LA GRANDE EVEN1NU OBSEIiVEK, TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1911. PAGE 5 THEATRE THE-THEATRE OF QUALITY. t - - , . v, , Bert ' X. Sherwood, : Proprietor j'.l , nl Manager. " PROGRAM r-:-::.i-; 'The Redemption". '. . . Ecllpee I The early ' conversion of a wayward youth. A beautiful child life picture teaching a great lesson. ' "Th? Chiefs Daughters" Blograpb r Splendid Indian Btory. ' . , VERY SPECIAL "Winsor McCoy" ... Vitagraph Winsor McCoy la the cartoon st o flhe New York Herald. This This is a wonderful reproduc tion of his work. Illustrated scrag "Lonesome" Sung by Miss Nellij Garrlck. Our stock of prescription drugs Is bo complete that-4t'a seldom a cus tomer has to wait for us to procure an Ingredient. Prescription filling is a specialty wiUx us.N The Newlin Drug company. ', Stout, corner of Sixth and O avenue, on Wednesday afternoon and evening, May 10th. beginning at 5:30, A sub stantial menu at; reasonable prices will be provided. - ; j f ' ; ' ; j ' 5-6-3 t ..-.''.. Us: .The management of the Savoy hotel announces it will' give a summer rate. Finest rooms in the city after May 1. Excellent service always. 5-412t Our'sllk' sale' Is being very freely patronized. ' 35e per yard Is almost a ridiculous low price for the line of goods wi are showing. Rajas, Sul sines, Foulards, Mulles; etc., but , we must reduce our stock. ' The Golden Rule company. ; M , f i taieiena n:ippr. ; The fancy work section of St. Pet er's guild will serve a cafetsrla sup ner at the residence of Mrs. J. D. Get acquainted with our goods, our methods and our prices and you'll i readily see why our business grows, j Let us supply your next drug need. The Newlin Drug company. ' I I What You Getf in 1 lb. of Barring ton Hall Coffee v 'o Chaff. -Intone pound of , Barrlngton Hall coffee. . " No dost. So dirt or foreign aicr. I One ponnd of vnre cofT.e. Cost per pound i. Cups of fo.Vrc bO to 80. ' Cost tier ctn l-2c to 3-4c. WH AT YOU GET ; In one pound of ordJnnry coffee. A handful of chaff and dust . The dirt and foreign matter com- mon to coffee (not Baieriztd) Balance of ponnd pure coffee. Cost per ponnd 80c to 50c Cnps of coffee 40 to 50. : Cost per cu, l-2c to lc BABRIXGTON HALL COFFEE For Sale by. x,V Pattison Bros. I Phone Black 81. I.iii AAA A ili rTTTTTTTTTT Our Interest In You TVw not cose when we have sold you a Kodak Plctur3 tak ing is very' simple row but If there are any little points that bother you, we are cheerfully ready to help you out. The very completj little Instruction books that the kodak company issues, show that they," too, nro Interested In your success. But we are here on the ground. Lst ' us show you how simple it all is. "At Home with the Kodak," Is the title of an Illustrated and clearlywritten little book that t the kodak people have Issued on home portraiture. ; Whether you' have a. camera or not we will be glad, to give you a copy. Crop us a postal, or If convinient, call at the store. Wright Drug Co. iV- Spring MS 1 I and Pumps in Patents, Gun Metal,. Suedes ' and ; Velvets ' m ...... t Misses' patent and gun metal ; strap dippers, $1X0 to UM. i ' ' ' (Children's smoked horse and tans j In scullers and shoes in the ac-; robat last with flexible solas, ;'. Just the thing for summer wear $tM to t&M. ' ;) ' Child's stfap slippers and Ro-j man sandels, siiea 2 to 8 at 65e to tLOfl. " Men's and boys' elk hide shoes. Boyes' sizes $2.00 to &JB& Men's sizes ......$3.00 to $125 r ' ' - . ' ... ' Onyx hosiery for men, women ' and children, none better made with linen heels and toes that wear. Ladles' silk and lisle hose to match any shade, 60c and 75c, The Presbyterian Brbtherhood will meet tonight at the home of J. ' K. Wright. 1202 Pennsylvania avenue. The subject for diBcnssioin will be. "The Resurrection." " . v r , . Dr. W. T. Phy. -formerly of Hot Lake Oregon, wishes to announce his perm aneat location in Spokane, Washing ton, with offices In' the Hutton build ing. He will confine the work to surg ery, office practice and consultation. The water superintendent's .office today wishes to remind the water us ers that tomorrow Is the last day to yay rents In. . ' . L. J. FRENCH SHOE CO. i " 1 " " " .r. ' " $ i'EHSONALS. O ' :' C: T. Darley, the engineer, Is Irf Un ion today in business matters. F. M. Ladd of Seattle is at the Som mer this afternoon.. : ' Ed Stff ler, a capitalist of Portland, is at the Foley this afternoon. George H. Sutherland, s the . Walla Walla plumber is at the "Foley to day. . " ' . ' Miss Klia Copeiana, or waiia waaa, is visiting the O. E. Sllverthorne fam ily.". . J. A. Astert a Warren Construction company official of Portland, is at the Foley today. - ".- 1 : Mrs. Gforge Montgomery of Wal lowa is on her way to Pendleton this evening and Is stopping at the Foley. G. K. Hutt the Simmons hardware man of St. Louis, is at the Foley to day.' -. .-.'..; : - O. L. Sawyer of Hardscrabble fame at Imbler," is transacting importari business in the city this afternoon. I J. B. Murphy of Portland Is at ths Sommer hotel today, while transact ng business .here for a few days. V . Miss B;ssie Felbaum of Cove passed through the city this morning on her ! way to Cove from Walla Walla. She twaa accompanied by her mother. . Isldor Fuchs, a prominent liquor . dealer of Baker, is at the Sommer to day while transacting business in La Grande. Ed Hughes is suffering with an at tack of typhoid fever. He is still In the grip of the disease though not deemed very critically ill. I H. B. Waggoner of La Grande spent ' yesterday in the city as the guest of ' his brother, Walter Waggoner. Pen- 1 dleton East Oregonian. "Happy" Harriman, a Warren Con- . struction official, leaves tonight for Lewiston to load paving machinery and ship it to North Yakima where he will take charge of work. . ! Mrs. J. A. Wilcox and daughter, who j have been guests with Mr. and Mrs. George E. Goode of the Sommer hotel ! for a few days, returned to their home in Portland this morning. , . . Miss Mayme Foster of Baker has ac cepted a position as bookkeeper for the La Cr and 'U'..i company and she succeeds W. K. Davis who opens an Insurance headquarters here. ' Mr and M. noot ; the M ntuna -rooming house were called to Union this morning by a report stating that Tom Foster, an old resident of Union, had suffered a paralytic stroke and was in a dangerous condition. E. J. Carbine of Fruitdale has re turned from his farm In Mexico to vis It his family. He rpports that the rev olution has not gained sufficient head way to disturb business on the west coast of Mexico where his interests are located. ... if; : vrvV n v j t, i. .. -. . ! I ( . ' . - . .. . ... ( 1 -jf '' H Jrf" Mil1, n n f7tv SPECIAL, Nov arrival: II S y oft Taffeta, made to Have the narrow appearance and I yet plenty bf width. $5X3 and. $6X3 j values at this Special Price. t '" ...... V ; : ' ' ' ' - ' ' ; All $8.50 values go on sale at this figure. OUR SILK SALE is still on, and showing some excellent values, at . we 3 'DON'T OVERLOOK THE LONG LIST OF BARGAIN BASEMENT . SPECIALS. YOU (JET COITONS CLOTHES LINES. mmmHmmmm 60 foot heavy cotton $ .2:1 . 50 foot wlr .IS OX ALL CASH PURCHASES. 75 foot wire .23 , 100 foot wire &l 100 foot extra heavy ' ' , Clothespins, common, per doz. .02 : Clothespins, U. S. spring.. ...07Vi . :. cJ)S)C j EGG BEATERS. Heavy wire beater ....... Extra heavy wire beater ..... Dover beater (genuine)" '. , .'. Holt beater, reg. 25c article.. $ .05 . .09 " 0)9 .19 f PIE TLATES. All sizes .$. 0.1 BRUSHES. 1 Vegetable or hand scrub small $. 0." .10 .17 Shoe brush, full stock black brlsles ......,..........;...$ 3 Stove brush, curved end top handle .LI Same as above select stock , . Gray and white Tamplco Bcrub Calibre, perfect hand fit scrub Osflbre, handled sink or vege table .s .1:1 1VIIISK BROOMS. Double Bewed . . . . . '. ; . .$ J83 Double sewed, smaller, , fine '' corn, pocket or grip size . . .33 Heavy selected stock, Pullman 5 FAILS, TI3f. 10 quart, heavy plain 12 quart, heavy plain .... GRAY GRANITE. 10 quart, seamless 12 quart, seamless ..$ .21 .28 .13 POT COTERS. All sizes ..... j". ..$.05 GRAXITEWARE. , Pudding. Pans, Seamless. 1 1-2 quart $ U)S 2 quart .................... M 8 quart ... . , ................. .11 4 quart .13 PRESERVE KETTLES, Baled Lip. 3 quart kettle .19 1? 'I it r 4 quart kettle 5 quart kettle 6 quart kettle 8 quart kettle 16 quart kettle .43 THE GOLDEN RULE CO. PRICES LESS W QUALITY THE SAME t Already Outside. ln the days of the ancient drama." said the pedantic person, "perform ances were given In the open air." "What a discouragement that must have been." replied Miss Cayenne, "to the man who insists on going out of the theater to get a breath of fresh alr.M Washlugton Star. . Kills Sweetheart and Suicide. Stockton, Cal., May fl- Crazed through Infatuation and Jealousy Paul Miller, a wealthy mining man, re quested rMarguerlte Martinez aged 19, to play "earer My God to Thee' and while she was before the piano he fired Ave shots into her body. She died instanly. The man then walked Into an adjoining room and stuffed a stick of dynamite into bis mouth, Hi the fuse and blew off his head. . A Cow Foi" a Llf.. ' Tbe Ober Gabelboru is a peak no torious for th diiuirernus cornices wdich decorate its tipper rldcps. 1 Of ninny accident reported In runiuvtlou with It po.rhnpH ttif tnofT rotmirlcitiii. wiy (I 1 Atirtiliiim In "Swish M.hiii Win Clliuti.", whh llic nil vein tire hif! btelt m Miniiipiir and tn .mhiii huuw in pussiuK iiiiiuu tlif daiiyHiHi .1. n cornice It suddenly k;i vh uiki; tbe amateur, mid lie weni . tl.viti thmugu spai. lu up;ireiir destriu tioi) The guide at the otuer ctid of tlw viw seemed 'in hopeless plltrht. but with astounding presence of mlud he flung himself down the opposite side of ilm ridge, thus Rnving two lives. Tbe rope cut deep Into the snow above, but beld firm. The young guide's name was Ulricu Aimer, ills reward was a cow. A' Horticultural PurxU. "It's no use." Highs the niiTure wl ard. "1 may an well give up ' ' "What Is bothering you'',' we ask sympathetically. , "I got started a few year ng dn a whim of mine. I took a head nf cab bage and crossed It with a wblte pota to and grew eyes on It; then I crossed that with a cornstalk and grew ears on it; then I crossed that with a squash and grew a peck on It; then I crossed that with a rocoanut and grew hair on It, bnt hanged If I can figure ont what to do for n nose' and month!" 8t Louis Republic. . : up Into my throat, my food did not di gest, headaches of the worst kind at tended,. I became weak, nervous and Is a condition so I could not sleep. pimples, blotches, or dull eyes,, your .11 .i i . 1. . . i . . uigetuiuu ib mi wrung, ana you snouia take MI-O-NA stomach tablets Immed iately, and put your stomach right ! . "Was alarmtd at my condition a MI-O-NA Instantly stops belching of doctoring did not benefit me, finally I was induced to try MI-0--NA, and af ter using for about two weeks, I found a cure." If you have a sallow complexion, gas, sour stomach, heartburn and foul breath and elves comnleta relief la five minutes. . ''.'" MI-O-NA Is guaranteed to cure dys pepsia, sea sicKncss, vomiting or preg nancy, or money back. Don't hesitate to try MI-O-NA. ' It Is for sale by the Newlin Drug company and leading druggists everywhere at 50 cents a larar? hot. April 18 27 May 29 '. ' BAD HEADACHES QUICKLY DIS- ' " ArPEAK. Mrs. Chas. Hartley,; 516 J Franklin treet, JackBon, Mich., says: "I-had suffered all kinds of pain and agony from stomach complaint for 'several months. The pains In my , stomach were very bad, the gas forced the food A BIG LOAK FROM THIS BAKERY will prove none too much bread af- tcr your family has ones tasked It. Our bnad makes , people hungry Just to look at it, and It : ' .. TASTES AS GOOD AS IT LOOKS. Try a loaf or two If only as a mat ter of e.onomy. You will And the family filling, np on bread and neg lecting the other foods which cost much more money. That means a good saving ln your household ' expenses.- V- ( v ; ;' , WE HANDLE FERNDALE ICE ' " . ., CREAM. The best In the market ! . S'0WFLAKE BAKFRY, JAS. FARQUHAR90N, Prop.", Vail Creamery Wholesalers ef BUTTER, CREAM,' MILK, BUT. TERMILK AND ICE .i'-'V ' CREAK. ; ' " Phone, Main 733. Located at 215 Fir street In the building formerly occupied , , by Gold Leal Creamery, Your orders win be' grlteu prompt ' .rattentldn. s : : ,.wjj IfEED . CREAM-WE PAY - TOP PEICE FOE BUTTER. FAT SEE US , AND ' GET OUR PRICES