n V, , ? TV (ft: ilHXt vrC y r sm . ' y i-il.iFiriliiTi-: VOL X LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1911. Ill SILENT 8 AFTER VISIT TO PBISDN SAID MRS. INGERSOLL -COULDN'T IDENTIFY M'MANIGAL IN LOS ! ANGELES PRISON. ESSION IS REPUDIATED Counsel for Prisoners Makes State, went That Mrs. IngersoU Could Not Identify the Prisoners andTTint She ' Did not Talk to Them Barns Prom lses to Uncover Sensation Soon. OLtETS WHIZ RfEfERt IGERI LEADEN MESSENGERS FISED AT PASSING YACHT CARRYING "rV THE EMPEROR. Generally Believed AH Emperors will Be Meuaced Prior to the Gathering . at London for Coronation Services Ballets Penetrate Stateroom of the ' Boat Off Corfu Islands. Los Angeles, April 27. McMaalgle confessed to District Attorney Freder. Ick this afternoon that he dynamited the Llewellyn Iron works at San Fran, cisco and that he knew Bryce, the al leged dynamiter of the Los Angeles Times. .v;. :.:.',,; Los Angeles, April 27. Mrs. Inger soil,' of San Fr incise-), tisltid McN'am- "ara in his eel! tcday, accompanied by District- Att )ruey , I-; ederick-. The purpose was to identify McNamara as "Bryce'' who boarded with her before the Times horror. Afterward both the district attorney and the , woman re fused to talk.- Yesterday she saw him from an' automobile .and said it "was . Bryce. , , '. . Mrs. Ingersoll remained in the Jail about ten minutes. It is understood she talked to the 'man through the prison bars. No one was allowed in thejaU sare the officials during her visit. . ":'r: .Absolute repudiation ofthe alleged confession of McManlgal to Detective Burns asserting that Mrs. Ingersoll failed to Identify McNamara as Bryce, declaring that the three prisoners ar victims of a nefarious plot concocted . to railroad innocent, men to jail or ' worse, were the broadsides delivered by Judge Hilton, chief counsel for the defense today. Hilton said McManlgal denied mak ing the reported confession. He also asserted that Mrs. Ingersoll .while in the jail today, did not talk to McNam ara but was secreted from where she watched hlni as he walked up and down the corridor with the district at torney. McNamara denied ever seeing the woman save when she left the corridor after she had watched him Burns Makes Promises. Chicago, April 27. Arriving here today Detective Burns reiterated his Indianapolis' statements after his re lease when.he said he wanted It to be known he was cot an enemy of organ ized labor but was & foe of murderers. He said: "The unions are making a mistake when they say these men are being prosecuted because they are unionists. Instead, the unions should Join in denouncing them, who, hidden under the cloak of unionism, perpe trated diabolical crimes." Burns said the unions would join the prosecution before the cases were ended. He said tie had sensational news to uncover . soon. ' Darrow Will Act San Francisco, April 27. Clareno9 Darrow, the noted labor lawyer, has accepted a position with the chief counsel for the defense In the trial of the three suspected dynamiters, Darrow starts for the coast soon. London, April 27. An attempt to assassinate Emperor William of Ger many is reported here today in a dis patch from Corfu to the Dalziel news agency. The dispatches say that while the kaiser was in the imperial yacht Hohenzollern cruising off the Corfu islands, : three rifle bullets whistled through the emperors cabin., A disaf fected Greek is blamed for the at tempt. ', . " ' London reports are current that the attack was only part of an anarchistic plot looking toward a wholesale assas sination of reigning monarch with the Idea of marring the attendance to the coronation of King George and throw ing Europe Into turmoil. It is possible the emporer's trip may be cut off short as a result of ; the shooting. .. . , " . ,' ', -. - ... s.,' . . . . . NUMBER 153 HIPS TOTAL ECLIPSE OF Sill DUE: TOMORROW WILL BE SEEN AS PARTIAL FROM NORTH AMERICAN STATES. Dae to Be Seen About Thife O'clock Tomorrow Afternoon. TOnilT'f-TIIE-SEI" FOR COOTEST IIHERS Prizes co Numcrcus That There is As- Around A niorij Those Who Really Hustle for Subscriptions-Others May Be Disappointed CONTEST DISTRICT NO. 1 This district comprises the city oi La Grande. "The four ladles residing in La Grande who at the end of the contest have received the most votes will be the guests of the Observer 'at the Portland Robo Festival. HUFF, RUBY, Seventh and L streets Uww m- W .8S9 CQTNER, EVAr 2,00 Oak street' 7 1 V.". ..'1 . . 1 . 7,611 MARTIN, ERMA, 1201 Fourth street..............,.....;....,... ' 7;000 STEPHENSON, MILDRED, Care Star-;- " 5,020 NUTTER, MRS. B. B., 1708 1-2 Sixth St' .". .V. .'. . . . . i . ' " 2.999 WILLIAMS, MRS. Fred W., Box 804. . . 1 , . .V. ...... . . .. . . J" 1.024 DAVIS, ADA, 1313 X avenue 1,001 SNOW, ALICE, 1410 Z avenue . . ................................ . ; 1,001 C0M3S, FRANKIE, 1201 D avenue...................:'....,..... 1,001 Washington,' April 27. If conditions are favorable the . southern and far western portions of the United States will be treated to a partial perform ance by old Sol late tomorrow after noon, when he hides himself behind the moon. At best, however, the view of the solar eclipse will be a very un satisfactory one so far as the North American continent is concerned. As a partial eclipse it will be visible in that part of the United States lying south of a line drawn from Cape Hen lopen, on the coast of Delaware to As toria, Oregon. On the Pacific coast the eclipse begins at about 3 p. m. Along the eastern coast south of Washington there will be a very small partial eclipse, the sun setting with the eclipse on it. In New York and New England and. throughout the Do minion of Canada the eclipse will be wholly invisible. The path of the total eclipse is a very large one, but it is wasted almost fConti"' on par wt. VOTE COUPON. The Great Circulation Contest. LA GRANDE OBSEK V EE-DAILY AND WEEKLY This Coupon Will Count One Vote. For (Name) ..- Address CONTEST DISTRICT NO 2. This district comprises all of Union county except L aGrande. The four ladies of this district who, at the end. of the contest, have received the most vdtes will be'the gueBts of the Observer at the Portland Rose Festi val. "- '. . ",' ,, ' ' : ' ; VAN HOUSEN, HAZEL. Alio 1 ROP.ERTSON. ZELLA, R. . D. No. 2, WILSON, EVA. Union . . , CARBINEJENNIE, R. F. D. No. 1, LLa Grande KELLY, BESS, Cove ... HART RUTH,, Hilgard HENSEN, AGNES, Perry .... ... CHATTIN, VIOLET, Summerville RUSSELL, BETHEL, Elgin ..... KEEFER, STELLA, Imbler ,..v.. ARNOLD, MABEL, Elgin ........ SMITH, BESSIE, pgln VAN DE VANTER, MRS., Medical "f rings Stage Lme, Anion . . . WOODELL, ETTA, R. F. D., No. 1, Summerville HERFORD, BELL, Teldcaset WEEKS, BIRNIE, North Powder 44,516 32,883 17,711 14.517 8,502 7.001 7,000 3,501 1.17 1,151 1,001 1M 1.001' 1,001; i.ooi 1,000 CONTEST DISTRICT NO. S. . This district comprises all of Wallowa county and Pine and Eagle valleys The three ladies of this district who, at the end of the contest, have reoeived the most votes will be the guests of the Observer at the Portland Rose, Fes tival. .'"'""...,''''". . ' .'.'.,',.' BROCK, NETTIE, Flora ............ 3,001 EVANS, MINNIE L., Wallowa .". . . . ... , 1,001 NOT GOOD AFTi:?: 4FRIL 80 ' Cut Out Around Border. EH SEUifil ELECTED BY T S SEiTE OTftDTrn I'JIUULailllllLU Y DERGER SCCII IS CHARGE OF WISCONSIN LONE SOCIALIST COMMENCES (SI- STATE SENATE COMMITTEE ON INVESTIGATION, GANTIC SCHEME TO DO AWAY WITH UPPER HOUSE. WHOLESilLE FRAUD CHAR9E0 REFEREKDUP.1 OfJTHEHQUSE Aged Senator From Wisconsin, Isaac Lower House Would have Sole Tow Stephenson, Object of Attack by the Wisconsin Senate No Question bat . Senate Will Adopt Committee -lhn port Want C ongress to Take i i Hand. Madison, Wis., April 27. Charging the election of United States Senator Isaac Stephenson in 1909 was the cul-' mlnatlon of wholesale bribery and oth er acts violating the corrupt practice tee of the legislature today recom mended the adoption of a joint resolu tion calling on congress to investi gate Stephensons manner of election. It is freely predicted that when the matter comes up tomorrow that the resolutions will be adopted, althcitsa Stephensons friends will .light. Incorporated in te resolution was a' demand that the United States sen ate start the prosecution against per sons guilty or the alleged corrupt practices in connection with the elec tion.:."' ''v' ' ' : . , i '' ers of LegislafJon With Referendaa' on All Its Measures Berger CaSj Senators s Menace to Peoples' erty and Would Amend the CoastI ' tutlon. UAYLIbMI IHUbb L THRASHED Y VICTIM Washington, 'AplI 27. A resolution to abolish the United States senate, was presented today by Congressman .i Berger, the socialist in the house. A ; constitutional amendment doing away: t. im.wiM.io .mmi in the world," is the means provided , tor in the resolution. Berger asserts the senate has become obstructive and many of Its. members represent predatory wealth and not the states from which they come. ' " The 'resolutions say the senate has become a useless body and a menace to the people's liberty. The corrup tion often attending election of its members has furnished' the gravest public scandals in the history of the nation. J:r Mouie.td .Be Supreme. - (,.- It is proposed the amendment giS the house of representatives all duties now held by the senate with referen dum on Its provisions to be Invoked on petition of five per cent of the quali fied voters of three-fourths of all the states, to be filed within 90 days after the passage of any law. LONE PEDESTRIAN FIGHTS OFF THREE ASSAILANTS. Bert V. Coleman Uses Ffrts and Rocks to Save Himself. PRIZES REGARDLESS OF DISTRICTS. The three candidate' who, at the end of the contest have more votes than any of their rivals, may, at the expense of the Observer, extend their trips on to San Francisco. , , ' A The four candidates who range next in standing, regardless of districts, will be entertained at the Hotel Gearhart, Gearhart Park, By-tbe-Sea. All winning candidates will be given side trips to all points of Interest in and about Portland; and will be taken to the leading places of amusement and recreation. ' '' . . . Instead of taking a trip, any winning candidate may have music lessons to the value of $50 or a scholarship In Whitman college; in the Baker City business college or choice of several other colleges. . In lieu of the San Francisco trips scholarships valued at $100 will be arranged for, In case exchange is desired. ; , Voting Tower of Subscriptions for the Evening Observer. Three would-be daylight "highway men arei in the city Jail this afternoon awaiting arraignment and two of them are nursing bruised heads as the re sult of an attempt to rob a lone pedes trian at the Y in East La Grande this morning. Bert V. Coleman of Elgin was the man attacked and but for his nerve in lighting off his assailants he would have been relieved of valuables and probably beaten besides. The fra cas ; occurred about 8 o'clock. Jim Daly, E. J. Murphy and Frank Cla7 are the names given by the men who were later arrested by Chief of Police Walden and Officer Faulk. 1 ' Coleman was accosted by the ho boes but with Jeffries inclinations he bowled two of them oyer before they could raise a hand and the third one backed off. A fourth party mixed in the deal and Htones were thrown back and , forth with telling effects on some. The fourth man tells his story in a logical way and he will not likely be placed under arrest. He saw his friends were getting the worst of ll in the stone and fist light with Coleman and he let fly a rock, but he is sorry now as he was struck in the back and is well , crippled up. He is being held as a witness in the case. One of the men was arrested just before' the Baker train arrived and he still carries the necessary ticket. ! , Yesterday's Ball Scores. Sacramento 2, Portland 1; Oakland 8, San Francisco 2; Vernon 7, Los An geles 5, 10 innings. Portland 6, Seattle 12. GATHERED UP IN CART. Carnival Man Hre. i George Gore, a street carnival man of Portland, Is in the cliy today on business, stopping at the Foley. . i . . . .. - - - - i TIME By Carrier in By Mail In VOTES . I Grande United States . ALLOWED , 1 1 . - One year 7.00...... 4.00 .........6000 Six months 3.50 2.00 : 2500 j Three Months 1.75.... 1.00 900 ; One Month ...... .65. .... . . .65, ..... .. ......... . 150 ' One Week .15 ..... , ........ 10 ,, Toting Power of Subscriptions for the Weekly Observer. One Year 1.50....... ...'.1500 SixMonths .75 ....... ,. 400 NOMINATE A CANDIDATE. Nomination Blank 1000 Votes. THE OBSERVER CIRCULATION CONTEST I nominate ... Address' ....... District No. .... Phone No. ' Only the 'first nomination blank counts 1000 votes; each subsequent blank 1 vote. Names of people mak ing nomination will not be divulged. CvA Out Around Border. .1 Wheeled Receptacle Used to Coivcjr . , Drunk to City ML The iron wheeled receptacles which the street-cleaning force uses to con vey refuse from the pavement were put to a new purpose today when a "dead" drunk was rolled Into the cart, wheeled to the city jail and unloaded in the cell direct from the cart. Mor- -. tal hands touched him not for he was ; ; so sleepy that the conveyance In -which he rode was not obnoxious to. him. From the time he was dumped In the cart until he was rolled Into the jail mechanical force alone was used. .. He Is sleeping the sleep of the drunk this afternoon. , y'i II H t f ---'"' . . . - , '- . .-v ... . ff - s .-' ,1 y'")tvM W,r 7;