La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, May 19, 1911, Image 5

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FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1911.
, ?f eri.rr 11 .iri.""-."i""i
: th
Sherwood, Pi
and Manager.
- n -
1 1 ort M. Sherwood, Proprietor
"Nell's LastDear ......Edison
A wonderful picture '"taring
. Miss 'Mary. Fuller In ths , star ,
role. iShe is a gambVr to her
laBt deal.and she wlr." cat. ';
"Comrades" ... . . , . B'ograph
It!s a Blograph aria two tram?
It's a Blograph and - two
tramps are the chief actors.
"Mix Is Stuck Up" . . Pathe
Since he went music crazy
with his magic flute this is the
very. best he has, done. "You'll
all laugh when Max appears'
again.- " ' ' "'
Illustrated song "Your Picture'
. Says Remember, Though Your
Letter, Says ,Fcrgn' , ,Sung by
M'ss tjarrick .
Mr, Ferrin ....
: v . -.
. Silk waistinga and suiting, complete
line of 50c -and 60c values; on sale
.this week at 35c. The Golden Rule
company.?' v' .. V . ; ; ,
' t- -
Great Northern vacuum cleaner on
ly $7.50. Sold by W. H. Bohnenkamp &
Co. . i, . .. ;
Complete line of new spring pat
terns, lawns and wash goods. Values
-2 112c and 15c; on sale at 7 l-2c. The
Golden Rule company.
Just arrived. New popular music
10c. The Cash Bazaar.
'.. Bargain B jsemeut.
Values unequaled. Small kitchen
and house furnishings. Granlteware
tinware, dishes, etc. The Golden Rule
For Sale.
My tinning and plumbing business In
Joseph, Oregon. I have a first class
set of tinners and plumebrs' tools.
Reason for selling, failing health.
5-17-12t J. S. HOUCK.
Silk Petticoats. special; new
arrivals; soft taffeta, made to have
) t. -i . -
4" i
When your feet hurt
you, and you think you
have rheumatism inthem
-but you haven't, try a
pair of our 7!
Steel FotArche?
and you'll f fnd out what
has been the cause of all
your "suffering. Made. to
fit comfortably in any
style shoe. (Carried in all
sizes for men and women
L. J. French Shoe Co.
the narrow appearance, and yet plen
ty, of width. - 5.00 and $6.00 values
at this special price of $3.79.' AH $8.50
values go on sale at this figure, f 5.43
Men's and children's straw hats, 10c
15c and 25c. The Cash Bazaar.
A valuable colt belonging to Con
cllman urvis of south la Grande wis
badly cut by a wire fence today.'' The
animal was running tn a pasture wheii
It struck the fence and is In a criti
cal condition.- - " ;7 :
'Spring lamb at Grande Ronde Meat
company, tomorrow; .-. t ,
Men's and boys' balbrlggan and
mesh underwear, 25c. . The Caen Ba
zaar. .'. ' - - ' v." V ;'
Early spring styles In nut coal. Main
j.- Grande -Ronde Cash company. "
, ' J. F, Lowery, a salesman o Tampa
is'at the Foley today... 'A - V
''Deputy Sheriff Undgren ; is serving
legal papers in North Powder today.
. Attorney j'.. F.: Baker .was' a North
Povyder yls'to' today, going up.oa Vif
morning train. . . . .
Fred Kiddle, tie Island. City .PininiS
man" rsturne." hbipe f6nrj abisipesa
vist to Portland th's .morning.'-"' v
E. Wolf, was down from Telocaset
r- -"v - v ...,.......
at the'Foley. . .
C. M. Matthews of Portland and J.
J.' Tomlin of Moto were Foley hotel
guests last night. -,:'
C. ti. , Campbell.: . with ; the Pacific
Coast Rubber ' company . of "Portland,
was at the Foley last night. ',' '
'Mrsi J. D. Gillllan arrived "from
Portland this1 morning leaving' Karl
convalescing fast1; ' . . "
Rev: Dr. C. O, Ivimball of Walla
Walla Methodist church, Istopped over
this afternoon on his way home from
a visit to Enterprise. " " "
Frank Metcalf, a well known resi?
dent of Imbhr spent the morning here
transacting business and was regis
tered at the Foley. f , .'' . ,
U. $: Sayer,; representing the Na
tional Cash Register company of Day
ton, Ohio was at the Foley this morn
ing. ' ' ; V
Dr. C. T. Bacon who has been spend
ing the week In Portland arrived home
this morning, reporting the metropo
lis soaked with terrific showers al
most daily. V
George Ball, a prominent Odd Fal
low of. this city, arrived home this
morning from Portland where he was
present during the grand lodge ses
sions there.
Anno Fowler of Portland, J. H. Rich
ardson of Seattle and C. E. Cartwright
of Spokane were Somnier hotel guests
today while transacting business in
La Grande. '- .
District Attorney F. S. Ivanhoe went
bsck to Enterprise today to complete
the criminal trials at the, Enterprls?
c'rcu't court. He expects to return to
La Grande about next Sunday. "
W. Evans and W. E. Evans, both of
St. Joseph, Mo., were here last night
stopping at the Foler. They represent
the Toodle-Wheeler-Motter line of
goods. v
. Mrs. Mary Slough and son Leroy
have moved to La Grande from Elgin
and will live near the corner of Adams
and Second street. Mrs. Slough Is
the mother of Commercial Club Mana
ger Slough.
Mr. and Mrs. George Grout arrived
homefron Portland this morning
where Mr. Grout attended the Odd Fel
low's "grand lodge and where Mrs.
Grout officiated as retiring president
of the Oregon assembly," of, Rebekahs.
.'V i -"' ' ' '
-.y - 'Vi;;
Elgfn and Union Dflegations, Joined
.. By Lft. Grande Eepresentatltei -
' - '..js' i'- ' . tj- .. . J . . t, ,
Manage? D. A. Barnes, 'Director Jess
Hindman CatcUerHughes, and , L. B.
Tuttle ail of Eigln, Manager Bob Smith
and Thomas BrashIer of4,,Unloi and.
R. :'L. iLIncojareprjeleJiting Dr.' J C.
Price,' the La Grande director, htli a
consultation this afternoon In presi
dent T. .H. Crawford's office,. oVer -the
protested game of last Sunday. Ba
ker's director did not come and Dr.
Lincoln was named as representative
of Dr. Price, the regular, La Grande
director of the Eastern Oregon league,
who is out of town. .
The conference .was called at 3:00
.o'clock and continued well Into the af
ternoon, , ' . --;.V,,V
8pralna rtqulre careful trMtment Keep
quiet and apply Chamberlain's Liniment
freely. ' It will remove the soreness and
If Pedhion Is Favorable, La Grande Is
to Get Terminal Rate Eat
Transportation of ;wool, hides and
pelts, frpm various western points of
originIncluding La Grande for eas
tern destinations at rates that will
conform with the long and short haul
clauses that is. it will not be neces
sary to ship these commodities to
Portland and from there' east.-but. to,
ship direct from La Grande and obtain I
rates equal to or lower than the Port
land, rates to eastern destinations
will be possible if the interstate com
merce commission hands down a fav
orable . decision in the original Spo
kane ratj case. In that original com
plaint La drande Is included In the et
al by which .the "case is titled. Thlsj
information reached the La Grande
Commercial club this morning In a let
ter from Judson C. Clements, chair
man of the Interstate commerce com
miss'on at Washington, D. C. The let
ter informs the La Grande club that
thejreqijest for 'terminal rates to in
terior towns qn wool.: hides and pelts
Of the Snokann Seattlf. Pnrtlnnrt JSan "' S
Francisco, Reno, Salt Lake and other's
raie case aemanas. M
VA8 a consequence of this announce-'
ment the interstate commerce com-,
mission -.will handle these particular
east bound rate Items in conjunction
with ' the general readjudlcation of
rates and if the Spokane casa Is decid
ed in favor of Spokane, La Grande and
the- other, complaining towns, then
these' particular items mentioned will
be Included and it will then be unnec
essary to have goods shipped from the
eastrgo to Portland to get. terminal
rates and come back to La Grande on
local rates, or, either, to have east
bound shipments sent to Portland on
local rates to get eastbound transcon
tinental rates. '; - " v ; J: ' ' 1
merce commission follows the hearing-i aWi2
held at Washington on the 3rd day of - 1 -
April this year. Aside from the chair-
man, Charles A. Prouty, Franklin K;
Xane, Edgar E: Clark, James S. Har
lan, Charles C. McChord, and Bathasar
R. Meyer heard th9 arguments.
Special Offerh;
Spring MiOmcr
150 stylish spring shapes. AH trim
med spring hats at prices uneqaa!cL
$12.50 values to sell quickly at ?5X3
to.........;......:.. ...::
10.0ft values to sell quickly at ?
. to ........... ........ .4 .6J
. 8.50 value to sell quickly at $4.0t
to ... ................ .V. . . .'. M
It' f'if s4K 0
-VUWjl-VW ' , ; H0.C0 values at $5.00 to
k,Mmm ioosaMto ::::
I T I if f f I wgnlar iricfsfca -j.
li -'ih '"v I sl'l'l ' len cut In a seemingly . "V .
I i Vl I 1 ' r,d,cu,0U8 Bnnep, but we " J '
t ' ' :. I iA ' ' haTe ; ' M Immensir f :
I- XA '';'vMPJ I bosln88 tn or mlUInerj ., j .
I If I V I I ielartmen thh season
,::! 'v-..4 -- It spriny stjles we wish to
h I - F ' ' ' . ,' . t V
' .ft ?MI - i'-. .1 ' Willi II A th itM. i. ..I.;. . . y
'.''; '? (Jm ni niake jour selection. , v ,
, r ' , " ... ... - .. . . . r : " . r . -
. 1
" I .. ..... i. i . . . .,
t v, V i2c and 15o values on sale. ' -I I Oil 5 made for the narrow skirts. $5.00 val-
annnnsBnsnnMnnsjnnnnBnnnBnisnnnnMnnnnsn mmm nnnma sau MMilBHalHMHl
I ' 3Sc-SUk WalSUn88' Foulard 8UU,K. etc. - ' Percales, new patterns, 50 pieces Just
j - OUV 60c to 60c valaes on sale. , O3C now. 10c values on sale.
I Barg
1 U;
ain "R'QAiTiATif Vaucs uncua'd on Tin and Granitmare, Dishes,
"WuCIllCHl naceuar anl fff ,m,ll LU,U.A ...-.'-Lf--,
Neighborhood Club to Relieve Situa
tion Willi Strenuous Work.
As an outcome of a meeting held by
the directors of the Grande Ride
chautauqua, new ginger is . being in
stilled into the coming attraction at
Riverside park and with a committee
of directors of the association out on
the street today, tickets are being sub
scribed at a rapid rate. Dr. W. D.
McMillan, John Collier, J. C. Black,
William Miller and others canvassed
the business portion of the town today
and met with fine success. The opin
ion is that the'directors did the correct
thing by deciding, to maintain . the
chautauqua and,, now that' the matter
Is being put to the cjrucial test the
subscriptions are coming' in freely. .
In addition tb the , business house
canvass the Neighborhood club is to
commence a house to'house canvass Jn
the, residence district at once. v That
club has arranged Its' territories and
will go after the needed 600 tickets
with a vim. ' There Is every indication
of a successful 'sale of tickets. ,
. . . V Z- ' ;
Slight Wreck at Horseshoe Bend Last
.Mght--Tralns Delayed Today.
, Heavy rains are delaying traffic
slightly thlB week. Number. 6 was de
lay -.about an hour this moaning, and
the weBt bound morning train was sev.
Graceful and Attrnctho Women.
If you are thin and want to be
plump j if you have wrinkles In your
face that you are not proud of, if your
skin is sallow and subject to pimples
or blackheads ' take MI-O-NA stom
ach tablets for two -weeks and notice
the change. .
, .Nine tenths of the thin people .ure
thin because the stomach is not ac
tive; It is tot mixing thoroughly with
the natural digestive Juices the food
put, into it, and consequently is not
eyactiJi; from the food enough nour
iahmeai matter for tho Mood to Cte
tribute to every part of the body. If
the stomach does not do Its work
properly the nourishment In the fond
you eat is passed along without giv
ing to tho loc"y any flesh bullaing
GIRLS WANTED Apply at Cherry's
r New Laundry. , 6-6-tf
' m ' ' '
FOR SALE Three quarter bed, steaJ
good mattress and springs. 1101 L
Ave., Phone Red 831. ' 6-16-tf
elements. "
MI-O-NA stomach tableu quickly
build up thi ftomach so tLa. it ex-1
tracts from the food all tho elements
necessary to form good soil I flesh. ;
If you are thin try a two week?
treatment of MI-O-NA sttmiieu tab j
leta;. twoi w;t.h eachmeal will wornv
wonders. ' " ; ' ,y , . j
. MI-O-NA stomach tablets are guar,
anteed to cure indigestion, acute or
chronic, or money back. Sold by tho
Newlirt Drug 'company and druggists
everywhere, at 50 cents a box.
My 16. 25; Juh 6.
FOR SALE Household goods, includ
ing Majestic range and piano. Phone
Black 331, 1403 N avenue.
Geddes Bros.
room house. Inquire
FOR SALE A pair of fine young
, horses si years old, weight about
1450, cash or time. , Would trade for!
A Kodak to
Suit Every Purse
Wright Drug Co.
lumber. W. R. Klvette.
My 19-tf
Watch Tour Kidneys. ' -Their
action' controls your health.'
Read .what Foi:y Kidney Pills have
done for your neighbor.
" Mr.' Carl Richter, 614 Brons avenue,
Peoria,' 111., writes: "I used to spend
sleepless nights and days of severe
suffering," with backache and pains In
my side. ; J These started over my kid
neys and depressed my whole system,
This was due to kidney trouble. I tried
different medicines with but little re
lief until I began taking Foley Kid
ney Pills. . Two bottles cured my back
ache and stopped all pains, ow I can
again work all day, Bleep sound at
night and feel improved In every oth
er way. This I owe all to Foley Kld-
eral hours late. A car was derailed at
Horseshoe Bend near Baker last night , ney Pills, which have my strongest
Mill's drug store.
IT., i. "Ill tun Kicinw buu . . . . . ' M
quickly restore the parts to a healthy con- na no. 0 last nigm was neia several iwuimuaiiuu,
dition. ' For tale b; all dealers. t ... hours.- ' , ,. M 4 11 18 25
Cook With
are some
points about our
Ready for uae any time. .
AnVTiorf racrnlofaf fnavann., in m...
temperature, insuring steady, even
,-. hrat. '. .. , " ...'., :.
, No waste pay for Just what heat
:' you oe. ; v
' Quicker heats up. in a Jiffy and
stays hot. 'You don't have to fan or
coax it tb burn, .f - . v
No smoke or aoot. ,
Inexpensive our special nta makes
,it as economical as wood. '
"iWell int one In for you free, antt
lft Villi tnr It third- faru ulthnnt Ht -
gallon to bay. Drop in and see thenr
at our office.
it- ' '
a. j 1 j-
H 'I"..' I ,'i-'f -