fcL. LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1911. PAG -3 1 THEATRE THE THEATRE OF QUALITY. Bert M. Sherwood, Proprietor and Manngrr. PROGRAM "On the Deserts Edge".Esaanay An Intense drama of the far west. . . "Monsieur" Edison A beautiful story with all the lpadlng members of the Edison company In splendid parts. : "Han's Millions' . .... Essanay Schmidt learns thaj hip for- mer clerk 1b'. heir to millions. . Great comedy. .- V lll'ustratea song "All -Alone,;, Matinees Miss Garrick 'Evenings .......... Mr. Birnie ,'. Drums and effects, Miss DeJ venthal. Musical director, Mr. King!'. .' r-, , Another Oyd Oli Tit: e Favorite Next lVeet: The Songs My ' Mother J Used To Sing" The Presbyterian Brotherhood will meet on Monday evening, May i. The host and hostess will be Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Wright, 1202 Pennsylvania ave-nu-a. . Strawberries the California varie ty. decorate the selling marts today. They are selling rapidly at 25 cents a box and appear to be very luscious for the California variety. ": i'EtiSON.LS. p : O P. A. Llllle of Cove was a Foley ho tel uest last night Jas. E. Daunn, W. R. Ladd, the 0,-W. mechanic, both of Portland; were Fol ey hotel guests last night . ".. . D. L. Tulop of Kansas City was in the city last night and stopped at the Foley. :' . George W. Hansen of North Powder was In the city last evening and stop red at the Foley. : S. Miles of Boise and F. W. Noble also 01' Boise re at the Sommer today on Mis'ness matters. Attorney L. Denham and wife of. El gin are at the Sommer today while looking after business matters. D, Zlmmerle, the Cove fruit grower, Is stopping at the Sommer this after noon. to 20:FAIi;'.GrMvIafesii at 1 OCiLS , v; , " Fruit Growers. ., :g. , If you want the best power sprayer built ase the Automatic Wallace Pe?r ; leE3 in operation at C. ' M. ' Rid-dle s place, La Grande, or call phone Black .2701 for Information. ' 6t d 1 wky are In the city today attending business, matters and are guests i; .:.'Kiix-t'r.,; i .. , y.' ' " Henry Pdnehart. a pionet r of - this valier, who is now, living at Walla AVilla,. pas3?d through the ci y this morning, on his way to Elgin to visit ratives. ,? - v, ,-,v .- ",; Herbert Coffin has accepted a pofeir . finn with WilHam Mf1W t real estate men, and will be tn head! salesman for Riverside and William son additions. ' ; ; ; : ' ? " Chas. H. Blackwell has returned to his home In Seattle, after visiting with his brother, H. R. Blackwell, propri etor of the CaEh Bazaar store in th!s city. He was much Impressed with the city as a result of his visit here. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Shafer of Brooks, Winn., are expecieu xo arrive wins'", to make their future home here. Mr. Brooks and Mrs. Ole Stageberg' are brother and Bister and Mr. Shafer was in the employe of a railroad company in his home town before leaving there, New and in every way blocks, but Broken Lines, Remnants of stocks and Bargain ' 98c $1.28. $1.68 ese When fish tackle our tacklethey're caught. See the new things. Newlin Drug company. Call Main 4 lor. quick messenge: service. The office is operated by H. Kisler and he attends to business. Call him and get results. 1 Motorlstt)' Lotion. That Stinging, burning sensation In the face after a rapid ride in the wind and Bun may be promptly relieved by an application of our Au Sein cream Prevents chapping and keeps the skin soft, clear, dainty. 25c. Newlin Drug company. . v : ; Termont Marble Arrives. E. C. Davis, the monument maker of this city, who operates a big plant in North La Grande has received carload of fine Vermont marble and granite and la ready to fill all orders for monuments. ' PRAISED BY ALL. Nothing for the Hailr So Good as Pari. slan sage l The Newlin Drug company sell It on money back plan, so you take no risk "I can truthfully say that Parlsln Sage la the best dandruff cure I have ever used,, and can cheerfully recom mend it for dandruff or falling hair. It is an elegant hair dressing." Mrs. J. W. Smith. 408 East Main St., Durham, N. C; 1910. . ' - t "Parisian Sage is the best best hair Nn need nf Wvinir Rnvini? fever fir tonic and scalp cleaner 1 have ever "Koino o jui v 0.i i used. It also promotes the growth of being in any condition but, perfectly h , d makeg ,t Bofe and lgogsy.. 11 L 1L1. ). 9 WAnH 1 - . . . ; wen ' m iuio uuw ui jew. . vtjai Mrs. ueorge is.' Aiexanaer. ZZi -..A. Sarsaparllla will purify your blood,, Wayne St., St. Mary's, Ohio, 1910. and restore your Drug company. vitality. Newlin's iiioic liian aouo.e xnese fi t prices. Dont fail to come in and look :them over, they are the greatest bargains you ever have been offered. it r; Si-EC SALF BEGINNING MONDAY MORNING Entire line of Rajas, Sousines, Mulls, Foulards, "etcj on sale 4 M v. a Goods that sell at double this price all the time, but we have a large stock fi and must reduce it. None of this silk will be sold at the above above price before Monday Moniing ..... We will fill MAIL ORDERS on these at SALE ) f KICto as long as they last. Take Advantage of this Sale "My hair was falling out badly r used one bottle bf Parisian Sage which gave great relief to the falling hair and itching scalp and the second bottle Latest popular music 10c at the Cash , cured it entlerly. . I U6e it once In a Bazaar - 4-27-8-9 I while to keep my hair in good health." , 1 Minnie J. Eisenhard. 1512 Gordon ;. ; r ! st Aiientown, Pa., 1910. Shopping bags below factoryjricea Parisian Sage Is guaranteed by the for one week. Silverthornea family Newlin Drug company and druggists drugstore. 1 4-28-2t everywhere, to cure dandruff, atopp : . . ' '- ' ' - ','".' - j falling hair,. Itching scalp and make . " . -the hair grow abundantly, or money ,We have toojnany shopping bags. bottle 50 cents. Girl We need the room for othr purposes. ' with auburn hair on every bottle. , All these bags are in excellent condl- A 29 M 10. tion. Bought the latter part of No vember direct from the factory. On sale below factory costs for, one week. Sllverthornes family drug store. '" 4-28-2t ' . Vail e y Creamery MTioIesalers of BUTTEB, CREAM, JttlLK, BUT. . TEEMILK AND ICE CEEAM. rhone, Main 733. Located at 215 Fir street In the building formerly occupied by Gold Loaf Creamery. Tour orders will be gtren prompt attention. YTE NEED CBEAM-WE PAY TOP PBJCE FOB BUTTEK FAT SEE IS AND GET OUE PRICES Come and See You won't be in pur gro cery section more than a minute before you'll discover, tlia'Kyou have walked right . into the. midst of the choicest line of high, grade gro ceries, both fancy and staple, that you've ever had the pleasure of see ing, and; the prices are. right, too, remember that. Give us a trial or der, and you will order again. Clyde L. Kiddle Island City, Oregon. Some nice, fresh Tilla mook Cream Cheese just arrived, try some. 11 and Save Money on the Summer Gown or Waist you will soon be wanting QUALITY THE SAME PRICES LESS .it mm mffitim rule coril .' ' ' - ... .-. .... ' '. " ..'''. ''' ' -"''. ' ''- . . ;,. ... ., v -'.. .::'...''': L ',:,..' v" ''H i'"' Ani ni ' i ' lfc ' ' A lfc rfci A-nn,rti.ntiif.'t A An mt'i, Oi,i,.iA rfti r-..r- ,.A.it..i-Ti rn tii. if i" Unapprtolativt. . "Carlyle was a great thinker. You can't turn to a single page without finding some gem of thought Here, for Instance, be says that there la atrengtn fn cheerfulness." "So there is In cheese.-Exchange. 8ydnty Smith's Wit. As Lord. Brougham one day rode by in, his carriage, on the panel of which was a large B. Sydney Smith Is Rflld to have remarked. "There goes a carriage Jrltb a 6 outside and a wasp within." Dor Dsnlal. "I bare beard the late Archbishop Ryan tell of two plump gourmets who were dlscusalng during Lent their fa vorite fast dlsbes." said a Phlladel pblan. "Trout; said the first with a sigh, 'has gone up. thanks to the high cost of living and the Lenten demand.' . "'Tea,' said the other. 'Isn't it ter rible? Oysters, terrapin, teal dock, wine, caviar everything is dearer. In deed. I often wonder these days wher one is to get the money to fast wltb,"1 ssnrassssr That's What They All Say It's Good For What Ails You Just Received A NEW LOT OF LADIES' TAN BUTTON SnOES AND TAN PUMPS DIRECT FROM NEW I0RK IN THE STAGE LAST. A1SO NEW LOT OP THE FAM. OUS ONTX BRAND HOSIERY IN ALL COLORS AND SHADES. LADIES' SILK HOSE IN ALL COLORS AT 76c MEN'S SILK SOX IN ALL COL. ORS AT 60c K"--.l '! L J. FRENCH SHOE CO. i