La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, May 15, 1911, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGL i
LA UKaND evening observer
MONDAY, MAY 15, l&li;
Editor and Owner. ' .
Xaterei at the postoflice at La Grande
as second-class matter. .
&3y, slagie copy it
Pally, Pt 15
DtHy, per month....;...... &e
m may Trm,
jl j A T I W T j IFTsI
" 111213141516
The Blow process or rewarding those
who did service when a state or a na
tlon in time of need Is regrettable In
deed, but It la better, that compensa
tion come late than never. This is true
of J. Q. A. Richardson of Alice! who
last Friday received a check from the
atate of Washington for services Mr.
Richardson performed in the Indian
wars of 1856 at Walla Walla.
This transaction becomes .doubjy
Interesting after one has talked with
the old gray haired veteran who ex
perienced tortures and hardships in
the early daya that the northwest
might be a place for the white men to
peacefully live. He not only helped
.fight the Indians but later on lie devel
oped land and made a home In the
Grande Ronde valley,, which place he
loves with a fondness "that is admirable.-,.'.
In speaking of the claim recently
pald hlra hesald to the Observer: "Yes
I was glad to get the, money. . I was
entitled to it, but at the same time
I did nothing more than my duty. Any
loyal American would have Joined in
lighting for home and -country 'against
the redskins In those days. It was a
case of the survival of the fittest and
to tell the truth there was nothing
much to do but fight or seek a hiding
place and some way I never was built
on the hiding plan.. One thing I weld
Ilka to impress oh the 'people of toi
day and that is the importance of fly
ing the American flag once in a wh'l.,
4s a nation we are losing our patriot
Ism; we are failing to teach it to th?
rising generation as we should and
this lethargy, too, is appearing before
we old fellows have shuffled off the
,stage of action. Too bad, too bad. Don't
ydu know right here in thi Grande
Ronde valley opposite Mr. Emily a
battle was fought on July 17, lSSC. I
was not in that battle tut I want to
say to you there was some fighting
done. , I was In ths Walla Walla
country at that time, but for the sake
of the boys who did fight In the Grande
Ronde and fof the sake of our country
every school house and public build
ing In the valley Bhould fly the Ameri
can flag on the ICth day of July every
year. Walla Walla should also fly the
flag on the anniversary of their Indian
baitea. I would show the right epirlt-"
There is little doubt that Mr. Rich
ardson is righln his claim that pat
riotism is bJng permitted to drift in
this country.' Too little attention is
pad the old men who fought when this
country needed fighters and had to
have them. If things continue as they
are at present tha next generation will
know little and care less about teh
wars which meant so much to this na
tion. -. ' - -
The two county publicity campaign
that is fast taking shape In Union and
Wallowa countlef will be materially
assisted by Hot Lake. . This has been
assured by Senator Pierce and the as
surance is sufficient to make every
one know the fact Hot Lake is a great
big magnificent institution located al
most in the suburbs of La Grande.
Its pay roll should be included in La
Grande's resources for the people who
are working there know no other city
but th's. Thi institution is closely
Interwowi and allied with La Granue
that h J iee'.irg o: loyalty to tha tmh
torium can easily be accounted fnr.
There will be tfneftys derlvv'l from
the publicity riven the two counties
and Hot Lai;a will reap her share of
the basing j, ljut so will min' othe
lpBtitu'oii, tt:r this certain! is wt
to be dwelt upon at length. The fac:
that Senator Pierce, without the lais
Hesitation, came to me center auu
said, "You bet, boys, I am In on any
thing that will tend to benefit JJnlon
or Wallowa county and you can de
pend upon the Lake doing its share"
carried a meaning which all can un
derstand amounts to loyal personal
support as well as .financial support
to the movement. r,
Singing Cliff In the Pyrenees and
Roaring Sends In Hawaii.
In certain parts of the world are
mountains and hills which are 6a Id by
the natives to sing." lu the Pyrenees
certain cliffs emit plaintive sounds re
sembling the strains of u harp. Two
other cliffs In the same chalu are called
the "snorers." When 'the wind is in
the southwest they wild forth a pe
culiar sound not altogether musical.
The faces of these cliffs are marked
by deep gullies, open lu front, which
nrty he compared to' the pipes of an
orami. At i crrnln tiniest n stratum of
air, held l eiiveeu t!s rll.r and border
ing trees, closes the 'ijieiiluus while tlie
wind blow, freely between thruug!
the cullies, nr ovjiiii pipes, lielilnd:
ht'iNe the music t lint U heard.
At the conttueme of the Orinoco and
flip Klu MeU are praulte clUV which
sing "itt stinrlsi'. llnmlioldt refers to
the phenomenon as the musical stones
of tire Orinoco. The music is caused by
the rush of the expanding air through
fissures partly closed by mien.
Many more examples miht' be cited
to show that nature makes use of prin
ciples which have been adopted . by
man In the creation of musical sounds.
Nor are the musical sounds of nature
confined to rocks, mountains and hills,
for in Hawaii Is a sand bauk fifty feet
high which.' when the hand Is moved
about in the loon urt. produces a
soun1 like thru of n inelodeon. It Is
said that If '; observer slides down
the bank o:i iiU Imclt, dragging both
bunds !n t':t- sand, the sound becomes
n ' inu tin fatnt thunder Harper's
Old Friends and New
. v
Winning permanent, lasting friends is the work;
of time, and this bank numbers' among 'its clients
hundreds of banks and business houses. with whom
it has had close' relations for" a. great part of the "
twenty -four years of its existence.; ,. '
Our friends have helped tomake this one of the
largest and strongest banks- in the West.;- We have
helped in their making, too.' ' - i--'
We welcome new friends and will attend to their
wants with the .same .'fidelity which has cemented
our relations with our older, ones. .-
La Grande National Bank
LA GRANDE, OREGON.' ' '' ' '
rf ; capital t.' . . .$ 100,000.00
,-" ; , SURPLUS . . . 100,000.00
i I 'RESOURCES . ' . . 1,1 00,000.00.. I'
Fred J. Holmes, Pi es. . W. J. Church, Vice Pres. .
F. L. Meyers, C&shiei Earl Zundel,i4ss(. C&shier
try mt rmR
The only apron made that comes in waist and
skirt length to fit. Made only of the , very best materials
Made of Amoskeag gingham with large
side pocket. All lengths and waist size.
Price 50c.
Ruff led Waist Apron
'v Exactly like above pattern with the ex
ception of deep ruffle around tottom.
White Aprons
ibf every description. ' Short ,
round styles plain and embroid
ery trimmed; some made of fm-
est lawns and others of Swisses
and dimities;
Prices 25c to $1X0
.wywur ysj
Comes in blue and white checks, Amos
keag gingham with bib and straps oyer
shoulder. 1 -7-y'
Price 75c.
Mother Hubbard Apron
;'; Complete
ly covers the entire dress. Made of very
best percale in colors, also of Amoskeag
gingham in small checks.
Price $1.15
Sack Apron
Exactly like above illustration!
An ideal garment for house wear.
Aprons and Dresses for misses
" all prices, styles and materials,
House Dresses
-in gingham and percales. uJig
and short sleeves, low, and high
neck styles. You will find here ft
a style and size to suit you' .at ;
prices at which you cannot afford
tc waste time making them.
$1.25 to $4.50
See our window shovving of Mary Jane Aprons
m K. WEST.
The Quality Store
So GentU and Nlcs.
"You hare no Idea." said Ethel,
"how my poor head hurts me,",
"Well." snld her friend, "why don't
you take your hair off and rest It?"
Ladies' riome Journal.
Not Golden.
The power of speech Is n gift vouch
safed to man alone, nnd the effect of
It Is to render silence, perhaps the
grandest thing In all the world, a bore
to him. Puck.
ReitjMrant Keeper's Wif. Obeys Dy
ing Request of Customer. . ..
Mmo. Gabrlolle Glrard. wife of n
New York Bohemian restaurant pro-,
prittu, sailed recently for Switzerland
carrying an urn containing the asbe3
of Teie Du Bols, who was the oldest
member- of the Swiss colony in this
Du Buin was for many years a lend
ing patron of Girard's restourant. Re-
Crow Quills Make the Best Pens.
A quill Deumnker says that no pen will
do as fine writing as the crow quill.
It reouires the nsRlstance of a micro
scope to make a proper pen out of such I
a quill, but when mode it Is of won- j
derful delicacy. The microscopic writ
ing told of In books of literary curios
ities was all done with a crow qutll.
The steel pens of the present hare
very fine points, but somehow a finer
point can be given to a quill than ban
ever been put on a steel pen, and for
delicacy nothing can equal It.
Mutual Forbearance.
"You and your wife seem -o get
along nicely."
"Fairly well- We had an under
standing from the start I wasn't to
expect a dollar to buy more than a dol
lar's worth of goods, and she wasn't
to tell me about the fine men she
might have married." Washington
Herald. ' '
fication of a body found floating in
the East river was made oday by two
brothers of Dorothy Arnold, the heir
ess who has been missing for months.
D. H. Arnold said he bellevid It was
her bodyj. another brotner was not so
sure, but both declared they were un
able to positively identify.
Grand Jury Still at It
Columbus, 'May 15 The grand Jury
inestlgatlon of ths legislative grafting
was resumed today and it is bslieved
three more Indictments will be foiini
before the Wednesday recess, and will
probably be the cause of further cor.
essions. ' v.&jj''.-.
Killing: of Jiegro Costly.
Montgomery, Ala., May 15. Two ne
groes are dead, one negro and one dep
uty sheriff will die, and three other
deputy sheriffs are seriously wounded
as a result of a negro killing 20 miles
south of this city. Tom Benson, the
killer, fought off the deputies when
they attempted to arrest them. He
barricaded -his cabin and they flred it
and then shot him as he staggered
through the door. C: "
He shot the deputies. '
Directory of the Fraternal Orders
of La Grande, Oregon
No Spooning. -.'"
"Tell me that I may hope," be plead
ed. ' . ..
' "All right." she replied. . "hope on.
but don't ask me to feed your hope
with ' a spoou "Chicago Record-Herald.
' -'.'.;-...
Considerate Revolutlonlats. ' :
The wildest and most ferocious rer
outlonnrles I have known have often
been In private life tuercifok tender,
nnselflsh. conslderate.-T. P. O'Connor
In London T. IVe Weekly.
. Warned.
He-Darltng, 1 don't know what to
ay to yonr father. She Just say,
"Mr. Munn. I wish to marry your
daughter," thewdodrt
' v -.. . . ' v .-i '.
eently h fell l!l'. uud the Gira'rds called
uion him. ,. He rcnl'7.ed.,that.. be was
mortally stricken and usketl his friends
to have . Lis body cremated and the
shrs tnken to his old home In Neu
chutel." '.;
Mnje. Glrard gave her word, and her
present trip is In fulflllmentof th
dying retiuest
4. P. & A. M. La Grande Lodge No.
41, A F. & A. M. holds regular meet
. .lugs first and third Saturdays at
:7:30 p.'m. Cordial welcome to all
Masons. L. M. HOYT, W M.
A, C. WILLIAMS, Secretary.
8. P. 0. E. La Grande Lodge No. 43
meets each Thursday evening, at
, o'clock In .Elk's lubcomeT otDe
pot street and Washington avenue.
; Visiting brothers are cordially in
vltd to attend. ' .A : .: '",;' ' - :
rr- H. J. RITTER, Eir. Rai.
H. E. COOLIDGE, Rec. Sec.
Body Found Floating In East River Is
Salt to Be That of Uelrees.
New York. May 15. Partial ldenti-
Grande Lodge No. 169 W. 0, . W.
meets every second and fourth Sat
urdays afK." P. "ball.7 All visiting
mebers welcome.
, r D. FITZGERALD. C. C. ; .-.
; j. H. KEENEY. Clerk. !
M. W. A.--La Grande Camp No. 7703
. meets every Monday hi the month at
the I. 0. a F. hall.' All visiting
neighbors are cordially Invited to
ttend.-. : ' .
' ' ' " '" E. E. DANIELS, ' :' -
: .... ED.. HEATH. Clerk.
1 .EBEKAHS Crystal Lodjce No. M
v meets every Tuesday evening In the
I. O. 0. F. hall. All visiting mem
' bers are invited to attend.
Lodge No. 27 meets every Monday
night In Castle hall, (old Elk's hall.)
A Pythian welcome to all vislttnf
Knights. V,-V":
- R. L LINCOLN, M.of it R i
0. E. Si Hope Chapter NaTlS 0. B.
C. hoM stated communications the
' second and fourth Wednesdays of
veach month. Visiting members cor
dially Invited.
Ronde Circle No." 47 meets ' .
first anu . tUlnt Thursday evt-
In the mo. -t the I. O. C- .
, All vlsltlig jmhersare. rj-m