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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1911)
.4- . k IZ GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, "WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1911. PAGE 7 'v . ; - " ' - : : 3 Trips to Extend to San Francisco v. 0 1 i a TOpdplgl Deseving Frisnd- to Win? MC dsis TTxVf u ? 5 ? kelp CDteltafU Tetg Me "wed tt Pc of the tmr. Lead orer the 1 1 (1 ; i 111 H ft 4 . J9M CaB b',p 10 ,M, frkBi PortUmd, to tbo oecii ban and to San Frauds. 1 M U Ul r t sccre an additional scholarship, le.r ow. jeWs ..bscrlptloa, which w31 be paid If paid now, , , E1 Uraiee yow friend ! tie eontest for one of these desirable prlaes. ' . . ' 1 1 Tripa to Portland Festival ROUND TRIPS WITH ALL EXPENSES TO SEAPORT OTIES Leccons in Music, to th? Value of $50.00, with Jean McDonald-Birnie, of La Grande Tuition to the Value of $100.00 in any department of Whitman Collese, Walia Walku Tuition to the Value of $50.00 m the Baker Businecs College, Baker City. Conditions and General Information. Any respectable person over 12 years of age is eligible to enter this contest' , The cont. st manager reserves the right to reject any pominations. and all candidates must abide ; by the 'rules of the contest :. No employe of the Observer Is elig ible to enter thi3 cont. st arid every candidate will be given the. same ad- .n with which to secure subscriptions. Then let your friends know you are In the contest, and request them to save thilr votes for you. ' Candidates may nominate themselves or may be nominated by their friends. Votes will be allowed ba subscrip tions secured anywhere in the world. VotvB not transferable. ' V . i Any question which may aris; will be 8ft led by the Observerand its de' cis!on will be final. Send in Your Nomination. once write them : '.V ,S Should you father, mother, brother, friends for systematic work in your follows - n kuh ww iuu, r intud among 10 an organi paper. ' , . ., Votes will be 'Issued cn v renewals and paid-in-advanc subscriptions. . A coupon and nomination blank will :.iso be published In the Observer, which will, count for the number of votes specifled thereon. 1 . 4: The first thin? to do is to enter your name as a ca-idirtatfi. ' : ant. Then either call, write or phone ho1 v Be abitious and determined to win. Observer office; for a receipt book If you have friends you can not see at old subscription payments. sation. get them to secure the votes Call or send to the Observer office and assistance of the members. for a receipt book. The content mann. TVi nnt W a A ax, k. ..iii,.... i - , -"- wj ynoD K1J KllliUUt tger .wlll be glad to have you call bo securing some subscriptions and totes. .-.ow uD v.u.c.iimiu uciain ana give ine seaay, persistent dally work is you helpful plans. Telephone or write what will win you the prize. Keeping if you cannot call and a representative : iverlastlngly at it is what brings suc will give you full details In person or cess. - . in letter. r iAnyone. anvuhprA run nta tnr ant. y- Secure evtry coupon and nomination 1 candidate. Candidates can secure votes uiann as soon as you can. as they all; anywhere count. But work for "the votes Issued ' You will find 'nomination blank in this paper. It Is g'ood for 1,000. votes, j by payments on subscription, for they which give you-a fine start. ; . count the most. ' 1 . ; : ' Then enlist the aid of your fri:nds ' . ; Ask Your Friends to Help You. and neighbors. .Use your telephone,? if you belong to a society church Let everyone know . that , you are a ' or any organization let your fellow candidate , before they promise , thilr members know that you xpect their neip to a more enterprising contest- net p. it wm be given freely If you Interest will o a long way toward making you a winder of one of the trips or other prizes. , y Don't lose a single dajrf Get some , , Increase Your Yolo Each Day. subscriptions each. day. That Is the way to win out. Get a receipt book and start at once, ' ; ' ; : Wstrlbntlon of Prizes.' ' : To insure a Just distribution of prlz- Two from the city of La Grande; four from Union county outside of La Grande; three from Wallowa county. Pine and Eagle valley. :: ' ' ! Free for AH, , : The three winning candidates who. at the end of the contest have the most votes, may extend their trips to Saa 'Francisco, as guests of this newspa per. .Yotlng Tower of Subscriptions for the Evening Observer. TIME " By Carrier In By Mall in VOTES - ' La Grande ' United States ALLOWED One year:.'.:..,,;..,.... ...... 7.00..,., ...... 4.00...... 6000 Six months 3.50. 2.00. . .'. . . . . , . .2500 Three Months .......... ...... 1.75,;;... ...... 1.00...... 900 One Month ,. ....... .657..... ...... , .65r..... -;V..v.i 150 One Week '.IS...... ......... . -10 Toting Tower of Snbscrlptlong for the TYeetly Observer. One Year ............... ..i. ......... 1.50...... ..,1500 Six Months ; .75 ................. 400 only- ask before It Is given to some other contestant. ' Don't forget that children can do the most effective work in collecting scrlptions IF YOU OSLY ASK THEM, coupons and nomination blanks, as They wlH also secure votes for you weu -as secure you many subscrip-4 FEiOJI THEIR FRIENDS. : , tions. am no.. V, .VI n. n.t .l t ...j,,.... , . inese valuable prizes will be won j territory has been divided into three" at the "end of the contest raaga ' by someone. Why not by you?. . , , districts. Certain prizes are allotted numerical order ln standlng ut is easier to ask questions than to.eacb, district Candidates within a votes, may extend their trlns to sea- district compete with one another. For 8ld or Columbia river summer re- certaln prizes the districts may com sorts. . ' . , , pete against one another. But in the In lieu of the trins. scholarAhl in roaln the competition is 'within the music and in schools may be select districts vthemBelvi. , As the contest td. Bef or the end of the'eontMt & proceeds, the number 'of prizes allotted list of such ontional r cr h- to each district may be adjusted to suit eB 'will be announced. Prizes may ba the number ot candidates actively en- ;adde1 the contest oceedg and 2 To the Portland Rose Festival, be ginning June 5, the highest candidates ' correct mistakes. Dont hesitate to ask questions. The contest manager is at the Observer office to help you. ; Ttlephone Main 13. ; - tour Friends Will Help You. ; - Hundreds of people wlll have no personal friends In- the contest. You 1 A little organizing among your In each district will receive awards as! receive prizes.1. the number of candidates multiplies. to the end that a proper proportion of all those who actively compete may inn iinni a IVItMUK . Jtlcrting of Historians at Evunston. Ev&nston, 111., May 17. The annual mee'n? s of the Mississippi Valley His torical association, North Central His tory Teachers' association, and the Illinofs Historical society began herb today under", the auspices of Nortn- wesiein university-' The proceedings will continue until the end of : the week. Sprains require careful treatment Keep quiet and apply Chamberlain's Liniment freely.- It will remove the soreness and quickly restore the p-rts to a healthy con dition. For tale bv all dealers. E.v: i : ' :. :.otfv. .! Swift's Premium Hams i! and Armour's Bacon and Lard Also Home Rendered Lard i Cily Grocery & Bakery i i The Home of fancy Groceries U4iiiii i mm tmiiuiiuiiiiiiniMnH PLANN ED ME3I0RML ADDRESS SODAY AXD SERVICES TUESDAY, DAY rnn LI U 1 run ANNUAL BALL TOMORROW MACCAREE LODGE WILL HOLD AX- SCAL EYEXT. . Doctor Cillflan and Attorney Cochran , Principal Speakers. ' - Arrangements for proper ' observ ance of memorial day this year are under way arid the local post of U. A. R., headed by Cornmander; Faulk U now completing the details. Thu.i far, the entire programs have not been made up but the essential numbers are ready. Dr. J. D. Gillilan of the M. E. church, will deliver the Memorial ad dress on Sunday, May 28, at the Chrls tion chufch at 2:30 o'clock! Memorial day exercises will constitute the usual tributes tofsoldier dead, by the local post marcnlng to the cemetery and carrying out ; of ritualistic services there. The public is urged to partici pate In these services. On tnelr return to the city the old veterans will be ad dressed by Attorney C. E. Cochran. The secondary numbers . on both of these, days have yet to be fully decla ed upon. High Class Mnslc Promised Dancers at the Annoul Affair Thursday. ' La Grande Hive No. 27, Order of Maccabees, will come into Its own to morrow evening when the annual ball given by that fraternity Is held at the Elks hall. - The' event Is public and as the ladleB of that order arranged a most Successful ball lflRt vtar ,ihn - -" - tf v-- dancing public looks forward - to a fine evening's . enjoyment ;, tomorrow evening.-, v.; ., ''' " J " '.: '; " The Jodge has had the arrangement of this ball1 under way for several, weeks and nothing has been left un done that will aid in the entertainment of the guests. The tickets will cost one dollar and there will be first class music for the dancers. . V '.-'.. i' ' Knlfflits Templur at Wheeling:. ' I WhpflHnc W Vo . TVTow .,' it' Tiit. . . . 0 1 . . . . .'."J A 1 . , Knights Templar of West Virginia met In this city today in their 37th annual conclave. In their honor thef business section is profusely decorated with the colors and emblems of masonry. The two days' program provides for u reception, parade and competitive drill, In addition to the business ses sion. :.',.: . ' ;. ." ':..,' Reginald Windham, of Alberta, Can ada, and grand daughter of the yue Lieut, Gen. Sir Charles Ashe Wind ham was married to Lewin Edwara Cadogan, son of Earl Cadogan. - Anglo-Cnadalan Weddlniy. : London, May 17. In the Holy Trin ity church today Miss Mary Beresford Kentucky Traction Merger. : ' Lexington, Ky., May 17. The consoli dation agreed upon some time ago ey the various traction interests of Cen tral Kentucky became effective today. The new concern bears the name of the Kentucky Traction and Terminal company and controls the street rail way system of Lexington and all th Interurb&h Hue rim-ils ui ci iV Odd Fellows' Home Dedlcoled. Dell Rapids, S. D.,; May IT. The nagnlflcent home erected hero by the Odd Fallows of. South Dakota Tor the benefit of aged and Indigent raembcra of the order was dedicated today with Impressive ceremonies. The) grand lodge had charge of ,the dedication, which was attended by large delega tions of Odd Fellows and .Rebekahs from Sioux Falls, Huron and other places. ';, " 'rrmv.ssz-, : ,, n'!",1..,,,..: , , , . , .t-j-- ass HAPIf AND Uptown office Main 720 V- . Residence phone Main 25 AMBULANCE . L bussey : ; .,i ' . ' Perry Pneumatic Water Systems, Samson Wind Mills, Deming Pumps, Richardson & Boynton Warm Air Furnaces, Pipe Valves and Fittings, Gut ters, Plumbing Fixtures of All Kinds, Full Assort ment of Nickel Trimmings. ; v . 1 BflV 6 ZWElFEi a PLUMBERS, HEATERS, SHEET METAL WORKERS ' tt ! t V i f If : i- j! If I V . i v . 1! ?' . i '' 11