US. GttANDB EYEHING OBSERVES, - WEDNESDAY, MAT 10; 1911 j PAGE 7 11 Trips? to Portland Festival an It Costs : NoftiDff . n for patrons of this ltr to kelj contestants. Votes we allowed oa the itgalar price of the pair. Eca ever the schedule and see kow yoa caa help to teni a frleni to Portland, to the oceaa beaches aud to Baa Francis- secure an additional scholarship. Tonr awn years snbscrlptloa, which w81 be paid anyhow, If paid bow, win advance joar friend la the contest for one of these desirable prices. ROUND TRIPS WITH ALL EXPENSES TO SEAPORT CITIES If . 7- ; ' o itnps to Extend to 4 , f. .1 ' 4 ! ' C -s t .Francisco Lohs iii'Miisiq, to the Vialubf of $50.00, -rith Jean McDonald-Birnie, of La Grande. Tuition to the Value ot$100.00 in any department of Whitman College, Walla! Walla. Tuition to the Value of $50.00 in the Baker Business College, Baker City. TotlnB Tower of Subscriptions for the EYenlng Observer., TnlE I ' By Carrier In By Mail In - VOTES .,: :. - : -';'v', ': ': '". ; , 'v ' ,. f ' ';. V' ": -; Vv- ' t La Grande. United States ALLOWED -.... ,;; r ' - ' ' " ' i'--. ' " ' .. .1; - ,v , '.' One year 7.00... 4.00...... 6000 - -jr V . - ";- ., . '. , -n . rrnT"" -J.Tw't ' ' I. Six months 3.50..,.'. ...... 2.00.;.... .Y. .J. . . . . .2500 : . . ' " ;; ' ; ,' : ' ' ,? j, ' V-!' ' : jSS: "' ' Three Months 1.75 , 1.00...... ........... 900 , . ' ', V :- ' C7l Ss,vl;' One Month . .65. .65. ..... 150 (m. . ' ' ij7Taa' . ( .. 4 SJ !','. : iV One Week .... 15.. 10 ' . ;.. ;. J&r ' ' 'liAJS'' "2" XVT , j ,ir it ' i ' : ToUng Tower of Subscriptions for the Weekly Obserrcr. . A ' -: "rl ffJL 1 i : One Tear ... . . 1.60. . t,?59i"- -4-.. - ."-' 33J0S ;fW,X',? '' " -1 -V ' -f gtx Montha ....'..'' .75 . . .,....... . 400 ''1$ - Vja lininwirt; - For sutrio. i)inlri. soreneoi of: 1111 1 ! the muscles and , r.euinati,,;!'ji, there ia 1 U U 1 1 I , nonn Dtter man crraot;ntinn. oou oy i nil (Ipnlew. . I j .' ' ' ' J 1 LET US DIE FOB IOC. ; In fact the only way we lite Is by dvelng. Don't dye yonrself. , it's Mfer than dyeing yourself, : H. tU; EVftCV nil 4 AD 1)1 )i 10 R ALL . .Our charge tor dyeing for yoa wont be hpih. A sample Job Is sufficient For, best dyeln? snd cleaning have ns 'do !i. . . ,,.t ' - , . ?f" SEE CORONATION - c MR.1 AXD MPS. GE0BE STODDARD ' ARE ON TOUR. Journey Through Europe. Includes Scats at, Coronation. r With coronation week in London on their itinerary, 'Mr.1 and Mrs. George Stoddard left this morning for Salt Lake from whence they go direct to Montreal, Canada, and Bail from that port on the 20th of May. They v. ill hurry through the long Journey so as to be in London when, the coronation ceremonies are under way. routed to land ct Liverpool. 'Mr, irn-1 Mrs. Stoddard were accompanied by ELITE CLEANING ft DIE WOBKS, Phone Main 64. - J They are their daughter, MIbs. Jeanettet, j and while, in Europe will Visit with Wh two;Bons who are L. D. S. missionar ies in England. While away the party will visit the principal cities of interest on the tour ist paths and aim to be back In La Grande by August 1st. ' ' . - WHITMAN COLLEGE NOTES. -!' ' ' ; s t'i very comprehensive and helpful an alyjsls of 4he Allen bill .which provides for the adoption of the "commission form of government for smaller cities. The tri-state lnterscolastlc declama tion contest was held on May 5th. Lou ise Palmer of North Yakima was awarded first place and received a cup. Medals for second, third and fourth places were awarded to Noririe Hershey of Walla Walla;, Harold Lea therman ofDaytor; Geneva Barton of Colfax.":, - ; - ; rThe cup awarded "on this occasion was; given by tho-, Whltehouse Craw ford company, s l ? . f -i '. ATTRACTIONS AT GEARHAET -? Plumbing and Heating John Melville LA GRANDE, - ORE HI wiitman jdoUee, Waltai. Wa'lla.l! Wac?., May . 10. A recent Issue of the Whidmnn college Quarterly lontalns" the iull text of the report o HeVe-' clal committee appointed by the board of overseers to Investigate the .matter of college fraternities.' Th yepprtl8 verycomprehensIv; and recommends the establishment natiqnal prater-" nltle under careful supery'lslot..j 1 ne sopnomore cias3 oi pie couege pre8nt:d Sheridan's great pjay,, "The Rivals!" at the Keylor ,Gra'ncl't theatre on Thursday evenihg.'; The individual parti were very well rendered by 4'tji members of the class, and the play as a whjole was enthusiastically received by jtbe large audience. m Professor W. D. Lyman isthls weeki attending the meeting of the National Development MeaH' Helena $p-ti tana.. This league has under consid eration varlouV matters pertaining to the conservation and development of the . northwests . :Prpfe6BorJLym"nnf. Is i one ' of the ten delegates appointed by 'Governor Hay to represent the state ; of Washington." Dr. C. G. Haines Is contributing to 'the evening Bulletin of Walla Walla a Guests Afforded Every; Convenience and Luxury Obtainable at Si ashore t That the contest ' party' visiting Gearhart will have much to claim their attention while there is readily Bfen from reading the list of features for the season of 1911. Gearhart's attractions for , the season are as fol lows: . . i-. ' Magnificent new Gearhart hotel, modern in every respect and the most complete seaside resort in North Am erica. Steam1 heated, electric lighted, with hot and cold water in all rooms. Excellent table, porch dining room features and attractions not to be found at any summer resort In the Pa cific northwest., ' . . . Pool and billiards. v Hot salt water plunge. ' ' overlooking Pacific octan: 130 dressing rooms.- Bathing suits. Showers, diving boards, etc. Constantly renewed water. - Balcony for spectators. ; , , ; ( . SDlendid nine-hole golf course. ' ' Tennis courts, croquet -grounds. Best turf bathing in Oregon. Wide, hard sand beach 19 miles long No rocks, holes or driftwood. .V I Wide board walks. as and; jlearingnp- the ' complexion ' Yes, if, I had any kind of skin trou ble, I'D USE D. D. D. " " Notloa of Street Improvement TO WHOM IT MXT CONdERN; No tice is hereby given that in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the com mon council of the city of La Grande, Oregon, on the lstidayj'of December, 1909, creating Improvement district No. 10, and designating Greenwood avenue as such district, and In pur suance of a resolution adopted by said common council on the 12th day of April, 1911, whereby said council de termined and declared its intention, to improve all that portion of Greenwood street, in said Improvement district as hereinafter described, by laying there- cn macadam roadway 40 feet wide, the council of the citrof La Grande. Ore- ; J22;;;123 imd 124 and the south half gpn,.on.the18th:.dayrtoI Auguat;190i;,or :hiock-147, nd.l49, all. in Cuaulia'n crtatlng Improvement district No. 7, addition to the city of La Grande, Or and. designating Monroe avenue as , such district and ln Dursuance of va . M's.i'v- .i... resolution adopted by said common c0uncll win Jevy a 8pciai a8gea. council on the..l2th day of April. 19n. ment on an the property affebted aatf whereby sald council determined and - benefltted by such Improvement tor declared Its Intention to improve all the purp0Be of pay,ng for ,uch ln that portion of Monroe avenue In.sald' mVf -.i,o improvement dlstrietv,as;heretaafter jof ."imWement:! the sum or described, by-buUdlng-cement Walka 2 128 35 That tM counc,j wm oa 5 feet wide, the council will, ten days 1 17th day of May, 1911, meet at tto after the Service of this' notice upon ' COUDcii chamber ' at the hour or the ' ownets of tbeVprdpertyf Effected o'clock p. mi, td consider said estlmafc- and .benefitted by such improvement, order that said; above described Im provement be faiade; that the'boundar. ies of said district to be so improved are as follows: ; A.11 that portion of Monroe avenue, from the east line of North Fir street, council will, ten days after the ser- to the west line of North Spruce street vice of this notice upon ths owners of (A) And the property affected or. the property affected and;; benefitted benefltted by said Improvement js as by such improvement, order that said follows: All the north half of blocks above described improvement be ed cost, and the levy of said asses ment, when a hearing will be grantel to 'any i person feeling aggrieved tar such assessment. La Grande, Oregon, May 5th, 191L " ; CITY COUNCIL OF UK, GHANDE, . OREGON. ' ; ; By C. M. HUMPHREYS. Recorder of the City of La Grande. ' ' . Oregon. ' yy r v .-. , :. May S to 17. - made ; that the boundaries of said dis trict to be so improved are as follows: j All that portion of Greenwood street, from the north line of O. & W. R. R. to the south line of T avenue. - (A) And the property affected or benefitted by said Improvement is as follows: , , All the west' half bf blocks 152; 148, 147, 123 and 120 and the east half of blocks 151, 149, 124 and 121, all In Chapl'.n's addition to the city of La Grande, Oregon. . ,. j t , ,, . ,', Notice Is hereby further given that the council will levy a special assess ment on all the property affected and .benefitted "by such Improvement for the purpose of paying for such Vl'taW 4 Clogstbn & Nutter 1 Livery stable and saddle horses. Automobile garage... Autos for hire.., vement, That tho estimated. cost 1 Bla natural foreit nark. ..... . . ...... .11 Shady trails to many points. 'Painters, Paperhangers, Decorators " Phone Ind. 1341. 1 708 1-2 Sixth Street CALL -( ANE) - GET - PRICES Auditorium In the woods. Streest electrically lighted. t. ' r Specially arranged train achedule. Saturday and Monday special. Stores, Telephones and telegraph.. ; Big dairy ranch In connection. , Many.Amusement enterprises, mov ing-picture .show. . , , , Plcrilc grounds numerous. ' Beach strolling ideal. :J ;u l Piles Cured In 6 to 11 Days. : PAZO i 'OINTMENT is guaranteed t6 cure ariy case of itching, blind, bleed-' Ing or protruding piles In; 6 to 14' days or money, refunded. 50c. .. r'-'V;ru I Had Ecreraa '",r.'. ""i'A wash It away with that mild, soothing liquid, D. D. D. Trial bottle, 25c. Relieves all kinds of skin trou- of sucVtmprovejro?.nt" 1.n', .,um; ?t 15,615.40. That the council will on! the 17th day of May, 1911,' meet at the : council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m., to consider said esti mated cost, and the levy of said assess ment, whejr a'h$arrnff will be granted to, any'-'person feeHnaggriejdl) such assessment. " "La Grande, dr.egon, May 6th, 1911. : CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, ! OREGON. ' K"',By C. M Recorder .of the City, of La Grande,. . , , , Oregon. . " " May 5 to 17. , HUMPHREYS,. l! Xotlce of Street lmproTemnt "; TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN;, No tice la hereby given that In pursuance bles. cleansing away the lmpurltlea of a resolution adopted by the common Jl ffi SHINGLES We "Havejiistf1 received a! carload! ' f fjV'Vr v EXTRA A STAR SHINGLES.- The best"- on the market. Come and tee them f the retail finest is our ipeclalty v" s ; WENAHA LUMBER CO. - - GREENWOOD "Scr MADISON ' ' ' , ' Home Phone 421. Bell Phone, Main 732