PAGE 4 SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 1911. THE OBSERVER BRUCE DENNIS Editor and Owner. Xatered at the postoffice at la Grande , . as second-class matter. SUBSCKIPT10N BATES Dally, tingle copy .Pally, per week, . C&ily, per month. 5c lot 65e a !-' j ifPRlTTlIl M 1 l i ll T3.A16.-LJl 9L0111213M15 fiir7TM9M2122 iZM 25,262728129 y I l l--iT HESSE 1MEKEST IN TEST. the coy- - The Observer la highly gratified ov er the manner in which the public is receiving the educational contest and the encouragement being given 'id tic different young; ladies who have en tered and others wh contemplate en- contest t on a higher plane than con tests usually are; that it 'encourages the- young ladles to strive for tha bet ter things in life; that attendance at the Natloual Educational association will bring out new ideas' and new thoughts which will be of untold value to any girl. Although the contest is 6till very young it is chock full of interest and every young lady is energetic. All so liciting is done in -a most honorable manner and this will mark the con test from start to finish. -It is an event wherein the honor of this paper 1s at stake and every contestant can feel abundantly assured of a square deal from ths beginning to the end. BIS NAME ISDOBB. In answer to a letter from Cora M. Davis, of Union, asking that the name of the author of the few paragraphs on the Grande Ronde hi. printed, the Ob server takes pleasure in stating that the physician's name is Joseph V. Dorr and he U a N.w Yorker. Furth er than this no one In the west seems to know much of him. It is said he broke down In health from overworn in the east and made a western trip to gain strength. His ability with a pen had n:ver been recognized un:ll he wrote what seemed to be the in spired story on the Grande Ronde val ley. His trlD was printed in book form tor a few friends only and the publishers of th: book now claim that It is not possible to procure a Bingle volume unless obtained fsom some friends of Mr. Dorr. - THE RIGHT SENTIMENT. Our old and highly esteemed friend, Editor E. H. Flagg, of , Elgin, came out with Jais editorial bow to that community in a graceful manner. His words wera .clear and the sentiment expressed was the 18-karat type such as only the old veterans in the work can make. - Mr; Flagg; Is recognized as one of the able newspaper men of the north west, which fact he has proven re peatedly and today enjoys a promin ent place among Oregon's public men. His work In Elgin will be earnest and honest and the people in that city are congratulated on having him lo cate there. ' . . . ( ; President Day draws the princely salary, of $50,000 from the Equitable Insurance company. What do the pol icy!: holders think. of -that? But there . still a saving of $30,000 for Paul Morton, the former head ' drew tho largest salary in the United StateB. ifo JiM One Week : : More ; , I me To Take Advantage of This FIIML REDUCTIONS ON LADIES' SUITS Mb DRESSES Including Several imported Evening Gowns ONE-HALF The lnsurreclos In , Mexico still think they are larger than the "giv ernment" and It is barely possible that such Is the case, .; A(T THEATRE PROGRAM. Seminole's Sacrifice ..... Sellg The Changeling American. Drama. Rival Candidates Comedy. ' Pathe Edluon Song "Dreams, JuBt Dreams." Cowan- Piano and tenor solist. , . Greenaway drums and effects. Admission 10 cents Sheriffs Sale, v , Notice Is hereby given that under and by virtue of an execution and or der of sale and decree of foreclosure and Bale of mortgage property Issued out and under the seal ot the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Union, bearing date the 20th day of April, 1911, and to me directed and delivered upon a judgment and de cree duly rendered, entered of record 1 and docketed In said court on the 19th day of April,' 1911, in a suit wherein the Island City Mercantile and Milling company, a corporation, Is plaintiff, and the Grande Ronde Valley Agricul tural society, a corporation, is defend ant, said Judgment being In favor of said plaintiff and against said defend ant for the sum of $16,965.32, with In terest at the rate of ten per cent per annum from April 19th, 1911, and the further sum of ,$1700.00 attorney's fee, and the further sum'of $10.00 for costs iand disbursements, I will on Monday i the 22nd day of May,i911, at 10 o'clock ' a. m. of said day, at the front door of jthe court house in the city; of La ; Grande. Union county, Oregon, sell at j public auction to the highest bidder . for cash, to satisfy said plaintiff's Judgment and decree, interest, attor ney's fees, . costs, disbursements and accruing costs, all the right, title and interest that the said defendant had on and after the date of the mortgage foreclosed in said suit, in and to the following described mortgage proper ty, to-wlt: . ' beginning at the soithwest corner of the northwest quarter of the Bouth east quarter of section four in town ship three south, ot range thirty-eight, E. W. M., thence runulng north (no deg). 15 minutes. eaBt, nineteen hun- dreed feet to intersect the south boun dary of ths public highway known as the La Grande and Island City road thence running north fifty-nine deg., three minutes eaBt along said road or public highway three hundred and twelve feet, thence due east, ten hun dred and thirty-six and 4-100. feet, thence due south, two thousand and sixty-five and 8-100 feet, thence due west thirteen hundred and thirteen and 4-100 feet Some interesting Items at Quick Sale Prices on Siik Gioves Kayser mi! Prices Regular 25c plain and fan cy net veuings, aii colors 18c yard Regular $1.23 Silk Hose, a wide range of colors and sizes, now BANKRUPT PRICES ON MEN'S furnish ings. : Notions of all kinds at BANKRUPT PRICES IAmcskeag and - Toile - du Nord ffino-hams. to close lie and Centemeri makes. v 12 button length 1.........$ .59 16 button length .79 20 button length ............. 1.19 Embroidered 20 button ; length - 1.89 -Reg. 75c short gloves, now Regular 50c short gloves, now 35c. ."' , All the new shades. Dou ble tip fingers. 25c lace hose children's and ladies' Black only 12c pair $5.50 Silk Waists, all sizes and colors. Your choice :'... $395 25c Wash Belts, all sizes, now 9c Men's 25c Lisle Hose, all colors, sizes 9 1-2 to 11 1-2. SalePrice pair 8 4010 Sale3 osesbatMirday A, ASSIGNEE OF BANKRUPT MOR GAN DEFT STORE of PORTLAND to the place of beginning, containing sixty acres of ground more, or hss, Bjii being in the south west quarter of the northeast quarter and the north west quarter of the southeast quarter of section four' In township, three south, of range thirty-eight, E. W. M. and in Union County, Oregon, (the same being known as the fair ground.) Dated this 22nd day of April, 1911. at La Grande, Oregon. .. . . . F. f. CUILDERS, Sheriff of Union County, Oregon. D ap 22 29 May 6 13 20 27 Jun 3 Old Friends and New ' " .Winning ' permanent, lasting friends is the work of time, and this bank numbers among' its clients hundreds of banks and business houses with whom it has had olose relations for a great part of the twenty-four years of its existence. ' Our friends have helped to make this one of the largest and strongest banks in the West. We have . helped in their making, too. We welcome new friends and will attend to their wants with the same fidelity which has cemented our relations with our older ones. La Grande National Bank LA GRANDE, OREGON. CAPITAL . . . $ 100,000.00 SURPLUS . . . 100.000.00 RESOURCES . . . l.lOO.'OOO.OO ' 4 UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY ...... Fred J. Holmes, Pres. W. J. Church, 7ce Pres. , ' F. L. Meyea, Cashiet , Earl'f. Cashier 4MHHHMlMHlimilHUHIlmiMlHIHM Speclnl Meeting, . There will be a special meeting of A. , & A.'M. tonight at 8 o'clock to ar range for the funeral of Brother Frank Scott which will be conducted from the residence tomorrow at 2 p. m. The lodge members are requested to mfftt at the house at 1:15 p. m. tomorrow, L. M. HOYT, W. M. Take LAXATIVE, BROMO pulnlae tablets. Druggists refund money ' It it fails to cure. E. W. GROVES sig nature on each box. 25c SCALP ITCH GOES. Parisian $uge VMs to the Hair Roots and Nourishes the Hair. . germ because of lta peculiar power to get to the roots of the hair, right where the germs thrie and multiply. But besides , killing the germs Jt supplies nourishment to the hair; stops it from falling out and causes grow thick and luxuriant. , Parisian Sage is a most, delightful hair dressing, not sticky, or greasy. A large bottle for only 50 at the New-1 i Citation. In the County Court, for the County 'of Union, State of Oregon. In the matter of the Estate of Perry Stephensen, Deceased. To Thomas Stephensen, . George Sims, Floyd Sims, LeRoy Sims,, Charles tRIce, James S. Rice, and Chester Rice. all unknown heirs, if such there be. Greeting? , In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby cited and re in rime pnmnanv nnrt ririippleta v. e'rvwhert or bv mall ohareea nrenald' Qulrea 10 Wi"1 ln lne un" erywhere. or by man cnarges prepaw ty CouTt ot tte state 0? Oregon, by Giroux Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. for tha County of Union, at the court Ap. 21, 22, May 3, 13. room thereof, at La Grande, In the Office GiH Wanted Give Parisian Sage a chance to drive every particle of disgusting dan druff from your hair. Give It a chance to soak Into the hair roots and stop the hair from fall-1 lng out. ., ' You won't be sorry if you do you'll be dandruff dirty all your life If you j don't And when you get a bottle of Pari- j slan Sage you are not throwing any j money away, because It is guaranteed . by the Newlln Drug company to erad- Icate dandruff; to atop falling hair; and itching scalp in" two weeks, or I money back. j Parisian Sage kills the dandruff; ft 3 8 if it IVe have a permanent position for a good, bright young lady, at good wages. Apply at once. Couniv of Union, on Tuesday, the 2nd day of May, 1911, at 10 o'clock, in tha forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause why an' order shoull not be made licensing and directing the administratrix of said estate to sell Lot 1 in Block & of Grandy's 'Ad dition to the City of La Grande, Union 1 County, Oregon, to pay the, claims against said estate. : ' Witness, the Hon. J. C. Henry, Judge of the County Court of the' State of Oregon, Court for the County of Union, with the seal of said affixed this 31st day of March, 1911. Attest: ED. WEIGHT, Clerk, By Forrest Ivanhoe. DepW. IT : CJL CHERRY'S NEW LMJNDRYl S2S.C Vegetables Fresh Tomatoes Cauliflower Cabbage Asparagus Rhubarb Lettiice Green Onions Spinach Royal Grocery H. Pattison, Prop. Not in the Association