LK GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 911. PAG J J .... . ., , ' LITTLE 3IS3 BORIS CANHELD. '..'Hi;, t Monday and Tuesday; May 15-1 6- Under Ausplceg of Modern Woodmen of America, Cosgrove and Lang offer -the Novelty attraction of the season, tie Famous' . ' i ' OS All Girls--In Musical Gbmedyr-AU Qirls ira n MOXDAYTIie' Charming .Tzlgune Operetta, "THE RANSOM.'' TUESDAY The Tunefnr ikshJOpjrrctta, THE ROSp OF BLA5f j: deen -: ''' V " ' :;;YV-': i 1 n - rmCESt ' fUO,' 1jOO,; "5c and 50c. Sfats' on 'Vffoj. yfff f f , T lri.: TM's What They All Say It's Good For What Ails You " , . Aboat Appendicitis, , . i La' Grande people can' now learn ' Just" howVappendlcItig' starts and hotf they can EASILY, prevent It. Ask for the free Appendicitis hook at the A. T, Hill's drug store.. THURSDAY, MAY 11 The'Season's Greatest Dramatic Sensation " ' - Frederic Thomp sob presents. I ' .. :T1 ife ; '-f- f ' It fy I- : .ki J" 'A Vital Drama of Today by Porter Emerson Browne, with 1 DOHIS ; ! MITCHELL and LIONEL ADAMS, and a Notable Cast of .Players. . U f lucludlng 'Albert' Sackttt, Forest Orr. WUllam II. Sullivan, Gwendolyn ) i. Ii ;Pier3.Mattlfi Prarnnn nnrli Allen KnJlv. ; -,:' .' .? -( ' " f"-i! .fft'-,, X . , , ; " mi iii in. ii ii iim am im . w n. Ii M i mti i ti i n i i- i i Inn six moxtiis at' nupsoy theatre, skw yob''- 1 ; PRICES t 50c, T5c, $LiM) ana 1.50,' Isicats . Sale" Tuesdnyli Jot ; Reasons Why You Should Enlist Iii The! Observer Contest ' Clerer Tanderille star with Joveulle Bostonlans wbo mtt nnforescen dlu'icul. .. ties' with habit-mnte r. ..v 'r,',!::,.,i V: The prizes are educational. ; . - . ' ' - . Tou should see Portland during the great annual Rose Festival. ; You Bhould visit San Francisco during the meeting of the National Educa- tlonal association. - . ' . ' . . '. ' ' '. You should become acquainted with the beauties of the Columbia river. You should experience recreation in the social life of ocean and Coluw- hu riv n"r'zi ictdc.4 , " ) " ' -' You should study music under the best teachers If you have not done so already. ' ' , k ' ' " ' " ( You should study at home, If youcannot attend college. ' You should try the thrills of competitve work, such as ihia conlfst af fords." 1 1 , . ; ' ' ' r, You should learn how to ask your friends 1 for their support; how to or- . ganize them Into a working force In your own behalf. ' ' ' ) You should learn how to make friends among strangers and to get them Interested In your success. ' ' i ' n. -i . -- THE CONTEST GIVES ALL THESE BENEFITS AND OTHERS t TOU SHOULD ENTER. . . i ! , . 'is 'srmsa-- t : t , WJIIIIW.IJ 1 A SAFE PLACE to buy your grain, feed and fue-1 "Is at the Grande Ronde Cash company. ' You will always find it fresh, clean and superior in qualify, and your horses or cat tle will thrive on It when you buy. from us. Our poultry feed and supplies will help keep your hens laying. GRANDE RONDE CASH CO., , Phone , Slain 6. rsion Fares East From all Points on -OREGON-WASHINGTON RAILROAD " & NAVIGATION COMPANY. -tor-""-- -.r.T""""r' Fares-1 Chicago .................... . . . $72.50 Coucil Bluffs,' Omaha, ". Kansas ' . City, St. Joseph, St, Paul..... 60.00 Paul via Council Bluffs ..... St. Paul, via Council Eluffs . . . 63.90 Minneapolis, 'direct 60.00 Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs . 63.90 St. Louis ..................... 70.00 SALE DATES. May 15. 17, 18, 19, 22,' 23; 24; 25; 27, 28 and 29. -; ' June 5, 7,' 9, 10, 12, 16; 17; 21; 22; 28; 29 and SO. ; July 1. 2..3, 4, 5, 6, 19; 20; 26; 27 and 28.: ';"' ' - August 3, 4, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17; 21; 23: 23; 2S; 29 and 30. :' " .- ' September 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6 and 7. Stop-overs within limits In either direction. Final return limit October Slst. One way through California, $15 additional. Inqqlre of any 0.Yf. E. & N. Agent for more complete Information or VOL McMTJRRAY, 1 j ' General Passenger Agent . - Portlani Oregon. , GREAT TO BE SMALL. Doris Canfleld Meets With Unforeseen ., -,(4 r -Stumbling Blocks. ; ,y j .y ; "It's 'great to be small, butJ some? times it's embarrassing says little Miss Doris' Canfleld of ' the' Juvenile Bos o'nians' who will app,:ar in-this city May 15, 16 at the Steward. . "I am quite proud of the fact that I'm grown, up and am nearly the old est of the girls," and Misa Canfleld drew herself : up ' and ' tried to . look tall In spite of four faet, ll Inches, and 16 years, w. c :' . .i; : a i :.. f "Why only a few weeks ago, when I waB 1U and had to take a few days lay off something happen , 4 that 'made me very angry : for a moment and yet it really was funny. " ' "I needed a couple of new traveling: powns, and as I was not ill encush tc Stay, in bed, I found; the address of n habit-maker who made ftvEp ctaUy of ready:to-wear dresses. Leasily found the place and the woman was most obliging. ' We looked over quite a number of stunning street gowns un til I found two that could be altered to fit me. An assistant took my rueas ure, and the proprietor promised to have them ready the next. day. She seemed to hesitate though, and I askd what the, matter was. V "She replied that under the circum- stfncfs it would ba necessary for h? to call up my parents and get them to Banctlou ths order. At flrst I did not see the joke and wps verv anp"!". W'iV my proudest air, far better than any thing I could do on the stage, I pulled over my pocket book and displayed s roll of bills, probably S5v ral hundred dollars. " The woman was properly humbled and when I offered to make a deposti she said something about t not Vtslng necessary and when I gave her my name and address she .ilmost fainfrd She , explained with much stammering and many blushes that 3he had seen me at the theatre nnd thought I was a little girl of 'aliout ten years..- h ;.:-i,.-"i " "Now, I Buppos-- 'hat I ojcht to have been " very inuch compi'iliepted, 'Jut 1 )iit cri nly liaugh:lest alv and or- Sercd the jowns completed at once ?.Ti'J sent to rfie' VheH l got t't e "o- ftl f V.l 1 n ivrtnd 1on,-h hut l.rms&tlv l am 4,0' rpnd of , being )6 thaV j'spe- time? ,4'eel Tb,a; 1 ought .to be angry still." ' . . ; H A C K ANn ;uPtown 0ffiC8 Main 720 t i MV-iW Residence phone Main 25 i AMBULANGE phone j ; , Complete Equipment tor Resetting ahhIepaklng , Rubber Buggy Tires '. tt , LA GRANDE IRON IVOfillS . D.' FITZGERALD, Proprietor , , .", COMPLETE MACHINE SHOPS AND FOUNDRY, ) made Candies; : IVE MAKE OUR OWN. 1 IVE MAKE OUR OYH ICE CREAM AND SHERBET T ''' ' ' ' t ' " ' We have White Clover, Blue Grass and fancy mixed , JT seed. Our Lawn FERTILIZER will make the grass For YOU? LBWn grow under your feet. i ui i uui m irfnda of western grown Garden Seeds in hulk. ' Wafers- m mm- bmnemma .Nothing hut the best. Produce Co ra?soN me. . ' ; J I 'T " Bright Linos In "The Sllcndthrlft., What some of the actors say during ii production. , '":'. . , ' ; ,; "A woman's sphere is first to "be a notnsi- SEcctd, "lb 'be- a good mother, A.ter tiut she ;an b a doctor, law- yer.-. .carpenter,. Bociety leader or suf fragette. . Buti if she lsnt a mother flrst, In a hundred years from now, there won't be any women lift to have any spheres." Aunt Gretchen Jans. "6ood mothers don't have to be sel fish. After you, have lain all through the night with a new-born babe whim pering In your arms, It won't, juake much dift'frence whether your .break- fust table is decorated wth carnations or only fobd.; A Woman Isn't a 'wo man until she Is a mother."' 'Aunt Gretchen Jans. 1 ''' " ,? r " : 'J "Having intuition Instead of .logic, the woman is. tbo betttr equipped; the man is hampered with rules while the woman can bite, kick, hit below the belt and strike in the breakaways." Phil Cartwrlght ; y; ' ';': !, ' "I want to be a benidict while can still walk;, to the altar. It's no fun being pushed up the aisle in. a roller chair." Monty Ward. ' r i .- r:i-- "People in New York live on the high speed-They, don't (even stop to toot th-tir horns at the crossings." Aunt1 Gretchen Jans. 1 - :" "When people 'get 'a little money they always want to see other people as unfortunate as' possible." Clarice Van Zandt : , v' : - - This will be said at the Steward Thursday night ' . - The Wardrobe ent ers to the .trade that r appreciates . at reasonable prices (jood honest, work Order your spring suit heremade to. order The WARDROBE Cleaning a Siecialty. i Foley Hotel Bolidlng ELECTRIC LIGHTS I When your feet are wet - and cold, and rour body chilled through and through from xpoenre, take a big done pf Chamberlain's Cough : Rented vy: bnlhe four , ft in hot wster before gwng to bed, and you sre moft cerUinjto wsrd off a evrtcold. F Uk br all deo!i ' , . ' s ,', i are never taken out (T pid you ever, kiow one jingle Instance 1 wnere electric lienti were once uRed. if that they were ever taken out? Did you ever; know anyone who has used them, who would do without them, even if th cost were twice as great? - ASK THE USERS- Y r 1 They will tell you that the bright. " cool,, clean light, , which Is always 4 ready, anywhere, day or night, ii In- A dlspensibla to them. Our rates for wiring are lower than most people expect Pbone Vain 34, and onr man will tell yon the cost of wiring jour house. i I F : EASTERN OREGON LIGHT & POWER CO. T ly liTyy-yiy 'igir n". n liii yi m 1.1 lin 111 'g iyi 111 r,"lm, iijw I ' 1 : 1 V t J ... I t ' . . ; ':m - i ,-r- v. I