ft ll'-vil!'. R I 1 ill III! v VOL X LA GKAKDE, UNION COUNTY. OREGON. - - HUIUY, MAY 26. 1911 El DIES OF DE bl 111 -NUMBER- 183 II EIGHT ED LHS, NORTH. POWDER RANCH. ER, SrCCt'MBS AFTER 21. HOURS OF SUFFERING. ,y- liil 0 fl "I 0 ' UNTIL PEACE P'CMT THE HEARING HERE! Coroner's Inquest Held la North Pow der and Information Filed In La Grande .Where Hiring Will Occur Fight Ends in Blow From Beer Bottle 21 Hours I Wo re Death. North Powder, May 26. Special) Ed. Luis, a rancher living near North Powder, died last night of injuries bus.. talned In a Quarrel wth Parch Corn of ths place, the night before.; A Ions dispute between the two men grew heated, ending up In a saloon where Corn struck Luis in the1 forehead with a beer bottle Inflicting wounds which at the time were not deemed ratal or even very eer ioiis. That was night be x fore last and laBt night Luis died quite suddenly of the injuries. Corn was Immediately arrested and his prelim- . lnary hearing will . W held at La Grande where information against him was fljled this afternoon. Lui is sur. vlved by his aged mother with whom he lived on his ranch , near North 'owder. while Corn is a singlj man, nd has no immediate relatives. v DlBtrlct Attorney Ivanhoe, repre senting the state, and Attorney C. E. .' Cochran, representing Mr. Corn, were in attendance at the coroner s inquest conduct.' ihis afternoon by Cormier Bacon. Thi inquest eommjBnceJ et 1:30 o'clock. ' The fatal "iKi'ng of tb j quarrel has . , shocked t"e community. The tronb'e, according to official o irees, tins RETIRING PRESIDENT SINKS RAP. IDLYMVHENHE SEESDISLOY. ALTY OF PEOPLE. De La Barra Will Set Be Candidate for President or Vice President When Special Election Is Called Diss too Weak to Leave Republic at This Time and Death Is Expected at Any Tim by Friends. ' .Mexico CUy. May 26. Pledged to rule only until order la restored and a president and vice presidet are elect-' ea, Francisco De La Barra, former am bassador to the United States was sworn in as president pro tern of Mexi. co at the palace today. Few cheers were heard for him, and none for Dlas, but many ror Maasro greeted the ctvj mony from the huge crowd. He Issued a proclamation declaring he will not be a candidate for the presidency ; or vice presidency at the' next election! This, the people believe, is an indi cation of complete triumph for Madero who, It is thought, forced this agree ment before he consented to peace. '. Diaz' condition Is reported as grave, and his intimate friends admit he may neverbe well enough to. leave the re public. Unchecked Jubilation over his resignation has depressed him greatly. His death' in the near future would surprise no one. " '..''' V Leader Is Jubilant. ' " Juarez, May 26. Madero today .Is jubilant over the seal put on his vic tory of Diaz' and Corral's resignations. In. a statement today he said: "Diaz has now gone from the backs of the been inerea.-n? In bitterns j bet we w Mexican people, removing1 the heavi. the two ratn ci Imlnatln; S3 related, jest burden they evEf bore. I shall go though at the time the blow was to Mexico City in six or eight days. I, . . ... "two, shall" resign as provisional presl- ( Continued on Page Four.) dent if the people want me to. I hall IP I, 1. .' y ' 1 I J CURENCES. ; DARBO W. v 'Chicago Attonny ' FUUiiU i - to liEiSSElBLEU ' ,rr 7. e-SllJEO RANQUET rnTfiiMPirniT 1 .MHIMHriTJn - M STICEIOIL El TRUST DROPPED BY ORDER OF THE AllNISTRAIN Washington, May 26. That there will be no criminal prosecution of John D. Rockefeller qr his associates is a result of 'the Standard Oil decision which declared it a trust, was declared by Attorney Gineral Wlckershara, an swering to a r.enate resolution father ed by Pomerene, democrat, of Ohio. "I am diricted by the president to in. form the senate that no criminal pros ecution tias Leen begun or is now pending against the Standard Oil for violations of sections one and two of the Sherman act." said WIckerBham. The Contest ends May 27. Subscriptions may be malted In on that date In favor of any contestant Every payment on subscription, whether from a new or old subscriber, couits fa votes. This Is the last chance to make mon. tj count for two purposes at one and the same time,' both for' subscrlpflea and votes. Pay your subscriptloa and name your favorite. v DO 17 NOW! VALUE Or SUBSCRIPTIONS ' .i IV,' i Toting Power of Subscription for the E venlag Observer. : TIME Three Months vr ttwk one Month Six montha One year Two years ............ Three years , - Five years Tetlag Power of Subscriptions foV the Weekly Observer. By Carrier In . La Grande 1.75 .15. .65...... 3.50...... 7.00...... . . . . . .14.00. . . .'. ......21.00...... ..... .28.00. ..U. .35.00. By Mail in United SUtes 1.00 "is!!!!!! too 4.00...... 8.00 t e 12.00 1600 20.00 VOTES'. ALLOWED too 10 150 2500 ...........6000 15,000 24,000 ......... 33,000 42,000 8tx Montas .....i... .75.... V400 One Year 1.50 lfioo Two years 3.00 4,00c Three years , 4.50 .6,500 Pour years 6.00 9,000 Five years 7.50 11,500 Votea at the above proportionate increase will be allowed on any additional payments made by any subscriber who has already paid one year during the present contest. This fact should be mentioned when extensions of subscript ' tion are sent to the Observer. , r row announced thin afternoon that Le Compe Davis and Joseph Scott, both Los Angeles attorneys, will be associated with him In the HcTlara. arats defense. He said he was'de. bating the question of asking for a change of venae. : r run for the presidency at the jiew elec tion which will be ordered by the president pro tem. de La Barra. To the last, moment Madero forces expected trickery and the news of Diaz resignation was a distinct, relief. It Is announced that Madero will keep the Insurrectos armed as a nucleus of the new federal army.' Madero also controls, the federals now and Jt la probable he will send federals and not Insurgents to Saltillo" to "compel , the Coahulla legislature to install Venus Pino Carranza, Madero's candidate, as governor of the state. Helped to Make Dime Xovel Famous. Baltimore, Md., May. 26, Mr3. Mary Andrews Denlson, one of the last sur. vivors o fthe little group of authors whose senlmentai stories established the success of the dime novel many years a?o, celebrated hr 85th birthday today at her home at Normandy Height a suburb of Baltimore Mrs, Denison Is the author of more than 60 novels, maby of which attained wide popular ity.' When she began to wrtie, the sen timental, navel was all the rage, and from the first her work was success ful. Among her contemporaries were Mrs. Southworth, Mary J Holmes and Amy . Randolph.. These and several others now forgotten formed a galaxy of writers' who made fame and fortune for the dime novel publishers as well as for themselves. ... CHICAGO'S HEAT WAVE RETURNS FOUR DEATHS AND MANY PROS. T RATIONS TODAY. Hecerds for May Heat in a Decade Are Broken Yesterday Chicago, May 26. Four deaths' and a core of prostrations are reported up to noon tod&y on account of heat No relief Is In sight. ? ' It la predicted that today will be hot ter than yesterday, when it reached 94 degrees, the May record for a decade. The humidity is Intense and conditions are as bad as earl In the month when the first siege occurred. Intercollegiate Gilder Meet Boston, Mass., May 26. A dozen col- s and schools have entered ma chines for the first intercollegiate gild. tr meet and the first large meet of any kind for gliders In America, which Is MASY AJirSEMUTS IX PORTLAND ALREADY PBOVIDED FOB BE. SIDES SPECTACLES OF THE ROSE 1 FESTIYAL , PARADES -THEJt TO THE SEASIDE AND TO SAN FRANCISCO. x 'C " A Una Itinerary Is being arranged for the 11, yciuiu ladies who will go to Portland "jt il.e giuvts'of t ' server at the Uiis i'estlval ; o . ; . . "'In iih . fl'-nu place tie party will be asBeiu"Dla'lii 0 e Hot Lake eanttorlniri and hatel for';e f'get acu untft'' "visit. The yodng ladles from Wallwa'coun ty, with thelrit wo, guests, are expected to arrive In tei, Gsande on Saturday's train; then t proceed on the evening train of the fame day,' June 3, to the Hot Lake sanitarium, where they will be assigned o" .elegant rooms. Any other winning .candidates from a dis tance will be; Invited to spend Satur. day night of June 3 lnf the hotel wing ef the Hot Lake Institution. La Grande and near-by contestants will go to Hot Lake oa the morning train of Sunday, June. 4.; . V!... , ' v' .'''' As specially honored guests of Hot Lake and of the Observer, the young ladies "vim bi glttil'-the keVy-tb''the bath house and to all the attractions of Hot Lake." Tables will be arranged so that they will be served meals as a party in he attractive grill : room of the sahitorlum. Sunday evening, June 4, in the grill room, they will be ban quetted, , when ; appropriate 8peeches "will be made In their honor br several ...... .... . r 1 or tneir friends and well-wjshers. 'J I Then, on the evening 'train of June I 4, after the banquet, the party will pro. ceed "to Portland. On arrival lri Port land on Monday morning, h& party will be entertained at a leading hotel situated in, the the Very heart of ihs business district of Portland, -. For meals, :h party will tour the various good restaurants and hotels of Portland. .Several meals will be taken In the ladies' room of the, Portland f r . . r -1 , ' ' 4 j ; - After three days at the Rose Festl yal those members of the party whose standing entitles them to the privilege will be taken by a representativ of the Rhtu ; Trust company . to the Hotel Gearhart "by-the.sea," where they will be entertained for two nights and two days. All the amusements of the Gear hart beach will be open to them. ' After their entertainment In. Port land, the three candidates who attain the highest standing In votes, the three highest' of all without regard to die. trict location, may proceed to San Francfsco at the expense of the Ob server. ' Any candidate who chooses to re main at any point for a 'longer period than that scheduled in the regular Itin erary arranged for the party, may do so at ker own expense. Several pros, pectlve winners have asked If they can do this in order to visit friends. TO-MORROW MIGHT The Will End the Race For Observer Prizes : Subscription Money Serves Tvo Pur " poses Just Now-rays for Your Nevs paper and Helps a Wrhy Girl to an Educational Trip ori, Volarship--ActBel'it-isTbdLatb. - '.sis Ma 7 KtLES tUH THE FINISH. , 'A l - - ,r .fcV n T... K.. UU U U IK III. -,.! L. . . :Thtt Atioam. nfH.. .til I .l.. ...... . .' vwBtuT vuivc mt ii'iuuia upcD mu iaai ume 18 receive k from the hands ef candidates and tbelr frteads. From outside points subscriptions may be sent In b ymaH and will apply la the contest se long a envelopes coating such subscriptions bear pest mark ef May 27. In addition the following statement signed by twe wltne. see may be written en the back gf the envelope! This envelope was mailed In our presence May 2V Thls'plaa is intended to give to oat of towa candl. dates and tielr friends the same chance to gather subscriptions right np to the last minute as to the La Grande city contestants. All each snftsenp tns, to apply fa this contest, must reach the Observer by p. m May 23. As a precaution, La (irande candidate aay, call up the Obsomr at 4 p. nu May 29, and ask whether their Saturday remittances have been received. The prizes will be announced in the Observer as soon as the subscriptions are checked ever and the votes counted out ' , r , ;'-'TETJ END IS NEAR. YIGILANCE AND HUSTLE ARE THE PRICE OF VICTORY. v-'X UljDlgStiANDIDATES. J . ' 'CONTEST DISTRICT NO. 1 This district compvises the city of La Grande. ' The two ladles residing In La Grande who at the end of the contest have received the most vote ' will ,be the guests of the Observer at. the Portland Rose Festival. - v nvvw, KUuY, Seventy and L streets,....,.. STEPHENSON, MILDRED, Care Star Theatre , COTNER, EVA, 2,008 Oak street . i'UUIlU , J . . vuaiiia, rKANiviE, 1201 D avenue... NUTTER, MRS. B. B.( 1708 1-2 8lxth St WILLIAMS, MRS. Fred W.,' Box' 804 ite" DAVIS, ADA, 1313 X avenue . SNOW. ALICE1410 2 avenue ;5 t : 43,134 32,888 28,607 24.015 16,323 10,178 1,174 1,001 1.001 V - Thls district comprises all of' Union county except L aGrahde. The four ladles of this district who, at the end of the contest, have received the .mosJli9le.,w!LLbe?!le.8ue8ts of the Observer, at the Portland Rose Festt val.""X,"" " ' : ': ' " ':'''''"""" - - ROBERTSON, ZELLA, R. F. D. No. 2. . . ...... .................. 92,690 WILSON? EVA, Union . . ..... ; 91,849 VAN HOUSEN, HAZEL, Alice! PEEBLER; FRANK1E, R. F. D CHATTIN," VIOLET, Summervllle CONRAD,1 NELLIE, R. F. D. No. 1 La Grande RUSSELL,1 BETHEL, Elgin . . . ...i i ARNOLD, "ABEL, Elgin WEEKS, BIRNIE, North Powder 1. -j tf ...... ......,..,.,.,........,,, Ao. x,fs . v. , , . j ., I' 80,565 ; 3WG4 - 87,801 , 13,301 14,441 7- 7.035 ..r....,..,; 7.000 t t iv at a''- 1,151 1.001 189,568 173,513 81,030 ; 17,185 ' 16,022 7,518 ; 6.000 . 5,571 r- 8,001 Beady for American Henley. Philadelphia. May 26 OtCrsmen rap. resenting many colleges and boat clubs ans arriving In Ph'ladelphla In mlii li'Oior. of the annual regatta cf the American Rowing association. It will be the associations ninth nnn Jul event and as usual the events will be rowed over the Schuylkill river course of one mle and 550 yards straight away. Most interest centers In the lnr tercollegiate race. , J ' to begin tomorrow under the auspices of the Harvard Aeronautical society. ' , ' ' V i f : 1 REEFER, STELLA. Imbler WOODELL, ETTA, R. F. D.,' No. t, Summervllle , CONTEST DISTRICT NO. 8. ' " This district compi tjes all of Wallowa county and Pine and Eagle valleys. ? 'he three ladles of this district who, at the end of the contest, have reoeivedT he most votes will be the guests of the Observer at the Portland Rose FVs-' tivai. I ' .. y"- "' " EAMES, EDNA,' Joseph ROUP, MARGARET, Joseph tinawirT.T.' rv.ru. Min.m LYRENMANN, ANNA, Enterprise . ; WISDOM, BESSIE. Lostlne MAVOR, ALICE, Enterprise WILEY, GLADYS, Wallowa BROCK, NETTIE, Flora PRIZES REGARDLESS 4F DISTRICTS. The three'candldate who, at the end of the contest have mors votea thaa s any of their rivals, may, at the expense of the Observer,' extend their tripe on to San Franolsco. . , v . . The four candidates who range next in standing, regardless of distrlotav will be entertalced at the Hotel Gearhart, Gearhart Park, By-the-Sea. r All winning candidate will be given side trip to all points of Interest to. and about Portland; and will be taken to the leading placet of -amusement and recreation. .;....' . ' , ' Instead of taking a trip, any winning candidate may have music1 lessona ' to the value of 859 or a scholarship la Whitman oollege; in the Baker City : business college or choice of several other colleges. In lieu of the Saix Francisco trips scholarships valued at 8100 will be arranged for, In case exchange Is desired. , v r 1 '' ' another. . . . . All candidates who wish may turn 1 1 At any time on Saturday, the last day, subscriptions many be turned In privately. On Saturday no candidate will be 'permitted to know how many votes rivals are receiving. The voting will be entirely secret. This Is In tended to prevent the bidding off of the prizes by candidates watching one 'sons.' in their reports on the last day In seal ed envelopes 10 that their contents will not be known even to the contest manager himself except when all re ports are finally In and opened In the presence of several dllfoterested per -.A X ' W'Tiv imam, 1 y-"' t v." a Q.-mwrrf . i. 1