' PiGE 6 LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1911. r ; : ': "A v r r- EE CRITiCAL Don't buy tlie first suit you look at. Remem-' ber that you can buy clothing with a reputation, almost as cheap as ordinary makes. FOR IN STANCE CONSIDER j lAdler's Collegian Clothes If this line of clothing was not the best in Am erica, it would not find room in our store. 1 1 1 4 1 1. 5 1 1 1 1 3 i WE HAVE TRIED OTHER MAKES, TOO, but for perfect satisfaction we recommend this well-known line. We have exclusive control of ADLER'S COLLEGIAN CLOTHES in this town, and every suit that goes out is absolutely guaranteed. Before you decide, won't you let us show you these high-grade suits? You'll be agreeably sur- i prised at the pric.es of such fine garments.; It's EDITORIAL OX CHEAP PATIXG. Salem Statesman Editor Object to Be ,Ing Stack' for Doable Header ' Assessments..' ' The Salem Statesman of April 19th, editorially comments on paving, as follows: ' . ' ' "The writer hereof Is to be "stuck" for some cement paving on Twelfth street, between Bellevue and Mission, if the project of some of the property holders In that district shall be adopt ed by the Salem city council. And this writer does not like the Idea. He be lieves it will mean a double assess ment, within a few years that the ce ment paving not being Impervious to water (no cement paving anywhere Is) it will within a few years break up, under constant travel in the wet sea son. That when the breaking up commences, it will go quickly. The writer has been "stuck" jjefore with a double assessment for macadam a few years ago and now bard surface pav ing. A hard surface pavement Bhould have been selected in the first place, and Is cheaper in the long run. It Is better all the time. The cement road way to the postofflce, laid by the gov ernment, with very little gravel has begun breaking up. The writer be lieves there will b a lot of people in Salem a few' years hence, who will re gret their , recent and present activity toward securing this "cheap" cement paving." yo ar privilege to make your own comparisons. 1 ASH BROS. The Home of Good Clothes Although D. D. D. prescription has been recognized for years as the one remedy for eczema, psoriasis, and all other forms of skin diseases, it is now known that there is not other wash, even those used by the beauty special ists, that can compare with this mild liquid for cleansing the, skin of pim ples, blackheads, rash, and all simi lar, skiu afflictions. For this rtason alone a bottle of D. D, D. should be kept on hand in every household. Atrial 25c bottl'i will show you the merits of this great remedy as a complexion wash. v ! D. D.. D. seems to removethecaus;, whatever the trouble may be, cleas- ing the skin, and leaving it as soft, as ! smooth and clear as that of a healthy 'child. j Get a 25c bottle today and k:ep it in I the house. j The N'ewlln Drug company. i UIIEI1 Tfl CAST QUADREXMAL ELECTION OF DEL E GATES TOMORROW Delegates to Caldwell to Name General Conference Envoys. Once every four years there is held an election in every Methodist Epis copal congregation.. Its purpose is the selection of delegates to attend the lay Quadrennial conference which meets with the annual ministerial con ference at its session next preceding the general conference which meets every fourth year. The delegate will be elected tomorrow Thursday ven ing at the church, the polls opening at 8 o'clock! The presiding Judge is Q. H. Currey and the tellers are W. H. Stanchfleld and Mrs. Olive Bolton. All members over 21 are electors. The annual conference meets at Caldwell, Idaho, in August and at that meeting wllj be chosen a delegate to attend the general conference which meets in Minneapolis In May, 1912. . PATSIE HENRY IS COMING f l.vyFP S!y9FH "!YTTL" EE ,yj,r" BOSTON JUVENILES Little Folks Are' Slaking fit? Hits Wherever They Appear.. Our superb It. sents the; choicest f)z: world's leading per'utiie ::?b repre ss of til Vou'll .find , To the Ladles of Lu Grande. Mrs. C. II. Whitney, face specialist of Baker City, will bj in La Grande for a faw days and will call upon the ladles with a complete line of toilet articles of her own manufacture. She : : ; '-removes moes and other facial blem- odars here that will delight you I'l3hes wl:h el.ctrlc needle. She ma? odors of which you'll never tire. The j be found t 1407 T avenue for" a few Newlln Drug company. 'days. Phone Black 591. 5-2-tf - l l. S H 1b ' ADDITION ' -g 1 Grand View Addition is the most beautiful spot about La Grands- Ycu can purchase a lot in Grand View Addition and have three years' time in which to make payment for same, and "during that time you have neither interest nor taxes to pay. Let this sink in deep. Then come to our office or call us up on the phone and request us to show you this property. If you have never invested in real estate before this is you opportunity to get the proper start. If you have made investments in real estate, avail yourself of this opportunity to ma&e comparisons. The terms are such that no sacrifice will have to be made in order to meet them. . If this addition was located near a town with a less bright future before it than La Grande, it would still be an excellent investment, and with the future La Grande has before it, the increase in the value of these lots will be phenomenal. LAGRANDE INVESTMENT CO. Foley Hotel Block Those who appreciate clean musical comedy will have their opportunity on May 15 when the Juvenile Bostonifins will appear at the Steward in thc tune ful musical comedy, "The Ransom, ' a olece which is filled with tinkling songs and bubbling comedy and is a distinct novelty, in that it 1b pre sented by a company composed entire ly of girls, ranging from 16 to 18 years of age, who handle their roles in a way that is a revelation to anyone who witnesses the performance for the first time. . Miss Patsie' H;nry, the come-. dienne of the company, has been draft ed from the ranks of vaudeville where she has been scoring tremendously in tlu larger cities of the east for the past two seasons. It was only the fact that Miss Henry received her early education with this organization and wished a rest from the more strenuous labors of vaudeville, that the Bos'on- r.a wer: able' to secure her for a Hin !: ?d engagement this season. In speak- 'rg of this clever artiste, the Cleve If nd Plain Dealer says: "Little Ross tsnry's smil; is worth the price of a.lmission.' Another member who is 0 tractlng favorable attention, Is Miss Tiom Hellen, who recently returned 1 om Germany where she has spent the 3t two years completing her musical education. Miss Hellen has a pure so rano voice, and renders her songs V way which gives ample proof that ";e has received her training under a -'"Eter. Little Dor!s Canfl.ld, who "C3 th3 rr.rt cf an English Johnny, is remitted by all to be about the clever Tt Juvenile comedienne on the Amer Itan stage today. This little mite is assessed with that Inexplicable some thing which goes to make a born com edian and (without being In any way v-ecocious) contrives to keep the audi ence in a scream of laughter whenev er she is behind the lights. from a sheet of lead and then polish the edges for fully 15 minutes by hand. Then he put the unfinished piece on the mold and set it under a heavy weight which he lifted to the celling of his den with a hand windlass until he released a catch and dropped the weight on the steel die. If the weight hit accurately the bogus coin was stamped, but he spoiled three out of five." : ."" - :- Piles Cored In C to 11 Days. ' PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to The &aaie:i BAKERY Formerly the Royal- it n The finest line of bakery goods ever turned out in Eastern Ore gon All kinds of lunch goods for fishing and hunting parties 8 Open Sundays cure any case of itching, blind, bleed ing or protruding piles In 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 60c. When your feet are wet and cold, tad your body chilled through tnd through from exposure, take a big dose of Chamberlain's Cough Bemedr, bathe Tour feet in hot water before going to bed, and you are al most certain to ward off a severe cold. Fo vilfl bv all dealers. . IMI ..ii II nil II II mini II- 1 THE GOSSAED CORSETS. They' lace in front as a re sult the abdomen is relieved of , all pressure. Support is given, and deep breathing is encour aged. ' . '' Tiiey seuiiy iui uureiy vompei a correct standing position and fa graceful carriage. Mrs. Robert Pattison Corsctlere. Phone Black 1181. MCKELS COST A QUARTER. Counterfeiter Mercifully Stopicd In Ex Nenshe Crime. Chicago, May 8,(Special) Coun terfeiting nickels at a cost of 25 cents each is an industry in Chicago which the government secret service has kindly stopped, for which Andrew Barto, the accused man, may well be glad. According to the testimony of Copt. T. I, Porter, head of the secret service, It required an hour and a half of time to make three lead nickels. At this rate each nickel would have cost a quarter, yet he either had some rosy dr ams of fortune by disposing of them at two cents each in bulk or he was a man so determined on being crooked that he would rather lose money at it than be honest. The counterfeiting outfit, consisted of a luavy stamping machine, bellows,' forge, stamping proas and n number of devices for polishing and trimming the coins, all very workmanlike and successful, but expensive in the matter of time. "To makt the coin," Captain Porter- testl- Complete Equipment tor Resetting ann Repairing Rubber Buggy. Tires ... LA GRANDE IRON WORKS ' D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor ' . COMPLETE MACHINE SHOPS AND FOUNDRY 11 (a BUY DIRECT AND SAVE MONEY w CurlO!:ls "f perfect building material, cut to a halt1, to Ut iii.'. "he paper on the wall, shipped dally Our 6-cross l $1.50 Door la the best value -or offered anywhere for this remarkably low price, nnd it Is only a aample of the many good things and price-savers contained lu our catalogue. U e own and operate our own mill In Seattle and SAVE YOU MIDDLEMEN'S PROFITS fiend in irt of what you need and let us show oil m ACT t FIUUKES wnat we save you. BuildersNeed ThisGilalo We sell everii "iy and ship anywhere. middlemen's prottt. 'FOR THE CHILDREN." Send for Catalogue. Save One price to everybody The Wardrobe cat ers to the trade that appreciates at reasonable prices sood honest work Order your spring suit here made to order. The WARDROBE Cleaning a Specialty. Foley llottl Building z - r i Keep Your Windows Open Get Plenty of FRESH MR You can always have fresh, pure air if your house is lighted with electric ity. '. . Electric light burns In a vacuum; it creates no heat, smoke or soot. You can have a white, cool, steady light, without danger from blowing crutalns or overturned lamps. Always ready; , anywhere or at any time. Now la the best time to have your house wired. We can do it very cheap ly.. Just phone Main 39, and our man will call. EASTERN OREGON UGHT & POWER CO. 232 fled. "Barto first had to cut the nickels &&&Sii&&fiX&&e