PAGE -6 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, MONDAY, ftlAY 29, 1911. Vw 9imM m---4t..M,. J Headquarters For n MffeE f if 5 . M Hearing Is Delayed. Lob Angeles, May 27. Judge Bord well today extended the time set for the pleading of the two McNamaras from Juna f to July 5. The contlnu. ance was granted only after much dickering on the part of the district aitorney and Counsel Davis for the defense. , He asked for an extension on the ground that Darrow had cot had time to familiarize himself with the Cali fornia code. i Stereos Institute Jubilee, v "Hoboken, N. J., May 27. With, a historical pageant and an attractive program of exercises Stevens Inst itute of Technology today celebrated the 40th anniversary of its founding. The 6coaslon also marked th acqui sition by the college of the famous &ieyens casue, ror many years the home of the Stevens family and ona of the most important' landmarks on tha west bank of th Hud3on river.- , Xotlce to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that James C. Mclntyre has be:n duly appointed Administrator, of the estate of Fred erick B, Small, Deceased, and qualified as such, and that all claims against said estate must be presented, proper lyverified and itemized, to the under signed Administrator at Wallowa, Ore gon, or to F. S. Ivanhoe, his attorney at La Grande, Oregon, on or before six months from the date of this no tice. Dated at La Grande, Oregon, this 29th day of. April, 1911. JAMES C. MINTYRE, ' Administrator of the estate of Frederick B. Small, De ceased. ' F. S. IVANHOE, . . .. .. . ' .,. Attorney for' Administrator. DM 1 8 15 22 29 V SHAPE RETAINING CLOTHES V This 1 one of the principal features of a If ." 11 mm . ' ' i v Adler s uollegian Uothes ( you get sterling values whea you purchase one of these suits. We ( are how showing the widest range of exclusive patterns In our history. , SUITS OF ELEGANCE FOR lOUXG MEN, who appreciate style. , We want you to see this magnificent showing of .AdlerN Collegian jr Clothes. " Come tomorrow, and let us show you one of these suits at fi&.uu ana up. , . I ASH BROS. 1 he Home of Good Clothes I NONE SUCH i Mince Meat I Makes the Best Pies without the. t wnrk t yt "VIII I 15c, 2 Packages :: i for 25c i: V . Thoroughly rlennsed, sterl. I'zed nnd condensed. . ii Prepared from the best of in- J ' grredk-nts, and itit upin oil pa- lir packages. ! .... ' ' For Sale by i . .;; fPattison Bros. ? l'houe Black SI. ,m,i"Mt"i"iMi,,i,ii'H,,i"i,pHMH'!n,f,Mf' m it I ACRE LOTS IN GRAND V in w ADD ON are Now Selling! at . $500 Per Lot $50 Down and $10 Per Month. No Inter est, No Taxes: Price, includes the planting of lot to orchard, and the care of same un til final payment is made. More profit on your investment in sight than on any prop erty in or about La Grande. EA GRANDE INVESTMENT CO. CITY PUIS 10 PAY TRITE ALL.DAT PROGRAM WILL BE PAR i TIC1PATED IX. Soldiers to March to Graves of , Dead Program Later. the La, Grandi will fittingly pay tribute to soldier dead tomorrow. A program built around rites of the Grand Army of . the Republic and the Ladies' Relief Corps, will he carried out during the day, It will be an all day affair and not only are the old veterans to par ticipate in the services at the graves of the 'dead, but all are Invited to at tend the service tomorrow morning. Orders issufd from Commander Faulk provide for the following se vices commencing tomorrow morning: The post and relief corps Will mset at the I. O. p. F. hall at 9:30 ,a. m. Tuesday, May 30. At 10 a. m. proces. sion will be formed and march to the Masonic cemetery, where G A. R. ex ercises will b3 held and graves dec orated. Everyone Is invited to Join in these rites. The post and corps will return to the hall, where a noon banquet will be served. The afternoon services will be held at the .Central Church of Christ, beginning at 2:30' p. m. choir. . Prayer by the post chaplain. ' G, A. R. exercises. , Lincoln's Address at Gettysburg By Rev. J. W. Oliver. , Vocal solOj selected Mrs. O. E. Sil verthorne. Recitation "Arathusia's Torment" Miss Naomi KIrtley. Vocal solo, selected Miss Alladene Little. Recitation "Heroines of the War" Master Earl Nutter1. Piano solo, selected Miss Lela Wilson. Recitation "The Rank and File" Master George Ferguson. Vocal solo, sekcted Mr. C. P. Fer rln. ,' ' . Recitation "Sweet Home" Miss Leona Newlin. Quartet from Presbyterian church choir. iRecItation "The Roll Call" Miss Mary Raster. " Vocal solo, selected Mrs. J. F. Cor- bctt, , Piano and violin du;t, Miss Mary Fl'zgerald and Ma3ter Joseph Cor bett. i ' Recitation Maude Leadsworth. Vocal solo, selected Irs. T. J. Scrogglns. ' Address Hon. Charles Cochran. Song Central Church of Christ choir. Tribute to the Unknown Dead By the W. R. C. Song "America" By the audience Benediction. signed, executrix of the Last Will and Testament of George E. Fowler, de ceased, to the creditors of. and all persons having claims against said de ceased, to execute them with the nec essary vouchers, within six moqths after the first publication of this no tice, to the Executrix at her residence. or at the law offices of Ivanhoe & Simmons, the same being the place for the transaction of the business of said estate la the city of La Grande, Union County, Oregon. Dated this 29th day of April, 1311. ADAH FOWI.FR, Executrix of the Last'Wlll and Tes tament of George E. Fowler, Deceased. IVANHOE & SIMMONS. Attorneys for the Estate. . Dly M. 1-8-15-22-29. Never leave home on a burner without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It if almost certain to be needed and cannot be obtained when on board the cars or steamships. For sale by nil dealers. POST OFFICE CAJfDl sTOKE Fin Line of $ CASDY, FRUITS 6 ICE CREAM 8 ' POSTCARDS . TOBACCO NEWS DEALERS. $8SSS$i8. Don't Let Them hand" you any dope. When smoking get the best Fam Us King cigars. A Ha vana cigar that is pleasing in a i r . iasie ana peneci m ourn. Made in 5c, 10c and 2 for 25c FM US KING CIPAR FACTORY I lie MAflFI If VS K BAKERY ; Formerly the 5 RoyaI it Th lru haet in ih RLn.u Sne6y Metropolitan bak- ; I ers. The materials we i use iire the best money !f can, buy. Bread that r Mother tried to mate ana S pastry fit hr a king. Give nusdcali Model v Bakery 2 f.?'::':"itr:;r , ii jfi THE GOSSAED CORSETS. They lace in front as a re sult the abdomen Is relieved of all pressure. Support is given, and deep breathing . Is encouraged. They gently but surely compel fl a i-urreci maiming position ana 'a graceful carriage. Mrs. Robert Pat tison f orsct.'ere. Phone Black 1481. ; A DEAD STOMACH. Of What Use Is It to Anyone? Thousands! yes, hundreds of thou, vands of people throughout Ameri-'ii fre murdering their own stomach, the best frltnd they have, and in their sublime Ignorance they are puttfn? nslde the laws of nature. This Is no sensational statement; It Is a startling fact, the truth of which any honorable physician will not ihn? These thousand of people are swn-.-lowing dally huge quantities of pep sin, and other strong digesters, made especially to digest the food In the stomach without any aid at all from the digestive membrance of the stom ach. ! ; In other words, they are taking from the stomach the work that na ture Intended It should do, and are al. so refusing It the only chance for ex ercise it has. MI-O-NA stomach tab; lets relieve distressed stomach In five minutes. Taken regularly for a few weeks they build up the Btomach and make, It strong enough to digest its own food. Then Indigestion, belch. Ing, sour stomach, headache and stom ach misery go. "MI-O-NA Btomach tablets are sold by the Newlin Drag company and leading druggists everywhere at 50 cents a large box, and are guaranteed to cure all stomach distress or money back. i i i SOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Conrt for the County of ; Union, State of Oregron. In the matter or the estate of G. E Fowler, deceased. i Notice Is hereby given by the under- repot Street " Mahaffy Bldg. Always Send Your Clothes to ihe to the Best Place io have them fixed up.... We do the best work because we are equipped to handle it. New machinery, Expert workmen. We call for and deliver. THE ELITE DYEING and CLEANING WORKS Main 64. Waggoner & Ziindel This to You Mr. Renter Is the house you are living la wired for electricity? . If not, why notf Electric lights are not a luxury; they are a modern necessity. They are y gust as indispensable as running wa ter and cees-pools. " '( - For your healths' lake, and for your safety, as well as your convenience. Insist on having your house wired now. Your landlord owes that much to you, and he'll be surprised how rea sonable our charges will be for wiring Have him call' at our office, or phone Main 34. WeM do the rest. EASTERN OREGON LIGHT & POWER CO. l