La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, May 20, 1911, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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PAGE' 8'
SATURDAY, SIAY 20, 1911.
The value of a bank's service to de- v
positors and1 borrowers depends upon
the . scope, character and efficiency of
the service! rendered.
In choosing this as YOUR Bank you
have assurance of a service capable of
meeting your most exacting require
ments, together with courteous consid
eration ample capital, large surplus
fund, perfect organization and efficient
and able management.
; . ' ' ;'i ' i ' " -
These are all factors in making this
TUfcflnA lAoriofli hank for vou to affili
ate with.
U. S. National Bank
to -ward off the unlucky spell. Even
Jupiter Pluvlus had a sunny smile and
let not a rain droap fall during the oc
casion. 1
A score of autos fathered up the
guests In La Grande, then after being
received by, the hostesses the guests
were shown upstairs when to their
dismay at the approach of the stairs,
was an open ladder, with a plank and
warning them that "To pass under a
)nAer hrlne-a; bad.-llKk."-- To- ftYCldj beys &&d S
'his, howe,ver, each lady -would whis- present to participate
tie as she passed under and this she
elected as the new director of the club.
The Neighborhood club ladles are
very enthusiastic over the Chautauqua
assembly and will assist in trying to
make it a permanent Institution.
The annual stag banquet given by
the B. M. A. was held last evening at
the club rooms. A feed with more than J
ordinary frills and toothsomeness bad
been arranged by a delegation of club
Society and Clubs
Commencement for 1911 in the La
tSraade high school has been definite
flt arranged. Commencing tomorrow
wftft the baccalaureate services at the
Hit school auditorium at which Doc
tec J. D. Glllilan will deliver the bac
s!iureate address- and the Methodist
afaurtth choir is to supply the music,
ft&duatton week will be ushered in.
"Tba final exercises come Friday eve
atpt at the same building when the
nraencement services will be held
4 the sheepskins will be handed out
the membership of the class. The
-jtiCjrara for the commencement exer
.mIphk follows; .r
advocation . . .... Dr. S. V. Seemann
.Kturus "Revel of the Leaves",..,.
High School Glee Club
Salutatory ... I2nid gtanchlleld
Vacal Solo. Selected... Geo. S. Blrnle
.Wrfres3 .. .. ir....: . .
L. R. Alderman, Supt. Public
K Instruction.
Coral"' Solo "When the Roses .
8Ioom" , . Relchardt
Mrs, T. J. ScroeKl".
faiedictory ....... Jeunette Wheatley
WtKKenration of Diplomas .
Ilenrv Henson, Pres. B'd Education
Chorus "Till We Meet Again". . . . . .
High School Glee Club
The class this year includes 21, as
large a class as usually graduates
from the institution. The class roll is;
Hallle Irene Adler, George William
Broadbridge, George H. Currey, Jr.,
Per Eensoti Currey, Eugene N. Good,
klvH .stay Greene, Charles Olaf Groups,
Lelah i.May Hough, James Hugh Irwin,
Frederick J. Lottes, Callsta Love, Bar
tha May Neill, Gladys E. Oesterllng,
Bonnie Lillian Severs, Enid M.'Stanch
fleld, Ethel Frances Sweeney, Jean
nette Wfceatley, Scott A. Wheatley,
Eva Viola Woodruff.
"An Unlucky Party" was the title
given to nn afternoon entertainment at
the home of Mrs. E. E. Kiddle at Island
City on Friday, May 19th. The hos
tesses were '.Mrs. E. E. Kiddle, Mrs.
C. H. BldweU. and Mrs. A. R. Hunter.
The guests were the members of the
Neighborhood club who consider them
selves anything but unlclty to have
been honored by the invitation for ev
ery chnrm known to the nit was used
did with the earnestness of the small
boy who whistles as be passes through
a dark wood. .'.
In the stairway they had a pass a
landing which cast another evil spell
unless they shook hands. Over the
mirrors were placards warning the
guests that if two should look in the
mirror at the same time' they should
smile at each other."
As the went down sta'rs the found
the same unlucky' snells to be averted
everywhere, and finally each lady waB
called upon to relate an unlucky Inci
dent in her life. : The story told bv
Mrs.'F. W. Jackson, "A Study in Black
and White," was voted to be the best
and Mrs. Jackson was presented "With
a beautiful brooch, a four leafed clov
er and a horseshoe combined.
The. pleasure of the afternoon was
very much added to by a vocal solo by
Mrs. O. E, Sllverthorne and another
by Mrs. Mvrton Kiddle.
Mrs. Kiddle's beautiful' and commo
dious new home was decorated with
yellow Iris and white carnations and
narcissas. carrying out the club colors,
yellow and white.
In the dining room, again the scheme
was carried out both in the decorations
and in the refreshments.
Mrs. Fred Kiddle and Mrs. Foster
poured coffee, while Mrs. Myrton Kid
dle and the Misses Atherton, Foster,
Hunter and Leta Kiddle served the
most dainty refreshments.
In bidding adieu the guests departed
rnrougn a aiuernui uoor from iue uu
through which they were received, ov
er which was suspended a horseshoe,
portending a more lucky future. .
Over three hundreds yards of white
silk mull have been used in preparing
the gowns to be worn by the drill team
of the Hope chapter of the Eastern
Star at the grand lodge in Portland
early In June. The 24 members will
be gowned similarly and the. expense
of fitting out these gowns will total
more than $1,000. All the expense is
born by the members of the team, as
is also the trip expense to Portland.
"Few realize what a prominent big
thing this drill team is nor do they
appreciate the honor," said ' Grand
Worthy Matron Mrs. Rinehart this
morning. "The team will put on the
work at Portland during the grand
lodge and its reputation will be spread
over the entire state. Hundreds will
be In attendance and of all the lodges
In the state, La Grande has been pik
ed to do this work. In order that they
may do It commendable and with cred
it to the city, the members and the in
structor, Mrs. Fred G. Schllke are put
ting on two or three weekly drills on a
la the spread. -
The club is nearlng the end of its
year's work, specializing on three lines
literary, musical and physical, and the
banquet last evening was a capping
climax to the year's several .spreads.
The guests Included "Heinle" Helden
rlch and Eugene Good.
The Massabees annual ball last Wed
nesday evening was a big success and
every guest njoyed himself immense
ly. The ladies of the order outdid
themselves to make the- event a de
lightful one and succeeded splendidly.
: , .; j .. .. . ..
Election of officers of the Lyle Tues
day Musicale takes place nsxt Tuesday
and all members are.urged to be pres
ent, as the meeting will be of consid
erable importance v '
The Bridge club was entertained this
week by Mrs. Jay Van Buren. Mrs.
Fred Kiddle of Island City won the
. 4
Mrs. Nell Grimmitt entertained very
informally a few friends Thursday
evening at the Mr. and Mrs. Fred L,
Holmes residence on Fourth.
Mrs. Oscar Jackson entertained the
La Jaunesae club at its regular meet
ing this week. Refreshments closed
the evening's sewing. . -
. Mrs. Adolph Newlln was host to the
mis week.
nm a
Sheriffs Sale.
Notice Is herety given that under
and by virtue of an execution and or
der of sale and decree of foreclosure
and sale of mortgage property issued
out and under the seal of the circuit
court or the state of Oregon, for the
county of I nion. bearing date the 20th
day of April, ism, and to me directed
ana aenvered upon a Judgment and de
cree amy rendered, n'ered of record
ana aocseiea in said court on the 19th
day of April, 1911, m a suit wherein
the Island City Mercantile and Milling
company, a. corporation, Is plaintiff,
ana me uranae Konde valley Agricul
tural society, a corporation, is dfend
antraald Judgment belna In fanr nf
said plaintiff and against said defend
ant Tor the sum of $16,965.32. with in
terest at the rate of ten per cent per
annum from April 19th. 1911. and the
furthersum of $1700.00 attorney's fe:,
and the further sum of $10.00 for costs
and disbursements, I will on Monday
the 22nd day of May, 1911, at 10 o'clock
a. m. of said day, at the front door of
the court house in the. rltv nf t
piece of floral work that they knew "Grande, Union county, Oregon, sell at
Time for Gardening
when Spring, arrives, and la antlclpa.
tlon 'of your miulrements we nave the
best assortment of garden tools to be
had anywhere. Made for work, they
are the moot doratfle and serviceable
kind. Use enr tsrib and job will hTe
most . succattf ul Kurdon.
fairly well before this matter came un,
The members sacrifice everything to
do this well and it will be more of a
boost for La Grande than anything
that has happened in a long time." The
public is of course non-conversant of
the "turns" done by the team but East
ern Star members say that the grand
lodge will see something that has nev
er been equalled before. The drill wa3
originated by Mrs. Schllke.
Mra. William Ramsey was the guest
of honor this week at a reception giv
en In her honor bv the Ladies' Aid so
ciety of the Presbyterian church at
the home of Mrs. A. T. Hill. The Hill
home was decorated with tulips and
narcissas and irestntd a very do
llghtful aud pleasing appearance. Light
refreshments w;r? sen- too. Mrs.
Ramsey for long a resident and promi
nent cnurcn worwer or inis city, leaves ;
Tuesday for Portland w here she ; nd 1
her husband, Attorney . Ramsey, Willi
make their future home. The evnt'
was largely attended.
a '
the Misses Pearl and Ruby Huff
were hostesses last evening at a card
party at the home of their parents,
Seventh and L streets, and about 30
guests were present. The evening
was spent playing various games of
cards and toothsome refreshments cli
maxed an evening of pleasure to ev
ery one of the guests. Music and rec
itations were also a :art of the even
ings' entertainment Eeveral very ex
cellent numbers were rendered.
Among the guests present were sev
eral from out of town, including Im-
Dier aud AUcel points
A very delightful surprise was ten
dered the members of the Eastern Star
floral drill team last Monday evening
at the conclusion of the rehearsals
when Miss Wilma Rinehart, Miss Stel
la Bloch and (Miss Tthel McKennon
were hostesses to the other members
of the team and instructors at a ban
quent served at the lodge room. The
drill team had not been apprised of the
treat and when the doors were swung
open on the well-ladened dinner, table
the surprise was genuine and greatly
appreciated. The dinner proved a de
lightful break to the monotony of hard
The annual meeting of the Neighbor
hood club was held on Tuesday after
noon and a most interesting business
meeting Was held. Plans were laid for
the next year's work. Annual reports
were given, ana new onicers werei
elected at follows: President, Mrs. J.I
tj. oiuui; Tur presiueui, airs. Aioeri
Hunter; secretary, Mrs. Dellle Green;
treasurer, Mrs. J. S. Williamson. Mrs.
J. K. Wright at retiring president, was
public auction to the highest' bidder
tor cash, to satisfy said plalntlff3
judgm.nt and decree, interest, attor
ney's fees, costs, disbursements and
accruing costs, all the right, title and
Interest that the said defendant had on
and after the. date of the mortgage
forecloa:d In said suit, in and to the
following described mortgage proper
ty, lo-wit: . . , ...
Beginning at the southwest corner of
the northwest quarter of the south
east quarter of section four in town
ship three south, of range thirty-eight,
E. W. M., thence running north (no
deg). 15 minutes, east, nineteen nun
dreed feet to intersect the south boun
dary of tha public highwav known as
the La Grande and Island City road,
thence running north fifty-nine deg.,
He goes to the store in which he has the greatest
confidence. He does not judge stores by what
they claim to do, but what they DO do. He goes
to the store that he has learned always gives all
' y:r more than they promise. J While some stores'
are always claiming to give unheard of values, it
is quite often the case that some other store, not
claiming so much, is really giving BETTER val
ues. While we are firm believers in advertising,
we know that men judge us mostly BY WHAT
WE DO and not by what we say, hence we de
pend upon HEAL GENTTIN5 VAT.TTT! otv.
ING to get us customers and KEEP them. We
want YOU. '
The Store That Satisfies
three minutes east along said road or
public highway three hundred and
twelve feet, thence due east, ten hun
dred and thlrty-slx and 4-100
feet, thence due south, two
thousand and sixty-five and
8-100 feet, thence due west thirteen
hundred and thirteen ana 4-100 feet
to , the place of beginning4 containing
sixty acres of ground more or less,
n v-ir, ) tho aonrTi west nnnrter of
the northeast quarter and the north
west quarter of the southeast quarter
of sectjon four in township three
south, of range thirty-eight, E. W. M.
and in Union County, Oregon, (the
same being known as the fair ground.)
Dated this 22nd day of April, 1911.
at La Grande, Oregon.
Sheriff of Union County, Oregon. .
D o 22 29 May 6 13 20 27 Jun 3
Some Proof That Really Prows Ask
, the eUin Drua; Compiiny.
" ' "
."Parisian Sage has done wonders for
my hair, has cleaned out all dandruff,
and my hair has begun to grow."
Mrs. Julia Watson. R. F. D. No. 1,
Grows hair or money back, ask th
Fredericksburg, Va., 1910.
Newlin Drug company.
"Parisian Sage is fine. There is
nothing like It for removing dandruff,
and it leaves the scalp so clean. It
also stops that itching of the head."
Ethel L. Schuyler. R. F. D. No. 1, Bel
mont, N. Y.. 1910
Stops itching scalp, or money back.
"I consider Parisian Sage one of the
best hair tonics and beautiflers, dan
druff cure and cleaner, that I have
ever used." Mrs. Katherlne W. John
son, Sheridan, Ind., 1910.
Stops itching scalp, or money back.
"I am pleased to say that Parisian-
Sage as a hear grower and beautlfler,
and as a dandruff cure and scalp clean.
er, la fine." Mrs. N. T. CHft. 210 N.
Penn avenue, Greenfield, Ind., 1910.
Parisian Sage Is the moat refined
and refined hair dressing In the world.
It ia not sticky or greasy, and the price
is only 60 cents a large bottle at the
Newlin Drug company and druggists
everywhere. The girl with the Auburn
hair is on every package..
I i .
" i '... ;
We have a very complete
line of FiHng Cases and
Office Supplies
we would be pleased to
have you call and look
them over, or ask us for a
Catalogue of , Files and
Card Index Equipment
If you (tiffM from Mfdlnt, Itch Inf. blind
or pruirwltiif rilra, id tarn your dtliwM.
ind 1 will trll Jon haw to car jraanelf tt
hum bj Um new tbnorptlna tmtamt; tod
will 1m and mm ot thl bomt tmuncot
fif ftir trial, with rrtrtrocr from your
owa localltr l( rrqfMd. laaMOlatc n
lief aad prrmaamt ear Mnrrd. Snd nn
mtmrr, bt teU othen ot this offtr. Writ
todar to Un. at SoauMn. Box P, Mstrt
Dux, lad.
Stewaf d's : Opera : House
Wednesday, May 24
mi i i
Mr. Paul Gilmore
In the English Society Comedy Drama,
"The Mummy, and the
Humming Bird"
By Isaac Henderson.
Prices - - - - - - $1.50, $1.00 and 50c
Seat sale open at Van Buren's Monday morning.