.4 7 lillHili! & VOL X LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON. TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 1911. NUMBER 15G KfNJI BE SERUEQ. ; - i CONGRESS WILL INTO FIGHT SI ORB mm BERGER, MILWAUKEE SOCIALIST, , WANTS INVESTIGATION. Big Funds to Be Subscribed to Fight ; Cause of Prisoners. .'"'''; Indianapolis, April 25. Evading the warrants for arrest on a charge of kidnapping, sworn to by labor lead ers. Detective Burns has vanished from this city today leaving no trace. Deputies are on his trail and succeed ed in arresting J. A. Badorf, one of Burns' operatives, at noon. He will be arraigned on the same charge as Walter Drew,1 president of the Nation al Erectors association and N. J. Ford, assistant district attorney of Los An geles who are held at $10,000 bail for the grand Jury; also Frank Fox, a chauffeur,' was bound over on $5,000, All went to Jail pending securing of ball. - . v ..'. V; Before disappearing Burns ridicul ed the report that he had the wrong men. He said the proof was conclus Ive, McManingal, he said, was hel! only for dynamiting the Lllewlyn Iron Works, at Los Angeles. ; (TOES BlRO SHINE Si nil si TO BE BRYGE F FRISCO becd- decided to try the McNemaias for murder. The train should reach this city ut midnight. Chief of Police Seba3tine and Dis trict Attorney Frederick tfca after noon conferred concerning the dyna miters. 'Ths train bearing the pris oners is now in New Mexico. No Hindrance to Train. -Denver,; April 23. That. John Mc- j Namara and McManingal will go through to Los Angeles without le gal hindrence and with a chartered train on which they are now prison ers, Is the general bi lief of railroad ment. The train passed La Junta this morning on the Santa Fe. WOMAN WHERE "BRYCE LIVED TO IDENTIFY HIM. . Washington, April 25.- A reso- . lution ; demanding an invtstiga- i'uMX 1)1 iuo ail cat vl Jmuu uC- Namara' in Indianapolis, will be $ Introduced In the house today by $ Representative Berger, the Mil- waukee soelaliBt. ; The resolution recites the 14th 3 amendment to the : constitution, & and provides' for a- committee of both houses of congress to invea.- & tigate the affair and extradition S and to report its Endings. " O 4 ' : " r ' ' $ '' Chicago, April 25. Planning ; to fraise'a defense fund for the McNarn aras and McManingal,- the alleged Timei dynamiters, the Chicago Fed feratloiof Labor meets here Sunday. It la expected assessments on unions will be levied and a f 100,000 prellmi narv fund will h guhRcrlhed. President Fltzpatrick'said: "Union , Shanghai, April ,25.-Survivors of .men ohj tt to this gigantic conspiracy., the lmer As,a- today arriving her It Is a general fight of employers and ' frora the wreck- told how the crew union over the open shop. Unions canaml Passengers battled for hours -h ntd to eiv all noBsible to aid 'against Chinese pirates who swarmed PASSENGERS AND CREW IN BAT TLE WITH PIRATES. ' Before Ship Goes Down, Several are ' KHlrd and Kidnaped. these men." ,': ' ( i Half Million Expected. Washington, April 25. -The Aouri- can Federation of Labor today is pe paring a general appeal for funds to defend the McNamara's. It expects to raise a half million. , Haywood Expresses Opinion. Cleveland, April 25. The prediction thht John McNamara, the internation al secretary of the Structural Iron workers', and . his associates . will be vindicated of all connection with the Los Angeles explosion and denuncia tions of the methods of arrests wre made today by William Ha'ywood who wa acquitted at Boise, Idaho, of the muTder of Former Governor Steunen . lerg 1n Idaho after similar ac'cusa . tton: Haywood said the alleged kid napping Is nothing new In the class war on throughout the world. - Pomona, Cal., April 25. Judge O. 7.1. Hilton, formerly of Denver, will be one of the attorneys to defend the. al leged trio of dynamiters. He was re tained by telegraph by President Ryan of the .International Association of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers He left Immediately for Los Angeles. up the sides of the vessel lnt nt on looting. They were drjven back before the crew, armed with rifles, whipped them and killed a number, : The pi rates captured Engineer Cozen and released him on payment of $300 ran son. . ' ' An hour later Water Tender Arun del disappeared and it Is feared he is in th? outlaws' hands." The pirates, it is said, are now diving -for the Asia's cargo. ' She sank after .all had got to the life boat . Alabama Sunday Schools. Annlston, Ala., April 25. Scores of delegates, and visitors are In Annls ton attending the annual convention of the Alabama Sunday school associ ation, the sessions of which began to day and will continue until Friday. Barns Cenfldent He Has Mysterious Man of'Saa Francisco. San Francisco, April 25. Mrs. D. H. Ingersoll Is today speeding to Los Angeles to assist in the identification the Times, who are due here at any time. The time of the men's arrival is secret. " :'' ' Detective Burns contends that Jas. McNamara Is identical in description to the man known as J. B. Bryce who lived at the Ingersoll house and who had mysterious visitors during his sojourn there. Mr. "Bryce" who has been the missing link fh the hunt for the dynamiters, has been the key to the mystery surrounding the affair and Mrs. Ingersoll will be called up on to say whether, or not she sees in McNamara the mant known as Bryce, k Following the meeting of'the e'x'ecu tive council of the California State Federation of Labor today, they asked for a suspension of judgment concern ing the Time dynamiting suspects un til after the trial. - ' ,. Bums Sure It Is Bryce. Indianapolis, April 25. Burns, be fore he disappeared said that when John McNamara reaches Los Angeles he will be identified as Bryce who bought dynamite at Giant and the man whom they have traced i and learned is one of the dynamiters. , Other Proof Against Prisoner. Oakland, April 25. A. D. Burrows, owner of the launch Pastime which It is alleged Bryce used to transport the dynamite purchased at Giant to blow up the Times, said he is prepared to i identify McNamara as the man, pro viding he is the man who rented. the boat. ' ' Reach Los Angeles Tonight. Los AngeUs, April 25. While the suspected dynamiters are nearlng Los Angeles, preparations are being made to house the men In either the city or county Jail. They probably will be brought Into this city secret ly. The district attorney's offlca has full charge of the prosecution. It has Would Extend Parcels Post ' Washington' April 25. Under the auspices of the Postal Progress league! a conference of delegates representing nearly alt parts of tho country met at the new Wllllard hotel today to dis cuss ways and means to bring about an extension of the naicels' post sys tem In the United States. . It t prob able congress will b; asked to Ktt bills providing for a general parcels post up to U pounds at 8 cents a pound, 1 cent for each two ounces; cheap local parcels post on the rural routes and insurance of all mail1- ter. , ; .' : .. f TILOEI IS IIEL0TI8 DISTRICT TH C0I1TE1T fOHD HI BY PROBERS EiiEOS IT. i SENATE C03LM11TEE FILES CHARGES BEFORE SENATE i AGAINST FINANCIERS. MEETING GOES ON RECORD FAVORING GOOD ROADS AND COMMITTEES NAMED. OTHER MILLIONAIRES TOO Bwause He Refuses to Show Book During Collection of Slush Fund In Lorimer Scandal, TUden, a Well Known Packer, Will. Bo Accn 4 by Senate of Contempt Remains In. '.'active.--. f - BIELflOlEfiSlIUL'S mm uuuu ul PURCHASED Professional and Business Mtn Hare 'Matter Under ConslderaWon. . CensnsAgnt Arrestrd. Spokane, April ' 25-Charged with falsifying names while cenBus enu merator Nick Ficca was arrested on a bench warrant issued by Federal Judge Rudkln today. Five counts are against him on charge , of falsifying 1,600 names. 'jill . - . - ? 1 A v.- .it if - '-5 14 RECOVERED AND 9 HE MISSING OTT MINE HORROR YESTERDAY WORSE THAN REPORTED. Bodies Terribly Charred and Idcnti fleatlon Difficult. -Memorial iMtlidluff of Whitman collerre. One of th- roup of bnlldlngs on the Whitman campUH, A scholarship alued at 100 In any department of thin gTfat Institution of learning Is one of the prizes In the Obserrer 'Contest Elk Garden, W. Va., April 25 Four teen dead miners were taken from the Ott mine this morning. Nine others were in the mine at the time of the explosion and are believed to be dead The bodies 'now recovered ' were found about a mile from the entrance of the main shaft. The bodies were charred and identifications la- diffi cult . Rescuer will be compelled to re move hundreds of tons of debris be fore the bodies are recovered. SITE WEST OF HIGH SCHOOL IS ONE WANTED. Chicago, April 25. Howard Tilden, president of the Packers' association and George Benedict, cashier of the Drovers' National bank, William Cum- fimins, the ' bank's president,- were i charged with contempt' by ' the , legls , v .; ;atlye ' Investigating committee- today jecause they refused to snow books during the time the Lorimer Blush 1 was being collected. The com mittee filed charges with the senate jhd action will be taken tomorrow.' ; THda Refuses again. "threats of a Jail simtence, Edward tilden, president of he National Packing company today again refused to appear before the state senatetl committee Investigating the election bribery and to produce his books, showing the transaction bear on the period he is alleged to have acted as collector of a ,fl00,000 Lorimer slush fund. Following Tilden's refusal the committee went Into executive session and probably will ask the Senate to declare Tilden In 'contempt; ' Negotiations to buy tha vacant block and seldomly, used street running par allel to the shcool campus on the west a9 aU'SChletic field, are again un der way and it is believed the1' school board will take final action on the matter , soon. Private citizens have again interested, themselves In the construction of a suitable field there where baseball, track meets, football and other Bports can be played. Tha land Is for sale at "$2,500, it Is said, provided the school board Is the buy er and not some private citizen, and at this very reasonable price business men agree It would be a good invest ment ', The urgent need of such a field has long been felt and the matter haa fre quently been agitated in some form or other. So many business men are now behind it that It appears almost certain the land will eventually . be purchased for that purpose. The chief features and virtues of this site is that it Is close to the school where training athletes can reach shower and other baths Immediately after ceasing training and, too, It Is convenient to the general public. The place Ib sightly and with very . little preparation could be made Into a field. The matter of building proper cinder paths could follow logically but a football and baseball field, tennis courts and the other outdoor sports could be provided for with a very trif ling sum. Because of these natural conditions, the aite is extremely fav orable and the business and profes sional men of the city are talking the matter' up with considerable vim. . Episcopalians Ylslt Taft Washington, April 25. President and Mrs. Taft today gave a reception to the National Episcopal church congress. . , Pop Believed Worse. Rome, April 25. An unconfirmed rumor says that the Indisposition of the . Pope has taken a turn for the worse, and grave results are feared Shipping Clerk Killed. Spokane, April 25. Caught beneath a machine lathe which fell from a loading platform of the Hallidle Ma. chlnery company, Tom Wilson, a ship ping clerk was crushed and died to day. ' - ,' ALASKA T0CR1STS FAVOEED Government Rescinds Its Stringent Vaccination Orders, ; '" Seattle; April ZS.WVawlaa.Uon of all passengers for Alaskan poln'tS Vill be done hereafter when persons not previously vaccinated take boat. - ; This modification of, ; the general vaccinated order of tho government which threatened Alaskan . tourist travel' has Just been received follow ing the steamship company's protests. - Harriman Roads to AppeaL 1 f New York, April 25. Following a meeting of. the executive committee of the Harriman lines this afternoon It was announced that an appeal will be taken from United States Judge Wolverton's decision in Portland yes terday in the case which he decided In favor of .the government and the roads were ordered to restore $75,000,- 000 worth of land to the government, which previously had been granted by congress to the railroad company. Want Pardon for McCann. .: Jollet, III., April 25 The stab board of pardons met, today, to hear argu ments on the application .'or a parilon for Edward, McCann, fo-.mer Chlcnso police inspector. McCann was In charge of the so-called levee district on the west aide In Chicago and was convicted of bribery ,: In connection with the alleged protection j of , red light resorts. His conviction was af firmed by the highest courts an ! he la 'now serving his sentence in .the state penitentiary here. Pendleton Defeated y Wide Margin The outcome of the Inter-Mountaia league games last Sunday shows Pen die got the strongest drubbing of the year, The scores of that league for last. Sunday; follow; Milton 20, Pendleton 6, at Milton. Athena 6, Walla Walla 3, at Athena. Westno 4, Echo 0, at Echo. Xctv York Follows Oregon. Albany, N. T.. .'April 25. By a vote of 105 to 30 the state assembly today passed the resolution for direct elec- , tlon of senators. The resolution bat already passed the house. ' " NOMINATE A CANDIDATE. Nomination Blank 100(k Votes. TH& OBSERVER CIRCULATION CONTEST I nominate Address District No. - Phone No. ...............: - Only the first nomination .blank counts 1000 votes; each subsequent blank l vote. Barnes or people mail ing nomination will not be divulged. Cut Out Around Border. . , . , . Best Method to l ritceed In Bonding or Tariua; Big Listrlct North of L Grando for Eoad Building Now Ua der Discussion District la Four JMtlea WMr aad AUet Tea locj, ( omnioncing at Moss Corner. Creation of a new road district, four , miles la width and about 10 miles la -length, beginning at the Mosa corner and runnlins north to the T. T Gloufl v' lane, was made possible at a meeting of farmers and farm tand owners at ' thePleasant Grove school house this i canvass the proposed new district and obtain the views of tlfe residents. The commilteemen are; South emd A.v R. Hunter; central portion Ed Shaw, H. Vehrs.'EC J. Conrad; north end G. Wade, Silas Johnson and T. T. , Glenn. :. . . - , A roll call , vote was taken at tLta meeting to feel the public's pulse on , the matter and of the 20 votes cast 13 favored good roads and two were op posed, The largest land owners along the road were In favor of tne proposi tion as advanced. The Plan la the Rough. w Generally outlined the scheme is for the cbuhly td Crush the rock and roll the road. The money will be raised either by bonding or a special tax as the people elect " V The good roads propoganada has ta ken a firm hold in this district and has come to etay, Good roads must be built sooner or later, .was the feel-f , lng expressed, and the sooner the peo-- pie'iiH-at'lt,":th9tuc,,,t for all ,-" cerhed."", .;;''. . - f- The next meeting will be held at " the call of the committee In charge of. , the preliminary work. i . .. . 'TJ hi Peace' Negotiation Slow. El Paso, April 25. As it was la "war," bo It aeemB that peace negotla- . tlons are advancing along the same lines both aides don't-: aeem to be doing anything. Madero la languidly filling In his time at camp, awaiting ; action that Mexico will - soon an- J nounce her peace commissioners. It ' Ib generally; believed representatives will meet, at El Paso, maybe tomor- v row or next week.'- 4.