LA GRAOTE EVENING OBSERVER FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1911. PAGE .. ' Why. This' Store is the Logical Place to Buy Largest stcck of furniture ir. Eastern Oregon makes your selection easy. Everything priced in plain figures; always low, in many instances lower than ; elsewhere, assuring you of the best values for your money. ' ; r Courteous salesmen, who take pleasure in showing our goods, makes tyour shopping here pleasant as well as profitable. .;; , J ri '- ; ; : ; r ' 1 Tables, . Xhairs, ; Buffets: Side- boards. China Closets - dozens of styles to - : ; ' : jv. .,yi Choose From. J 'V A Plajr With a lesson! ' . .. . Buffets Largest stock of buffets in La Grande, vv e cau-walcu, yOur,uin: ing room furniture perfectly. We 4 carry them in many grades; plain and mirrcr-tops; big roomy, draw ers; doers of plain or leaded glass. Stock is too large arid varied to quote prices in this id. - You will be able to find what Arou want at a reasonable price. Dinmg R com Dining rocm tabjesin plain and and the inost popular finishes; gold en pak polish, Early English, and waxedlden. All round tables havene famous "Duo-Style" ped estal lock, which permits all tables lb be extended six feet without tho pedestal parting: .Priced, $5.00 to $75.00. . . Many a roan and woman, even here In La Gr,d, could glean valuable lessons from "The Spendthrift." as presented last evening at the Steward to an audience that waa not large but appreciative, Just the same! The plot Is not particularly out of the ordinary, In fact it Is so common that In Its simplicity lies Its strength. , The fast living, going beyond one's means and disregard for home ties that have long since become a social problem, was fairly well solved and with striking lessons to all concerned, j; The story of the plot bristles with concentrated truths, ' worded so that everyone can understand them. "Aunt GretchenV is somewhat of a "Touchstone": though manifestly not a fool for she denies the "allegation. ." In' her mouth the playwrisht places a llnei of argument and motherly advice that makes thr play what it is. . The cast, a small one, was well taken, for there were only three really' essential roles and these were well handled. ' Sole agents for th famous Posellious disappearing-leaf tables. Table can ba extended in five seconps. Noranting up of jseldom-used leaves; no straining and pushing to get the table tojher again. Just one gentle pull, and the extra leaves slip automatically intolace. , - ft MEN IV (C A 02 02 v COMPLETE HOUSEFURNISHERS ifivery family has neea of good, reiiroit h-H" M"H m"l t l"14y') :inimenV For fjrf.!ns, bruises, sorenew of BISCUITS the miwcles and rheumatic rnius there is T nnnd Uiidp fluin ( luimlprtiiin'. Rol l In I A SA to buy your "Is at the company, it fresh, cl quality, am tie will th buy from u and supplies hens laying. Gld.XDE ROXDE CASH Phone Main 6. PLACE Tad fuel de Cash Sways find superior In florses or cat-. it when. yoU fur poultry feed fill help keep your grain, feed j Grande Itoi uou will a efan and I your nlve on . "v si B II FBI 1 i iriumDingy . KB 1 me I A WM a si ' m CO- John Melville 1425 Adams Ave LA GRANDE, - ORE DOUGHNUTS PIES mil be more f la- 3 ky, liglil and d- j gestaqie it you t use . $ cfjuniu on dp LEAF LARD Use it in place of butter it 4 doesn't cook so dry. Pattison Bros. - Phone Black 81. Wilt nQiio;Ciers;iioiw' is a question that interests every man ana woman m me country yjtio is not in possession of such a blessing. Call and fet us explain how you can securhome with the money which you are paying out fornf le are he pioneej business THE STANDARD REH ESTATE LOAN CO.. Dallas Tex 1 . ' ' " I..... 1 ...... j. JACKSON WMWAgeMsM V t 5 At th? Isis. There are two pictures in the new program at the Isis which will repay anyone to go and see. "A Republi can Marriage" by thVitagraph Com. pany, is a story of the French nvohi tion with a strong dramatic grasp and historic interest. Jrieleu ie la jroix an ariaivcrai ui h proud and passionate disposition, been brought up' to look upon the peasants as little more than cattle. Bernard, a blacksmith, conceives a passion for her. She is storm stayed in an old hunting lodge, which 's struck by ligitnlng, and Bernard res cues her 'from 'the burning building. Her castle iaj besieged by the r uonary soiaitrs. . bernara nojf a sergeant in the army, pleads Jor her, renounces Mis alleglanceo the Ita public, espouses her wxlse, and then chooses d:alh witlWier rather than freedom witlmuher. "The Diver," Kalem, is a most In teresting and educatlonkl film show lng the deep sea diver and hU np paratus in full working order. The scene ends up wlthA a terrific sub marine explosion, fthe picture showing the dynamite being laid in the water and then fired by electricity. Jt ii the real thing, no fake. . Reasons Why You Should Enlist In The Observer Contest The prizes are educational. . , .. You Bhould see Portland during the great annual Rose Festival. You should visit San Francisco during the met ting of the National Educa tional association. ' . ; . . You should become acquainted wtt h the beauties or tne coiumDia merV You should experience recreation in the social life of ocean and Colum-' bla river tourist hotels. You should study music under the best teachers if you have not done ao already. V .''-' You should study at home, if you cannot attend college. . You should try the thrills of competitve work, such as this contest af fords. You should learn how to ask your friends for their support; how to or ganize tlrem Into a working force in your own behalf. You should learn how to make friends among strangers and to get them Interested In your success. . . THE CONTEST GITES ALL TIIE SE BENEFITS AND OTIIEBSl YOU SHOULD INTER, . , , . ', The A rend? Features. , . The feature film at the Arcade this change is a Vitagraph picture "The Shelling of the San Marcos" (former ly the battleship Texas.) This y sel played an important part Iff the Spanlsh-Amm-ican war, andby way of proving the destroying power of naval guire,' it wasfflaced in mid ocean ana in a tyf hours reduced to mere scrtpironr The picture Is' very entertalntagand instructive. After the firing has ceased it gives you a close view of the battered and twisted old warrior. . This picture, together with a Bio- graph comedy, "Paradise Lost," and n Stllg, entitled, "The Medallion," will run today and tomorrow. Pure, Fresh, Home made Candies. M MAKE OUR OWN. SEIDER'S LY MAKE OUR OWN ICE CREAM AND SHERBET "HP kiwi vnn (IffiEfAT...... . We have Whtfe Cloverrfilue Grass and f ancr mixed 4 ; ; seed. Our LAwn, PEIITILIZER will make the grass For YMir I RWn grow under yottf feet. I uiium Lqiiii All kinds of western grown Garden Seeds in bulk. ., ., ..,,. Nothing but the best. ' ' v ' Waters Stanchf i eld Produce Co. ?6 wmsw ave. Excursion Fares East 1911 From all Points on OEEGON.WASlilNGTON RAILROAD & NAYIGATION COMPANY. to ' Fares Chicago ......$72.60 Coucil Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Joseph,- St Paul....v8tT.OO Paul via Cifuncll Bluffs SL Paul, via Council Bluffs, ... 63.90 Minneapolisdirect fT. 60.00 Minneapolis via OalSncll Bluffs . 63.90 St. Loula LT. 70.00 ' ; SALE DATES. May 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23; 24; 25; 27; 28 and 29. June 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 16; 17; 21; 22; 28; 29 and 80. July 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 19; 20; 26; 27 and 28. , - ' August 3, 4, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17; 21; 22 23; 28; 29 and 80. September 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Stop-overs within limits In either direction. Final return limit October Slst. One way through California, $15 additional. Inquire of any O-W. R A N. Afent for more complete Information or WM. McMURBAT, General Passenger Agent Portland Oregon. HACK AND AMBULANCE Uptown offlce&ain 720 Residence phone Main 25 J lEyU BUSSEY Complete Equipment tor Resetting ann Repairing Rubber Buggy Tires N , LA GRANGE IRON W0RE(S , D. FITZCERlD, Proprietor ' COMPLETE MACHlNESHOPiS AND FOUNDRY met mm The Wardrobe cat: ers to the trade that appreciates at reasonable prices honest. worK your spring suit here made to order. The WARDROBE Clcanlnff a Specialty. , Foley Hottl Building 9 ELECTRIC LIGHTS are never taken out Did you ever know one single Instance . where electrlo lights were once used, . that they were ever taken outt Did you ever t know anyone who has used them, who would do without them, even If the cost were twice as! r grean v , ASK TIUffTSEES- . ' They,ni tell you that the bright, nrtC .I... IfVi vkl.V la wvi, viqhu A15U1., tv uitu im ai rr cj a . 'Mady, anywhere; day or night, )s In-' dispenslble to them. ' 'i Our rates for wiring are lower than most people expect Phone Vain ' 84, and our man will tell jon the cost of wiring yonr hosse. EASTERN OREGON LIGHT & POWER CO. 1