PAGE 8 ? LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. ; WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1911. n A TT88 VfSJ YT Y V it If.. cue s For one week the Great Bargain Battle has been raging and hundreds of dollars worth of merchandise has been carried to the homes throughout La Grande and surrounding country. Don't let these few days pass without sup plying your wants while you have the privilege to buy High Grade Merchandise at these prices; - BOYS' SUITS less than 1-2 price $5.00 MEN'S SUITS brand new stock; grays, SHOES at less than half price. 500 prs. LADIES' WHITE LAWN DRESSES; and $6.00 suits. Ages 10 to o A o tans, browns, and all the. new shades; in bins for. men, women and children, lace and embroidery trimmed, slightly 16 years P "Q snappy styles, regular $15.00 Ji A OC Men's and Women's $5.00 (Jo JO soiled, values to $17,50 onJo fO " and $16:50 values, on sale ...... pl veOJ values, all sizes, at PexO gale, all sizes P O GINGHAMS at a great sacrifice. The "' . . ' .. ', ,' ' " ,. very best brands as Toile du Norde, A. 5,000 yards new summer wash goods, ex- WAIST VALUE extraordinary. White UNMATCHABLE BARGAINS in silk F. C. and Red Seals, etc., at the very ceptional values; all shades and pat- new waists, fine lawns, lace trimmed, fpetticoats, guaranteed taffetas, all col low price of new pat- ll terns, regular 15c to 25c val- ' bright new goods, on sale Q:Q ors, fine tailored designs. Val- do OC terns i C ues, on sale .,;;,,,,:,,;;.;.,;,.;.;:..;:; I C at ;.;;..'.:.......:.,:..;.......r.,,;...:,:v..::v:..;.; Ji7C ues $6.00 to $8.00, on sale'yf 9? $225.00 vorth of Merchandise yet to be Given Away during these few days " i cerium percentage ui our saieS ttifc giveii lO olif CUSiuiiicrS caCii uay, aiiu wm uc unili the full $500 has been given away. Come, get the plan and your part of the merctandiise -.... ( i -i line rail9 D St ore j- PER CENT ft INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS The growth of this bank is the best evidence that its policy and methods are in accord with the demands of present day business needs. The manufacturer, mer chant or banker seeking, modern banking connec tions will find this bank . as liberal in its dealings as is consistent with sound banking. We are at all times pre pared to discuss your re quirements with you and invite consultation. United States National Bank LA GRANDE, OREGON WHITMAN COLLEGE, WALLA WALLA - i nil Wiu iiitf. nil i nil ""1 1 lie Institution nher a siliolarshiu w orth $100 was sec nnd for one of the Mlnnors In the ObNcrvor contf4t. SHOOTING A HORSE. scheduled to open operations today, is ,' resting as easily today as was expect, j e4 and though It Is a little early to ' forecast future turns of the results, tht Way to Instantly End His Mlssry attending physicians do not believe I Should Hs Brk a Lag. thn out QimtntnA in a nnliiainn last? When a horse falls in the harness his ' - evening will prove very serious. Hla head Is hurt and one side Is badly1 bruised but' though terribly sore, ft: was found by Dr. Bacon that the first reports of the seriousness of the accl-! dent were exaggerated. : Mr. Wilson was riding a wheel last uatural Inclination Is to get up again. The shock of the fall has excited blm more or less, and In bis efforts to arise he may further Injure himself as well as the harness. ' 1 .. ' . The first action should be to sit on bis h;id. poluiliia ills' nose upward with :ie ti;iud. to keep blm from w 8afar Still. . "He Is a scrapper, all right." "Does his fijthtlng by long distaac telephone. I presume," "No: by wIrele8.M . . . Th Prolifie Saason. " A year from now we hire a ball ' To pick a candidate, , And many booms will rise and fall ' ' Before arrives that daa. T evening during the band concert and , struggling until the trares and all other on rounding the corner of Depot and attachments to the vehlcl can be un . . . . t , , . ftL... ' fastened. ' If two ptrsous are present Adams, dodged a team only to striko be ty an automobile picking its way across , u fl horse breaka Wa , most the street through the big crowa . or humne as wen as the most sensible listeners to the band, concert. Tho fall brulstd him severely and It was feared for a time that' his head had been badly fractured by the heavy fall to the pavement. I mmw HnnqrlDPiPif vinn Ic ni i I in ii -11111111 iiiiiiiii i hi ii i i.n IlktbUWkll IIWIIWU UIIIUI1 I I II I LI IU . THIEF TAKEN STILL IDLE RAILROAD WAR - . I ' '' . AAPIIP ' nil! l'Tfl BROUGHT HERE FROM LK WIST OX BY CIIILDERS THIS MORNING Is Alleged to Be One of Those Stealing Elgin Hones. One of the men said to have stolen valuable horses from Guy Patten and others In the vicinity of Elgin about 10 days ago, was brought to La Qrande in Irone today and is now in the coun . ty Jail here. He was arrested near Lew Is ton, Id aho, and Sheriff Chllders brought htai to La Qrande, arriving here this morn ing. There was more than one man in the gang said to have stolen the hors es and made off to the Snake river but at this time only one has been np prehended. Whitman Wins Contest Whitman College, Walla. Walla, May 31. (Special) Mr. Fred Clemens of the senior class won. the oratorical contest held at Pullman Friday night Washington state college, Oregon Ag rlcultural college and Whitman col lege were represented. ACCIDENT TO OWNER PREVENTS PLANET WORKING. Ready for the Signal to Be Given, Ie- lay Is Made Necessary. On account of the accident last night in which the owner figured, the La Grande brick yarde did not commence operations this morning as plauned. The plant is ready for the signal to commence, and while there hu been a slight delay through the injuries sus tained by Mr. Wilson, It is not believed It Is tor long and that the plant will be in full running order shortly. Mr. Wilson has had the yard and machinery made ready for a smooth start thl morning, only to meet with the accident BELIEVED NORTHERN WASHING TON TO PROFIT. ' Hill and Harrtman o War for Advan. . tag In Rich District MR. WILSON RESTS EASILY. Flat From Wheel In ColIMea Leaves Severe Braises and Cuts. , John Wilson, recently purchaser of the La Grande brick plant, which was Portland, May 24. That north Cen tral Washington will be the scene of the next big railroad building war ba the Hill and Harriman systems is re ported here tdday, based on Activity shown by the Harriman forces un der General Manager Strahorn, of the third district of the O. W. R. ft N. Sur veys -were made along the upper Col umbia some time ago, In the country now exclusively controlled by the Great Northern. It is now reported that the right of way men are busy and that -construction will begin sooa North central Washington compris es 11,000 square miles, and Is a Vich , agricultural country. action is to shoot him on the spot It is true that cases are on record where broken' legs have been success fully treated by means of suspending the horse In a sling and pulleys, but, the experiments In this dlrectl6n have almost invariably met with failure. To shoot a suffering animal and kill him Instantly is not so simple a mat ter as it at first appears, says Country Life In America.' Many shots are sometimes fired before death results. How and where, should a horse be shot?. In the center of every horse's fore head a little above the line of the eyes la a little swirl something like a cow lick. Three Inches above this swirl is the exact spot to lodge the ballet to Insure Its piercing the brain. The bullet should not be of lens than 38 caliber. - . . For sprains hot or cold bandages are recommended. Fomentations promptly applied sometimes prevent permanent ! lameness, spraining oi tne - back sinews Is only too common and un less promptly and properly treated re sults in kuuckllng and other complica tions. Blistering, firing and even nerving are resorted to, bat It should be borne In mind that these drastic measures are often unnecessarily tak en. Rest, turning out where practi cable under favorable conditions, and massage often effect a care. Not Infrequently a horse will pick np a nalL It la unnecessary to say that the first aid Is to remove the nail. If suppuration ensue poultice the wound and give the animal rest until welL It may be well to remove the shoe for a time. Great care should be taken that the nail be not broken off flush with the sole and left there to fester. Horses are peculiarly susceptible to tetanus. tr lockjaw, and a nail often causes It KRYPTOK HOI Without line! in to ?v L$ns Neck-Twisting Glasses ' Wearers of tha old style far-and-near glasses, made by glue ng one piece to the foot of an other. MAKE MUCH' COM PLAINT of the neck-Jerking and neck-twisting to look over and under the line that crosses the kn8. Wearers of the new est gldas, the - i Kryptok do not complain, for this tar and-near glass has "NO VISI BLT2 LINES,,, "NO PIECE GLUED ON," and is so hand somely mad? that, the glasses of a lady of sixty are no more "CONSPICUOUS" than those oft a young lady of twenty. GET THE GENUINE FROM .. ME. All leadng physicians of La Grande recommend my opti cal work. - , Any lens duplicated In a fewi minutes. , I GRIND ALL MY GLASSES HEACOCK Eyesight Specialist. -; Next door to the Postoffioe.