PXGE 8 LA GRAKDE EVENING OBSERVER, , . WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1911, i nnniii PTfii I p fnr -1 V.HII1 1 s n n - u .llllll U .1 I 111 III illll Hi UIIUII u IIIUUU IIIIL. I Mat Peculiar lightness an d Flavor n: Found in thefinest biscuit, rolls, cake, etc., is due to the absolute purity, fitness, and accurate combination of the ingredients of the Royal Baking Powder. The best things in cook ery are always made with the Royal Baking Powder, Hence its use is universal rin the most celebrated restaurants, in the homes of the people, wherever de- licious,wholesome food is appreciated. sold; in every civilized country, IfHP BIG CREW OF CARPENTERS ' WORK OX BUILDING. AT waer 13 y?.t wyj.xiufg , wunu over XXX tl U t&e only Dalrimr Powder made' from Royal Grape x- "X X :c,; Cream of .Tartar. -:, - W C W53 ReceipUFne. Send Namt and Addrus. ; ' ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. Preparations for Union Stock Show Are Progressing With Ylm. 'Union, May 3. (Special) With a crew of 10 carpenters the management of the Union stock show has conimenc i& the completion of 100 stall3 for ex hibit In 'the show June 1, 2 arid 3rd, and 60,000 feet of lumbar will be con sumed In the work. The grounds on which the building are erected have been least d for' a term of five years and substantial . buildings are' going up on the site bo that all horses en tered can be properly housed. The pub licity to be given the show will come largely from horseback ride by a Union delegation .over the valley and by neat pamphlets now In course of publication. , "With the big show less than a month away the association has redoubled Its vigor to make the event a banner success as has al ways been In the, past. ' ' iMoWr friend- Just Received a arge Assortment 0 these Popu ! lar Boy Garments. ' Mother's friend Jhirts, Mothers friend Waists, Mothers friend Suits, v Rompers and Overalls "jeMcih e rsFriend I; GONFEREHGE TO CONTINUE GASES TALK EAHMEBY TO OCTOBER I BASEBALL DANCE TONIGHT, i 5 Crowd Expected and u Good Time Assured the Dancers. ' j&dglng from the amount of inter st displayed the baseball dance at the Hits' hall this evening, the attendance ill be large. The , Wilson orchestra mill supply the music, guaranteelnj xcelMncy In that line and everything jpaslble will be done to entertain the fiwls. The tickets are $1.00 and the proceeds go to buy baseball uniforms Car the 'team. ' ; Jt Cold, LnGrlpiK", then Pnenmonln T too often the fatal sequence. Fol ey's Honey and Tar expels the cold, checks' the lagrippe, and prevents pneumonia. It Is a prompt and relia ble cough medicine that contains no narcotics. "Foley's Honey and Tar is the best cough remedy I ever used as it quickly Btopped a severe cough that had long troubled me," says J. W. Kuhn, Princeton, Neb, Just so quick ly and surely It acts In all cases cf coughs, colds, lagrippe and lung trou ble. It Is as safe for your children as yourself, and should be used in all chsia of croup, whooping cough and measles cough. Refuse substitutes. Hill's drug store. . MANY SCHOOL CHILDREN ARE LOSING THEIR SIGHT. Light Coming In Through Windows Af. rot inoa Mitm Niir I hem. In a recent physical examination of the school ..children '.of. River Forest. 111., it wax found that S3 per cent of those In need of medical utteution were Buffering from defectlvertl.siou. says W. L. Nlda in the Good House keeping Mngnslntt A study of con ditions In these schools nnd muuy othi'M h.A dlscliMod the tux rhit pila who niv seated nt the row of desks by the ' windows artv sulijtvtel to n flood of liiilir rays comluu direct from the open sky nml st rikl.i.vr their faces nt such an angle an to cause se vere exhaustion. . '' . Their evw are lu d-iuger of being permanently Injured, not only lrrnu! of the wrong direction of the. light, but also by the nmlue amount , received. These nlarmlns conditions are known to prevnll in 'almost all schoolrooms In the land, and open minded Inves tigators may be convinced of the truth of this by themselves occupying for a few hours seats which the pupils are required to sit In for ten months of the year. ' ' . ; BUSINESS 3IE5 TO MEET SPOKANE MAN TOMGHT. Plans for Placing Home Money in Can nlng Factory Under Way. ' Conference between directors of the Commercial- club, business men and John W. Searles of the John W, Searls company of Spokane, relative to the Institution of a canning factory in La Grande, has been called by Com mercial club Manager S. M. Slough for this afternoon at 5:30 o'clock. At that time the visiting, promoter will put his proposition before the club and action can be taken. The matter may Involve the expen diture of about $10,000 but the Issue that Interests the Spokane man Is the selling c; machinery for the plant and the supplying of expert canning men to operate It. Otherwise the proposi tion is to be a home affair entirely. No bonus Is asked and no stock is wanted by Mr. Searls. It is along these lin-:s that the mat ter will be discussed this evening. Mr. Searls and Mr. Slough have gone ov.?r the proposition Informally with or chardmen and business, men and th: urgent neert of a cannery here Is felt and admitted by every one. PARKER APPEAL AM0G THOSE CONTINUED. Illicit Liquor Sale Cases Also Carried Orer to October. :'; .",".'' " '.':''. .;.'''.'" , .',.' yryyj???? . xi)uW X m y iigiiest xf i V V Jr v QUALITIES :J I 11 J W I0WEST V 1 f SICES " ' ' ' "' ' " - 1- - i null i nui iiiiiiiiiiimii ,wj I THE STORE THAT SATISFIES ppose zJL v JUL you --r.ap in toim y and see the ELEGANT SPRING AND SUMMER suns for men and, young meji NOW B2ING SHOWN HERE. IT'S REALLY SURPRISING HOW INTER. ESTER MEN BECOME IN THESE GARMENTS AS SOON AS THEY SEE THEM AND TRY THEM ON. PERHAPS YOU WOULD LIKE TO GET A BETTER SUIT FOR THE MONEY THAN YOU EYER HAD. Come Here, Then era Mom The fate of Jesse Parker convicted of manslaughter last fall, and his case appealed, will hot be determined for several months to come. The May term of the supreme court sitting at Pendleton has carried that c'as?. along with others from' La Grande, over to the October term at which time It will be argued and sev eral weeks will be required to gain a decision even then. In the Interim Mr. Parker will continue In liberty under bonds. Other cases o Ua postponed by the court were the convictions against L. Remillard. Dell Kennedy and the Townsend boys for alleged Illicit sale of liquor while Union county was dry. These case were appealed but enforce ment of a previously dormant rule rel ative to the time of filing briefs forced the cases over until the October term. t Other Cases Argued., vAmdng the cases argued and pre sented to the tribunal were the cases of state vs. MacDonald, the escheat case; O..R. & N. vs. coolidge, a rebate Issu-, Frank Brown against Truax, relative to a sum of money represent ing a woocLadeal at Kamela, Wills vs. Palmer Lumber company and "Hhe home rule case, state vs. Schleur. Decisions In thes: cases will be forthcoming In due course of time. New Rule Effective. V Most of the local attorneys who have been attending the term have return ed. A rather short session of the court Is reported on account of a new Inter pretation of two old rules of the court having been announced at the opening of court on Monday morning. Under the procedure now In vogue, the court will not listen to argument and allpw the filing of any briefs after the argu ment, but where the briefs of Doth sides are not In on the opening day, the case must go over for the term, or for a period of six months. All of the cases from this county Involving the trials of the cases brought through the employed detective against persons charged wtlh violating the local op tion law and the validity of the Indict ments In those cases go over on ac count of this rule. ' The Morrison escheat case was ar gued yesterday morning and the Oliver case lnvollng the right to close a cer tain part of N street was also submit ted upon reargument. The home rule amendment of the constitution, decided by the circuit court In Wallowa county to be Inop erative In a county dry throughout, was up for. consideration yesterday. The Portland lawyers employed by jtho Home Rule association claim that thJ amendment operated to repeal the lo-. cal option law immediately In all cities where It was then in force and that the words which Judge Knowles held to make the whole amendment subject to the local option law, Instead of hav ing that effect, allowed the cities to put It back in operation again, at will. tions from the bench, it Is reported. A. A AAA JLAAAJi AAA AAAAAtftr4r TTTTTT I TTTTtttt w"W-w-w t v -w . Josh Billings said, "I don't ear hew much a man talks if he only says it in a fw words." That it the hub of tho whole adver tising ord and the taorot of building trade. Aiull line of PICKLES Bulk Plain Sweet Pickles. Bulk Mixed Sweet Pickles. 'Bulk Sonr Pljckles. Large Dill Pickles. Chow Chow. , y Also a full line of Bottle Pick. leg at the t Royal Grocery H. Pattisou, Prop. Not in the Association A Now Sanitary Scheme For Schools. Dr. C. E. Coulter, president of the boar.l of education of Ogden, Utah stated that in accordance with the wrard's determination to give the "saultary towel" a tryout In the local schools orders have been placed with the. manufacturers for a trial consign mnt. which will be installed nt once. These towels are of paper alwut 12 by IS inches In size ana come tt ntg roils, vrhion are hung In convenient places about the wash rooms. The Individual In using one tears It from the roll by means of the perforations nnd after drying lilmself deposits thetowel In n metal box provided for the purpose. ' from which It cannot be withdrawn Our Interest You in i snd tisfd over again by sme one el so. Does not cease when we have sold you a kodak. Pitcture tak ing is very simple now but it there are any little points that bother you, we are cheerfully ready to help you out. The very complete little instruction books that the kodak company issues, show that they too, are interested In your success. But we are here on the ground. Let us show you how simple It all is. At Home With the Kodak" is the title of an Illustrated and clearly written little book that the kodak people have issued on home portraiture. Whether you have a camera or not we will be glad to glva you a copy. Drop us a postal, or If convenient, call at the store. Wright Drug Co.