I?AGE 8 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, "WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1911. JiXJ VYfl i - i ' 1 'V - " i '-' ' " Gslca Htm Dakfcs Easy 1 OAVES lies And makes the cake lighter, finer flavored, more sightly, and Insures Its freedom from alum. Royal Cook Book 800 Receipti-Free. Send Name and Address. ROYAL BK1NQ POWDER CO., NEW YORK. ' SIOTII GIE IRKED Wly Harrison, 1 ioneer Engineer, Sales ISjOCC Land Trade. .Tnm ftnnlpn TUnhett lit 70 Sam Parker of Elgin and Wesley Ctarrlson, the O.-W. round house engt jaer, have traded properties thac give ,3fr Parker several lots and residences Jj la Grande and gives Mr. Harrison MO acris of land three miles from IHfcln. The lots which Mr. Parker ac qalres are 21 and 22 in block 124, lot 31 la block 123 and lot 24 In block S4t, Chaplin's addition. Three dwel lings, for rental purposes, are In cluded. The total consideration i aJuwrt 13,000. New York, May 10. James Gordon Bennett, editor and proprietor of the New York Herald, ' reached his TOth nileatone today, having been born May 10, 1841. Mr, Bennett enjoys life in Europe. Of late year his visits to New York have become fewer and farther between, although he "Is the Herald" as of old. ThoBe who met him on his last visit h?re noticed that time deals' kindly with him. He still has the bright aggressive face and the big determination of character that was stamped upon his brow when he was a more familiar figure in the streets of New York that he Is today. PORTLAND MAN RELIEVES JOB '. SEEKER. -' y;. ',,'; GeU Cash Bond and Gives la Return a Bogus Letter and Address. -' Confidence games of the rare sort fade Into insignificance as ' compared with a trick alleged to have been turn ed at Portland and having Its. climax here yesterday when a man giving his name as Murphy told the sheriff's of fice here that he had been' "done" out of $107 in as neat a way as' comes to the attention of crook catchers. Mur phy story is inconsistent In many places and the sheriff's office is unde cided whether or -not to believe him. Murphy made his appearance before Sheriff Childers yesterday and-he ex plained that In Portland a day or two before he had given a cash bond of $107 in return of letters addressed to a man named Miller, 'latir discovered to be a bogus name, and also that Mur phy was to take full charge of the' ranch near La Grande, pay the hired help, write the checks and to be an all around boss. Check books' were even supplied him with which to work when he got to La Grande. The let ter to "Mr." Miller La Grande, Ore gon," was certainly a warm commen dation of Murphy's character. It gave him complete charge of the place, and Mrwk. wm 1100 to commence with and: then draw down $125 a month a little later on. In order to assume all these respon sibilities Murphy was required to post a bond of $107. This was given in cash and received by a man named Hogan, who gave np receipt but sent Murphy on his way to La Grande. Arriving here no Miller could be found; no farm could be found that suited the conditions and Murphy then commenced to see light, or rather darkness. ; He carried his grief Co the sheriffs office, yet in telling his story he af firmed that his money paid to Hogan was checked on a bank with a name v r,. ;v... . .. - ;;;, ' - . , . ' " ' . " S 6 mi e f o b L a t e ' r you are going to find out that it is to your own best interests to buy your clothing here n w n HW-f - - - v -t r r o no it I ' , ' L atsSteward Theatre, 5 - V 'J .... - T OTFsiayMigEt : y r i MAY 11 This is the play that Portland went wild over this week the season and everyone should see it .1 V- 6 I entirely new to local banking circles. Other incidents give a color of mys tery to the fellow and there is little light on the subject yet. Murphy wanted the local authorities to order Hogan's arrest, but this was not done )is Murphy said he was going to Port land last night. It's a simple matter of dolVs and cents to you, this clothes question. ICIassifiedl Advertising POST OFFICE CA3TDY 8TOBE Mrs. C. C Combs, Prop. 4 FOR SALE All kinds of house plants at Mrs. M. Anthony's. 1606Slxth street. '6-10-6t ' Fine Line of CANDY. FR11TS S . ICE CREAM POSTCARDS TOBACCO 3 NEWS DEALERS. What you want is the Best Clothes for the Least Money. By all means, don't fail to investigate. Men's pure wool and worsted Suits, hand-tailored and surprising values at $15 to $30 Come, see the goods, and buy only when you are satisfied that you save money by so doing. THE STORE THAT SATISFIES j HORSES PASTURED Inquire P. E. 1 Stlllwell or phone. : ! FOR SALE. Ford runabout model N automobile. In first class condition. Price $275.00., Inquire Bay & Zwel fel plumbing 6hcin, 5-8-tf FOR RENT Two urnished front rooms. Terms reasonable.' Call at 1309 N avenue, in afternoon. 4-22-tf FOR SALE Four good fresh cows, one cream separator, one set hack harness one light wagon. Inquire 1311 X avenue or phone Black 3801 5-1-tf FOR SALE Furniture and lease one of the best rooming houses in La Grade cheap If taken at once. Ap ply at Observer office. 4-29-tf 11 7 1L oJ o INTEREST on an $1150.00 Investment. t'e can offer you a first class rental proposition. 'WM. MILLER & BRO 1107 Adams Ave Phone Main 1. ney Grant on FOR SALE One span of good mules 3 years old. Call at Mike Wallln'i residence. ' ' 5-1-tf FOR SALE One two-seated light rig, gentle driving care and harness cheap. Also good Durham cow. Call at 1312 W avenue. 5-9-tf FOUND. Epworth League medaL Call at Observer office. 5-4-tf GIRLS WANTED Apply st Cherry's New Laundry. 5-6-tf LOST Jersey cow unmarked and un branded; had leather halter. Suit able reward.- J. C. Qllmore, Island City. Phone Ind. U-S. 5-2-tf FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms or two rooms for gentlemen. 1902 Oak street 5-8-St Fresh Veg etables and Fruits STRAWBERRIES, BANANAS, ' ORANGES FRESH TOMATOES, GREEN PEAS, RHUBARB, ' RADISHES, HOT HOUSE LETTUCE, GREEN ONIONS, CABBAGE, SPINACH, Royal Grocery tf. Pattlson, Prop. Not in the Association adlies Economize on your Millinery your own hats. Special This Week AH Flowers 15c bunch. All Braids 10c yard. Regular 25c Taffeta bon 15c yard All the latest shapes in Frames 25c THE Cash Bazaar Nothing Over 25 Cents 31