LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, WEDNESDAY , MAY 10, 1911. pag: "l o - USDS C3 IWATRE THE THEATRE OF QUALITY. Bert V, Sherwood, Proprietor .. . . , ' and Manager. r:l PE0GRAJ1 "The Redemption" ' . . . Eclipse The - early conversion of a wayward youth. A beautiful cmia lite picture- teaching a great lesson. ; : . "The Chief's Daughters" ' . Biograph Splendid Indian story. 7 VERY Sl'EOAL ... i ' "Ulnsor McCoy" ... Vitagrapb Wlnsor McCoy is the cartoon Bt q f.he New York Herald. Th!s Thi la a wonderful . renrouuc tion of his work. '. Illustrated song "Lonesome' Sung by Miss NelJis Garrlck. I LOCALS S The management of the Savoy hotel announces It Avill give a summer rate. , Finest rooms In the city alter .May 1. 'Excellent service always. 6-4121 ; Our silk sale la being very freely patronized.1 35c per yard Is almost, a ridiculous low price for the line of goods w are showing. Rajas, Sul slnes. Foulards, Mulles, etc., hut we must reduce our stock. The Golden Rule company. 5 ' 5 ' " Shoes less than one half their regu lar "price not an old style lot I but practically all n9w and reasonable goods. They are remnants and odd pairB'from our spring ine. Look them over before they are picked over. The Golden Rule company. , ' '. Timperate, industrious young man want steady employment in town or country, either single handed' or can 1 , , i i. Dr. W. T. Phy, formerly of Hot Lake Oregon, wishes to announce his perm anent location 'n Spokane, Washing ton, with offc s in the Hutton build ing. ' He will confine the work to aurg- ery, office pracuce ana consultation. I As a Breakrast Cereal There is noting more de llclous than 1 Puffed Rice or I Puffed Wheat served with cream and sweetened to taste. So easily digestrd that a delicate child may eat it. FOB SALE BY i Pattison Bros. I i Phone Black gl. Our Interest In You Does not c.ase when we have sold you a Kodak. Plcturs tak-.' ' lng is very simple row bui it there are any little points that" bother you, we "are cheerfully i ready to help you out The very complete little Instruction v books that the kodak compauv issues, show that they, too, are Interested in your success. But we are here' on the ground. Let us show you how simple it all 13. - "At Home with the Kodak," Is the title of an illustrated and ' clearly written, little book that v the kodak people have Issued on home portraiture. ; ; ; "Whether you have a camera or not we will be glad to give you a copy.1 Drop us a postal,' - or If convenient, call at the .. store. . " ' r Wright Drug Co; 1 1 Spring Oxfords f ' and Q Pumps in Patents,' lf: Gun Metal, ..W. ' Suedes " --:' 'rnM : V: Velvets '.''i . . . ' , . - .' ' i ' Misses' patent and gun metal strap slippers, $1.50 to $3.60. , ' ' t ' 1 " Children's smoked horse and tans. In scuff era and Bhoes In the ac-. robat last with flexible soles, just the thing for summer wear v $1.65 to $2.00. Child's strap slippers and Ro , man sandels, sizes 2 to 8 at 65c to $1.00. Men's and boys" Boyes' sizes .. Men's sizes V-'i; elk hide shoes: , ; .$2.00 to $25 . .$3.00 to $35 . Onyx hosiery, for men, women. and children, none better made' with finen heels and toes , that wear. Ladies' . silk and lisle hose to match any shade, 50c and 75c. L. J. FRENtH SHOE CO! handle team. References. Inqulr-j at Observer or write Tom Cobb, La Grande, Ore. - r , Xerchaatv ' ' Counters and display tables for sale. Originally cost 2.00 per foot Good as new. Will sell quick for 50c perooL N. K. West. V "., A 1. O fES05ALS. O OOOO 0000000 00 Miss. Belle Meyers, a nurse, went oiit to her home at Summervllle this morning. . . - Deputy Sheriff George Llndgren Is a business visitor , In North Powder today, serving legal papers. , , , John X Donnelly, cashier of the Fir6t National bank of Baker is tran sacting business in the city today. County Clerk Ed bright is home from Portland where he looked after business matters for a day or. two. " Mr. and Mrs W. H. Iohnenkamp have returned from a visit to Spokane on business matters.- . N A. Jonu of Tacoma is at the Foley this afternoon while transact ing business in the city. 1 : . ' George Gordon, a Portland resident, iB hi La Grande today and is stopping at the Foley. . . . . ; J. W, Earls is transacting business in Alicel today. Mr. Earls has only recently recovered from a long Illness which kept him indoors for six weeks. James Da Hon and Chris Johnson, prominent Dusiness men of v;. North Powder, are in La Grande and are stopping at the Sommer. . 4 Mr. Wood, formerly an employe at the Sommer hotel bar. left this morn ing for Salt Lake where he will make his headquarters for the present. . Miss Leona Bean, manager of the Western Union here, went to Weiser this morning where a younger sister is quite seriously 111. ; Attorney Turner, Oliver went to En terprise thi8 morning where he' has legal business before the present term of circuit court. " v William Pattison of Portland, J. D, Riley of Portland,' W. C; Fentoa' cf Portland, R. L. Hunt of Portland, R. F. Bennett of Chehalls and A. ,E. Lam ber pf 'ofth Powder are Sommer ho tel guests today. . , 'i Dr. N. Molitor was called to Enter prise this morning where he will ap pear in circuit court to give expert testimony in a recent murder case. Dr. Molitor treated the victim of the shooting. He hopes to return to La Grande tomorrow afternoon. v F J. Hewktt, representing Hewlett Brothers' company, tea, coffee and ex tract dealers of Salt Lake, was In the city today and with data secured from Manager S. M. Slough of the Commer cial club, will give La Grande an ex haustive writeup in a Salt Lake daily. Mrs. Zuber and daughter, Mrs. B. W. Noyes were called to Union this morn ing by the critical illness of Thomas Foster who was seized with paralytic strokes a few days ago. He was very low last evening and no hopes for his recovery are entertained. Mr. Foster is a brother-in-law of Mrs. Zuber. E- - is still r'H' -ir- t V 1 n n xe at sS KalJ t SPECIAL. Nov arrii -coft Taffeta, made to have the narrow appearance and yet plenty of vidih. 05.C0 and 06X3 values at this Special Price. tf) All $8.50 values go on d) sale at this figure. 4 OUR SILK SALE on, and we are showing some excellent values, at .- i . ft - -DOX'T1 OVERLOOK THE 10XG LIST OF BARGAIN BASEMENT m$i SPECIALS. EGG BEATERS. Heavy wire beater 60 foot heavy cotton .. 50 foot wire . .,. 75 foot wire ............... 100 foot wire 3? 100 foot extra heavy ........ .83 Clothespins, common, per doi. .02 Clothespins, U. S. spring..... 07 Vj OX ALL CASH ITRCHASES. 3 : .... ,. - . , .., l'OU GET COUPONS ; Extra heavy, wire beater .u... ; , Dover beater (genuine) . ; ; Holt beater, reg. 25c article.. .0T, M .19 C3 All sizes PIE PLATES. .$. 0.1 . . - BRUSHES. A7egetable or hand scrub small $. 05 Same as above select stock . . .10 Gray and white Tamplco scrub .17 Oxflbre, perfect hand fit scrub - i Oxttbre, handled sink or vege table JS WHISK BROOMS. : Double sewed .. ,;.$ 1 Double sewed, 'smaller, ' fine 'corn, pocket or grip size .. ' Z Heavy selected stock, Pullman .25 Shoe brush, full stock black brlsles ........ ... . . . 4 . . , . , .$ . Stove bruBh, curved end top handl e ; . . . ... ,u POT COVERS. All sizes ..$. 05 GRANITEWARE. ' Pudding Tans, SeamU ss. 1 1-2 quart... M 2 quart ,0J) 3 quart .. .11 4 quart .,..V..... ,13 ' PAILS, TIN. 10 quart, heavy plain . : 12 quart, heavy plain . ... , GRAY GRANITE. 10 quart, seamless ....... 12 quart, seamless .$.21 .$ M .43 PRESERVE KETTLES, Baled Llj. 3 quart kettle $ .13 4 quart kettle , 5 quart kettle , 6 quart kettle , 8 quart kettle . 16 quart kettle 3 3 .37 . THE GOLDEN QUALITY THE SAME RULE ' CO. PRICES LESS INDIANA MAN BUYS BrtU Itecord. Born to Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Yanos, of La Grande, at the Grande Rondi hospital this afternoon, a daughter. ' TAFT ACCUSED. (Continued from page one") large part of the people to the pro posed English-American treaty took definite form today when four dele gates "representing each' of the Irish provinces set Ball for. New York for the purpose of urging Irish-American societies to oppose the treaty. -i The Irish nationalist party, it; Is said, will oppose the treaty, but fears to' declare, itself for fear of. .Injuring the cause of "home rule." ' " ' TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. FOR RENT Sixty acres of . pasture adjoining : city, Inquire 1107 Adams avenue. Phone Main 1. 5-10-tf " South nT Wholesale Grocers. : Atfanta, Ga., May 10. The Southern WTiolesale Grocers' association, the membership of which embraces lead ing representatives of the trade from Maryland to Texas, met in annual con vention in Atlanta today for a three days' session. At the first session Governor Brown and Mayor Winn de livered addresses of welcome. J. IL McLaurin of Jacksonville, president of the association, responded for the vis itors. . V Mayor of Union City, Iudhina, Invests In Ailed Fruithnd. The La Grande Investment com pany has sold a tract of orchard lying near Alicd to the mayor of Union City, Indiana. These tracts are being dis posed of to buyers from all sections of the country, many ot-them buying without seeing the. property, being guided entirely by ri commendations of friends. . , For the quickest and Most Be liable . . . , MESSENGER SERViCE Call Main 4 or Independent 121. II. KESLER. . Calls Answered Promptly. ; T" mmmmm" . , ..... .... , mmmmmTm' . , . ' mmm" !" ' is a question that interests every man and mman jn the Country who is not in possession of such a blessing. CattandMw secure a home with the money ivhich you are paying out for rent. Mtare the pioneers in this class qf buness JHE STANDARD WL ESTATE lOAH CO.,' Dallas Tex JACKSOM & MAYS, Agents I here is a great, difference between the . ; glasses that are prescribed ' C-' FOB YOU after a thorough scientific a.v amination, and those that are hawked from door to door bv . the peddlers, or handed out oveir the store" counter. In W thor-' pugh methods I find out exactly; V WHAT THE EYE NEEDS . without asking you a single question.- Different, isn't it. to that of merely trying on one pair after another, and selecting something that neither you nor the render knows anything' . about? n . . . . ,t ' Any Lense , Duplicated. In fe w '. Minutes. I Grind all my glasses HE A CO CK Eyesight Six-clallst Next Door to the Post Ofliee. r, 11. Ml ''.'; it t: t :'(! J $ . ..-ft -- J'