PAGE 6 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, WEPNESDAY, MAY 31, 191L i Meadatiarters ifor in ' Ki - J r-- 01,0 ; this IB one or the principal features of SHAPE RETAINING CLOTHES 8 Adler's Collegian Clothes You get terllng values whea you purchase one of these Buits. We l are now showing the widest range of exclusive patterns In our history. ! SUITS OF ELEGANCE FOR TOl.NG MEN, who appreciate style. A We want you to see this magnificent Bhowlng of .Adler's Collegian I Clothes. Come tomorrow, and let us Bhow you one of these suits at H $15.00 and up. ASH BROS. The Home of Good Clothes IClassiiiedl Advertising J NEW 7-ROOM lOUSE In northern part of Riverside Addition. Near ly two acres of land In the 15 full size lots and the three fractional ..lots. Barn and chicken house, well and pump. 85 assorted fruit trees. This small acreage home place, Just beyond the city limits, Is certainly ' a bargain ' at $2100.C0. r Half cash. See picture at office of WILLIAM MILLER Sc. BRO H07 , , Adams avenue. Phone Main 1. v , ' i.: V., B-29.7t : FOR RENT Furnished rooms. - In . quire of Mrs. Wm, Bay, 1419 Madi son. , ! ;( . 5-23-2wk FOR SALES A newly painted top buggy. Phone Farm 57. 5-23-8t- FOR SALE Household goods, con sisting of dining room table, library ; table, rugs, bed room set, and varl , ous other articles. Inquire Mrs. D. C. Mahoney, 1712 Main avenue. Phone Black 812. FOR SALE A pair of fine young horses six years old, weight about 1450, cash or time Would trade for - lumber. .W. R. Kivette. My 19-tf FOR SALE Three cows and cream separator, i 2102 Jefferson and Sec ond streets. r 5-24-tf LOST Gold L. HVS. '11 pin. Please '' return to George Currey for re ward. - ' 5-29-5t WANTED A girl for general house work; : Salary $5 a. week. : Family of two. Inquire 1312 Pennsylvania. ' FR RENT Six room Jiouse. . Inquire v Dr. Hubbard. LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN Two 2-year-old colts branded "6" upside down on right shoulder. Notify J. W. Spencer, Union. FOR RENT Two new modern cot tages. Inquire Julius Fisher, 1401 North Fir., . 5-29.6t . The latest About Appendicitis. It has been announced that wind or gas In the -stomach or bowels, esour stomach or constipation, are symptoms of chronic appendicitis, which may any minute become acute. A doctor states that A SINGLE! DOSE of simple buck thorn bark, glycerine, tc, as com pounded in Adler-i-ka, the new Ger man ; appendicitis remedy, relieves these symptoms almost INSTANTLY. A. T. Hill reports that many La Grande people are receiving QUICK benefit. ACRE LOTS IN 35 WWW ADDITION are Now Selling at $500 Per Lot $50 Down and $10 Per Month. No Inter est, No Taxes: Price includes the planting of lot to orchard, and the care of same un til final payment is made. More profit on your investment in sight than on any prop erty in or about La Grande. UL GRWDE INVESTMENT GO. Foley Hotel , Block V. lot of m a ' mm BAfHIXl HOUSES GOT ABOUT : $100 , YESTERDAY. Yonngnters Hate Serious Time Win , nlng From Old Timers. game was: Businses Men Siegrlst.... ....... c' Williams....':... p.. Francis......... ss.. Van Buren.. .....2b Dunn. 3b. Clearer Irwin Stoddard .If..... ..v....;.cf.,.. t . rf . . . Bathers . .... Garrlck Blythestone . . . . Pldcock ....... Irwin ...... Geddes Oliver .... Ralston Bohnenkamp Bolton Slightly over $100 was provided for the proposed bathing houses at River sldi park through the medium of a funny ball game yesterday afternoon at the Lincoln grounds when the All. Stars, a young aggregation, defeated the old reliable business men who laid claims to distinction a few yars ago but bave outgrown some of their uss fulness cn the dminon dof late, final scored to 5. 'It was not a one-sided game by any means and but for a bad moment or two the youngsters were crowded closely. Francis, a necktio county superintendent, and who can not be sized np In the old men's cate gory exactly, led off for the business men and hit 'the first thing that Blythestone offered; following him came such sluggers as Williams, et al. Really it was a right Bmart game, mixed up with plenty of hitting and A little error here and there but on the wnote a tairiy good "game. Tucu iLo grand stand proved itself a gridiron club and handed out encouragement carte blanche. . ! , The business men held their own until the last when the youngsters forged ahead. ' Notes of the Game. Sherwood Williams threw for the business men for four innings and did it well, too. However, the business men trotted out a blackhorse who had the youngsters on his hip., It was C. P. Ferrln and without any practice, hj threw a mighty fine game. He can't sign his name today, though. He tan ned man after -man with two or three severe offerings. Herman Selgrlst came back to old time form as backstop but was too scared of messing up his new overalls to do any base running. ' ' William Miller, complimentary dub bed grandpa and a few other such more or less appropriate handles, en gineered the first station with the same form that pleased the fans when he- was the initial Backer back in 1891 when the first league was organized In La Grande.- , r , Jay Van Burefc. an old time first bagger, took the keystone yesterday and though he was too fat to grab anj ground throws he figured in a halt dozen assists and got an unassisted putout when he chased Geddes all nround the playground finally tagging him out by falling on the runner. It was no effort to get the "but" after that but Van showed some latent sprinting abilities. ' - Lut; Dunn left his laundry, wagon long enough to get a score or two. He was there on the sliding and fielded pretty well, too. ." - Francjs, just breaking into fast com pany, was ruffitS oy the presence ef so many ladle s in the grand stand, and dldn'tfleld Vith as much success as he hit the pill. , - In the .field Cleaver covered the left garden for a while, being displaced by Hill, the real estate dealer. Both of them ran themselves, tired, j, Irwin, the dispatcher and Heath and Williams whf took the rtght garden after the fourth, had plenty of fun get. ting acquainted with the sun and got some of the flies. ' Clever forgot to touch third after a long fly was caught In the garden and though four or five tried to las soo him he had , to be called out on the mlsplay. - ' a Bohnenkamp distinguished himself by going after and getting a long fly; then, soon after be got over the fence Into left field territory and aplt teeth after colliding with Elsworth, who had taken Ralston's place.;. : ',; t ampbelL a former Seattlelte cov ered first base the last two Innings but Blythestone hung one on him, the only time at bat. . ; ' , r "Dad" Irwin pulled off a good plav by ctachlng a difficult foul. Pldcock was the most; consistent player for the youngsters. : j Not a single business man was drea- sed like the other fellow. 4 ! The score by Innings: , , V Bathers ........3 0 1 S 0 0 2 O'x-9 Business Men ...3 0101000 0 31 The line-up at the beginning of the Happiest Girl In Llncola. A Lincoln, Neb., girl writes, "I bad been ailing for some time vith chronic constipa tion and stomach trouble. I began taking Chamberkm's Stomach, nd Liter Tablet and in three days I was able to be up and got better right along. I am 4ha proudest girl in Lincoln to find soch a good medi cine." For sale by all dealers. POST OFFICE CANDY STORE Fine Line of -. $ CANDY. -r .".-' L" ! FRUITS ; ICE CREAM POSTCARDS .' TOBACCO 1 ;EWS DEALERS, i v FM.1 US MUG . ,1 I I I ! are those that everybody Is looking for, because when yon smoke one of thim, you want more. The last pull Is the sweetest Get the last puIL . fum us k? Sprains require careful treatment. EeD Quiet and apply Chamberlain's Liniment freely. It will remove the aorenesa and quickly restore the parts to a healthy con dition. For sale by all dealvs. ; iThe BMERY Formerly the i Royal -i- The very btst in the Bakery line by Metropolitan bak- g ers. The materials we use are the best money jj tican if a buy. ; Bread Jhat if Mother tried to make ana pastry fit hr a ktna: Gtve jjusdca. ;'! rV; Model Bakery i I I III SJ"" THE GOSSARD CORSETS. ' They lace In front as a re sult the abdomen la relieved of all pressure. , Support is given, and deep breathing is encour aged. ' - ' They gently but surely compel a correct standing position "and fa graceful carriage. - Mrs. Robert Pattison Corsetlere. Phone Black 148L Depot Street Mahffy Bldg. Mways Send Your Clothes to ihe to the Best Place to have i hern fixed up,... We do the best work because we are equipped j to handle it. New machinery, Expert workmen We call for and deliver. THE ELITE DYEING and CLEANING :;., ;7.' WORKS ) V Main 64. Waggoner & Zundel irw'wHsiri wrfaA ".ii(WsWl.siflB,,,aatls. Ughling "If electric lights were as economical as coal.oll .lamps, we'd all use them." ' but wait a minute. What do you call economy? Is It econ ; omy to lmpar' your health with' ill-smelling lamps that burn np ' : the life-giving oxygen In the , air? ; la It economy to strain your eyes using a dim yellow light that 'smokes and flickers.,,' . )- ' Is It economy to run the terrible risk fire and explosion that Is ever present when coaLoil lamps are used? , ' These are not economies; they are dangers. ' Electricity furnishes a cool ateady light, that leaves the air pure; that won't flicker, and can't explode. All yon need to do la press the button, and It's ready any time. When your health, comfort; and peace of mind are taken into con sideration, ELECTRIC LIGHT IS CHEAPER. , It doesnt cost much to have your house wired. Just phone Main 34, or call at our office, Eastern Oregon Light & Power Co.