LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, MONDAY, MAY 22, 1911. PAGE 5 ! .", , TH EATRE THE THEATRE OF QUALITY. - Bert JL Sherwood, Proprietor v and Hanover, "Madame Rx,f . .4 . Blograpb.. A' marvel of . beauty both In the story and the acting. ThosS who saw it lasp n'jrbt have nothing but the highest praise foMt. ' ' 'The Law Who Covld'n't For- ' , get" Kalem A pretty " fishfolfc love story .featuring Gene Gauntler. 1 Silver Threads Anions the i : Gold", Edison ; , The story is well known, beautifully enacted, and the old: 'music runs all throub the pic ture. The Isls. quartette handle the music in their usual master ful style. "A Card of Introduction". ,' . ....... Edison H Bumptious has a card of in troduction written in French which language he does not un derstand. To see it 13 to scr":-am Illustrated,, song "By the Old ' Ducket, Lou'Be" Sung by Mr. Ferrin. ' LOCALS i Great Northern vacuum cleaner on ly $7.&0. Sold by W. H, Bohnenkamp & Co. For Sale. My tinning and plumbing busing ia Joseph, Oregon. I have a first class set sof tinners' and plumebrs' tools. Reason for selling, failing health. 5-17-12t . J. S. HOUCK. Early spring styles in nut coal. Main 6. Grande Ronde Cash company. The Soinmer hotel building has been decorated with an electrical sign that serves as a beacon light, clearly seen ! from the depot. Next Friday, weather permitting, the All-Stars meet the business men for 1 benefit ball game at the Lincoln ball grounds'. DALTOYS CASE RUSHED. Alleged Br.te Taker at Oakland Mast Stand Trial Thursday. Oakland, Cal.,- May 22. Assessor Dalton, charged with bribery, was ar raigned today. Despite the attorneys' request for a month's postponment the court set Thursday as the date for pleading by Judge Wells. Left 145 Descendant. ' Warsaw, May 22. M. Pinchus Gon sarovsky, a prominent Jewish citizen of Warsaw, ha3 died at the reputed age of 120 years. He had 145 children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. 1 . ' ' 1 "" ,! : . 1 a I jHome Made I Horseradish J :l25c a Pintii Gtdwn in Grande Ronde Valley and put up in Schram Jars., The PURE Horseradish Root For Sale by Pattisbn Hume Black 81. f ' fEKSOSALS. , r ; ' Q $000 G$4 f Miss Helen Daugherty spent yen terday in the city visiting with friends. A.'K.Jraham, a prominent rancher of North Powder, Is in the city. .; G. M. Bryant of Elgin was at the Foley yesterday. ' ' , " L. H. Lyster of Spokane la stopping at the Sommer . today. . . . , . I W,' Dox, of Peadwood,' S. D.. stop ped at the Sommer yesterday. ? A. P. Bradbury is her from Port land, stopping tt the Savoy hotel. . Attorney Turner Oliver is In Baker today on business matters - ,' v . J. T. Jennings was in the city from Baker last night, stopping at the Sa voy hotel. ' - -' ; Mrs. Frank Smith, wife of the well known Elgin merchant, was a guest at the Savoy last night. Mrs. Delia Moxley, a resident of Jo seph arrived this afternoon and is quartered at the Savoy. ; H. M. Reiff, a resident of Baker, b stopping at the Sommer while tran sacting business here today. W. B. Buck, who sells brass goods out of Sturgls, Michigan, Is at the Foley today. . -"Mrs. Slough, mother of S. M. Slough; has rented the Geo. Kelley residence on Second street. 'I . Charles H. Button. the - telephone man of Union, was over yesterday rooting for his ball team. f; Mrs. Geo. KcMoy is now ir. fortianti andj will remein for tie summer to-;e-euperate her health! , ;; " -J ; ; y. Ava Keeler , and A. A.; Keeler and wife, all of Wallowa, were Savoy ho-j tel guests this afternoon, arriving on the Joseph train. - - I W. A. Brooks was here from Walla Walla last night, on his way to Wal lowa county, and was a guest at the Savoy while here. J. M. Spence, traveling representa-j tive of the Oregon Journal, Bpent yes-! terday In La Grande. He was at the Foley. . C. J. Olson, of Portland," who, sells fur goods, is at the Foley. He has qn exhibition a $1,500 fur coat that is tak ing the eye of all the ladies. Mrs. L. Campan of Baker who has been visiting with Mrs. C. E. Hack man of this city for the past week, re turned to her home this morning.' 1 W. J. Lindsay, a former resident of La Grande but now of Portland, is in the city on his way to his mines In Idaho. Tom Wheelwright and wife came in from Elgin last evening and Mrs. Wheelwright left for Baker. They were at the Savoy. . A. M. Crawford and E. Ureedlove, local contractors; will leav this even ing for Medford and other southern Oregon points on business. ' j Walter Waggoner, a druggist of Pen dleton, was a visitor in the city yes trday with his sister, Mrs. F. Lilly and his brother, Harry Waggoner. H. E. Aakes of Enterprise. C. D. Domheger of Imbl?r, II. Bronson and family and Mrs. F. T. Parker, the last of Walla Walla, were among the Sun day visitors at the Sommer hotel Biahop Paddock of the Eastern Ore gon diocese of the Episcopal church arrived this afternoon from a visit to the Episcopal field In. Wallowa county. Mr. and Mrs. King Roe, formerly of Payette, are here visiflngwlth Mr. and Mrs. Sprat Montgomery of South La Grande. They may make this their home for the resent. Mrs. Doaneyof . Cottage Grove re turned to herhome yesterday morn ing afteripending a few days in La Grande" viBlting her son, Roscoe Doane the druggist. . K Mr. and Mrs. Cull Smith and son. who were at once , time residents of this city but now live. In Wallowa county, are here visiting with Mrs. M. A, Harris. . Mrs. Smith is on her way to Alberta to visit with friends. C. F- Sturgls, of Hamilton, Mo!, was here 'yesterday visiting his old friends Chet BIdweli and Ed. Kiddle. , These men were boys together back in Mis souri and used to go swimming in the same creek and drive the same Maude mule. Mr.-Hamilton is still wedded to the state of Marmaduke but both Bid well and Kiddle were determine he should see, the greatness of the Grande Ronde before he took up "his trip eastward. ; ' Boys Born at Grande Sonde. Two boys were born at the Grande Ronde hospital, one yesterday and one today. M:. and Mrs. Fred Robinson of Perry are rare nts of one of the young sters and Mr and Mrs Johi Ewen of this city 9 Barents of the oilier. PEOPLE YOU KHOIV They May Not Quits So Nu ' merous as You Imagine. . GUESS AS TO THEIR NUMBER. Than Do Some Thinking and Figuring nd S How Far From Your Guest 1 You Com and Incidentally Lra How Many folks You Don't Know. -. Did you ever have the experience, of walking down Main street wltb a man who is munlug foe office? AS fHe time he is bowing right nd left to people ; yon meet. Seven; times la a block he will stop to shake hao4s with an ac quaintance, i -. "You eb"jx to know rery one," you ay to him almost enviously. ; "Thai's right," he replies, not with wit some ptia. . "I f u's 1 de- know very body arcith knowing.", . Yec Uo mauy ;eopie does he know) How auiny people da you know your self? Did you evt-r try to figure it out? What proportion of the people in the Cnited States do you know? Certainly "ou don't know tb oue-hundreth part V (him1 Eveu tke president of the nitod States doesn't and couldn't If je kept traveling all the time, makUig a host pf new acquaintances every day. To know th oue-hundredth part f the people In Uiis country would be to know in the .elhboruood of a mllliou persons. No; it is perfectly safe to say that there s no person in the whole world thai knows a million other per sons well enough to call each of them by name. Think what a million means! Suppose you said the mimes vi nil people you know as fa: as you could. If yon could euunclate twenty names t minute you would be doing marvel Misly well Even at that rate, working eadily eight hours a day, it would sake yoa nenrly four months Just to name Uw people you know There isn't t memory in existence that would hold e sallllon names. WelL Ao you suppose you know a wndred ' thousand? Let s see; that rould lie about one-fifth of the popu Vlon of Rhode Island. Imagine your self sitting In the railroad station at Providence watching the people come through. No; that is hardly a fair test, for unless you live in Providence yon do not know as many people there as in the city ia which you live. Sit In your ojvu railway station and count the people coming through. No matter how well known you are or how,niny people you know, j qu cannot help but be impressed" with the Suet of how many people there are that you do not know. If you know one in a hundred persons you know far more tha?i the average. , ,It us try to get at It In anothei way. You make on the average, say, two new acquaintances a week. Of course there arc weeks and weeks thut yon make no new acquaintances at all, and then there are times, such as pic nic -week and vacation week and church fuir week, when you meet a lot of people, so that two a week is a fair average. You have been meeting people, say, for twenty-five years. Thafs 2,500, isn't It? Is it poHHlble that you know only 2,500 people' -You thought the num ber would be far more than that? But hold on. You don't know nearly that many. There are lots and lots of people whom yoti knew twenty years ago that yon don't know now. You cannot even remember their names or what they looked like. Just sit down and try to remembei the pames of all the boys and girls that were in the same room in the public school with you. You cannot remember half of them or a third of them or a fifth of them. It is safe to imW r-A Ik A AOU l it .Mli ' . WhatFoley Kidney PSls WIU Bo Fo'r I Ton.' Foley Kidney Pills are a true mejr- , cine. They are healing, strengthening, : antlsftcptic and tonic. Foley Kidney Pills take hold of your system and help Vfin in rlA irniiri1f eit vnnr A ra vA n i oacKacne, dull neaaacne, nervousness impaired eyesight, and of all the mis erable feelings that result from Cre- lmpalred action of your kidneys sa& bladder. Remember It is Foley KIcThnxr . Pills that do this for you; Hill's druse -store. M 2 9 15 2 30 iTbursday, June hi ill 1G3lGT8l!103m;:UTE& 'wpwy and tie ammina flv At the Steward Opera House next Weduesdny evening. Seats are now sale for this production, considered by all o be one of the leading theatri rax events of the year. ' : j . , f?i?11S-kiln' OU 1 ?LV y-r.rrAr , ; m a ar w aa s BUT . ' ' . rk ' fr7 V Thi. Mnmmy and the Humming Bird" (SCPaul Dispatch.) - 7 '." Reducing- the plot pf "The Mummy and the Humming Bird" to a few lines, it .would seem to appear that Isaac Henderson merely turned an old dress inside out, and manufactured a "made-o'ver" garment in his dramat ic workship. That is true and untrue at the eame time. Surely the follow ing will sound wonderfully familiar to habitual theatregoers: A young and beautiful woman with ante-nuptial dreams and Ideals of what wedded life must be, marries a young noble man of noble nature, who, being deep ly absorbed in scientific research, does not see that his bride is pining for his companionship; she gradually drifts into the habit of accepting the attentions of smooth scoundrel, to be rescued in the nick of time by her husband, Who comes to his senses at an opportune moment. How familiar all that sounds, and how many times it has been used by dramatists. Yes (and here is where Isaac Henderson fools usall, and turns the edge of our barbs) he has used this ancient scenery in a fashion which makes the made-over dress look almost like a new gown. Therefore, instead of harpooning him .with the critical slap-stick, let us praise him for performing a skillful bit of dra matic dressmaking. He has applied 'his patches with deft-fingers, added a bit of the delicate lace of romance here and there, and put on a slash 1 of color in the form of a revenge mo tive. It makes a rather stunning thing completed. Those who saw the play (at the Metropolitan last night, found that it heid them in close attention. It is sufficiently Imbued with melo dramatic elements to induce the audi ence to sit on the edge of its seat in eager excitement. It haB a lot of thrill. It moves In the same class as the business. He,, will pay all standing obligations of the nrm. - J. E. BRADLEY. :.v T. F. MARTIN, " . La Grande," Ore., May 22, 1911. .'v: .. My 22-27 L Watch Yonr Kidneys. - ' Their, action controls your health. Read what Foley Kidney Pills hav. done for your, neighbor. ' F.;S. Rex ford, 615 ew York; Life bldg., Kahsa City, Mo., says:',. "I: had a severe at tack of a cold which settled in my back and kidneys and I was in great pain from tny trouble. A friend recom mended Foley Kidney Pills and I useV two bottles of them and they hav done me a world of good. . I can rec ommend Foley Kidney Pills to anyone who sueffrs asi did." ' . " '' : Hill's drug store. ".' ,. M 2 9 15 2 30 . JBADY ELEPHANTS. , 53 INCHES TALL ATDAsjirr Aurv , UliUi WONDERFUL ALSO Xm CF E3CSEST ELEPHANTS SCFEF.3, SPECTACULAR, C"!Gi:'AL CIRCUS, E03 Pccp!s, 459 Animus BABY HIPPOPOTAMUS 40-SELLS "FL0T0 CLOYIIS -4 Q FIGHTING THE FLAMES Gorgeous Street Parada 10:30 O'CLOCK EACH r.lORNi::& 10,000 Seats I , . . . ... ' Twice its I General Aidsslsa rormcr iw Brin; all the folks and ' see for yourself a Fifty-Cent Cir cus lor 25 cents. 1 Campfcita Pw farmancat Dally. RalnarShlrMfat i t and I p. m. UU DiJ tnd Dt2 . Doors Open One Hour Earlier, ',Classiiiedi Advertising r A mlm A a Wtal n ti Pl -I I ! I. , - u& a w uti ui uab am. aiH wm " 4 s; GIRLS WANTED Apply at Cherry's New Lnnndry. v B-6-tf FOR SAL12 Three quarter bed, stead' good mattress and springs. liOl L Ave., Phone Red 831. 5-16-tf r FQH SALE Household goods, includ ing Majestic range and piano. Phone Black 331, 1103 N avenue. say that of every two persons you "Whitewashing Julia," but with this one. The chances are that the num ber of people you know by name Is nearer 1,000 than It is 2,000. Of course a preacher with a thou sand members in his church Is expect ed to know them all by name. But all the same you will find him saying to his wife: . "My dear, who was that young lady who spoke to us Just know?" It Is business, too, for a merchant to distinct difference; the Julia play is almost wholly devoid of emotion while the Mummy play has tense moments, unexpected situations and many sur- j prises. It has, too, less literary qual ity for the same reason. Mr. Gilmore's comedy is good. It has its best opportunity in the first act, during the period in which he Is (developing the entente cordiale with rememher all of hl thoimnnd enstom- the Italian organ grinder. It was a era, but very few merchants are able to j scene very largely in pantomime, for do It. Possibly some of the politicians i the organ grinder speaks no English, and public lecturers may know a cou- it was a striking, original situation. It Pie of thousand persons by name, but changed from comedy into thrilling very few other persons know that j drama by eagjr Btagfi8 Prouably no "iMhii estimate seems too low it is BCene ,n the Pla? WM a, bette: S?: easily disproved. . All you have to do ! catlon of the dramatic values of "The la to take, pencil and paper and begin ; Mummy and the Humming Bird", porting down the names of your ac !. , 1 - qualntances. Start with your own j Cotc Girl Very IIL . family and then put down your cousins j Miss Hazel Chadwlck, who lives and your second cousins and your wltn her parent8 near Cove ,B , of i0nL,TheD VUy dCT S! Pneumonia and for the last few days names of the people you know in the ; . ,. . ... town you used to live In and the peo-: Physicians have feared she could not pie you know socially. Follow that up , "urvlve. Today she is slightly im with the people you kholr In business, j proved. " . ''"..'. then' - j . i' But yon can't dispute these figures, j Dissolution NoUe. ' ' r ix is loo mncn trouoie to tmna oi au Tha flrm of Martln & Bradley, plum- ! the people yon know, j New York World. You'll never do it FOR RENT 5 Geddcs Bros. room house. Inquire FOR SALE A pair of fine young horses six years old, weight about 1450, cash or time. Would trade for lumber. W. R. Kivette. . My 19-tf Up - to - Date rrescnpt . a ions require up-to-date methods 'rr their compounding. Our pre scription department . is d with the newest remedies that physicians are prescribing and we have every apparatus and appliance necessary to meet the demands of modern pharmacy. All prescriptions are dispensed by registered pharmacists who keep in touchy with every ad vance in the profession. Wright Drug Co. PURE DRUG DRUGGISTS. rW''wlW'' Cook With bers, is dissolved this 22nd day of f .M'4A.. 1 . . . a ... IX , aim, io ii, Dy iuuiuai conseni. au ac-, . counts due the firm will be collected by J. E. Bradley, who will continue Electricity Here are some points about our new ELECTRIC I RANGES i5 Ready for use any time, i -Any part regulated instantiy to any temperature insuring steady, even heat. ;. v. . '.:, '.'... , No waste pay . for Just what heat ., you use, ' ! ... ' Quicker heats np in a Jiffy and stays hot. You don't have to fan or coax it to burn. . No smoke or soot Inexpensive our special nit makes it as economical as wood. ;;, '.-.. a i. s . . ' " Well pnt one' In for you free, nnf let jon try H thirty days, without oUI. bay. Drop In and see them at onr bfflce.' J . , EASTERN OREGON LIGHT .1:jS-&'P0WER-X0.