LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, AVEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1911. PAGE 3 HHHHHfHHHHWHl fill 11 HI 'HI mtWWHHH New lot of SWIFT'S PREMIUM I SUGAR CURED HAMS and BACON, just in. Next time you need coffee - '' ' . ' " try a can of Triunfo brand City Grocery & Bakery 'Tie Home of Good Things to Eat" I GIVE US YOUR ORDERS We do the Right Do the Thing Rignt, ; and do it Right How WENAHA LUMBER CO. GREENWOOD & MADISON Home; Phone 42U Bell Phone, Main 732 Clbgstbh & Nutter Painters, Paperhangers, Decorators Phone Ind. 1341. 1708 1-2 Sixth Street CALL - AND - GET - PRICES J. H. PEfrRE, La Grande's Leading Jeweler Opposite U. 8. Lani Office A dams Avenue. iiiiiiiitniiiiiiniiii tti t iHHi4iinii tmmiin Perry Pneupiatic Water Systems, Samson ; Wind Mills, Deming Pumps, Richardson & Boynton ; Warm Air Furnaces, Pipe Valves and Fittings, Gut ters, Plumbing Fixtures of All Kinds, Full Assort, V ; ment of Nickel Trimmings. -: r . . -: :- ; :BflY 6 ZfIFL i PLUMBERS, MATERS, SHEE1 METAL WORKERS , The Wrong Vay -.-rJ :. col V. OF FITTING GLASSES. No permanent rtsults are ev er, attained by the old method of fitting glasses; namely: Glasses while the eye Is under the Influ ence of a . (Atrophlne) are NEVER right, because atro phlne, the drug used, PARA LYZES the very muscles that tell us when. our work Is done properly. I would have you know, and it is my purpose to impress upon your, mind, that drug i treatment of the eye troubles caused by eyestrain is not only useless but ACTUr ALLY CRIMINAL and that ft recurrence of the trouble may be expected unless the causa is re moved. Any lens duplicated in 'a few minutes. I GRIND ALL ALL MY GLASSES. " f HE ACOCK V Eyesight Specialist, j .;, iexi ifovr to tne jrost Office, - Ag ents Wanted i Good hustlers to sell high gade specialties. Live men of " good address can beat a salary Job two to one. Apply from 8 to 11:30 a. m. The Oregon Spec ialty Co. i Room 1, Corpe building, (up ." stairs.) . , -, ' ; Second entrance south of post ; ; . . office. Wi.en yo- -n a co'.d a dou..', 1 Chamberlain's ;'.;h ftemnl;, ' It wi. fix you up all and ; .. any tendency- toward pneumonia." ' remedy contains no opium or oilier uarrt.t.' and may be given as confidently to a bub1 a to an adult. Sold by all detlera. , . . .'. CREAM PUFFS Are some of the things that cannot be made at home. Spe cial skill and facilities are nec essar for their production. Our baker possesses . the qualifica tions and has everything else essential. The pastry which comes from our oven la perfect ly delicious. Light as ' Snow Flakes and entirely free from "greasiness." These are a few of our specialties which are well worth trying. We know you'll like them. ' SNOWFLAKE HAST BY, , JAS. FARQUH ARSON, Prop., Slimmer Drinks we make our own ice cream and sherbet I union TAKES UP mm TWO-COUNTT PUBLICITY CAM- PAIGN FOSTERED. La Grande Commercial Club Met With Hearty Accord Last NIgbL Union Eusiness men and commercial Interests have entered into the La Grande plan of two-county publicity with, whole-souled accord, following a get together" meeting at Union last night, attended by a delegation of La Grande commercial club men. La Grande's presentation to Union laid the joint publicity scheme before the Union people and it was speedily adopted as the most feasible one yet advanced. Union and Wallowa county are to share Jointly in the expense of exploitation and each town big and small Is to have Just space. . A whole lot of detail matter was gone over at the meeting and the La Grande people came home enthused with th warm reception given them and with ; the hearty co-operation evidenced by Un ion. 'C1 'vV r The people who f represented La Grande are: :.F. M. Slough, Commer cial club manager, W, M. Pierce, J. j Carr, J C. Henry, Mack Wood. C. (1 Penington and F. J. Holmes." MlfiNICK BQY IS INJURED PROBABLE THAT HE WILL LOSE ONE EYE. Union Youngster Sent to Baker for Treatments for Injuries, . Clifford Minnlck, the five year old son of J. W. Minnlck of Union, is to day suffering from 'painful injuries of his right eye. - The littl-.' fellow has a block of wood at home in which he has been in the habit of pounding nails. Yesterday morning he was using the hammer as usual when he drove a nail into a car tridge that had becoiae imbedd-d in the wood. The -cartridge' exploded lacerating, his left hand, iuttin s gash above his right ere and Injuring the eye so that he will probaUy never be able to see out of It again . s He wns taken to Baker for nodical treatment and la getting along nicely, although he is suffering much pain. We have White Clover, Blue Grass and fancy mixed seea. uur jjawn JTJCiJttTiidZiEK will make the grass erown Garden f?Afir1 in fniv .' i . ... . . " w . - iMoxning out tne oest. - WaierS'Slanthfield. Ptoduce Co. iveMmsoNWE. For Your Lawn der.your feet- STOMACH PRESCRIPTION. Ask About Ml-o-na It Gives Belief In Five Minutes. The Newlln Drug company will tell you that they guarantee MI-O-NA to relieve promptly and cure permanent ly all diseases of the stomach and In digestion, or money back. Have you gas on stomach? One or two MI-O-NA.' stomach tab lets and the misery is ended. Are you bilious, dizzy or nervous? . MI-O-NA stomach tablets' will put you right In a day; give relief In 10 minutes. . Now, dear reader, don't go on suffer ing, with stomach trouble. Be fair to yourself; throw aside prejudice and try MI-O-NA." It Is a great doctor's prescription. No doctor ever wrote a better one. ':. And money back if you don't say Ml-O-NA is worth its weight in gold. Sold by the Newlln Drug company and hading druggists everywhere. 50 centd a large box. Mrs. Mary Hutchinson says: "Pains and distress In my stomach and a gen eral stomach complaint was entirely cured for me by the use of two boxes of Mt-o-na stomach tablets." EOd Pearl street, Ypsilanti, Mich. Write Botth's Mi-o-na, Buffalo, N. Y!, for free sample. 5-2 11. , About Appendicitis. La Grande people; can now learn just how appendicitis Btarts and how they can EASILY prevent it. Ask for the free Appendicitis book at the A. f . Hill's drug store. Miller's Message No. 3 Our third message Is brief and right to the point. Tha following prices for lots in RIVERSIDE ADDITION, speak for themselves. - 32x125 . 82x139 , 32x108 , 32x110 . 32x120 . 35xllT '. 32x100 ', 34x115 , .34x117 . .$150.00 .... 150.00 .... 150.00 .... 125.C0 .... 125.00 .... .125.00 .... 100.00 .... 75.00 .... 75.00 CORNER LOTS. ' - . IX SIDE LOTS 32x125 ............ $200.00 32x139 ............ 200.00 32x168 200.00 32x110 ............ 150.00 : 32x120 ............ 150,00 40x117 .V.......4.v 150.00 32x100 125.00 62x115 125.00 ; 52x117 "T;;'V; '. .7; V. V 125.00 Regarding terms of sale wc will be glad to talk that matter over with you. We will make practically your 'own terms. Tomorrow, we will speak of the various rea sons, why this is unquestionably the best lot subdivision 'offering ever put before the buying public of La Grande. William He? & Bro. 1107 Adams Ave. Phone, Main 1 ' WATCH THIS SPACE IX TOMORROW'S ISSUE. . . - C. T. Darley Cement Contractor Consult him before letting your sidewalk Reasons Why You Should Enlist In Tho Observer Contest The prizes are educational, . x : " Youishould aee Portland during the great annual Rose Festival. You should visit San Francisco during the meatinff Jf the National Educa tional association. . . , 1 , . You should become acquainted with the beauties of the Columbia river. You should experience recreation In the Bocial life ol ocean and Colum bia river, tourist hotels. r ; - . " ' - ' . ' ; You should study music under thebeBt teaxhers if you have not done 80 already. You should study at home, If you cannot attend college'. ' You should try the thrills of competltve work, such as this contest af fords. ' ' : .'; ; , ; , You should learn how to ask your friends for their support; how to or ganize them Into a working force In your own behalf. , You should learn how to make friends among strangers and to get them .interested in your success. - . - - THE CONTEST GIYES ALL THESE BENEFITS AND OTHERS t TOO SnOCLD ENTER, Underwood Standard Typewriter INCORPORATE EVERY DESIRED , FEATURE OF ALL OTHER MA CHINES INTO ONE AND COMPARE IT FEATURE WITH FEATURE, WORKING PART WITH WORKING PART, AND THE UNDERWOOD WILL STAND OUT SUPERIOR. ' IT PERMITS OF THE GREATEST LATITUDE OF i WORK DOES MORE AND BETTER WORK PER GIVEN EFFORT AND ADMITS OF THE GREATEST SPEED. - Bicycle Rldors. . After May 1st it is unlawful to ride bicycles on any sidewalk In La Grande. Let this be final notice. JOHN WALDEN, Chief of Police. The Machine You Will Eventually Buy Underwood Typewriter Company 1 (Incorporated) , Portland, Ore., Branch. 68 Sixth Street I 11: I I I. 1 t t - V." .'V, ..... I. :.; : ' f i .4. ;.f-