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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1911)
PAGE 6 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVES, "WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1911. IVSU Absolutely Puro The Only Caking Powder Made from floy&l Grape Cream of Tartar. Al f? 0 Vr Chemists teste have shown that a part of the alum from biscuit made with an alum baking powder passes Into the stomach, and that digestion is retarded thereby. Head the label and mako auro that your baking powder la not made from alum. TEACHERS TO MEET. Board of Directors to Meet at Baker Next Week. - In, preparation for the annual con vention of the- Eastern division of the Oregon State Teachers'' association County Superintendent Frank K. Wel les, of Umatilla county, as a member of the board of directors, will leave next week for Baker where he wjll at tend the meeting of the board, says the Pendleton Live Wire.-, ',; . From Superintendent J. A. Church ill, of the Baker schools, who la also president of the Oregon Teachers' as sociation, Superintendent Welles re ceivednotification today of the ap proaching school board meeting. , The annual convention will be held during Thanksgiving week and will at tract practically all of the teachers tn this section of Oregon. It js expected that the board of directors at the meet ing next, week will be able to provide an laborate and appropriate program. m m yet BE HEARD SHOULD CONGRESS ADJOURN EAR. LY HE WILL COME. Possible that Pro Rata Money Will Be Refunded If Be Falls. O'CONNELUS Cigar Store Peel, Billiard, Cigars, Tobac. co ant Soft Drlnks-best and most complete Hoe of cigars In the city. .' Observers Coast League base hall scores every 4a y there's a game. . - Corner Depot and Jefferson St Is your Skin on Fire! ' Does It seem to you that you can't .stand another minute of that awful .burning Itch? - - : ; ' A '-' hat It MUST be cooled? v . That you MUST have relief? , Get a mixture of oil of wlntergreen, .'thymol, and other soothing Ingredients as compounded only In D. D. D. pre scription. -v:' ''. ,.: The very first drops STOP that aw ful'burnlng Instantly I The first drops soothe and heal! D. D. D, gives you comfort cleas es the skin of all Impurities and wash es away pmples and blothes over night Take our word on It as your local -druggist. Get a 11.00 or, a 25 cent bottle to day. . Newlln Drug company, d: Ap.4; M 18; w: Ap. 7 May 19. Notloeof Street Improvement TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No tlce is hereby given that in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the com mon council of the city of La Grande, Oregon, on the 1st day of December, 1909, creating improvement district No. 10, and designating " Greenwood avenue as such district, and in pur suance of a resolution adopted by saM common council on the 12th day of April, 1911, whereby said council de termined and declared Its 'n'entlon to Improve all that portion of Greenwood street, in said improvement district as hereinafter described, by laying there- rn macadam roadway 40 feet wide, the council will, ten days after the ser vice of this notice upon the owners of the property affected and benefitted by such Improvement, order that said above , described , Improvement be made; that the boundaries of said dis trict to be so Improved are as follows: All that portion of Greenwood street, from the north line of O. & W. R. R. to the south line of T avenue. ! ; (A) And the property affected or benefitted by said improvement Is as follows: All the west half of blocks 152, 148. 147, 123 and 120 and the east half of blockB 151, 149, 124 and 121, all lu Chaplin's addition to the city of La Grande, Oregon. Notice Is hereby further given that the council will levy a special assess ment on all the property affected and benefitted by such Improvement for the purpose of 'paying for such Im provement That the estimated cost of such Improvement Is the sum of $5,615.40. That the .council will on the 17th day of May, 1911, meet at the council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock p. mto consider said esti mated cost, and the levy of said assess ment, when a hearing will be granted to any person feeling aggrieved by Vr r !Tlnt. La Grande, Oregon, May 5th, 1911. CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, OREGON. By C. M. HUMPHREYS, Recorder of the City of La Grande. Oregon. Change In Foremen. .. II. W. Schaefer, O.-W. R. & N. sec tion foreman at North Fork, is In the the city to tako charge of the Pendle ton yards during the absence of Fore man DeFord, who goes to Kansas City for a visit Martin McLaughlin will have charge of the North Fork section during Foreman - Schaefer's stay at Pandlcton. Pendleton East Oregon Ian. , V:.'- ': Treasurer's Call for City Warrants. There are funds In the treasury to paly all warrants issued against water fund of La Grande city, up to and In cluding No. 9,616, endorsed Aug. 8, 10. Interest on all warrants on Water fund from No. 9,600 to 9.616. inclusive, ceaBes from date of this call. La Grande. Oregon, May 13. 1911. - ROY W. LOGAN,' City Treasurer. My 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 33 24 For La Grande People. We have, found that A SINGLE DOSE of Adler-1-ka. the simple Ger man Appendicitis remedy, relieves wind or gas In th stomach or bowels sour sotmach or canstipatlon almoBt INSTANTLY. A. T. Hill's drug store. Speaker of the House Champ ClarK may yet appear on a lecture platform : in La. Grande as a part of the year's lyceum numbers according to Informa tion received by the central bureau. The proposition hinges entirely on the adjournment of the special session oi congress, and If that august body de cides to shorten its special session, the democratic leader of the lower house will be heard In La Grande. He was scheduled to appear during the spr.'ns but the extra session made it neces sary for him to cancel, or at least to postpone the number." Further worn will be heard from the central bureau soon. ' , . - ,' j ; -. In the event that Mr. Cark does not come, Prof. Stout may refund the mon ey pro rata for Mr. Clark's nunner was a feature on the program of attractions. Plies Cored In 6 to 11 Days. PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of itching, blind, bleed ing or protruding piles In 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50c. Happiest Girl In Lincoln. A Lincoln. Neb., rirl wrifpi T hmA tuwn ailing tor some time with chronic constipn tion and stomach trouble. I began takiru Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablet and in three ilnva 1 wn nll tn h nn n got better right along. I am the pronl girl in Lincoln to find such a good mod cine." For Bale hv nil dealers. GRAND V JW'syiailyt.w'M " "'' '"'I I'll. Ill imii jsji mil I ii ji il mi li jiismmhi ADD TION E5S2 tssssssssssssza Grand View Addition is the most beautiful spot about La Grande- You can purchase a lot in Grand View Addition and have three years' time in which to make payment for same, and during that time you have, neither interest nor taxes to pay. Let this sink in deep. Then come to our office or call us up on the phone and request us to show you this property. If you have never invested in real estate before this is you opportunity to get the proper start. If you have made investments in real estate, avail yourself of this opportunity to make comparisons. The terms are such that no sacrifice will have to be made in order to meet them. If this addition was located near a town with a less bright future before it than La Grande, it would still be an excellent investment, and with the future La Grande has before it, the increase in the value of these lots will be phenomenal. . LA GRANDE INVESTMENT CO. Foley Hotel Block Baker Returns Home. Tracey Baker, who recently' signed z ccztrict to 2"' tb s"art" -uh the Boston Americans, reached Pen dleton this morning from Seattle, where he has been attending the Uni versity of Washington, and will re main here to visit his parents until Monday, when he will leave for Bos ton. As he Is now under contract with organized baseball he Is barred from playing with the Buckarooes Sunday unless tho other teams of the lea?ue give their permission. ' Inasmuch as there is a strong desire on the part of the local fans to jee Baker In action once again before he enters big com pany, Manager Nelson thinks the managers of the- other teams will con sent to his appearance in a Pendletou uniform. Pendleton East Oregonian. YHfhy pay Rent? Weloavyo money to build, ana yon pay us as you would rent. .:V: .-, R. OLIVER :'v . -- . .v . PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. N. MOLITOR, M. V. Physician ano Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave. ana Depot street Office. Main 68; Resi dence tt9. A. L. RICHARDSON. M. D. J. W. LOUGH LIN, M. D. Drs. Richardson & Loughlln, Physicians and Surgeons, Phoi es Office Black 1362; Ind. 353. Office Hours 9 to 11; 2 to 5; 7 to 8. Dr. Rlrhardaon's Res. Main 65; Ind. 312. ' ; ; . Dr. Loushlln's res. Main 757; Ind. 1297. C H. UPTON. Ph. G. M. L Phystdan azid surgeon. Special attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office In La Grande National Bank Build ng. Phones: Office Main 2, Real dence Main 32. DR. H. I. UNDERWOOD-r-Ph'ysiclan and Surgeon. Special attention to diseases and surgery of the eye. Phones: Office Main 22 ; Rer dence Main 728. Ind. 631. v 3EO. W. ZIMMERMAN Osteopath Physician. - Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7, 8, 9 and 10. Phoaes: Home 1332, Pacific, Main 63, Residence phone, Black 951. Successor to Dr. C. E. Moore. J. C. PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist. Room 23. La Grande National Bank Build Ing. Phone Black 399. DR. P. A. CHARLTON .Veterinary Sur geon. Office at Hill's Drug Store La Grande. Residence phone, Re 701; Office phone, Black 1361; Inds pendent phone 63; both'' phones s) residence. . ATTORNEYS AT LAW. COCHRAN ft COCERANAttornw: , Chas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch ran. La Grande National Bank Bldg., La Grande, Oregon. T. H. CRAWFORD Attorney at Law Practices In al lthe courts of tbt State anl United States. OSes to La Grande Nottuual Bani Bldg,, La Grande, Oregon. T D. W. a NEI SON Mining Engineer. Baker CHy, Oregon. Don't Let Them hand you any . dope. When smokiner eet the bejst Fam Us King cigars. A Ha vana cigar that is pleasing in taste and perfect in burn. made in oc, loc and 2 for 25c FAM US KING CIPAR FACTORY THE GOSSARD COSSETS. They lace In front as a re sult the abdomen is relieved of all pressure. Support Is given, and deep breathing Is encour aged. 1 They gently but' surely compel a' correct standing "position and fa graceful carriage. Mrs. Robert Pattison Corset'ere. Plione Black 1481. The MODEL BAKERY tl TL. . .. I if ri Formerly the Royal- $ line by. Metropolitan bak ers. The materials we use are the best money filiu D...J lL-1 ; wca mar 9 Mother tried tomakt ana wastry fit for a king. Gve iusdca. . ! ;Model Bakery POST OFFICE CANDY STORE " Mrs. C. C Combs, Prop. '4 . 1 . Fin Line of 8 CANDr, FRUITS ICE CREAM J . ' POSTCARDS TOBACCO NEWS DEALERS. 8 jM nil.. ...i, .ii I I .i nn, .I man 1 1 n jin pi u m iuil!, '"M" I Ml" " ll I- 0tlj ,rtO1 . Does 50 Per Cent 1 4-, 1 1 1 T3 Profit Interest You? . We have a ten acre orchard a mile from town that made bet ter than fifty per cent of the purchase price over and above all expenses last , year. This property is getting better every year, and besides making a nice home, is certainly a good Investment Come in and let's talk it over. - .While we have property for sale In all parts of the valley, we Just call your attention to a few of our exceptional bargains. 160 acres, 8 miles from town, county road on two sides, good buildings, railroad siding at cor ner of place, land suitable for! fruit, grain or - alfalfa. Price 195.00 per acre, 80 acres of the best sand-ridge and near the foot of Mt. Emily, on county road that will be mac adamized this year. This tract Is all In cultivation, a portion In alfalfa. It Is almost adjoining nmA of th lareest and best or chards In Grande Ronde valley. This land Is suitable for most and purpose and will make you money frdm the day you buy It Price of the 80 acres, only $8, 600.00. - 40 acres three miles wst of Summervllle, about one third cleared and in timothy, all the very best of soil, no rock, some fine timber, a new house that cost $800.00 and other new im , provements. There Is a fine stream of water crossing this place and the soil is some of the b;st in . the valley. The owner lives in the east and is very anxious to sell. I will only take a small amount of cash to han dle it, with one and two years on deferred payments, 'Come fn and see -about the price on this; it will surprise you. Have a fine ten acre orchard tract in Fruitdale that belons to an estate. This property must be sold, price and terms exceed ing good. A nice revenue pro ducing home. ' A Number of Fine Young Or chard Tracts In the Im bier District Can take city property en first payment and give terms on bal ance. ; - City property, all descriptions and prices. 6 room house and four large lots on Washington avenue, $2r 000.00 terms. ... & room house and two 50-foot lota, shade trees, shrubbery, nice lawn, room for garden or two more houses, a fine home on Washington avenue $1,900.00 terms. . ... New five room modern cottage on Adams avenue, $2,500.00. Four room house and ground 120 by 120 feet, small barn, trees and other Imnrovements at cor ner of Fourth street and E ave nue, Old Town, only $850.00. Payment down $350.00, $10.00 per month on balance. Five room modern house and large lot, close in on Sixth St., cement sidewalk, shade trees and shrubbery only $2,300.00 terms.. Five room hous, newly painted and papered, city watei sewer connections, lot 50 by 120, ust icross street rrom A B. C. laun dry, only $1.300.00 small pay ment down balance monthly. Houss and 2 lots four blocks from round house only $525.00. Four room house, cellar, good woodshed, and tw nice Its, only three blocks from round house, $1,100.00 easy terms. One and one-half acres near Stoddard planing mill $700.00. One acre tract with house on Cove avenue $800.00. Some nice vacant lots In west ern part of the city from $100.00 up. - . ,.-.- Lots In Carr's sub-division ' will make you money. Only $10 down and $10 per month; no in terest no taxes until after, final DaTmenL Thn main aaw .nr, through this property; It Is on macadam Btreet and all nice big lots. These lots will double In value Inside of two years. Come In and let us tell you about the money to be made In buying this property. ... --;.. . We have property everywhere eorne good exchanges some excelleat business .propositions, and would like to have you come in and see our list , . c , . Security Land & Trust Goiiipany