Uk QkAttDE EVENING OBSERVEK, WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1911. PAGE F . I POST OFFICE CAJfDY STORE 4 Mrs. C. C Combs, Fro p. 4 . Fine Line I casdy. FKUITS ICE CREA5I SM POSTCARDS ' TOBACCO . JTEWS DEALERS. . & Does 50 Per Cent Profit Interest You? We have a ten acr orchard a mile ffbm town that made bet ter than fifty per cent of the purchase price over and above all xpenses last year. This property 1b getting better every year, and besides making a nice home, Is certainly a good Investment. Coma in and let's talk it over.- While we have property for sale In all parts of the valley, we Just call your attention to a tew ot our exertional bargains. 160 acres, 8 miles from town, county road on two sides, good buildings, railroad siding at cor ner of place, land suitable for 'fruit, grain or alfalfa. Price 195.00 per. acre. 80 acres of the beBt sand-rldgi and near the foot of Mt. Emily, on county road that will be mac adamized this year. ThiB tract is all In cultivation, a portion in alfalfa. It is almost adjoinln some of the largest and best or chards in Grande Ronde vau.y. This land is suitable for most and purpose and will make you money from the day you buy it. Price of the. 80 acres, only 500.00, . , " ' t ; 40 acres three miles w:Bt,j Summerville, about one third cleared and in timothy, all the very best of soil, no rock, some fine timbir, a new house that cost $800.00 and other new lm- provements. There Is a fine stream of water crossing this place and the soil Is some of thet best in the valley. The owner lives in the east and is very anxious to sell. . I will only take a small amount 'of cash to han dle It, with one and two years on deferred payments. Come in and B;e about the price on this; it will surprise you. Have a fine ten aq-e orchard tract in Frultdale CiiV belon-s to an estate. This property must be sold, price end ..rms exceed ing good. A L.w. revenue pro ducing home. ; n A Sunbor of Fine Young Or cuitl Tracts In the Im bier District Can take city property on first .uent and give terms on bal- Clty property, all descriptions ' and prices. , o t,n,,a nrl four large lots on Washington avenue, 000.00 terms. " - v0 an two 50-foot o room uuu . - - , lots, shade trees, shrubbery. nice lawn, room iui 6"uv Kmiaoi ii tine home on Washington avenue l,900.oo terms. , Q . M va rnnm modern cottage on Adams avenue, $2 tfOO.00. , Four room nouae mu 120 by 120 feet, small barn, trees and other improvements at cor ner of Fourth street B ave nue, Old Town, only 8o0 00 p;r month on balance. v m mnHom house and .large lot,, close in onth sU cement smewam. "r and shrubbery only $2,300.00 Fveroom hous-e,. newly painted and papered, city water sewer connections, lot 60 by 120. icrossstreet'from A. B.C. laun dry, only $1.300.00-small pay ment down balance monthly. House and 2 lots four blocks from round house only $525.00. Four room house, cellar, gooa woodshed, and tw nice , Its. only three blocks from round house, "SSfrtS&r" near St?dDdrd Planing mill $700X0 , One acre tract with house on Cove avenue $800.00. . . . Some nice vacant lota In west ern part of the city from $100.00 UP,Lots In Carr's MMjfj' will make you money. Onlj - $10 down and $10 per month; no In terest, no taxes until after final payment The main .ewer runs through this property: it is on macadam street and all nice b g lot. These lpts will double In value inside of two years. Come In and let us tell J bu money to be made in buying ? WTproperty everywhere -some good ewhanges-Bome excellent buslneBS prPB,t'8' and would like to have you come In and see our list. . 1 tyLand& Securi Trust Company Don't Let Them hand you any dope. When smoking get the best Fam Us King cigars. A Ha vana cigar that is pleasing in taste and perfect in burn. Made in 5c, 10c and 2 for 25c fam vs mm CIPAR FACTORY Kvery family has need of a good, reliable '.introent For sprains, braises, soreness of the muscles and rheumatic pain there is none better than Chamberlain'. Sold b all dealer. '. , . . Plumbing and Keating John Melville U28 Adhms Avi LA GRAHDE, - ORB LET IS DYE HHt YOl". In fact the only way we live la bj dyrlnjr. Don't dye yourself. , !'. u-rii-i- than dvvtna yourself. ' ' h tiy t M KV .Al 4Mi IIU :) ALL ..Our charee tor dyeing for you wont be hglb. A sn in pie Job Is sufficient. For best dyrtnir snn cifaulnj htTe u do . ; v v.. ' ELITE n.F.M?ifi A DTE WORKS. IMHiiie Main M. , ! n A SAFE PLACE ito buy your grain, feed and fuel "Is at the Grande Ronde Cash company. You will always find It fresh, clean and superior In quality, and your houses or cat tle will thrive on It when you buy from us. Our poultry feed and supplies will help keep your hens laying. ; 'GRANDE ROXDE CASH CO, 1'hone Xuln C BIGGEST GAHJ OF THE DAY : CONTEST DISTRICT XO. 1 ... ' This district comprises the city of La Grande. The four ladles residing In La Grande who at the end of the contest have received the most votes will be the guests of the Observer at the Portland Rose Festival. HUFF, RUBY, Seventh and L streets. MARTIN, IRMA, 1201 Fourth street....;;". COMBS, FRANKIE, 1201 D avenue......... COTNER, EVA, 2,008 Oak street ............... STEPHENSON. MILDRED, Care StarTheatr .. NUTTER. MRS. B. B.. 1708 1-2 Sixth St. ... WILLIAMS, MRS. Fred W., Box 80l. ..................... .... . : 1,174 34,626 8.590 8.201 8,044, 6,114' 4,954 DAVIS, ADA. 1313 X avenue SNOW, ALICE. 1410 Z avenue 1.001 1,001 tOSTEST DISTRICT SO 2. ? This district comprises all of Unipn county except L aGrande. The four ladles ot this district who. at the end of the contest, have received the most votes will be the guests of the Observer at the Portland Rose Festl- ROBERTSON, ZELLA, R. F. D. No. 2, . . ......... .' . . VAN HOUSEN. HAZEL, Alioel CARBINE, JENNIE. R. F. D. No. 1. La Grande HANSEN. AGNES. Perry WILSON. EVA, Union . . CONRAD, NELLIE, R. F. D. No. 1 La Grande ... PEEBLER, FRANKIE, R. F. D. fso. Z, u Grande KELLY, BESS, Cove ...... JEFFRIES, NELLIE, Union HART RUTH, Hllgard WEEKS. BIRNIE, North Powder CHATTIN, VIOLET, Summerville BTTftSWT.T., WF!THTTlT.f Klein KEEFER. STELLA, Imbler .. . , ' . . ''. . . . .' '. . . . '. . ARNOLD, MABEL, Elgin ............ .... VAN DE VANTER, MRS., Medical Springs Stage Line, 0nlon . . . WOODELL, ETTA, R. F. D., No. 1, Summerville . . . . . ... . . . . . . HERFORD, BELL, Telocasot .............;......:.......-.... . . . . i . ... , ,. . . ;.;'..,... ,....r..r. 56,951 53214 29.704 22,528 17.743 10,067 9,500 8,529 8,500 7,000 . 7,010 3.626 1.314. 1.151' l.X)24 , 1,001 1,001 1,001 CONTEST DISTRICT 50. 8. This district comprises all of Wallowa county and. Pine and Eagle valleys. The three ladles of this district who, at the end of the contest, have received the most votes will be the guests ot the Observer at the Portland Rose Fes tival. C ": ; ,' t . BROCK. NETTIE, Flora 4,068 EVANS, MINNIE L.fcWallowa . .... ... 1.106 ' TRIZES REGARDLESS OF DISTRICTS. v The three candidate who, at the nd "of the contest have more votes than any of their Tlvals, may, at the-expense of the Observer, extend their trips on to San Francisco. ; ' ? The four candidates who range next In standing, regardless of districts, will be entertained at the Hotel Gearhart, Gearhart Park, By-the-Sea. All winning candidates will be given side trips to all points of interest In and about Portland; and wllfrbe taken to the leading places of amusement and recreation. ' Instead of taking a trip, any winning candidate may have music lessons to the value of $50 or a scholarship in Whitman college; in the Baker City business college or choice of several other colleges. In lieu of the San Francisco trips scholarships valued at $100 will be arranged for, in case exchange Is desired. ; ... , Measurement of Subscriptions. For convenience in estimating the relative standing Of contestants, sub scriptions to the Observer are measured out into votes, according to the length of time paid for. . Old subscribers as well as new. by paying arrears or by r paying In advance or by paying both In advance- and irrtars, may. help the candidates. A . blank for the con venience of those who wish to vote on account of a payment on sub scription In favor of a canddlate is printed herewith, also a schedule of vot-; ing power of subscriptions. V , , , Wh ether in advance or In arrears payments on the La Grande , Evening Observer for moro than one year give a premium of 3,000 extra votes for each year bo paid; on the Weekly Observer a premium of 1,000 extra votes for each year so paid. The premium Is the Bame whether the subscrlbr is new or old. The 3.000 votes for each extra year paid on the Evening Observer and the 1,000 votes for each extra year paid on the Wekely Observer are In addition to the ones earned by the regular schedule as printed blow. ': ; . Yotlngr Power of Subscriptions for the Evening Observer. . TIME By Carrier In La Grande One year Six months Three Months One Month One Week 7.00 i t OtDv 175 65 t . . . . .15. . By Mall In j United States ..... 4.00...... iti 2.00 X00 ! ; 65 i 1 1 ' VOTES ALLOWED ..6000 ...2500 ........... 900 150 -10 Toting Power of Subscriptions for the Weekly Observer. One Year S Months t ....... . 1.50 1500 inn u .. 400 kidney medicine. One of our daugh ters had a severe attack of kidney trouble and was unable to control the kidney secretions. Several well-known remedies were tried but no benefit was received until . Doan's Kidney Pills were taken. The result of their use was a permanent curl. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York sole agents for the United States. . - . Remember the name Doan's and take no other. ' .' d; Ap 5 My 3 31 Jun 28 Jul 19 Aug 16 w: Ap 7 My 5 Jun 2 30 Jul 28 Aug 25 YOU MAX HATE APPEXDIOTIS AND KOT IJfOW IT If you have wind or gas In the stom ach, sour 6tomach or constipation, you very likely have chrnblc appendlcitlB, which may at any minute become acute. A SINGLE DOSE of simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc. as com pounded in Adler-i-ka, the new Ger man appendicitis remedy, will relieve you try' It, you will be surprise at the quick action. . A. T. HHI. , . Opening Yakima Division. On Friday, March 24th, the O.-W. R. & N, will open Its new branch from Attallla to North Yakima, and will run a through train dally between Walla Walla and North Yakima, leav ing Walla Walla at 9:1, arriving at North Yakima at 3:09 p. m. ' . Returning train . will leave North Yakima at 8:45 a. m., arriving In Wal 'a Walla 2:30 p. m. ' In addition to the above service mo tor cars will be run between Kenne- wick and North Yakima, and between Grand View and North Yakima, also between Midvale and Sunneyslde. Con nections westbound can be made with Washington D'vlslon No. 8 and main line No. 6; eastbound at Walla Walla with Washington division No. 7 and main lln No. 18. For more complete Information as to train service on this branch, call on any local agent of the O.-W. R. & N ; WM. McMURRAY, eod General Pass. Agent. , . p. beautifully Illustrated In four colors. The Spell,' a romantic serial by C. N. A. M. Williamson. In the Shadow of the Dragon by Grant Carpenter. De scriptive story of San Francisco's Chi nese quarters. April issue now on sale 15 cents." . eof XOBODI SPARED. "Road in Sunset MagazineMotoring Through California by Lloyd Osborne, Savoy Hotel EUROPEAN PLAN The qukker ji coi3 is gottta til o f Civ n !e the danger from pneuivcia a 1 ivhr urior. diseases. - 'Mr. L' 11-11, t V.erly, V. "I firmlv believe CLs" berlaiu' Cough iiexavij to be br.l '-v't !', best preparation on tbe mtrket for ct I hTe recorumendeJ it to my frienJu nv?-. tney all agree with me." l ot sla Ij dealers. . . iHfhy pay Rent ? Velozt jtr r. . money to build, 2na yzz i?3y us as you voutd rer.f. J. R. ouvuz O'CONNELUS Gigar Store Pool, Billiards, Clears, Tobnc. co and Soft Drinks best and , most complete line of cigars In the city. Observers Coast League base ball scores every day there's a game. Y.. , Corner Depot and Jefferson St. The rooms are good and Steam heated only one block from depot D. G. Brichoux,Prop. Paris Hair Store Foley Hotel Bldg. ' Everything in Hair Goods Guaranteed Matcb Manicuring . Hair Dressing i i u n J I sal ;' t BM mm MPQ) PayM. W! Kidney Troubles Attack La Grande Men and Women, Old or Young. Kidney Ills seize young and old. Come quickly with little warning. Children suffef in their early years Con't control the kidney secretions. Girls are languid, nervous, suffer pain. Women worry, can't do dally work. Men have lame and aching backs. The cure for man, woman or child. Is to cure the cause the kidneys. Doan's Kidney Fills reach the cause. The following testimony proves It. Mrs. S. J. Gilman, North Union, Ore., says: . "We used Doan's Kidney Pills in our family about two years ago and found them to be an effective V , 'HEN you want a first-class iob of Printing, and want it without delay; r when you have a design in printing you would like to have figured out sat isfactorily; when you want work at reasonable prices, bear the EVEN ING OBSERVER in mind and call Main 13, y also Independent 1342. 4 lhBStMM(UstV We Do Anything With Type EVENING OBSERVER The Print Shop with a Pay Roll to'? ' Tr. 'iW.W'