' ... rv o- . .. , , - ,- Mll, ' t J fea.Jrt-5iiVvJ PAGE 6 LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1911. The BELMONT COLLAR and the CLIFTON COLLAR will not fray at the buttonhole. Laundries do not tear them ..me n. IS THE GENTLEMAN'S SHIRT 'ililiiir IL It has both high class and quality. The Price is very ordinary .... We have everything, to fit out men, from the collar buttons to the full dress suit M ANDREWS Are Renting? j I,.,..,.!,!.!. ..Ill .11 . I I II ' , If So, You Can Buy a Home Oil THE RENT MONEY We will furnish you the rooney to buy a home outright or build )t according to your own p1an3, in any town or city you may eleot in the United States., at 5 prrcnt simple interest. For further in formation call on' lackson & Mays l.?. Phy's office Agents Standard Real Estate Loan cpmpany, of Dallas, Texas. in- m if $ "Hjr'i'iji' iiji "HjrJi,'!nia"'l ' Complete Equipment'JorlResetilng ann Repairing w ; Rubber Buggy Tires LA GRANDE IRON WORKS -V,.v ' D, FITZGERALD, Proprietor COMPUTE MACHINE SHOPS AND FOUNDRY ORDINANCE NO. 525, SERIES 1911. An ordinance authorizing the mayor and recorder to enter Into a contract with the Island City Mercantile and Milling company for the purchase and delivery of one street sprinkler. The city of La Orande does ordain as follows: Section 1. The mayor and recorder of the city of La Grande, Oregon, are hereby authorized to enter into a con tract on behalf of the city of La Orande, Oregon, for the purchase and delivery to the cty of La Grande, Ore gon, one (1) street sprinkler, with the Island City Mercantile and , Milling company, in accordance with their of fer heretofore accepted by. the council and now on file with the recorder of the city of La Grande, Oregon. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect after its pas sage by the council, approval by the mayor and publication In one issue of the La Grande Evening Observer. Passed the Common council on the 26th day of April, 1911, by seven mem bers voting therefor. Submitted to the mayor and by him approved this 28th day of April. lflt . ' - A. L. RICHARDSON, ' Mayor. Attest .--j . C M. HUMPHREYS, Recorder of the City of La Grande. "Read in Sunset Magazine, Motoring Through California by Lloyd Osborne, beautifully illustrated In four colors. The Spell, a romantic serial by C. N. A. M. Williamson. In tb Shadow of the Dragon by Grant Carpenter. De scriptive story of San Francisco's Chi nese quarters. April issue now on sale 15 cents." eod 33H3S33iSZ VIEW AB DITION Grand View Addition is the most beautiful spot about La Grande1 You can purchase a lot in Grand View Addition and have three years' time in which to make payment for same, and during that time you have neither interest nor taxes to pay. Let this sink in deep. Then come to our office or call us up on the phone and request us to show you this property. If you have never invested in real estate before this is you opportunity to get the proper start. If you have made investments in real estate, avail yourself of this opportunity to make comparisons. The terms are such that no sacrifice will have to be made in order to meet them. If this addition was located near a town with a less bright future before it than La Grande, it would still be an excellent investment, and with the future La Grandee has before it, the increase in the value of these lots will be phenomenal. LA GRANDE INVESTMENT CO. Foley Hotel Block li SI DIEGO FIR 1 San Diego, Cal., April 27.- (Special) The date for the ground breaking ceremonies of the Panama-California - , . t .. ...... A A. ' - t- .... preparations are in progress for this event which will occupy four days. The celebration will include hi3tori-' cal features covering the period from the discovery of the Pacific ocean by Vasco Nunez de Balboa in 1513 to the founding of the California missions in 1769 by FatheT Junfpero Serra of the Order of St. Francis. This history will be presented in gorgeous pagean try and floats illustrating the chief episodes of that history. Especially rotable will be the procession of the 21 missions of California, each mission presenting its history in appropriate ly costumed characters depicting the historical phases of its foundation medieval, religious and allegorical. The civic ceremonies with which the celebration will begin will be under the direction of the exposition officials and will include partcipatlon by the governor of California, state officals, municipal officers, and representative! of the national government. The cor ner stone of the administration build ing will be la.d on this occasion, oc cupying the first day. . Commemorative of the founding of the mission of San Diego de Aleala, a pontifical high mass will be cele brated by Bishop Conaty of the dio cese of Los Angeles and Monterey on the 142d anniversary week of the planting of the cross on California soil by Father Serra. This ceremony will be under the direction of the Franciscans and will be held before a great floral altar in one of the can yons of Balboa park. Throughout the celebration the car nival spirit will prevail and each day will be a fiesta of mirth, music and dancing expressive of the condition of a happy and contented people. pects are most bright for an excel lent crop In the Big Bend. Wheat Acreage Heavy. Pullman, Wash., April 26. Grass, grain and alfalfa are making rapid growth. The treea are putting forth leaves and blossoms and flowers are blooming. . " "I have lived In this country 29 years .and never, saw winter wheat looking so well at this time of year," said Fred Humphrey, a pioneer of Pullman, today. Mr. Humphrey and man county 35 years, drove through the country yesterday. They , drove north of Kamiac butte and around the bttte on the north and west 8ld9s, returning through the country nea? Albion. " y Mr. Humphrey said: "The acreage Is the largest In this country. There is but little land being summer. fallow ed. A large acreage of land was In oats last year but was plowed up la3i man appendicitis remedy, will relieve you try it, you will be surprise at the quick action. A. T. Hill. fall and sowed to wheat." YOU MAY HAVE APPENDICITIS " A'D SOT KNOW IT If you have wind or gas in the sum ach, sour stomach or constipation, you very likely have chrnolc appendicitis, which may at any minute become acute. A SINGLE DOSE of simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc. as com pounded in Adler-I-ka, the new Ger- The highest grade of nniiici - flUfffll-i. L PURE BREAK FAST COCOA can be had at the Royal Grocery H. Patiison, Prop. Not in the Association Perry Pneumatic Water Systems, 11 Samson i WHEAT CROP IS EXCELLENT. (Continued from Page Two) ever in the history of Idaho cOunty. There is a greater acreage in crop than ever before, and the weather condition have been most ideal for a splendid crop. While there is some demand for more rain, the opinion prevails that thus far there has been sufficient rain this season already. The Bpring plowing Is now on In full blast In some sections, but during March the weather was so Ideal that the work was started early. , . Fall Grain Stands. Prinevllle, Ore., April 26. Late frosts In Crook have killed some of the tender crops, but most of all the fall grains are not affected. !i , Oilllum Grain Crop. Rock Creek, Ore., April 26 Alfal fa fields look fine. Fall wheat which la up Is looking healthy but rain is badly needed. Quite a number of farmers are finishing sowing barley. Good Wheat Outlook. Davenport. Wash., April 26. Wheat seeding is practically finished In this section and the farmers aro ready for a good, Boaklng rain to start the grain growing. With the most favorable spring for seeding for several years and an early rain, pros- Wind Mills, Deming Pumps, Richardson & Boynton Warm Air Furnaces, Pipe Valves and Fittings, Gut ters, Plumbing Fixtures of All Kinds, Full Assort- ment of Nickel Trimmings. BUY 6 IWEIPEi PLUMBERS, HEATERS, SHEE1 METAL WORKERS Clogston & Nutter Painters, Paperhangers, Decorators Phone tnd. 1341. 1708 1-2 Sixth Street CALL - AND - GET - PRICES Bottled Push the button and switch on day T.-1l-Ll. A. 1 A 41 4A 1 light, . at night want it. 1 Sunlight Electric lights are best for your health. They don't consume oxygen -they can't smoke or explode. They are alwayB safe, and always ready. Why not have your house wired now? You'll be surprised how cheap ly we can do it. Juts call at our office or phone Main 34, and our man will tell you all about It. ' ;v 1 3 EASTERN OREGON LIGHT & POWER CO. I 3 '