v,. ... .. PAGE 8 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1911. li u 3? V i , ' V . ) .1' Si ii. mi- rift ; t I!; Success Never Was an Accident The marksman may accidently hit the bull's eye once in a great while, but Hard Work, Per sistence, Determination and Practice are the prime factors that eventually win success. You have only to look about you to realize this truth. Every successful man you know those you read about in the news columnsowe their success in no small measure to the assist ance their banker was able to render in im portant transactions. -Vr:. v3fe U. S. National Bank Capital . . $100,000.00 BOYS CI IE III pjfiiii v im to at Skagway, White Horse, Dawson, and Dickman. v . , ' CIRCUS RIDER REMEMBERED. A. B. CHERRY, IAIKDRTMAN, AD. TAKCES PLAUSIBLE SCHEME. Ran Works In Coujuntloii With the Postal Savings Bant Here. n-a 1-.....; of saving . their pennies can i find a safe and plausible assistance j from a lqcal business man if they will consult ljlm. He is A.B. Cherry, (ha proprietor of the Cherry's New laun. dry and he has a plan arranged, ' working In conjunction with the government postal savings bank op ened in La Grande this morntng. The syBteia is a simple one, yet is phll. anthroplc, in Its lncepton and promul gation. It wll afford many a boy and girl a chance to save nlckles and dimes which in a short' time will as. sume "startling" proportions, if they are properly adhered to. . Mr. Cherry will be glad to explain the - proposed money saving method j 10 Hiiymmy mailing inquiries concern lng It. Sells-t'loto feople Honor iuemory oi Former Bicycle Rider. Though liTlng in a hurly burly, hard work, rapid moving over the cuntry atall sorts of hours, and gen erally reputed a hard lot, circus peo pie never forget their dead. This was exemplified today when several automobile loads of neonle with the Sells.FIoto circus this morn Ing immediately after the parade wtnt to the cemetery where they decorated the grave of a man named Alexis, a bicycle rider, who died In Baker seven years ago of typhoid. Each year' a circus comes to Baker, his grave is decorated. This Is done wherever a circus man is buried all over the country. Armfuls of flowers were taken long and a beautiful "Gates Ajar" floral piece" waas placed on the grave. Granny. "Do you know Percy?' ' "yes." "What do you think of himf , j "lie is a nice old Indy." ' "Wbiit niiikCH you su.' thatT" "Mh tflwiiys drinks tonnud latvrs a i'j.c iu.i' uii I'ticuiiiiirisin " ' Did You Know that Uncle Sam Opened A ; i V . Postal Savings Bank in LaGrande Today, i ; ( Would You like to Save Your Pennies and Dimes and open an account in this new Bank? ; If so, I wilf make you this offer. , I Will start a Savings Account f or any Boy in LaGrande between the ages of 10 andl6 3rears old. It costs you nothing. , vyn i UKJ i ur r ni i vj DO TKIS? I believe the boys of today in La Grande will in a few years be our business and profession al men. I want to see every boy in the city begin to save while he is young. i 14 it ft 8 i LEAVES FOR THE NORTH MKS. SI('K1(;EI will PLWE. THA1E ALASKAN IMEKIOIL Aft-r Visit With' Sister llrrr. Takes IJiimrliirc fur I.onv Trip, Mrs. Frankle Sickipger'wlio has been vlsltlnij her sister.. Mrs. Frank Leavitr lift last night for Portland. From . there she goes to Seattle, where she will sail on the steairier Bolphtne for Alaska which leaves Saturday even ing, June 3. She goes to Idltarod, to Join her husband who has been In business in that city the past year. During her trip she will make stops All Rum.mbrred. "Evrr try 'M!iiiiil.::niiia !a u womnn ...)!: n !.i:" ' Nc (!. n!ms.l! fee: r I .,; ) ,.;in d..l;!lt , !"(! -:i !(i;-rt'0t;. i.-..j t'.! 1.1 li. :-l.,. lltlil in I !; (' ' ' ' ' '. 'I - ', Gin nt New Liner Ready for Service. Belfast, June 1. Amidst' the screeching of countless whistles and the ih.era from a large assemblage, the mammoth new White Star liner Olympic, Capta'n Smith, R. N. R., sailed out of port today for Liverpool. It is the Initial trial of this largest of all steamships and. as a conse- fiuence It Is attracting much attention In marine circles,' The ship will re man at Lverpool a day for pubic lnl spectlon and then will proceed to Ply. mouth and Southampton. On June T4thshe Is scheduled to start on her Y ou can Save will help started Come I to me at arid I will tell yoii all July 1st I want to start a "Boys Savers' Club." You will want to join this club. I wi!l tell you why. Watch this space Saturday. , A. B. CHERRY; MANAGER you to get the Laundry eiboutit . . : : I ' I. EW LAUNDRY maiden voyage to New York.. modatlon for 00 first, 500 secnd, and last Wr a conference of representa- is to enable commercial bodies to rive The Olvmolc Is not onlr th lar?. 1 nn ataman noooann..0 tt- xt.h . . , ,A , .. . ' . . 8 A o v 6 00.600. nCl uc iiauuimi uoara i iraue at us meeting united and affective exnresstnn f est of all ocean liners ; but also the will consist of the commander, seven lasf decorations. Among her SDec al fea- . k tti. 0-- u,. . . yiumoie ioreign and . uuncu oiaico aaoouiuicu uuiiifBHC iraOO. It Will nrohnhT hn .Sti-T: frcIalJTenteCalt. , in this city .today to take eteps tom decided t maintain a cwttTlSSiS- rv er ,,, v I y M0- June IIn pur" Pea a national organization. The Washington to look after legislative Turkish tilth Rha will hava arnnm e.iana i ... . .. . . .. c8"lUVO -v- ""- wi uiuomcui omneu oy iun DurDOBO oi tn nronosea orraniz&tion mpnanrpn . Daffy Dan, the Baseball Fan, Takes the Kid to See the Big Sells-Floto . Circus '. ' - - I or t .t ivia or . 1 !, ' i , ' , . ; . : ;