La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, May 22, 1911, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE 6
MONDAY, MAY 22, 1911.
Ijlleadqu&rters For
This Is one of the principal features of r -s
Adler's Collegian Clothes
You get sterling values when you purchase one, of these suits. We
are now Bhqwing the widest range of exclusive patterns In our history.
SUITS OF ELEGANCE FOR YOUNG MEN, who appreciate style.
"We want you to see this magnificent showing of .AdlerN Collegian
Clothes. Come tomorrow, and let us show you one of these suits at
515.00 and up.
The Home of
Good Clothes
Rev. J. D. Glllilan preached the
baccalaureate sermon before the high
school graduating 'class and their
friends yesterday In the auditorium of
the new building. . His theme was,
"Laying up Treasures." Among other
things he said: "Our government is
mining and polishing jewels; not only
such as are to be seen lu the great
crown-Jewel room In London, but such
as are risible in the live; and th
character of the men and women who
compose our noble company of citi
zens. Cornelia, the mother of the
Gracchi, was once asked to exhibit her
treasures, her gems. She led the in
quisitive vistor to a side, room where
world holds is the untutored child;
the best artificial creation and finished
product is the cultured adult With
out that child foundation, there Is no
possibility of the proper result
"Our family is the unit of strength.
Ths state, by its beneficent provisions
made and maintained by its compul
sory co-educational system is a con
stant abettor of the family, thus as
slstlng proper parents in laying up
permanent treasure.
, "The high Bchool of today is the
equal of the university of 1800. To
that add the academy, the college, the
university and the modern equipment
for life's greater, universal field Is
Cigar Store
Pool, Billiards, Cigars, Tobae.
eo sod Soft Drinks best and
most complete line of cigars In
the city.
Observers Coast League base,
ball scores every day there's a
game. .
Corner Depot and Jefferson St
Why pay Rent? Ve loai yot
r money to build, ana yoi
pay us as you would rent.
Methodist pastor who yesterday delAeicd the buccnlnurente sermon to the
graduating class of the high school amid extremely attractive settings and
ample music. The doctor addressed a large audience and his concise pre
sentation of argument wers kernels of thouhgt food to every individual
lay her two sleeping sonar 'These are Incomparable with anything hereto
my treasures,' said the proud Romau fore possessed in human annals. Daily
matron. we are graduating onward, upward.
"The government 13 training Hi J "Our education is imperfect, incom
young people by means of the most plete without character. To character
perfect system of education, mentally add proper training and the result Is
and morally as well as physically for most beneficial. '
its future, and thus lays up treasure "Education 13 complete when knowU
for its security for all time. Its aim edge, wisdom and culture are sym-
is perfection, the highest type of citi
zen. There is no public tax so freely
given as that which goes for popular
education. It is an Investment, not a
"The greatest natural product this
metrically and permanently combin
ed. The highest culture Is obtainable
J only when the Great Teacher, Jesus
j Christ, makes the Golden Rule possi
ble In us."
The above is a very rough synop
s'a of Dr. Gillilau's address which
v"33 delivered to an excellent com
;y of people. The Methodist choir
nV.y supported the service, a virile
' t'.y of capable people under the ef
" ' nt management, of Mrs. Wills.
Grand View Addition is the most beautiful spot
about La Grande- You can purchase a lot in Grand
View Addition and have three years' time in which to
make payment for same, and during that time you
have neither interest nor taxes to pay.
Let this sink in deep.
Then come to our office or call us up on the phone
and request us to show you this property.
If you have never invested ii real estate before
this is you opportunity to get the proper start.
If you have made investments in real estate, avail
yourself of this opportunity to make comparisons.
The terms are such that no sacrifice will have to
be made in order to meet them.
If this addition was located near a town with a
less bright future before it than La Grande, it would
still be an excellent investment, and with the future
La Grande has before it, the increase in the value of
these lots will be phenomenal.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Foley Hotel Block
In th; county court of tho state of
'""it son for Union county.
!n the matter of the estate of W.
.!. Snodgrass, deceased.
Xotice Is hereby given that James
G. Snodgrass, administrator of the
estate of W. J. Snodgrass, deceased,
lias filed with the county court of Un
iou county, Oregon, his final account
In said estate, and that the court has
appointed Friday. June 9th, 1911, at
the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. at the
June term of Ba!d court for the hear
ing of objections to said final account,
and has directed said administrator
to give notice thereof by publication
n some newspaper published in Union
county, Oregon, once a week for four
consecutve weeks, to be designated
by said administrator, and the dally
Evening Observer published at La
Grande has been designated by said
administrator for the publication of
this notice.
. Dated at La Grande, Oregon, this
May 6th, 1911.
Administrator of the estate of
W. J. Snodgrass, deceased.
Mdy May 8-15-22-29
Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days.
PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to
cure any case of itching, blind, bleed
ing or protruding ptles in 6 to 14 days
or money refunded. 50c.
Don't Let Them
hand you any dope.
When smoking get the best
Fam Us King cigars. A Ha
vana cigar that is pleasing in
taste and perfect in burn.
inaae m oc, iuc ana 2 for 25c
Mrs. C C. Combs, Prop. 4
r , ,-
Fine Ilne'of 8
CA5DT, -
FRCITS "' v-'.
4 & $ v
H'!h ,i..!J Jin ii... .in .).. in..iHI i m
Winlyiij'iil'iiii. iMimii uffifinMM
A v I1 w.wwiH&)ukk ;
They lace In front as a re
Bult the abdomeli Is relieved of
all pressure. Support Is given,
and deep breathing is encour
aged. They gently but surely compel
a correct stauding position and
'a graceful carriage.
Mrs. Robert Pattison
C'orxotlere. Phone Blaek 1481.
r mwr.
Formerly the
J Royal
VI. - m mt m
me very oesnn rne oaKetytt
ni v j inciiipviiiaii uanm
crs. Ihe materials we
use are the best money u
can. buy. Bread thatR
Mother tried to make ana
pastry tit hr a king. Give
us d call
Model Bakery
Does 50 Per Cent
L- - i j
Profit Interest You?
We have a ten acre orchard a
mile from town that made bet
ter than fifty per cent of the
purchase price over and above
all expenses last year. This
property is getting better every
year, and besides making a
nice home, is certainly a good
, investment:: Com ia and let's
talk it over. ,
While we have property for
sale in all parts ofethe valley,
we Just call your attention to a
few of our exceptional bargains.
160 acres, 8 miles from town,
county road on two sides, good
buildings, railroad siding at cor
ner of place, land suitable for
fruit, grain or alfalfa. Price
195.00 per acre.
80 acres of the best sand-ridge
and near the foot of Mt. Emily,
on county road that will be mac
adamized this year. This tract
is all in cultivation, a portion in
alfalfa. it 1b almost adjoining
aoiue ot i'ut) itti Kbi uuu boi or
chards in Grande Ronde valley.
This land is suitable 'for most
and purpose and will make you
money from the day you buy It.
Price of the 80 acres, only S8,
600.00. 40 acres three miles wst of
Summerville, about one third
cleared and in timothy, all the
very best of Boil, no rock, some
fine timber, a new house that
cost $800.00 and other new im
provements. There is a fine
stream of water crossing this
place and the soil is some of the
b;st in the valley. The owner
lives in the east and is very
anxious to sell. I will only take
a small amount of cash to han
dle it, with one and two years
on deferred payments. Come
In and s:e about the price on
thls it will surprise you.
Have a fine ten acre orchard
tract in Fruitdale that belon-s
to an estate. This property must
be sold, price and terms exceed
ing good. A nice revenue pro
ducing home.
A dumber of Fine Yonnp Or
chard Tracts in the Im.
bier District
Can take city property en first
payment and give terms on bal
ance. City property, all descriptions
and prices.
6 room house and four large
lots on Washington avenue, $2,
000.00 terms.
5 room house and two 50-foot
lots, shade trees, shrubbery,
nice lawn, room for garden or
two more houses, a fine home
on .Washington avenue $1,900.00
New five room modern cottage
on Adams avenue, $2,500.00.
Four room house and ground
120 by 120 feet, small barn, trees
and other Improvements at cor
ner of Fourth street and E ave
nue, Old Town, onlv $8f0.00.
Payment down $350.00, $10.00
psr month on balance.
Five room modern house and
large lot, close in on Sixth' St.;
cement sidewalk, shade trees
and shrubbery only $2,300.00
terms. '
Five room houss, newly painted
and. papered, city water, sewer
connections. lot 50 by 120, ust
icross street from A. B. C. laun
dry, only $1,300.00 small pay
ment down halance monthly.
House and 2 lots four blocks
from round house only $525.00.
Four room house, cellar, good
woodshed, and tw nice Its. only
three blocks from round house,
$1.100.00 easy terms.
One and one-half acres near
Stoddard planing mill $700.00.
One acre tract with house on
Cove avenue $800.00.
Some nice vacant lota in west
ern part of the city from $100.00
np. t
Lots in Carr's sub-division
will make von mnnov rtni m
down and $10 per month; no In
terest, no taxes until after final
payment. The main Bewer runs
thrOUEh this nrnnnrtv It la -
macadam street and all nice big
lots. These lots , will double In
value Inside of two years. Come
In and let us tell you about the
money to be made la buying
this property.
We have property everywhere
ome good exchanges some
excellent business propositions,
and would like to bave you come
in and see our list.
Security Land &
Trust Company