v I 4 ' n. 3 ( 3 2 m m ! i 1 if J' PAGE 2 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1911. - . .. - . " . t - - -f ," w urwim mw , i ' " 1 1 . i " " ; MS. 7 A man about the Size of a woman. He bad pink eyes and sunset eolored hair. He was barefooted with a pair of wooden shoes on. lie had an empty mi h'. back fontaJnlmrta barrel 3 f of skylights and one doien assorted ; railroad tunnels. He had corn ' ' beef oTrcoat wHM sour kraut lin. SlrZVCQ Of SJOlQll ; Jns. When last seen he was follow. y ( rrnwif 1a the YTardrobe shou to bare his clothes cleaned and pressed WILSOJt BROS. Mala J55. ' Foley Bid. Compefe Erupmenf tor Keseffng ann Repairing Rubber Buggy Tires ... LA GRANDE R0W WORKS ' YD, FITZGERALD, Proprietor ; COMPlfTi: MACHINE SHOPS AND FOUNDRY J. H. PEARE, 1 3 Leatiing Opposite U. S. Land Office o Adams Atenne. '7 STAHKEi OF INTEREST STOCK BEIXG TURNED OUT OX STABKET BADGES. Personals ' and Breeiy ' Hews . Items From Mining District. , . , C. T. Darley Cement Contractor Consult him before letting jour sidewalk The George Palmfer Lumber Company Retail Department ' "e solicit your ordars for Shingles, Rubberoid ' Roofng, Deadening Felt, Building Paper We are prepared to furnish and deliver material, : ' promptly. Phone Main 8. Martih & Bradley SANITARY PLUMBING Starkey, May 16.- (Special) Mrs, Rhea Kidwell and children of Baker are visiting with Mrs. Sul'han this week. . ; Wm. York of North Fork of John Day passed through here with a fine Percheron stallion purchased- from Albert Hunter of Island City. L.' E. Tipton, our forest ranger, ,1s very busy now digging out the springs and making water troughs on "the for est reserve which will b$ a great help to the stock on the reserve. ; , Chas. O'Malley and Tom McDonald of Portland spent a few days in this vicinity looking oyer timber. They are cruising near Fly valley. C. Bedlngfleld and J, Wade of La Grande went to the mines to do some ' prospect work a few days ago. Wm, Muir of the Indiana, mlnea is spending a few days with Fred Holtha this wsek. . ,.:V . 'A Mr. and Mrs. B. P Euirnett made a business trip to La Grande last week. Miss Elsa Burnett has returned from Tacoma, where she attended a busi-. ness college last winter.. . . - V Dick Smith of AUcel made a busi ness trip to Starkey last week. Tom Oberson of Echo, foreman for Joel Cunha, has brought the cattle and horses belonging to Cunha and A. Vey to the mountains for the Bummer. A few bands of sheep have been put on to the summer range. A. J. Sullivan and Bon Ralph mada a business trip to Pendleton last week. Fred Holtka has finished planting about one-acre of potatoes. Fred cer tainly means business. ' ' . Our school which Is being taught by Mrs. Elizabeth Green of La Grande. will close' this month. We have hart an excellent term of nine months of school with all the pupils still in at tendance who were enrolled at the beg:nn!ng. Mrs. Green has taken a great interest in our Bchool and we greatly appreciate her work as a teacher. . Wa have had fine rnlns for about 10 days, which were badly needed. Everybody is through seeding and a larger acreage than nsual has been sown to grain. Jesse Stiles had the misfortune of of losing his saddle horse a few days ago, by the horse breaking his neck while being roped. Phone black 3482 NEXT DOOR TO CITY HALL r 9 i FOR list your FARM AND ' FRUIT LANDS, With E. S. OIVENS INVESTMENT CO. 1 1 We have Seattle people who, are wanting vto ' Invest in OREGON we have invested and can interest our friends. Write us at once, trivint a ( complete description of what you have for sale, and we will get you results. No agents. " t JU U. Ul f LtlJU 111 f LtU I lllLill 1 VV 226 LEARY BUILDING, SEATTLE, WASH. m r i' ) r"'i-nyiiir'ir-i-ifr-i i 1 ,rir1i-rii"iVJ'r-yi'-iyirS Xotlce fo Contractors, Treasury department, office of the supervising architect, Washington, D. C May 11, 1911. Sealed proposals will be received-in this office until 3 o'clock p. m. on the 22nd day of June 1911, and then opened, for the con struction, complete (including plumb ing gas piping, heating apparatus, electrio conduits and wiring) ami lighting fixtures), of the U. s. post office at La Grande, Oregon, in ac cordance with the drawings and spec ification, copies of which may be ob tained from the custodian of site at La Grande, Ore., or at this office at the discretion of the supervising architect JAMES KNOX TAYLOR. Supervising Architect. Dmy 17 20 21 27 31 Jn 7 For IlimmPf dinrrlinon tn rliiMran 1. wsys give Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and wiarruoea nenieuy and castor oil. and a speedy cure n certain. For mln hv ll dealers. , from the east line of North Fir street, to the west line of North Spruce street! benefitted by said improvement la aj follows: All the north halt of blocks 122, 123 and 124 and the south hair of block 147 and 149, all in' Chaplln'i addition to the city of La Grande, Ore son... r . .: , '; ' Notice la hereby further given that the council will levy a special assess ment, on all the property affected and benefitted by auch Improvement for the " purpose of .paying" for. such im provement, That the estimated cost of such . Improvement, Is the sum of 2,128.35. That the council will on, the 17th day of- May, 1911, meet at the council chamber at the Lour of : 8 o'clock p. m., to consider said estimat ed cost, and the levy of said assess ment, when a hearing will be granted to any . person feeling aggrieved by such assessment. . : ' ; ' La Grande Oregon. May 5th, 1911, CITY COUNCIL OF LA" GRANDE, OREGON. By C M. HUMPHREYS. . , Recorder of the City of La Qramle ' . '. Oregon; , ' ' -. ' May 5 to 17. ' ' ' For the quickest and Most Re- ' ";- Ilablo v;-';::-;'- MESSENGER Call Main 4 or Independent 121. II. KESLER. . :'i Calls Answered Promptly. ' Agents Wanted ,.. Good hustlers to sell high ; gade specialties. Live iben of good address can beat a salary Job two to one. Apply from 8 to 11:30 a. m. The Oregon Spec ialty Co. ; Room I, Corpe' building, (up stairs.) Second entrance south of post ' . ' office. ;. - A SAFE PLACE ito buy your grain, feed and fuel "Is at the Grande Ronde Cash company. You will always fiSd it fresh, clean and superior in quality, and your horses or cat tie will thrive , on it when you buy from U3. Our poultry feed and supplies will help keep your hens laying. GRANDE RONDE CASH CO., Phone Main C .Xotlce of Street Improvement TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No tlce ia hereby given that in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the common council of the city of La Grande, Ore gon, on the ISth day of August, 1909, creating improvement district No. 7. and designating Monroe avenue as such district and in pursuance of a resolution adopted by said common council on the 12th day of April, ,1911, whereby .said council determined and declared its Intention to improve all that portioti of Monroe avenue in said improvement district as hereinafter described, by building cement walks 5 feet wide, the council' will, ten days after the Bervlce of( this notice upon the owners ofthe property affected and benefitted, by, such improvement, order that said above described im provement be made; that the boundar ies of said district to be so improved are as follows: V All that portion of Monroe avenue, We are now having Fresh Strawberries from Milton and California Also a Fresh Line of Vegetables of every description. Royal Grocery W. PaUison, Prop. Not in the Association Plumbing and lie mm U28 Adam A vt . ;'. LA GRANDE, . - ORt . Never leave home on a journey without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera,and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain to be needed and cannot be obtained when on board the ears or steamships. For sale by all dealers. 1 v . , A BIG LOAF FROM THIS BAKERY will prove none too much bread af ter your family has once tasted it. Our bnad ' makes people hungry Just to look at it, and it ; TASTES AS GOOD AS IT LOOKS. Try a loaf or two if only as a mat ter of economy.. x You will find thi family filling up on bread and neg lecting the other foods which . cost much more money. That means a good saving in " your household ex penses. " : WE HANDLE FERXDALE ICE CREAM. The best iii the mnrktt. SXOWFLAKE BAKFRY, "" JAS. FARQUHARSDN, Prop.. Glasses as a Last Resort Many people positive ly refuse to give glass es proper .considera tion in the matter of relieving ' headaches and nervous troubles,1 They take all manner ox cures and . medi- cines, but are at las driven td spex. . . Then it is, ;. "OH, WHY DIDN'T I DO IT SOONER?" H E :ACC CK Eyesight Sp.clalist ; Next Boor to the Post Olfice.' Savoy Hotel EUROPEAN PLAN iThe rooms are good and Qf Atim 1 An far) Anlu rwA block'from depot D. C. Brichoux,Prop. Clogston & Nutter Painters, Paperhangers, Decorators Phone Ind. 1341. 1708 1-2 Sixth Street CALL - AND - GET - PRICES Depot Street Mahaffy Bldg. Always Send Your Clothes to the to the Best Place lo have them fixed up.... We do the best work because we are equipped to handle it. New machinery, Expert workmen, We call for and deliver. THE ELITE DYEING and CLEANING WORKS Main 64. Waggoner & Zundel That's What They All Say It's Good For What Ails You .:, - , , ...... .t 7 , ... wi.ii"iii..i Vjnm..iiiiii "i " -o. -