L- f PAGE 2 LA GKAKDE EVfcKING OBSERVER, THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1911. s trade maph r ed.tT s pay bFiceit- ? 'i 4 ONE man often looks all right till the other one comes along. 7 And he is wearing a custom-made suit. " Thta everybody tee the difference. . . . Why not be the "other man?" ' Let M make . you a auit from one of our many handsome patterns in Shtukamazim Guaranteed fabrics. -'.'' Beautiful clear-Snished and aoft finished cheviots in many rich colorings ; . and an extremely attractive line of serges. All positively guaranteed neither to shrink nor fade. 1 JUST ARRIVED 'i-.li' ffl 'J 5 . JO, sT T GALL AND 'SEE THE Get Ready for the Fourth of July M A.V. ANDREWS TIETOGGER .1. ' D you have the Right Kind of Help! er kidney and bladder, ailments.- niii' , ' i t s.' i J . drug store, j , 4 . Foley kidney Pills furnish you the T .... , ' . ' right kind of, help to neutralize and ' - - . ' Lt. Vv ,.. It Is estimated that every square , remove the poisons that cause .back- mUe of tnft 0(.ean8 lr.tah8JbjteJ w ache, headache, nervousness, ana otn-n non nnn living creatures C. T. Darley Cement Contractor Consult him before letting your sidewalk Clogston & Nutter Painters, Paperhangers, Decorators ' Phone Ind. 1341. 170SJ1-2 Sixth Street ' CALL - AND GET - PRICES J. E. Bradley 6 Co. SANITARY PLUMBING Phone, Main 77 NEXT DOOR TO CITY HALL nimi- ULUUL v tfJIHItl r I sn ;ners Immediately after the decision of the Judges: " v--. .'' ': - ' Paraded '.V' ';; .' '.. . Parade will be fornitd on the show grounds and will takt place promptly ' at 10:30 a. m. on each day of the show, June 1st, 2nd and 3rd. ' All stock exhibited mu3t take part Classification.' ' Any 'animal Van compele 'in more ri3iIC5r LIST FOR OIOX .SH(nV:than one class, and 'fa4 any ; and every Dissolutioo Notice. 01 IS OCT. General Bujcs -and ' It t'liidcd Iu the" 1eW(in In Hooks. Premium lists covering -.tlfi. Vnlori j Live Stock show, have been received ln La Grande this morning aniJ convey i all the necessary details to xhibitors. The entries must be' filed with the see retary on or before May 30. The gi n- eral rules and regulations covering the show are included in tne ioliow.ng ta ken from the premium list: " ,,. Fntris. , All applications for entries must hi filed with the secretary on or before May 30, 1911. No entry fee will be charged. Fre:s feed and shelter will be furnished to all stock exhibited. In cases where animals are duly regis tered, such registration certiflcati s must be submitted to the committer for approval prior to judging. Proof of registry must accompany entry. " Make entries early. All exhibits must be In place not la ter than 10 o'clock a. m., Thursday, June 1st. Exhibits must remain on the show . prize 'and sweepstalt, groups or spe .iclals to which tlyy,avelgib!e -under jlw 'claBsiacatlonS l m '? t ' ' f dass'ficatlon ' J ,' ; Any, animal can compete in more than cno. .class, .and In any. and every prla? and sweepstake groups or spe cials to which, they are elijibla under the classification. .. -j ; All animals pure bred must he reg istered with a registry association, recognized by thr. United Stata gov ernment, unless otherwise stated in classification. Pure bred animals un der one year n-:ed not U registered if the sire and dam are regiBterd, as phnve mentioned. ' 1 Graceful and Attractive YVomen. If you ; are thiu and want to be plump; if you have wrinkles .In' your fece that you &rz not proud of, if you skin is sallow and subject to pimples or blackheads take MI-O-S'A stom ach tatlsts fcr two weeks end notice the change. ". ,' ' Nine tenths of the, thiii people are thin because the stomach is not ac tive; It is not mixing thoroughly with the natural digestive juices the food grounds the entire three days. Entries1 put Into it, and consequently is not should be made only in name of the owner. . Information for Inhibitors. Exhibitors 'will pli ase read the fol lowing rules aud Send their entries in as early as possible. No entry fee will be required to accompany same. AU exhibits must bi on the grounds and must be placed aud ready for ex hibition not later than 10 a. m., June 1st. .' The firm of Martin & Bradley, plum bers, is dissolved this 22nd day o! May, 1911, by mutual consent All ac counts due the firm will be collected by J. E. Bradley, who will continue the business.: He will pay all out standing obligations of the firm. , i . ? : J. E. BRADLEY, V ' ' '.'.-! 'T. F. MARTIN, ' .. v La Grande, Ore., May 22, 1911. ; ' ' -.;'-My 22-27 POST OFFICL CA.NDI !TOK '- ' Flue Hue1 il CAXDT, FRUITS . ' ICE CREAM P POSTCARDS ! - TOBACCO SEWS DEALERS. . SUCCESSFUL ' CHINESE DOCTORS vnvt nmiE TREATMENT. . The. world - known Chinese dottca , , with powerful ; and j wonderful ' Chinese remedies, ''.'cure all chronic disease an.d blood disorders suc cessfully for both men and women If you arb suffering and 'cannot b cured by other doctors why not jprltl us for a free hook and 8ymptyn blanl or drscribe your case to us?. Oa doctors will diagnose your case, ant tell you the exact result..' All our Chinese medical advice free to every one. ' v ' ' , TORE &' TORK, CHINESE REME DIES CO, 210 W. Main St, Walla Walla, Wash. THE WAW5ROBE The pface for those who care to have their clothes Cleaned, Pressed, Repaired and Dycdi A work done by the latest process. Suits made to measure. All work called ; m for and delivered. The Wardrobe Tailors Wilson BrosL, Props. 1 tU5 Foley Bldg. . . Phone J35 r HMit'ti'.;; from the food enough iiour Wimf.v matter for the Wood to CIs- tribute to every part of the body. .IfJ the stomach does not do its work properly, the nourishment in the fond you eat is passed along without giv ing to tho borv any flesh, bullain;; elements. ' MI-O-NA stomach lAbleu iuit kly build up th) rtomach so fuit it ex tracts from the food all thr elements FOR 0 UlCKf Wti la iesuits list your FABM AND FRUIT LANDS, With !KZ ' E. : S. QI YENS INVESTMENT CO. , Wei have Seattle people who are wanting to invest in OREGON we have invested and can ii '" complete descrintion of what vou have for sale. -t- . . - , 1 1. and we will get you results. No agents. E,S.GIVENS INVESTMENT CO. 226 LEARY BUILDING, SEATTLE, WASH. The exhibition will be opened to the necessary tu form good soli 1 -".eslt public June 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Admissions. Th? prlo; of admission for adults a 2U cents; for children under 12 years of ase, 13 cents. Admission to grand stand extra. Seats in bleachers free. ...., A free pass will bis issued to each exhibitor by applying to the secretary also to all necessary attendants to stock. ' ' The names of all exhibitors and at tendants must be written on tbj? tick ets In Ink by the secretary, and are positively not transferable under, any circumstances. ' Judircs. The single judge system will bo the policy of this Bhow and In every case the Judge is selected with thi utmost care, and as far as possible, will be of state or national reputation. It Is the Intention of the manage-J ment that no premium (or..dIstlnction shall be given any animal that is not deserving, , . , Awards. , Colors denoting awards will be .is folio W8: Royal purple, championship; blue.. First. Red, Second. White. Third, , The ribbons will be placed on wln- If you are thin i try a t weeks treatment of MI-O-NA stDtmoh tab lets; two w.;tn each meal wtli worK wonders. . . ' . ; . ' MI-O-NA stomach tablets are guar anteed to cure Indigestion, acuta or chronic, or money back. , Spld by tho Newjin Drug company and druggists everywhere, at CO cents a box. My 16. 25, Jun 6. : Watch Your Kidneys. Their action controls your , health. Read, what Fol.y Kidney Pills have done for your neighbor. Mr. Carl Richter, 614 Brons avenue, Pecrla, 111., writes: . "I used to spend sleepless , nights and days of . severe suffering, with backache and pains In my sid:. These started over .thy li'd- neys and depressed my whole system. This was due to kidney trouble. I, tried different medicines with but little re lief until I began taking Foley Kid ney Pills. Two bottles cared my hack ache and (topped all pains, ow I can again work all day, , sleep " Bound at night and feel jmproved In every. oth er way, . This I owe all to Foley Kid ney Pills,, which ,have,my strongest recommendation." Mill's drug store. Inner Tubes IbrMiclielin and all piWErivelopes The majority of motor . isls throughout the world are satisfied users of., i t n Michelin Inner (Tubes -ineyaretneoesi Ask them. AU mg OR Uaitng fraga ' '' IN STOCK BY . .... -., .......... I ..... . . . ' .' . , DITTEBRANDT AUTO CO., Washington Street, La Grande. ' I 1 -. . '1. :