LA GUAtfDE EVENING OBSERVER FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1911. PAGE 3 $75 to $200 Each .kiveroide AeMi $75 to $200 Each iioEi-L n Buy on Your Own Term William Miller &Bro., 1107 Adams Avenue. PHONE, MAIN 1. . $75 to $200 Each $75 to $200 Each KII1G Wl TO PI G NORTH POWDER AND NORTH PORTLAND APPEAR MIXED. Bakr Paper HaTlng Live Tussle Over , Location of Big Plant Adr About Our Easy Payment Plan Satisfaction Guaran teed with Every Purchase s VDJ.OJiQ.Dlii is an Extravagance no community can afford; to do anyone a benefit it must be kept moving and to do the most good it should seek legitimate channels. Then let us divorce ourselves from the prevailing "get rich quick" fever and get back to the good ways of our forefathers! Put your money into something at home, where it will , Help Your Home Town and enhance the other interests you majr have Why not build a home? There's no satisfaction 5 like that born of the knowledge you own a home. Start it today and tomorrow you'll awaken with a feeling of independence like that of 1776. Of course you'll need lumber, but we can quickly help you out, as our stock is complete and most orders 'can be filled'theday.eet.them.. North : Powdor is all agog today since the arrival of the gtpry tha the Armours are contemplating the build ing of a large packing plant costing a million and a Jialf and employing 1,500 men, Bays a Bpeclal tqtbe fcaker Herald.;1,,; r-,.:v.: ; While there are some who doubt the Btory ' because they believe It la too big a thlng'to come to North Pow der, yet the activity here of a man who purported to be S. D. Armour a short time ago makes it seem certain that the Armours are planning some thing for this place, ? . 7V r'v -p";'5' " Armour when he was here told no one his business until he bad secured options .on several tracts of land and when that was accomplished he vealed his Identity. i V : He secured options on the Luna and Trevllltan tracts and stated that the canning plant would be on the San. ders tract, the packing plant on the Limn tract, una th. f A11n prnunn nn the Trevillian tract.' yLunn is In Port land at this time and cannot be seen for confirmation of the story.. .; Naturally you want the inost for your money, in furniture as' in anything - That's good business on your part. It is-our constant endeavor to give xrr. greater values in quality, service and satisfaction than4 you can find elsewhere. That's good business on our part. It is the principal reason why we have the largest furniture business. in Eastern Oregon. Our stock is large enough 1 for you to find just what you want, and -our prices and terms make it easy for you to buy and pay for it. - - 1 . . ' . - : r WENAH A LUMBER GO. GREENWOOD & MADISON Home Phone 421. Bell Phone, Main 732 -if i There seems to be a 4wlde discrep ancy between reports as to the loca tion of the proposed Armour pack ing plant. A report from Baker says the plant is to buill at North Portland while one of "the newspapers runs the North Powder side of the story. ; The Democrat says: vV'P vA.;. :' ;!' Local cattle men are Informed by Portland dealers and others connect ed with the Industry, in tha cly, that Armour and company will in the near future establish a big packing plant there, in competition with the Swift Packing company, which . invaded Portland, as a , northwest headquar-r ters, soma time ago. ' : v. According to Portland cattle men, representatives of the. Armours, In cluding the son of the" member of the firm having charge of the immense Kansas City packing house, have been there for some time, . and arrange ments have practically been complet ed for thl beginning of the construc tion of a packing plant, that , will be located at North Portland. : The plant will employ at the begin ning at least a thousand men, it . is said, and will mean the investment of several million dollars at the outset. The announcement means that Port land is more than ever becoming a strong cattle center, and lOcalcattte men are, much pleased at the pros pects of the establishment of a branch of this big corporation at the market center of the cattle from this district. Clogston & Nutter Painters, Paperhanger s, Decorators Phone Ind. 1341. 170851-2 Sixth Street GALL - AND - GET - PRICES Happiest Girl In Lincoln. : A Lincoln, Neb., girl write, MI had been ailine for some time with chronic contita jtion and itoraacli trouble. I began taking and in three days I wus able to be up an'! got better right along, I ata the proudest girl in Lincoln to find such a good medi cine." For sale by af I dealers. ; POST OFFICE CANDY STORE Fin Line of CAJfDT, FUCITS. $ , ICE CREAM POSTCARDS TOBACCO SEWS DEALERS. Up-to-date Confection ery line ce Cream and Soft Drinks S ELDE R'S THE KIND YOU UKE AT. IVE HAKE OUR 0YH ICE CREAM AND SHERBET Chickens will soon cackle and crow, if you give themDIAMOSD CMCK FEED. We have all kinds of POULTRY SUPPLIES, Bone, Qrlt, Oyster Shell Charcoal. Etc' '. . ' . , . ' ' Water s-Stanchfield Produce Co. i mmoN m. One-Third of Your Life is Spsat in Bad . '. - . """7""" """ ' . "" 1 ' ' S ' ' ' cm.iw.i., ,Ij Make Your Bedroom Comfortable and at- Z I tractive at Little Cost-Cash or Installment Beds Iron, brass and enam- "" " . -( in all sizes; a few in ' the full width only. You have more than 50 styles to choose from, and a range of prices from $3.00 to $100.00. With such a wide lati tude for choice, It will be strange if you can't f find just the kind you 1 have in mind. "Napo eon" beds, copied from the early , nineteenth century, shown in ma hogany and Circassian walnut. Chiffoniers Chiffoniers In designs Double serpentine fronts, five large draw ers and three small ones. Drawers are roomy, strongly glued and mortised ' bo thty can't warp out of shape. They work, on "anti friction" slides, . " and . they are easily opened and shut. These-chiffoniers are fitted with the finest French bevel- '; ed mirrors. They come in walnut, mahogany and Pacific oak. $9.00 to $60.00. Mattresses You'll want a good mat tress. One that Is' com fortable and that won't " bunch on sag. We car ry several kinds, but we stake our reputa tion on the B. M. 0. E. , . . . . .'.v. ... . ...... r . It is light, clean, soft and reBtfuI. .Sold on 30 nights', trial and lasts a lifetime. Mattresses $18.00. Dressing lliat , lady doesn't ap preclata a dainty dres sing table in one of our popular styles t Strong ly made with large mirror. Dresser chairs to match. Dressing ta ble $6.00 to $25.00 Chairs $2.00 to $7.50. DH IE MOST & (CARD COMPLETE HOUSFURNISHERS Lull ICE POND SOLD OUT EXPRESS COMPANY BUYS PLAXT FOB OWN USE. Institution Handling Hundreds . of Tonslg Sold by Andrew Lnn. North Powder) June 2. (Special)-- The Pacific Express company, which owns the refrigerator cars and han dles all the fruit and meat shipping of this territory, has purchased the led pond of A. Lun for the sum of $16, 000. The company has announced that it will construct an ice house, and plant costing $35,000 Immediately. The Ice house will he long enough so that a whole train can be rnn into it and Iced right on' the spur track; which will run through it' ' Last year , seven or eight hundred cars of ice were shipped from this pond to Umatilla, La Grande Pendle ton and Hunttnff-t-nn 'nnil naari fn Inn " wmvm vv I refrigerator cars; The new plant will ; be 'the means of eavlng a large amount of money each season to the express company. ,f - - Mr: Lun is in Portland at this time closing the deal. ; J. 'K.; Bradley & Co. SANITARYPLUMBING Phone, black 3482 NEXT DOOR TO CITY HALL HA (TIC ANn ' UPtown offlce Main 720' YVt, a 71 Residence phone Main 25 AMBULANCE . L dussev Piles Cured In 0 U 11 Days. PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure any case of itching, blind, bleed ing or protruding piles In 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50c. Right in jour busiest season when you have the least time to spars you are mot likely to take diarrhoea and lose several days' time, unless yon have Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ana Diarrhoea Remedy at hand and take a dose on the first appear ance of the disease. For sale by all dealers. .; We will have on display for a few days a sam pie line of ;," Electroliers, or ii Reading Lamp from the factory. Any one desiring one of these ; ! beautiful lamps can make a selection. ; They ; ; ' come direct from the factory and we can make ; ; very exceptional prices. , i Newlin Book & Stationery Co. i t v - t J' i': 1 s ; .".AlV.Sl-M