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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1911)
s LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. TUESDAY, MAT 9, 1911. PAGE 3 n 1 ' ? ! Why This Store is the Logical z Place Id; Buy - : - j ( Largest stock of furniture in Eastern Oregon make3 your selection easy. Si 1 verytnnsg priced in plain figures; always low, in many instances lower esewlicre, 'assuriiigycu of iha besj'yalues for,yotirmo48y.yv-;7f' ! . ;1- M''" f Courteous salesmen, who take treasure in showing our- i?bo&L makes "vouw" M ' shopping hereleasafct'aswell as profitable, r '. s 5;c; -; -rv . ll I: Tables, Chairs, Buffets, Side - Boards, China Closets dozens of styles to Choose From. -- rr Buffets Largest stock of buffets in La Grande. -We can match your, din ing room furniture perfectly. We 4 and mirrcr-tops; big; roomy draw ers; doors of plain or leaded glass. Stock is too, large and : varied to quote prices in this ad. You will be able to find whaj you want at a reasonable price j ; . " : ': ' uiningK oom ' fining room tables in plain.' and quartered oak Shown in all sizes and tfie niost popular finishes ; gold- ,f waxed-golden. All round tables . have the famous "Duo-Style" ped estal lock, which permits all tables to be extended six feet vritho'ut the pedestal parting.' .Priced, $5.00 to $75.00. ''Ov'.-js?'',-'.: '"Li:-:-'' WEST MSCTSSIS C02POR1TIO8. DnTf r Jfewi Rnrem PnblJsheg Opln kns of Got rnor Os w14 lTest. - PenTer, Colo.,- May 9.( Special) Governor Oswald Westl of Oreeon, In reply to an Inquiry teat out by a Den vet' news bureau, asking bis views on tb( recent position , taken by Theo dore N. Vail, president ot the Weet ern i Union Telegraph company, ap proving the . commission regulation of -public service corporations, makes the. following statement: ?.- ?A soon as the beads of all large putlic corporations bow to the inev itable, as Mr. Yail has done, and Join with the friends of public service reg ulation In their attempt to solve this most Important problem, the sooner will the old fight between the people arid these corporations be ended and thiyt will be given by tha people that detent and fair -treatment-to - which good conduct and fair dealing entitles the.m. - is, !!;, I Government regulation of public service corporations has come to stay. It .wanot understood al first) except bj;a few close students of the question but. now. both the people and the cor porations are beginning to see the ad vantages of such regulation. The pco pfe afa finding that it opena up th way Whereby the humblest citizen ot me land can find 'prompt .add ade quate redress against the targjst cor porations and with little or no cost to' himself. The corporations are find, inx- that they are getting fair treat ment at the hands of the state and federal commissions and that a better 4 T7 X. - ENTERTAINMENT ' '.; " .. ' -.By Delia Crovder Mill al High : School Auditorium I TUESDAY, MAY: 9 3i No r Entertainer haa higher praise from the public than does this lady. ' ft - V.: A RAM. TREAT FOR ALL BBMH.LI 1 I ii ' J.1: 11 ' ' ' " Steward's Opera House THURSDAY, MAY 11 ' The Season's Greatest Dramatic Sensation V ; i - - Frederic. Thompson presents. . Sole agents for the famous Poxelliou s'di3app'earirig-leaf tables. Table can bis; J extended in five seconds. :No hunting up of seldom-used leaves; no straining and pushing to get the table together again. Just one gentle pull, and the extra leaves wj slip'automaticaUy into place. ' ' i DUE N mm J I: D8 W COMPLETE HOUSEFURNISHERS 1 i A SAFE PLACE to buy your grain, feed and fuel "is at tlu Grande Eonde Cash company. . Yu will always find It fresh, clean and superior iu quality, and your horses or cat tle will thrive on it when you buy from us. Our poultry feed and supplies will help keep your hens laying. ; h GRAXDE BOSDE CASH C0- ' Phone Main fi. : A'otice of Street Imirovecient. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:. No tice is hereby given that in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the common council of the city of La Grande. Ore gon, on the 18th day of August, 1909, creating improvement district No. 7, and designating Monroe avenue as such district and in pursuance of a resolution adopted by said common council' on the 12th day of April, 1911, whereby said council determined and declared Its Intention to Improve all that portion of Monroe avenue in said Improvement district aa hereinafter described, by building cement walks1 5 feet wide, the council will, ten days after the service of this notice upon the owners of 'the property affected and benefitted by such improvement, order that said above described Im provement be made; that the boundar ies of said district to be so improved are as follows: All that portion of Monroe avenue, from the east line of North Fir street, to the west line of North Spruce street. (A) And the property affected or benefitted by said Improvement is as follows: All the north half of blocks 122. 123 and 124 and the south half of block 147 and 149, all In Chaplin's addition to the city of La" Grande, Or'e- onv' v-"." '.'!'V '' ;Notice is hereby further given that the council will levy a special assess ment on all the property affected and benefitted by such improvement for the purpose of paying , for such im provement' That the estimated cost of such improvement Is the sum of 2,128.35. That' the council will on: the 17th day of May, 1911, meet at ' the council chamber at the hour of , 8 o'clock p. m to consider said estimat- ' ed cost, and the levy , pf said assess- ImnH . ,. 1 - . ( 1 1 . , uicui, wueu a inaruig viu oe granted to any person feeling aggrieved by such kssessment. ;-: i- La Grande, Oregon, May 5th, 1911. CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, OREGON.' . ' ' By C M. HUMPHREYS, Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon. -May 5 to 17. ' ' thej railroads Is being brought about. These companies are finding (hat "they can turn to the commissions for pro tection against: ill-advised and hostfL3 legislation, , with the result that, as government regulation Is extended tho railroad lobbies at the state and feder al capitols will gradually disappear.' . "Many of these public ,. service cor porations have grown as great, that they have, become an Important factor In oar system of government and are becoming more so every .day. The time, will come when they; will cease to be footballs for .stock speculators and their stocks looked upon, largely due to the fact that they are under government control, as a safe and sane Investment for the small 'ln- vestor." '" .'i '; ' - : ' i , Watch Jour Kidneys; , " Their action controls your health Read what Foley Kidney Pills havi done for your neighbor, F, S. Rex- ford, 615 ew York Life bldg. Kansas City, Mo., says: had a severe at tack of a coldwhlch settled In my back and kidneys and I was in great pain from my trouble. A friend recom mend'.d Foley Kidney Pills and I usei two . bottles of them and they have done me a world of good. I can rec ommend Foley Kidney Pills to anyone who sueffrs as I did." ' 'Hill's drug store. ! T . ' M 2 9 15 2 30 " peiicltiiFstt T 8- n j iuiivxiEjlu aim LiIKJ.MIiIj AU&MS,' ' including Albert Sackttt, Forest Orr, 5 Flers, Mattie Fetgdson and Alice iX A Vital Drama of Today by Porter ' Emerson Browne, with nraiTO 'UrTTmTWT T ' - . J T tmrT . . a ; ...... . .. .. ana a rotable "Cast of Plavers. William II. Sullivan. Gwendolyn l Kelly. , , ) . SIX MONTHS AT IirDS03f THEATRE, SEW YORK 1 PEICESt 50c. J5c, $1.00 and $U0. Seats on Sale TuesdnT. t l $1J0. Scots on Yan Bnren's - , HACK AND Uptown office' Mairi 720 Residence phone Main 25 'E.LBUSSEY iff" We protect our customers against poor quality and impure drugs by sub mitting all our drugs to rigid tests. We KNOW our goods are right The New- ' lln Drug company. ,, Pure, Fresh, Home made Candies WE MAKE OUR OWN. WE MAKE OUR OWN ICE CREAM AND SHERBET THE KIND , YOU LIKE AT....... , SELDEWS 5 - We have White Clover, Blue Grass and fancy mixed seed,., Our. Lawn FERTILIZER will make the grass For YOUf 'LBWn grow under your feet. v .., All kinds of western grown Garden Seeds in bulk. nothing but tne best. WaterfrSiajichfiela Produce Co i son About Appendicitis. -La Grande people can now Jearh Just how appendicitis starts and how they can EASILY prevent it: Ask for the free Appendicitis book at tie A. T, Hill's drug store Excursion Fares East . , From all Points on , . ' . OKEGOA-WASHISCTO RAILROAD & SAYIGAT10I COMPANI. to ' ' . ;.?.;'. Fares Chicago . V. . ; ... ... i ....... 4 . . . 172.50 Coucll Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas ' ' City, . St. Joseph, St ' Piul . . . . ' 60.00 Paul via Council Bluffs ..... St. Paul, via Council Bluffs . . , .. J3.90 Minneapolis, direct , 60,00 Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs . 63.90 St. Louis ..................... 70.00 SALE DATES. May 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23; 24; 25; 27; 28 and 29. " : " June 5. 7. 9, 10, 12, 16; 17; 21; 22; 28; 29 and 30. ' July 1, 2, 3, i, 6, 6, 19; 20; 26;'27 and 28. August 3, 4, 6, 14 15, 16, 17; 21; 22: 23; 28; 29 and 30. September 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6 and 7. Stop-overs within limits In either direction. Final return limit October 31st One way through California, $15 additional. - , Inquire of any OW. E. A K. Agent for more complete Information or TOL MeHTJBBAY, . General Passenger Agent Fortiani Oregoi. f Complete Equipment tor Resetting ann Repairing 5 ' I " : ' Rubber Buggy Tires :; ! " LA GRANDE IR0N; W0RS(S D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor '' ' COMPLETE MACHINE SHOPS, AND FOUNDRY te"' M ' -? 'J H H' ! II I LI. I.I.I. MM.. .1,l.l lfW r - in j-ii mi iiiiiiirm - The Wardrobe cat ers to the trade that apprcciaies . at reasonable prices " pood honest work Order your spring suit here made to order. ; , The WARDROBE , Cleaning a Specialty. -Foley HoM Itnlldlnff I-. Keep Yoiff Windows Open ','i GeiPientyof FRESH AIR Von nn W v ' . 1 , .v uai; iibu, iiure tir it vnnr timiu la 1lVnj .ul t ity. ' ;.. - Electric light burns In a vacuum; it create no heat, amoke or Boot ""You w without danger from blowing rutalns it , or overturned lamns. Alwav mr1t! ?'' anywhere or at any time. -; Now is the best time to have your house wired. We can do It very cheap ly. Just phone Main 39, and our man Will call. ; , ft V X I LIGHT) EASTERN OREGOU -.''J .1,1 :M ' ' '