LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 1911. PAGE 3 RUGS RUGS Springtime Is Now is the time to brighten up your home with new rugs miss wmrs ur iniiiu rrm n-rrnrr n n DESCRIBES MACHINE TO BE USED AT ASTOUIA. We are showing the largest assort ment In La Grande. We bay our rugs direct from the manufacturers, and In ancb quantities that we are able to of fer yon a greater selection than else, where.; So matter what yon exueet to pay, yon will find our stock larger,' and our prices, quality considered In most cases lower than elsewhere. About This Store and Its Policy. We hare been In La Grande 20 years. In this time we have built up tho largest furniture business In Eastern Oregon. ' '. ' "' We permit no mis-representation Ir : onr advertising, nor on the part of onr salesmen In dealing with our custom ers. Every article sold Is guaranteed to be full value and exactly as repre- '' sentei. Machine Built for Use o Land or Sea With Equal Safety. Hartford Wilton Velten These are the finest rugs we hare ever shown. They are all-woolen, close--ly woven, heary enough to lie flat on the floor, and they wear flke Iron. The beautiful patterns and the rich color lngs In these rugs giro a distinctive tone to any room, and harmonise per v fectly with any decoration. We are showing them In many sizes and values Hartford Axmiristers A high grade of Axmraster, one that will wear well and evenly. Patterns h4fc mmA nMni-llTAI MIAN bur. monlze perfectly. One of these rugs is an ornament to any room, bnt they are especially adapted to the living '.'room. ; Priced from $18J0 up. Smith Axminsters A good Vug at a medium price. De. signs, are new and color combinations Tery tasteful. Mighty good value at the price, $17.50 and up.' Smith Saxonys L6w price In tbis case does not mean low quality. These rugs are very popular with those who want a serviceable rug at a small price. They are shown In great variety, at $13.00 p. ' .v .''.' - , ...'. GARR Complete Housefurnishers Astcria, April 25.-Speclal)--Glenn Curtlss has written a special descrip tion of his monster . hydro-aeroplane which Is a fly at the Astoria centennial during' the third wtok of the pageant. This Is the first time Mr. Curtlss has written about his combined motor boat and airship. His description follows: ' ' ( Written by Glenn Curtlss..) The hydro-aeroplane Is the newest and most sensational thing In avta tlon. I developed it from the stand' ard Curtlss aeroplane at San Diego, Cal., during the past winter, and it is heralded by the experts In aerial nav lgatlon as the greatest advancement since man first learned to fly. ; This new wonder of the air is popu larly called "The Triad," meaning the union of three. It takes this name from the fact that At represents the con quest of three elements air, water and earth. The Triad can fly sixty miles an hour, skim the water like a racing mo tor boat at fifty miles an hours, and run over the earth at 35 miles an hours ! It can rise from the earth and alight upon the water; start from the water and come down upon the land, or be used exclusively on either land or water :.0 " ; "r C 'v:';-iv :' v A flight by the Triad from the water 1b far more spectacular than a flight by the ordinary aeroplane. To see it skim the water like a swooping gull and then rise into the air, circle and soar to great heights, and finally to drop gracefull down upon the water again, furnishes a thrill and Inspires a won der that does not come with any other sport on earth. The hydro-aeroplane ia safer than the ordinary aeroplane. , For thlB rea son it is bound to become the most popular of all aerial craft. The be ginner can take it out on his neigh boring lake or river or even the great bays, and skim it over the water until he is sure of himself and sure that he can control it in tho air. He can fly It six feet above the water for any dls tance with the feeling that even i something should happen to cause ( fall, he would not be dashed to pieces worst ne wouia gee is a com Don't buy the first suit you look at. Remem ber that you can buy clothing with a reputation, almost as chea,p as ordinary manes. uu IN STANCE CONSIDER Adler's Collegian Clothes If this line of clothing was not the best in Am ; erica, it would net find room in our store. i-r Piles Cnndd in 6 to H rays. PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure any !ase of Itching, Blind, Bleed ing or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days tablets. Druggists refund money if or money rerunded. 50cl it falls to cure. E. W. GROVES sig- 1 , ' nature on each box. 25c - Tako LAXATIVE BROMO P'llnlne "XI V IT TP 1 T V IL UmA V V A DMT WE HAVE CONTRACTED FOR THIS SPACE IN THIS PAPER TO TELL YOU ABOUT THE BEST ADDITION TO LA GRANDE, THAT HAS BEEN PLACED ON THE MARKET. WE HAVE SPENT A GREAT DEAL OP MON- EY ON IMPROVEMENTS IN THIS ADDITION. THESE IMPROVEMENTS CONSIST OF PLANT ING 36 APPLE TREES OF THE VERY BEST COMMERCIAL VARIETIES, AND FOUR BING CHERRY TREES ON EACH ACRE LOT. THE GROUND WAS PUT IN THE VERY BEST OF CONDITION. . WE KNOW THAT IFtfHE READERS OF THIS ADVERTISEMENT WILL ONLY GIVE US AN OPPORTUNITY OF SHOWING THEM THIS PROPERTY THAT THEY WILL WANT TO BUY ONE OR MORE ACRE LOTS, AND THE PRICE AND TERMS WILL APPEAL TO YOU. CALL AND SEE US ABOUT THIS ADDITION, AND GIVE US AN OPPORTUNITY OF SHOW ING YOU THE LOTS. LA GRANDE INVESTMENT CO. fs jc The worst he would get bath. .-V" ' The Triad Is destined to bo the greatest factor. in the development of aviation. It makes long cross-country or cross-sea flights possible. If. a cros county flight is too dangerous to at tempt because of the rough character of the land, the hydro-aeroplane can foljow a , river course with perfect safety. Or, if there is no water course 1 and the country is level it can take the land course with equal safety. In short, it matters little whether an aerial course takes one over land or water, the hydro-aeroplane is the saf est machine for flight. With the Triad the great lakes offer no impaBsabl ob stacle to a long flight, and it is within the vision of him who watches the trend of things, that an over-sea mgm is not far In the future, WE HAVE TRIED OTHER MAKES, TOO, but for perfect satisfaction we recommend this well-known line. We hav$ exclusive control of ADLER'S COLLEGIAN CLOTHES in this town, and every suit that goes out is absolutely guaranteed. Before you decide, won't you let us show you these high-grade suits? You'll be agreeably sur prised at the prices of ; such fine garments, ;Jt's your privilege to make yo,ur own comparisons. ASH BROS Good Clothes Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern, that James G. Bnod grass has been appointed adminlstra tor of . the estate of Mario B. Snod grass, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them to the admin lstrator, properly verified, within six months from the date hereof. . JAMES 0. SNODGItASS, Administrator of the Estate of Marie B. Snodgrass, Deceased. Ply Ap.. 4-11-18-2R. May 2. Complete Equipment'JorlResetting ann Repairing v ! Rubber Buggy Tires x LA GRANDE I RON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor COmim MACHINE SHOPS AND FOUNDRY Perrv Pneumatic Water Systems, Samson Wind Mills, Deming Pumps, Richardson & Boynton Warm Air i urnaces, r ipe , v aives ana x lwmgs, uuv ters, Plumbing Fixtures of All Kinds, Full Assort ment of Nickel Trimmings. . : Bfly 6 2Ft PLUMBERS. MATERS, SHEEl METAL WORKERS 111 1A ? i '. ! i. ( r "ri Ti s Foley Kidney Pills contain in con centrated form ingredients of estab lished therapeitic value for tho prompt alleviation of all kidney and bladder ailments. Foley Kidney Pills are antlsecptlc, tonic and restorative. Do not allow your kidney trouble to progress beyond the reach of medi cine, but start taking Foley Kidney Pills at once. Refuse substitutes. Hill's drug store. Ap. 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 18 20 22 25 27 29. WIim r." hiT ft mid m a bottli. t ChamberUiln's fiJgh Bemet!;. It will .nnn fiv vmi tin r!o1it find 0' nt tendency town ni ptioiimoni. ' vmisT mn taint tin otiiinu or oilier uaro l.- iind mT be tr!vMi sib ;on(!lent:y to a but1. GIVE US YOUR ORDERS We do the Right Thing, ' Do the Thing Rignt, and do it Right Now WENAHA LUMBER CO. GREENWOOD & MADISON Home Phone 421. Bell Phone, Main 732 wffi8fflil!