LA GHANDE EVENING OBSEUYH, MONDAY, APRIL 21, 1911. THEATRE THE THEATRE OF QUALITY. Bert M. Sherwood, Proprietor and Manager. PROGRAM "The Sheriff's Daughter' . Pathe t Splendid western drama . en tirely different to the ordinary. Intensely thrilling, "Paganini , and the Counters . Beatrice" . .. Gaumont A magnificent feature film de picting a truft incident In the life of the greatest violinist the world has ever known. This is very special. '. -Mandy'B Social Whirl". .Lubin Great comedy.- Introduction are mixed xrp so that Mandy has a roaring good time for. a while. Illustrated song "When': the Mocking Birds 'are 'singing In the Wfldwcods," sung by ' "Matmees Miss Garilck . Evenings , . .: ; . Mr:.Brnle Cruras and 'effects....'......'. ' ; . . M'ss Delventhal . JUnrsical Director, Mr, Eng. o o J- rEKSONALS. Q o .o t1. '-' .i . ... , ,,. p. , Forewer plpi call Fowler's Trans fer nflf Ice. , . : Woodman Baawe Monday. ; ' The Modern Woodmen of America wtll flafi Its month-end dancing Tarty nextMonday evenlag and nil Woodmen Tare urged to attend and bring a friend. Refreshments win be served. : 4-.20-23 We can make loaas of $100, luOO.QO and 5350.00 on Impjwed ictty property. Ia Grande Investment Co. , . . .. -2-f Wanted. . A (competent foreman to prepare sub grade; also one competent street .roller engineer.. Apply J. 1 Mara. : ' 4i22-tf v -,. . ,J OH1U Must Be Presented. All rbllls against Union county must be In m or before the 1st of each month. :lf presentation ts not made by that time the accounts win, go over .until the following maath. : 4-24-3t J. D. Wallace, an orchard man of Minneapolis, is at the Foley today. . A T. Poley, a citizen of Enterprise, was in La Grande yesterday. City Attorney A M. Runnels, of Jo seph, is in La Grande today on legal business. He is quartered at the Foley. Mrs. F. F. Hopkins, of Camp Carson, Is in the city stopping at the Foley hotel. - Horace Addis, representing the Rur al Spirit of Portland, is in La Grande today quartered at the Foley. , Charles B. Henry, the canned goods man, is here from Portland supplying tht trade. He is stopping at the Foley. W. C. Sanderson and J. A Knight, of Baker, were gueBts at -the Foley yes terday. ' , , . - Mrs. Colgrove and son, of Walla Walla, arrived In the city yesterday. She will be head milliner at the W. W. Berry store. v ' . Fred Zaugg and family, of. Alberta, Canada, arrived yesterday and will re side on the farm recently purchased 'n the Grande Ronde valley. C...J. Elack made the sale to Mr. Zaugg. H. W. Grunsky and wife left yes -terflay.for Grant, county,. . Mr. Grun sky is the government official who Is gathering data on'. Irrigation In this nart of Orfgon. ' V . Jas. Zweltzer ot Wall a Walla spent Sunday "here, a guest of the Sonvmer. Hiram Peach spent Sunday in Bilk er, helping La Grande win the opening game. '' ""-.' .;;".."' .vv'v:-''. 'r Mrs. A. . Gilbert, a TeBldenl of Sn iem was in the city yetfierday and wns registered at Ihe Sommer. ' . " "Mr. and Mts. A. B. CadwalladeF of Battle Creek, Mich., were Sommf;r "ho tel guests yesterday. r ..." Vj- "Hon. Jerry P. RusTt of Joseph spent yesterday In the city, Stopping at th? Sommer. ; Attorney s, Fl Baker arrlWfi home this morning from Baker where lie Was a La Grande rodter yesterday. 1 TOr. and "Mrs. Grant Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. Jess King were Sunday ThA- rors In Baker. ',', "Will French arrived "rome last eve nlng from a 1,1 00 mile overland trip In "his automobile, 'ra The interest ol "his Portland firm. ' ' "Dr. Diggers and a party of Tour went to "Baker yesterday to see the opening game, returning early yes terday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Merton Kiddle, accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. Scranton and Mr. Tony went to Baker yesterday by automobile "btrt did not Teach there p f i .'.--' v . ' . J .4;' it'.' It V3 W '?7?Trin i "l "i'i" '"'-111 ii'itiii'iii'i r'liMMiTiTiiwsryMM K Z3 zrzzzzz: rhe 'vord LA VOGUE cla:: for STYLE, QUALITY, When you pay your money for anything you might as well have the best in quality and as much in volume as the amount you spend will bay. This is economy, good judgment and getting valus re ceived. Apply this to suit and coat buying. We have just received an express shipment this morn ing of the new styles. They are the latest, ranging from $15.00 to $22.50. , . Your trimmed hat is not such a difficult thing to select, when you see our line.The range of patterns is so large it is easy to make a selection. ; Trimmed Hat. Our popular priced line $3.50 to $5. The Golden Rule Co. Quality the Same Prices Lec , . Fruit Growro. , ',' ,': If you -want the best power sprayer 'I 'built see 13ie Automatic Wallace Peeri : 'less in operation at C. M. Kiddle's place, La Grande, or call phone. Black 3701 for Information. (tit nrky Wlen yci: Kt a coH g boti.'i Chamberlain tinih Remac.?. It vri" noon .fix roil nt ail ;:ght and n."i nny tendency toward pocumoaui. -..'. renlejy contains no cpinui orolber nar.v t, -and may be givpn s cnnfiJentiy to a hab; aato an adult. " ' "',! ilwie'ra, . Teast cakes left lying around where rats and mice can eat them will rid a house f the. rodents. i H IliU I II 1 1 1 f II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cooked Tongue -a new addi tion in sliced meats, which we slice fresh on our slicing machine. iPattison Bros. Both Phones Hllll!HIHtHt i hi i until well along towards evening., Th trouble lay In faulty tires. ..Attorney T. H. Crawford, president of the Eastern Oregon baseball league. Bnent Susdav In Elein seeina the Kl- gln-Uuton game. The pr?sldent sizes up the two teams as well matched. The teams are in fine shape, he affirms. Max Wood and W. H. Casey, both of the Golden Rule company, are home this afternoon after a long and tire- Bome Junket after flBh. They walked down the Wallowa Tlyer from the Mi- tiam yesterday evening and their friends say the long Journey was all tn Tain. They computed the last "' of thelT trip by train this afternoon. the Importance' of the 300th anniver sary of the King James version of the Gngllsa Bible, the American Bible" Society, which has Its headquarters In thin cltv. has nrranend that the tercentenary shall be celebrated to morrow by the churches and church organizations 1 In every part of the United States. , Ministers of all de nominations have agreed to devote the services of the day to a rsvlew of the history of the King ' James ver sion, and its Influence upon the Eng lish language, laws, literature, and social Ufa. ''' WORLD'S FAMOUS BTSPEPI1 PIIE- SOUPTIOS. v:. ,' 0 : It Drfves Away Stomarh B'lstress lu a Few Xlantrs Stops Htartburn and Bekklag. YeVe Ready For You We "have Increased our Btock In out Gent's Furnishing sec tion and are ready to furnish you with a new spring ault out .: i . ' -Vi ' ' Shirts, withor wtthout collars. , Soft collars wttb four-in-hand' -.'tie to 'match. ' , . Underclothes, single garjnents .'.or union auits. . : " : 1 ShoeB, eocks aandkerctilefs,' belts, neckties, garters, every- -- thing new . ' Come In and see our line of . spring and summer tie pins " and clasps, collar pins and chains, cuff links and combiaa; tlon sets, direct from Broad- way. v..'.;' Let t take your measure fory a new suit of clothes made by M. Born and company, the cele 1 brated Chicago tailors. Fit and satisfaction guaranteed. Clyde L Kiddle Of Island City -' Ageaey for Cherry's Laiadry If you have anything the matter with your stomach you ought to know right now that MI-O-NA stomach tablets are guaranteed by the Newlln Drug company to cure Indigestion or any sickness caused by indigestion, such as the following, or money back: Sick headache, biliousness, dizziness, nervousness, sour stomach, fermenta- r 4 J I .v U assitie Advertising re? 4 FOR RENT. New furnished five room flat. Mrs. Zuber., 4-18-tf in this office Sworn Statement and Application No. 08644 .f purchase the W 1-2, SE 1-4, Section 6, Township 4 South, Range 37 East Willamette Meredlan. and the timber thereon, .un der the provisions' of the act of June 3, 1878, and acta amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by ap praisement, and that, pursuant to euch application, the laud and timber there on have been appraised, at $280, the timber estimated 160,000 board feet at $1.00 per M, and the land $120.00; that said applicant will offer final proof In support of her application and sworn statement on the 22nd day of June 1911, before Register and Receiver, United .' States Land Office, at La Grande, Oregon. ; Any person Is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or Initiate a contest at any. time before patent issues, by filing. corroborated. ffl davit ra this office, alleging facia which ( would defeat the entry. F. C. BRAMWELL, Register. Wk Mar. 31, Apr, 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, Excursion; Fares ..East. "'-"' ion " From all Points on OltEOOX.IVASIIIXGTOJf 1UIIROAD St NAVIGATION COMPANT. Fares , ,.$72.50 FOR RENT Furnished room. Phone to Black 631. . 4-22-tf FOR RENT Four , good unfurnished rooms to rent. 1505 Madison ave nue. . : 4-20-tf 60.00 63.90 60.00 63.90 70.00 JtOTICE FOB PUBLirATIOX. Department of the Interior, ' U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon March 13, 1911. Notice Is hereby given that Sylves ter V. Keltz, of La Grande, Oregon, Guardian of the minor heirs of Pearl Inn nt trinA holnntn ir nf ttaa Imilril Innn V. j ' ..-!"'' ruo,uluu Vl lUe . . - " ' iwivoAwr-uwa water oarre18. ,uuui genter, deceased, who. on July 11th. feeling at pit of stomach, vomiting of pregnancy, or sickness caused by over .indulgence the night before. . , If your meals don't digest but lie like a lump of lead In ybur stomach; paa-ery. : 4-io-tf made Homestead Entry No. j 11728, Serial No. 03G95, for E. 1-2 N. E. FOR SALE Two good homestead re-'1-4 Sec. 20, and W. 1-2 N. W. 1-4 Sec. Ilnqulshmenta in Wallowa county.'21- Township 4 South, Range 35 East, Inquire of D. Birchoux. "' "li", M!redla"' h" le2 not,ce i uiwuuuu ii uihko nuai nve-year Chicago .................. Coucil Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas Paul via Council Bluffs City, St. Joseph, St. Paul.... St. Paul, via Council Bluffs Minneapolis,' direct ............ Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs , St. Louis SALE DATES. May 15; 17, 18. 19,2, 23;"24; 23; 27; 28 and 29. 1 June 5,' 7. 9, 10, 12, 16; 17; 21; 22;:. 28; 29 and 30. ' July 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 19; 20; 20; 27" and 28. . August 3, 4, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17; 21; 22; 23; 2S; 29 and 30. , September 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and f. ' ' . ( Stop-overs within limits In either direction. Final retuVn limit October 31st. One way through Callforn'a additional. Inquire of any 0.-W, RL & Jf. Agent for more complete Information or WM. McMFRRAY, General Passensrer Agent . Portland Oregon, Paris Hair Store Foley Hotel Bidg. Everything in Hair Goods Guaranteed Match. Manicuring Hair Dressing If you have foul breath and loss of F0R RENXA room 23X36 in Lewis Proof- to establish claim to the land appetite, a few MI-O-NA tablets will 1 bove described, before the Register BU.i u6C. ana receiver, united states Land Of- 4-18-tr , nee, at La Grande, Oregon, on the 10th day of May, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: John F. Alden, Andrew J. Sullivan, James B. Hagey. and Fred Hoalttee, all of Starkey, Oregon. ! '' .' ;:c- F. C. BRAMWELL, ' $. .: Register. WKLY-Mch. 17, 24, 81; Apr. 7. 14, 21. 28. put your stomach In fine shape In short order. If you or any of your family suffer from stomach trouble of any kind, gel a 60 cent, box of MI-O-NA stomach tablets at -once. , The Newlln Drug company and druggists everywhere ell MI-O-NA on mone back plan. . Ap 24 25 Mv 3 4 Snnset Magazine for Kay. -Nile of the West" by S. Glen An drus, beautifully llustrated, In four col ors. "The '" Spell," a western novel by the Williamsons. "Guests, ot Great er Chinatown" by Charles K. Field, Automobile section, Now on sale, 15 cents. : " ' " ' ; ' ATTOES1Y SIMMONS BUTS. Secures a Home in South La Grande, n Third Street Attorney Jesse Simmons, who has Just recently associated himself with F. S. Ivanhoe, has purchased a home in South La Grande, formerly known as the William Tillman residence on Third street South La Grande like all sections of the city is rapidly coming to the front.. There have been a num ber of transfers in that portion of the city recently. George H. Currey, ths land man, negotiated the transfer. Woodmen Party Tonight All Woodmen and Woodmen friends are urged to attend the month-end party of the local camp of Modern Woodmen at their hall this evening. Refreshments will be served. . FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. Close In. On ground floor. Inquire 1417 Wash. ; avenue. : Phone . Red ': 762. ?::-;.X:.-i- : 4-6-tt FOR RENT House partly furnished and two acres of land; 24 bearing fruit trees and small fruit " Inside city limits. Apply at Observer. ' 4-ll-10t I FOR SALE Second hand cook stove. Eight foot extension dining room ta ble. Inquire at 1411 8. avenue, or Snowflake Bakery. ' , 4-ll-6t There are about 6.000.000 leaves In a spreading oak 60 feet high. : ' ' FOR SALE Household furniture. In quire Mrs. F. W. Pattlson, 704 Main street, v . 4-13-6th FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT la quire Mrs. Harding, 1910 Cedar, Tel phone 1361. 4-11-tf FOR RENT Five room house close In. Inquire Geddes Bros, grocery. ' ' ' 4-17-3t FOR RENT Good barn, call Ind. 695. 4-20-tf FOR SALE At a bargain'. One span of horses, light harness and hack, at city stable, Friday and . Saturday only. Le Grande, Ore. 4-20-22 HORSES PASTURED Inquire F. E. Stillwell or phone. Xotlce for Publication. Department of the Interior. U. 8. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, March 27th. 1911. Notice Is hereby given that Victoria Stllwell, whose Post-office address 'Is La Grande, Union County, Oregon, did, IFfissM Bible Celebration of Wide Scope. New Tork, April 22. Recognizing on tne 2"h day of October, 1910, file -J Cookies in Packages i COOKIES IX PACKAGES. TAMLLA WAFERS ' PEASUT WAFERS LEM05 SJTAPS ':..; '. GINGER SNAPS IX BARRELS GRAHAM WAFERS CHEESE ASDWICHE OATMEAL WAFERS ' BUTTER THINS , SALTED WAFERS Royal Grocery H.Pattison, Prop. Not in the Association We Like to Talk Kodak We are always lest satisfied when our .customers are best -- satisfied.. That's qne reason why about the. goods In our photo graphic department The Kodak .we like to talk about the goods have quality written all oyer them. They are our kind of goods, because our kind of customers, the quality kind, can appreciate them. Kodak made and popularized amateur photography. They ' have ai rways lead In Improvements, In new Ideas. But what is of equal Importance is the careful work : manship and the superb lens and shutter equipment ' Yet they are not expensive $5 up. 1 Wy' f-yg Wright D rug Co.