PAGE 2 VK GKAtf)E EVM1NG OBSERVER, v WEDNESDAY 3 IAY 10, 1911. WWWWWHWHHWW 1 1 1 1 111 H-M II 1 1 n- J. H. PERE;-?.,: La Grande's Leading Jeweler '. V Ie B A dual Irene If r t f r 44inHtMtiiiuntmMuniiii4imiinitii ? $ X i ' ' ' - - - j . Perry Pneumatic Water Systems, Samson 11 wind Hills, Deming iTimps, tucnarason o uoynion j Warm Air Furnaces, Pipe Valves and Fittings, Gut- A ters, Plumbing Fixtures oi All Binds, jruu Assort ment of Nickel Trimmings. It ..-' PLUMBERS, HEATERS, SHEE7 METAL WORKERS TTjT-nji" iiii"y 'n'-'ii'"-"'r "i """i1 "i " r- V " rj,Y',r"i "i imihimi We take care cf the small depositor "We mean the man who can sate only a few dollars a month. -If the amouut you can save doesn't seem worth while, remember this. The size of your first deposit la not Bo Important as the fact that you are actually making a start. ,. Some of our largest accounts have grown from, small beginnings. : Come in and talk It over. You will find us ready to extend th tmmo protection," and the same courteous treatment that ; is accorded our largest depositor. We pay interest on time deposits. ;. U; S. NATIONAL BANK i LA GR AN D E , O REG ON. The George PaAmer any Lumber Gomp S-r-fetail Department v r )) We solicit your orders for Shingles, Rulberold Roofing, Deadening Felt, Building Paper We are prepared to furnish and deliver material, promptly. : . f hone Main 8. ' ' HEVV INSUHAflGE GIHY FARMERS UNION PERFECT OR. . GAMZATIO.YAT FESbLETOX...: J. Wf McAllister of ta Grande Vice j President of the Corajmnj. : Flnaldetall of th: cohsolldatich'of the Farmers' Union Insurance com pany with the Pacific States Fire In surance company, announced , ;XcJu. ively . In lh'4 pa'pey yesterday wer? completed today ,t sayi' ih; Pendlejon Mve'Wire. i U l: A, 4 ' As published, Jhe union was effected with the ; powerful million; dollar cor5 poratlon assuming ail , liablntieB. con tracts; and policies o 'tie 'Umatjlla county home company,' and waa brought about sclely aa result of the dfsire o' the Farmers Jnon ompany stockholders toniake-o;gVeai Oregon Insurance enterprise possible. As It is now, the consolidation "meant? the creation of an Oregon fire Insur ance ccrniiany equal to .the larg Et v the Uniwd States. , Manuel Friediy. of Helix, pr-sident; J. W.; McAllister, president cf the State Farmers' un'en and vice-pr sider.t cf the Farmers' Union company; C. C. Connor.?, sec retary; Dr. I. U. T:n;nl3. treasurer; Judge J. vr; Maloutv end P H. Nsl' son, director?, repres-nted M Int?" ests of th ''Umatilli co;:r.' - 't,;3p?f' at yeFte; r.:?f:i?.' : ' Th.3 .. ZzclZt Ct-t:i was represented by President F, B. IJer,;' of Pbrtland and C. L.. Ayrcs, T. r Stevens and C. W.' Alger. An pfficj will be maintained in " " dleton ind yrfi?, Stcvchi .";. Alger, who have been here for a num ber of years, will remain for anotb week. E. W." McComas la to be t:; local representative of the c6n?ollel.ic ' ed company. ; , i Ex-President Friediy of the'Farr.1 era' Union company, will have a place on the directorate of the Pacific States concern, thus giving Um n'a" count an active voice in the iHa.i-3 of. '.the consolidated concern. ; ..i'r' .1 :: Retiring Board's Siateinent. . . Ffr the old boar,d of directors, Dr Temple made the following statimenf today::,..; .... .:; . - ;; r . - "In retiring from the, field of. Are insurance the Farmers' Union direc tors bespeak their heartiest co-operation for th; pacific States company We investigated the matter .thoroughl' and came to the conclusion that the unity of Interests would be feasible practical and generally, deslrall; working to the b,;.st Interests of all directly or Indirectly concerned. ; Ve ask from our patrons the sam , loyal consideration and Bupport fot 0 consolidated tompany that hat be-n shown to us In the past, believ ing fully in the future welfare of the consolidated institution." .. .. i. i I 7f-s5J - 1 Hi 1 M t- " I r i ? f f ' ' ! 7 ' YrW f and pURABLEtrthese words sumnted tupf H itMi : tell vnifthe storv nf the5Ah.!f I5?t '..Thfsliiaihi I less corset is the final result of years of study, re search and the scientific application of a thoroughly practical ttea:V - ' Ui;Uv 'jiy: Thousands of women, the average, the slender and the stout, never experienced the, joy of real corset comfort until they wore the ADJUSTO. Moulding and shaping the form the ADJUSTO way is the modern mythe correct way. Try it j i m mm vii re t mmmwm 1 m- y 'tfl.MIJ ft ! f-'.'i . ',.-'."'' ( ' f THE ADJUSTO nay times proven itself N , iy uc ui uit5 .;ir.;. .!.c v.ju, nui only as a reuucuig ; corset, but as ijwfccl abdominal support. Then, too, with the rltf'&Fthe IMPROVED REDUD :C-G. t A: I; G .; -nd; SUPPORTER , LOOPS, the' corset skirt is held feOT.:. smooth and fiat, uniformly' reducing hip and upper limbs. ! ; Martin 6 Bradley SANITARY PLUMBING Phone black 3482 NEXT DOOR TO CITY HALL 3 . A Autos and Bicycles Sole agent for COLUMBIA AND FLYER BiCYCLES $30.00 TO $45.00. . Bfojcles for llnt , Also a few secondt , .hand, blcvles, for, sale, ..from $6 19 $20. . (,; Ant for Hire . Only experienced t .and careful drivers are . .sent out with autos. . Three second .hand, , nutoB for gale. ,, ,., , Special 1 attention 1 to all kinds of repair work, , R; W. Leighton ii 309 Fir street. Notice of Street Improvement. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No tice is hereby given that ln.pursuanc of a resolution adopted by the com raon council of the city of La Grande Oregon, on the 9th day of Februar 1910, creating 1 Improvement Distrlci No. 20, and ideslgnatlng Elm; street at such district,' and in pursuance of ; resolution ' adopted by said commor council on the 19th day of April, 1911 whereby sai(l council determined aw declared Its jiUtentlon to -improve al tnat portion Of Slut street; in sajd in) provcrnent district as hereinafter de scribed, by laying thereon bitul'thlc pavement, the council will, ten. days after the service of this notice upoi the owners of the : property affected and benefitted by ! such Improvement order that said above described tin provenient be made; that the boun daries of said district to be so im proved are as follows: All that portion of Elm street, from the north line of Washington avenue to the south curb line of Jefferson av- enu. ,,' j ..;,; t (A) And the property affected 01 benefitted b said Improvement is as follows: All the property In the east 1-2 of blocks 106 and 113 and all th property in the west 1-2 of blocks 10 and 112, ail in Chaplin's addition te La Grande, Oregon. . Notice is hereby further given that the council will levy a special assess ment on all the property affected and benefitted by such Improvement fqr the purpose of paying for such im provement Is the sum of S6.300.00. That the council will on the 10th day of May.i 19J1. i meet at the council chamber at the. hour of 8 o'clock p. m., to consider said estimated cost, and the levy of said assessment, vfhen n hearing will be granted to any per son feeling aggrieved by such assess taent. - , . . , i La Grande. Oregon, April 27th. 1911. CITY COUNCIL OP LA 'GRANDE, OREGON.- ' i ;" ; ... ' By, C. M. HUMPHREYS. Recorder of the city of La Grande. Ore. Ap 29 M 10 . . ., .., 1 (. PEOPLES STORE Thj T3iple of Economy. s Opera House Block, La Grande - - iv 'i. ,r .! 1 3 Mi 3 ' Savoy Hotel ; Your Name in a Telephone Dk . I European plan rectory shows you are progrts- TheQom. are good and YoU dan get a listing ill Stearaj lieated only jone OUr HCW directory. Call biocUrom depot up the Manager NOW : ,.bZ, hohoNeco.; i 1 : j-5. Local and Long Distance Service. - - - f - - n . 1 . I , , , . . . . ; - Long Distance Connection with the Entire Bell System HHMMiMMMMMHMMnMiHHV.. I '"i""""",,"""",""," ,""",","",l,,J"""""rT II I J L Telephone Main 737 i Wten y.u vn cold gi a botui Cliamberliiin's t'oiyh Renin;;, i It will WD fix you up all :ibt and ?.? : m tenuencr toward pn,nnionii. T rvnie1y contains no en.imn or t1. '' i niul innT ! piven its rnntiil nt:v to a " an to an icu"., . . .. , .era. Benjamin Franklin' said: "Show me how your gVaveyard is kept and I'll show you -what kind of people live In the com munity." . ..',,,::-,.:. The Blue Mountain Marble Works Has justr received s carload of Vermont marble. Place your, or. , !ders,ti, orC(a; for (; monuments. 5 head stones and markers. ,,., i. ,: ' Decoration ; Day . ' soon be here. v' You should see that the graves of your dead 1 are properly marked. The Blue Mountain Marble Works E. C DAVIS, - PROP. Fancy Dried Peaches, 21bs. 25c Fancy Black Mission Figs, 21bs; 25c Fancy White " .21bs. 25c ;: ! Fancy Apricots 31bs. 50c i : Fancy PniriesTa pound ' 15c'kt Sbawbem'Ev Fresh. J Vegetables of SI! kihdi l Swifts Premium Sugar Cxxted - Hams and Bacon : : ! 'I f I . l'ill. 1 l.i .If J!i.5 sl i . ! I-City Grocery, & -Bakery The Home of Good Things to Eat" i iiHunnm n tin im nniHiinnniinimnnnt