh the wake of circuses. The ehootipg at Hilgard reflects the des perate temperament of the hobo ele ment and but for watchful eyes of po lice holdups and house robberies might have been the order of the cir cus day. "' '- ' ''' ;-. . . -, .' ment, but it Is essential to.your prop- l . er conception of the difference be-! 1 tween the panhandle, of Texas ofpl which you have read and 'the panban-U . f l t. i V- I . . . .. , I .f auuw ii, iuai you oe ioia mat the first exhibition of your skill as a manipulator of the ostracised bIxt shooter will cost you a hundred dol lars and six, months to a year In the county Jail. You will not do any Buf falo Bill mock htroics, but yon .rh ride, a gang plow across those f ir spread fields, and you can watch the fragrant breezes rippling the billowing' harvests that have Bprung from fer tile depthB at the bck of ?our Indus try" v..:'-. :... ' Most of the runaways are boys who are headed toward the west, but each year tbe stern fact is learned that the. runaway with little money an find only one result, a .sentence to hard labor, In the fields where Imagination pictures varied assortments of buffa lo, ahtefope and cow punchers. v It seems strange that men of good common sense could be fleeced as was MM. ly. The ' confidence " game Is worked strongly but so old a trick as this shouldn't "do" a man of common sense. .' ' :..'! "- .; . " .: ,;''- . .-, ... j SCRAMBLED EGGS FROM KALAMAZOO. T i Ml IF-' :-v , .-,,, .-...v I 1 I i II JTT V l I D fc. 5 ?:' ;' ' ,' v V-; are mostly due to the fact that THE STYLE'S SO DIFFERENT ""Direct from Paris." Madame Savarie lives in Paris for the one reason,j"to recure the very new est Parisian styles for Wooltex." ". Business stores may close up but the street Improvement goes on just the same. Warren Construction corrc pany .rjjrn and cement contractors were as active today as though this was' the last day of grace. '; V , 1 ': TIIE AND 30AV. THEATRE . "Slabsides" -A Kaleran drama. A strong western Btory " well acted showing the Navajoe des-' ert and dry lake.' More than one man has died upon - its brink he found it was dry burn ing sand Instead of water. "Unto XJ a Child Is, Born" A Selig. Drama. Strong, wdl adted and a study In photoplay. "Peace Offering" Vltagrapli comedy. The story is admira bly worked out and the situa tions are funny enough to keep you laughing from start to fin .lah. It's a Vltagraph. For this change we have two good songs. At matinees Miss .Stephenson will sing an illus trated song entitled, "Maybe I'll Come Back This . Afternoon," At the evening performances the very latest song hit. "I Will Love . You When the Stiver Threads Are . Shining Mongst the Gold." She will sing in the spotlight. The outbreak of spring runaways in Chicago and other big cities Is more acute this year than ever before although (he number has been grow ing larger year by year. One Chicago boy wrote to the postmaster of a tqwri In the Texas Panhandle saying? ": "Dear Sir: Do you want to hire any cowboys? I can ride, rope and shoot well nough to take care of mj self. Age,. 19. Can take another fel low out if you say so. State wages and when to go out." . But the dreams of wild riding cow boys and seven-shooters was given a cold Bhock, for the postmaster replied, "Let me shatter the hope that, may hap, your young life with visions of romance of wild rides across endless leagues of . blossoming prairie ' of thundering hoofs and clashing horns, of maddened herds In midnight stam pedes of panting horses and swish ing lariats of redhaniled outlaws bat tling to hold their booty In tbe granite recesses of cliff -bordered ' gorges. There are no fair and only daughters of cattle kings whose rescue from desperate bands of lowbrowed ruffians will win for you an easy life and j happy home. The poetry of life has lost Its metric measure in the golden west, and your letter came 40 years too late to secure for you a situation that would . adjust Its facts to your fancies. It may surprise you, Harry, and cause you the natural pain that accompanies, every stern' disillusion- WCOLTEX manufacturers spend $50,000 each year for style alone The Best of America's from Paris Highest Quality Materials all tlirougli STBat-Wobltex-' : ... (Copyrght, by Will Brownell.) : ' - Only those who keep off the track and wait for the train to pass, will be able to even guess how fast It was running. , ."- , , ' ; There ar nearly as many children nervously engaged, la .trying to keep the. old folks In the background as there are parents busy. In trying to force their backward children Into the foreground. ' , , ; . , The world is full of music, yea, ver ily, and also , of discordant sounds. The man however, who deliberately picks out as fat over by the bass drum ought not to expect to hear the flute very distinctly. , Ma's bridge club met at our housa last night and this mornin' dad snick ered bo, all the time he was eatin' hi breakfast, he, could hardly swaller. Ma was more or less subdued, 'cause she knew dad had caught her with the gooas on ior once, dui, nevenneiess, y ; . . she wasn't so darned subdutd that 1 1 COME AND SEE THESEJ CHARMING GABMENTS dad felt "safe in crowdin' the thing toot far. Dad finally eald: "We're havin' nice weather this : spring, ain't "; we, Mary; a little bit Btormy last night, b,ut it'll clear off In' a few days, I guess."; And then dad Just Uancd baok In his chair and laughed fit to kill himself. Ma's eyes flashed out all kinds of daggers and other firearms and she kicked the cat clean across the room when she said: ."You think you're awful smart, don't you, makin j remarks and giglin about the weath er. I know what you're thlnkln' about guaranteed for two full sea sons wear. IN OUR SUIT DEPARTMENT TODAY w THE STORE THAT SELLS WOOLTEX ifrJiiiiniifriiiiiuiiJiifriiiy Old Friends and New 1 ' Winnina permanent,'. lasting friends is the work' of time, and this bank numberl among . .its . clients hundreds of banks and business houses with whom it has had close relations for; a great part of; the twenty-four years of Us existence. '- & Our friends "have helped to make this oneof the '. largest and strongest banks in the West. We have helped in their making, too.. ; . ; . a We welcome new friends 'and will attend to' their .wants with the same fidelity which has cemented our relations with our older ones. " , ; ', La Grande National Bank LA GRANDE, OREGQN. - , CAPITAL . . . $t 100,000.00 :? SURPLUS v . ,.100,000.00. '. ' RESOURCES . . '. . 1,100,000.00 ' .:, ! ; " UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Fred J." Holmes, Pi es. '"" W; J. Church, Vice' Pres. , F. L. Meyers, Castuei Earl Zundel,i4ss'f. Cashier ' ssttmutiiHtMMiniimiiiiitiuiiidMtH i fidA J m - and I want to tell you right now tbatjulu,B ulilu 'uw Utt 10 mui an there's some women what'll never be other comparison this total mileage la to my house agin as long as equal to 13 rips to the sun, or n;ar I live. I had the high score myself , jy one a and tolo.003 trips to ana was entuiea to tne prize, even it the club did meet at my house. When I get down so low," says ma, "that I have to mark up my score card In or der to win a prize, I'll quit playln,' th'at'B all. 'CourBe I ain't calling arr names, but two or three of the ladVv what had low Bcores come to me after ; It was over aria" told me they played ; next to the last game at the table with i Ished about 17 ridca to , every man, woman and child In the whole coun try. The ten billion nickels which I; is .estimated will be collected annual- the modii '. ' -.. Iy by the transit lines hrfnr iss win Enormous as these ' Ilgu -cj ( may represent a sum equal to one-half of i tk .... llfl oso - ' I ft I in? the last half century. In I860 the surface rallwav in Is now Greater New Yori: carried 50,000,000 passengers and in UlO uliout fjino,- the cheat what took the prize and that i tv"u - ... iu... .u her ficore wasn't no hlgher'n theirs' " toal Vopnl m of th: earih. Each Dad Wt never oekat enanm - New Yorker tiok .M2 cr rides last Dad don't never take no mean . itdvan- year and tbe 10 ! ?M ,huve furn- tage. He stopped laughln' and "Well ( never mind, be a sport, Mary; j ' , v. ii you Kttuiuie, yuu muBin i vv wei- , tive estimate based on the growth of.,": V, ' 'Zl , at the car-riding habit in this city dur- ?at !t Wl" be , ""w.uuu. j mciaujr iu uoueycomo inn jcity with subways and griddle It with surface and elevated lines to handle cher." '!2is NEW YORKERS RIDE IMMENSE ! DISTANCES YEARLY. , .J J i Enormoas Snms Represented In Total. Expenditure for Rides. , ; ! New York," June That tha resi dents o; this city wi'I within a 80 trrtion be, speadim $50Vi' '.tW an i unity for ten li Mion car -rides is the r most, .ncredthli repo.'t of eNpri9 who have been studying this matte.".. Allowing three miles as the average length of each ride this mfans-' that New Yorkers before 1C50 will he trav eling 30.000,000.000 miles each year in subways, i leva ted trains and sur face lines. 'In other words this an nual travel will be equal yearly, to 1,200.000 trips around the earth or T Five Minute Washing Powder .'.;f-;,-:;i 5 :l "V" 20 WASHINGS f6rH5 CENTS 1 RoyalGrocery H. Pattison, Prop, ; Jiot in the Association the enormous traffic is now foreseen, the only question being whether there will be room enough to accommodate the transportation lines if sufficient ' space Is to remain In which passen gers can live and conduct their busi ness. Happiest Girl in Lincoln. ' A Lincoln, Neb., girl writes, "I had been ailing for tome time with chronic oonstipa tion and stomach trouble. I began taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and in three days I was able to be up and got better right along. I am the proudest gin in Lincoln to and sucb , a good Cieav cine." For sale by a", dealers. Directory of; the Fraternkl Orders . . of L Grande, Oregon',';' vV: 1. T. & A. M. La Grande LodgetNo. . 41. A F. ft A. M. holds regular meet ings first. and third Saturdays at . 7:30 p. m. 'Cordial welcome1, to all . Masons. L. M. HOYT, W. M.-,. A. C. WILLIAMS, Secretarr. 3. P. O. E. La Grande Lodge Nc. 433 ,meetaach Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Elk's club, corner of De pot, street and Washington ateou. Viiltlng brothers' are cordially tn- Tlted to. attend. r v "' X RITTER, Ey.V Rui. H. E. COOLIDGE, Rec. gee. WOODMEN OF .. THE WORLD La. Grande Lodge No. 169 W O. W. "meets etery second and fourth Sat urdays at K. P. hall. -All visiting meberg welcome. - - D. FITZGERALD,. C. . C. . J. H. KEENEY. Clerk.- M. W. A. La Grande Camp No. 7703 ' meets every Monday hi the xnrnth at the I. 0. O. P.. halL ' All visiting nelghbort are cordially inrlted to tttend. . v.'.- - -'- E. E. DANIELS, ' .:.".'. ED. HEATH. Clerk. liEBEKAHS-rmalfLodjte No. M meets every Tuesday evening to the r t O. O. F. hall. All visiting mem ' hers are Invited. to attend. ' MRS.. ICATIE ARBUCKLE, N. O. MISS ANNA' ALEXANDER, flee. ! KNIGHTS OF, PYTHIASRed Crm Lodge No., 27, meoka erery .Monday night in Castle hall, (old Elk's hall.) " A Pythian": welcome to tt Wuitlai '. , Knights,' ' v ):-:T'-'V jess'pat;l,cc.' R- L. LINCOLN,, M. of a A 8. J- O. E. S.Hope Chapter No. 13, O. B. C. boln stated comtnunlcattons th second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. Visiting members cor dially Invited. " -''"f-.. '. CARRIE B HUNTER, W. M. '. V ." MARY A! WARNICK, Sec. : , WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT r- Ronde Circle Nov 47. meets ; '. first an, "iolrd Thursday btv-;'! ; In the mo. ! -s t ibe Lt)6 ..-' - All vlsltlag' (t;erB are " " ' '" CARRIE ROBB3. G..M... ! LIZZIE ELLSWORTH. ,71.