1A GRANDE EVENING OBSERVEH, SATURDAY, 13, 1911. PAG j r THEATRE THE THEATRE OP QUALITY. Bert M. Sherwood, .Proprietor and Manager. : - ft" PROGRAM; Mar 12 and 13. ubllcan Marriag Vita- It's a Vltagrjrpti and A Rei graph good 4ne. A s,tory ejf the French. Revolution with x a dramatic grass and hlstojflc Import, The J Romanceon Bar 0. Es ant r Th : yftory of -a cowboy's strenn'ousmrtship. The Diyf Kalem. Vei-y spec ial educational picture showing the working c a deep sea diver and the tremendous explosion of a submarine mine, after he has h:id hlit dynamite and the electric wl flriM It. The r!rivi of the Hunt.r, Ku lem. tiie hunter dre?us that he doesn't ic hunting.-he's too scored. Illustn..J Song. "Wh'-n the Harvej; ; River," Moo-i !s fc'hining on itii' M.b' G?.rrhk . Post cards, each lc. 7-7" 1 Hand painted china. ware, below. cost at company. Closing ou Dal ton's. tut BiasB, brass- jev right Drug lese lines. iv Stocktons' We sell the Armor Plate Dilfi'. S -Strayed. One sorrel pony, b left Bhoulder. Libera: turn to Hill's Drug s '. May 12-13. A landed frw 1 m I I pre, F B on ard for re- La Grande. We canftave you inoes. money oh Abo Dion's, The manage. announces it Finest rooms Excellent ser nm rive aei (in tbelfy lent of the Savoy hotel iimmer rate. after May t. iways. 5-uzt Great Northern vacuum cleaner on ly 17.50. Sold by WtH. Bohnenkamp & Co. . , Carpenter Wroted ; To do some hanorag and repairing on building. Apny at Observer office at once. I'nton Mm Here. E. H. Rohrig, the meat pack; r of Union, is in La Grande today on busi ness. A I LO CAL S The Wright Drug compauyA'M dis- , continue. the handling lofut glass. v hand painted china andfbyfssware and are closing out these IWts regardless of cost. See our prices In these lines. See our 10c window tot ; bargains . JJ'alton's. ' E TKursdav. June 1st LA GRAND Editor Is In City. -, " . Rodney J. Kitchen, editor of the Un ion Scout, Is in La Grande today on business. He recently purchased the Scout from Justice Maxwell. , ...For Sah T One four horse gasoline and 3 foot centrifugal pump one gaaollne power sprayer; one sef douhl harness; one sing'e seated begra'one plow, 12 inch and on ditchlitfplow. " , . - - Geo. J. Wagener, : Fourth street ,-, . La Grande. 804 ... I. B. Robertson andGrant Lyman wre arrested last night on charges of being drunk and disorderly. They were fined 1 10 apiece in Judge Hum phrey's court this morning. C. L. Morrison is a recent contribu tor to the city's Qnances to the extent of $10 for being drunk and disorderly in a local restaurant., '";.: Tickets went on sale this morning for the "Boston Juveniles", at : the Steward May 15 and 16. This high class show is coming with the high est recommendations of the big show centers of the country. ; ' 1 & O O $ 4 4 4& i'EKSONALS. . 4 ' 4 Originally cost $V new. Will sell rjui N. K. West. ilercianls, ' Counters and dlsjlay tahles for znli. 1 per oot. Good a. k fcr 50c per toot. I i If! Ladi e' lZc tan hose, w 10 cents. hllel hey last Dalton's. Agents Wanted ' - Good hustlers ' gade specialties. : good address can, Job two to one. Apply fiouJ to sell high ve men 01 at a salary The O ialty G LI 18 to 11:3 a. m. regon Spec 17; v 1 , y- Y Room stairs Second entrance south orpe buiiamg. tup- of post office. TWIN., !S6W0NBERFDL CF BIGGESTtLEPHANTS ;FZCTACULfA ORIGINAL GO Peop!o3 Animals HIPPOPOTAMUS FLOTjO CLOWNS -40 FIGHTING THE FLAMES Gorgeous Street Paras! 10:300'CIG 10,000 Seats Twice m Former Size Bring all the folks ana see for yourself a Fifty-Cent Cir cus for 23 cents. ALSO HE.V SUPERS, CIRCUS, BABY 40-3 EL CXEACfirNIKQ Gensral .-.r.'::io3 THDajand Date mm 2 Camplcta fr lormancat Dally, Rain tlMiM, at 1 and p. m. Doors Open One Hour Earlier, 7 A ft Admitting of Visit to the Big ImM U V v i - QFH1NG &UMIIER A DRES3 GOODS ,u '-fr 1G Ccnipkts Lavms,7c!iGco3 Lawns, 12c to 15c Y&iaes, Nev . Spnnj PatUrcs. $3.79 wldlh. The Giroctery! GEBEBG J SANDB0RG. j Frsh (nntn Mttier. 2.'e Fresh RachJfes ....25c ! ' I. For the quickest and Most Be liable MESSENGER SERViCE Call Main 4 or IdtrfTdent 121. . Cuils Annwerod Premptly. Ray Emery, representing "A Win nlng JIIssMs at the Foley today. M. O. Potter of San Francisco la a cuest at the Sommer today. . Mrs. Gladys Bennett was here from! Eaker last night. R. D. McC'onnell, a well known resi dent of Baker, is at the Foley. E. B. Pyle, a, resident of Pendleton, is stopping at the Foley today. , J. M. Lee, the Seattle fruit man, Is at the Foley today while looking after ter business matters. F. B. Tharp of Deitrlcfi, Idaho, is transacting .business here today and is at the Foley. ; ; . C. T. Hockett, a physician of Enter prise, accompanied by his wife, wcr, at the Foley this morning. - i " Frank Metcalf, a prominent resident of Imbler, stopped at the Foley !ast evening. , . ,' ' W. A. .Maxwell, the ex-edito of Vn ion, is transacting business in La Grande today. Glea Lurrison and W. H. Powell, traveling men of Baker fire ai fhn Fol ey today while looking after business matters. George Cullen, a mining man of Ba ke r, is here today and iil be quarter ed at the Foley until after the K. of C. meeting tomorrow. F. E. Ramsey and H. P. Powers of Portland are business visitors In the city and are stopping at the Sommer tfcday. . James J. Sayer is stopping at the Foley while meeting local business men. He is a true-blue booster, hail ing from Portland. C. P. Murphy, an attorney of Baker j and prominent in Elkdom and Knights of Columbus circles, is herj today making arrangements for the K. of C. gathering tomorrow. . , Tom 'Vtlsh, Jr.,' a prominent official of the O.-W; at Spokane and who Is well -known herj where ho wai a dis patcher before ".going higher" la here today visiting with frlenda,. SILK PETTICOATS Ntw y(mls; soft Taffeta, made to narroir appearance, and vet plenty ot values at this SPECIAL PRICE values go on sate at this fig ure 1 Bargain Rn cAmonf Values unequalled on Tin and Granltemre, Dishes, UahGnim Glassware and allsmaU kitehenand hausefurnish'as Our SILK SALE is still on, and we are showing some excellent values, at 35c THE GOLDEN RULE; CO; QUALITY THE SAME PRICES LESS r K IClassifiedi Advertising FOR SALE. Ford runabout moiN . automobile. In first class qjrflition. Price 8275.00. Inquire BaV& Zwel- fel plumbing shop. V 5-8-tf FOR SALE Furniture and lease one of the best rooming hjusar in La Grade cheap If taken cface. Ap ply at Observer offi(&r 4-28-tf FOR SALE One two-s ' gentle driving care cheap. Also good D at 1312 W avenue. ted pi AinrIX FOUND. Epworth at Observer office "Leig8 ht rig, harness cow. Call 5-9-tf medal. Call tf LOST Jersey cow unma branded; had leather I able reward. J. C. Gl City. Phone Ind. 4: If you like GOOD COFFEE, use Hills Bros. Highest Grade, IM' Can. WE HANDLE DEL MONTE ;i V V I ' AND BED BIBBON. : Canned Fruits, Tegetables and Pre. 'gerTes. Tlie' goods are Sold Under ,a Guarantee and Give Satisfaction. ? $ POST OFFICE CANDY tiTOE Mrs. C. C Gtunba, Vytfc v ? ruuunvlti ' ' ; 8 CANDY, jr 8 $ ' TKUlTPsT - IffE CREAM - . . POSTCARDS TOBACCO NEWS DEALERS. 9 VALLERT CREAMERY Wholesalers BUTTER, CREAM, MuLK, BUT. TEBMILKANDllCE CREUM.J Phone. MsXov33. Located at 216 Fir street In the building formerly occupied by Gold Leaf Creamery. Your orders will be given prompt ,' attention. ..... -: '.' WE NEED CREAM WE PAY TOP PRICE FOR BCTTEE FAT- SEE US AND GET OUR PRICES Fine Week End Program. "The theatre of quality" asi tha Isis is well known now, has a very fine program for tonight. Tbe ydnderful scenes pCTrtrayed in "A Republican Marriage" a dramatic indent in tue French revolution receive many ex pression of approval from the audi ence last night. ' is anpth e rap t r fine piece of any, showing ocean Is , in- owing is made wreck by dyn- de Laue AinuKeii Oreion. "The Divert work by the Kllcm co: how the bottom of tlj spected. A SplLndld of the blowing up of amlte in the St. John's river, The change m program for tomor row and Mondmr wUl feature a beau tiful and BtlrriXfiuory ' of the " civil war. It is magnificently mounted and i terms put opt: A A flna nnmaAv nlohira la ni" ! Teach Of A I 1 LOTS tKeqana un- 'aaier. suit- a 'ufore, Island! ll-S? 6-2-tf rt Cherry's ' 5-6-tf y II i aof horifff fiy's.l60G GIRLS WANTED Applp New Laundry. i V FOR SALE All kindi at. Mrs. M. Antb street. ceases from d La Grande, J . . 4 . ate or tnur call. 13, 1911. W. LOQA.V. City Treasurer. - SherMTs Sale..'.;' Notice is hereDy given that under and by virtue of an execution and or der of sale and decree of foreclosure and sale of mortgage property Issued out and under the seal of-the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Union, bearing date the 20th day of April, 1911, and, to me directed and delivered upon a judgment and de cree duly rendered. mtered6f record and docketed In said courm the 19th day of April, p911, In aXult wherein the Island Citr Mercantile and Milling company, a jforporaticn,' is plaintiff, and the Granfle Rondra Valley Agricul tural society a corporation, is defend ant, said Jusgment being in favor of said plainti&jUMT against said defend ant for the sum of $16,965.32, with in terest at the rate of ten per cent per annum from April 19th. 1911, and the further sum of $1700.00 attorney's fej, dud the further Bum of $10.00 for costs and disbursements, I will on Monday the 22nd day of May, 1911, at 10 o'clock m. or said day, at the front door of the court house in tbe city of La Grande, Union county. Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said plaintiff's Judgment and decree, interest, attor- ney s fees, costs, disbursements ana accruing costs, all the right, title and interest that the said defendant had on add after the date of the mortgage foreclosed in said suit, in" and to the following described mortgage proper-1 ty, to-wit: ; , : 4 , Beginning at the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of the Boutli east quarter of section four in town ship three south, of range thirty-afght, E. w. M.,' thencfe running north, (no-. deg),15 minutes, eaBt, nlniifeea hun dred feet to intersect thouth boun dary 6f tha public hMvway known as the La Grantife andlsland City road, thence running (orth fifty.nine deg. three' mlnutee!ast along said road or public highway r three hundred and twelve feet, thence due east? ten hun dred, -and thirty-six ' and :,4-100 feet, thence due south, . two thousand and' Bhcty-five - and. 8-100 feet, thence due west thirteen, hundred and thirteen ana 4-100 feet' to the place of beginning, containing; sixty acres of ground more, or less., and being in the south west quarter or ' the northeast quarter and the north west quarter of the southeast quarter of section four In township three south, of range thirty-eight, E. W. M.. and in Union County, Oregon, (the same being known as the fair ground. Dated this 22nd day of April 19U at La Grande, Oregon. F. P. CHILDERS; Sheriff of Union County. Oregon.. D wp 22 29 May 6 13 20 27 Jon 3 j. plants Sixth 5-10-6t WANTED !-Lady cook, good wrges and steady position foroodwoman. Address Mrs. . John pAhonv, Ron dowa, Oregon. 5-ll-3t FOR RENT Furnish housekeeping. Inri Fleet, Golden Rn Lr I ire of aiffTVan BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCICggs at $1.50 per setting. Hy Paifut, phone Black 932. Fruitdale. iVd St- tf 4 S famfly IS wash- ldent 15 E. WANTED Woman for at home. Phone ln' 5-13-3t WATED Two waiters .dtfrTn tho summer season.rState'experiece and wages reiE"Tn: Wallowa company. Joseph, ? S-13-3t C. T. Dafley Cement Co4traot I' onsult him before letting your sidewalk Special M Arc HAYE YOU RESERVED YOUR LOTS IN RIVERSIDE ADDITION.? : . If not, as so at once.; we urge that you do w prices property old friend Bumptious of the Edisou company and his mother In law. Friends and admirers of this favorite comedian will appreciate this picture. I ; yet, we urge that you uo!l? he low prices and eafly his property f wltbjntnT n (oF VAJrTfNG SIZES. . i VfcfltTto $200.00. :.' Miss Anna Alexander leaves tonight for Portland to attend the Rebekah as- Treasurer's eembly. Local officers of the state as ' WILLIAM MILLER & BRO. i 1107 Adams Ave. -Main 1. 1 May 13-2t Call There are funds semblv will also ha on hand when the cav all warrants assembly meets. Oecar Coolldge, rep-' fund of La Grai)4p fori Citr Warartft Ja the tcatfsui liBued Jtt A' i s. ainst water up to and In- - ' " fir ' - - - reentlng the Odd Fellows, left last eluding No. 9,6,-endorsed Aug. 8, '10. evening and others go tonight. These Interest on all warrants on Water I fmm Kn , ft fiOO tn 0.K1A. Inrlnaiv. Tne Shelli CIUC I UUiUUI rra ofme San Marcus ' - Formerly' the battleCTffit "Texas ych plnynl an Ini port ' ant part In the Spanish-American Wr, '' Shows the exiMTlment . , , , I , , , ., . ....... A of ihfi government In placlny thN hlp In nitd-ocenn and )n a., n fw hours rednclng It to mere xc rap Iron. . ' ,v ALWAYS W CEWTS ,-yyaiii f ;