La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 20, 1911, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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CtiuncII Meets to Transact Regular
' Business Much Transacted.
Holding that the costs entail. d to
macadamize Fourt street is not 'com
mensurate with the benefits to accrue,
that the proposed work Is useless be
cause the stnet Is already in good con
dition, that the costs are confiscatory,
exceeding in amount the assessed val
uation or me property aouiung. a ion
string of taxpayers yesterday evening
put a temporary qulttus, at any raift,
on the contemplated macadamizing ct
Fourth street from where the bitulltV
lc terminates, to the street's own ter
minal. Attorney F. S. Ivanhoa repre
sented the remonstrators, and the tax
payers had prepared a list which gave
the probable cost as compared with the
assessed valuation aud oftentimes th3
two figures were not even equal but
the-co8ts exceeded the assessed valua
tion. ' . "
Without comment of any kind the pe
tition was referred to committees to
Teport within seven days. .
The mayor and every councilman
was present When the meeting con
vened last night. This was the regu
lar meeting and the routine amount of
bills 'was allowed.
Skating Rink Bollditag Is Below Grade
and Trouble Has Aritfei.
ertv remains to be s:en. It would en- cepted after the committee bad been
tail a big expense to raise the build- given the bids.
ing, built as it is on the ground, and The old chestnut about Contractor
to leave and run the proper grade Young being on the way was conveyed
would create a condition that would be to the council from Portland again
inconvenient, to say the least.
stringent Enforcement of Speed Limit
to be Made by Police.
at last night at the meeting cf the ??S .f I.IT,!:
city council when the chi:f of police
was Instructed to provide himself wltli
means to force a halt ou the automo
bile speeding on the city streets. It
Is agreed that tha usual spe d at
n'rrd hv nearly every driver is a men
ace -0 limb and life, itentinies, and
that the campai-jn to, stop th. spesd
Ing will be carried but to a finished
detail was the sentiment of the cojiiv
cil. . - .
Arrests are to follow regardless of
slight or great violations. The 12
last night. It se mi, however, that the
Newport man is actually on the way
this time and that th$ Second street
water main is to b9 repaired at once.
The Main stnet pv.-Ing is crossing its
path and somethiiig will have to he
done properly. -The
city is forced to buy 30 feet of
belting because someone stole that
to locat the theif will be made.
Request for & plank sidewalk on X
avenue on the extreme -north side of
th city was read last night. ,
Contracts were closed with E. C.
Day for the construction of cement
walks on Washington and on S:cond !
street. , , ' . , . - j
National Y. W. C. A. Met ting.
Indianapolis, Ind., April !9. Many
young women, all parts
mile limit is to be enforced if every of the United States and several fors
automoblle owner in the city is to be lgn countries, arrived In J:itfa?apoU8
dragged before the courts, but It la i.... rventj a ,.i., ., ,
presumed that about the time a half , as evening and eail tnis morning
dozen are thus arrested, the oth?rs will jt0 ta 1)art ,n tne th rl biennal con
take heed.' ton of the Young Women's Christian
' . Sprinkler Question Up. ' association of the United States. The
What disposition to make of the ;meetlng had lts .formal opening today
. When thestreet grade on Washing
ton avenue betw:en Fir and Eighth
was established some Ave years ago,
me wrong grade was given the build
ers and to Mrs. Zuber, the owner of the
(skating' rink building. The proper
-grade, which Is now being established
and sidewalks built along it, brings the
walk a lttle over a foot above the sill
of the front entrance to the building.
The trouble was discovered yester
day when a crew of men commenced to
. lay a walk for the J. W, White proper
ty, the vacant block used as a wood
storage space. The trade established
there would not conform with the
one established to build the rink on
erable amount of attention. Mayor
Richardson brought the question up
and though the matter was finally left
to the street committee, the opinions
expressed Indicate that the city will
buy a sprinkler rather than hire the
work done. .
Another matter that occupied the at
tention of the council was the' problem
of planting trees and rearranging the
jagged tree 1 alignment on certain
streets. One specific instance of where
sidewalk will hit the tree line was on
Adams in front of the S. F. Richard
con property. The trees are matured
and to cut them down seems hardly the
proper course, said the councilmen,
until the property owner had been con
sulted with. The nrohlem will hrnns-ht
up at a subsequent meeting.
Will Plant Park Trees.
Under this discussion Councilman
Dunn Dunn inaugurated the movement
to have trees planted around the city
property at Fourth and Pennsylvania.
The tree line of Pennsylvania will be
made to conform with the proposed
tree line along that street, uniform in
size, kind and location. The necessary
shade trees will be purchased by the
city to get that work done properly.
The original resolution! providing
for bitulithic pavement from Washing
ton to Adams on Elm street, past the
and Mrs, Zuber requested the work be
stopped until the matter was straight- city hall, was resclndfd last night and
ened out. j re-introduced, this time to inclhde all
Mrs. Zuber affirms that L. A. Plckler ' of Elm street to Jefferson avenue,' or
established ft grade for her when she ' two blocks.
Tiuilt the rink, and now the question! City Attorney Cochran advised that
is whether the engineer at that time resolutions be submitted to the mayor
was city engineer or not. If he was he for approval the samp as ordinances
erred officially but if he was' not then , The charter provisions are not clear
the city engineer, his errors throw a but to be safe this was advised done,
different light on the situation. The ' The Observer bid for $56 for the
White sidewalk now being built is on printing of 2,000 copies of the water
the correct grade, however, and Just and plumbing ordinances as compared
what done with the Zuber prop- with-$00 bv tin Nice nrlnterv. was ac-
4 ilp"i"lil""i"i,,l"frv4i,l'',4,,1 Vi"!1 t 'fM' J 'I1 "f 41 4 'fr 4"i"t "1' 'fr 41
I Reasons Why You Should Enlist In I
The Observer Contest
The prizes are educational. , ,
You should see Portland during the great annual Rose Festival.
You should visit San Francisco during the me. ting of the National Educa
tional association. v
You should become acquainted with the beauties of the Columbia river.
You Bhould experience recreation in th: social life of ocean and Colum
bia river tourist hotels.
, You should study music under the best teachers if you have not done so
already. ; ': . . . , r
You should study at home, If you cannot attend college.
" You should try the thrills of competltve work, such as this cont:t af
fords. ' . '..
You should learn how to ask your friends for their support; how to or-"
ganize them Into a working force In your own behalf.
You should learn how to make friends among strangers and to get them
Interested in your success. ' ,
and the proceedings thus b;gun will
continue until next Modnay.
All phases of the association work
are to be discussed and plans decided
upon for the' extension of the activi
ties of the organization. Reports pre
pared for presentation to the conven
tion show that the Y. W. C. A, in the
Ignited States now comprises a total
of 835 associations, of which 189 are
In cities, 637 are student organizations
and nine are association extensions.
The 835 associations report a total of
216,556 members. The total value of
the real estate owned by the assocla-
I .
Mm. 4- o nwn in.
'ai i ai( oi me
branches malhtaln educational classes.
Embezzlement Charged. '
' Tampa; Fla., April 19. The case of
President W.. R. Fuller and Secretary
Treasurer V. G. Lanier of the Tampa
Fuel company was called In the crimi
nal court today for trial. Mr. Fuller,
v'-o j one of Tampas leading citizens
and prominent merchants, is 'accused
ot embezzling the funds of the fuel
company, while Mr. Lank r is charged
with aiding and abetting, the embez
zlement. ."
N'pw Ilanipshlre G. A. R.
Concord, N. H., April 19. The an
nual tncampfaent of the New. Hamp
shire department, G. A. R., and the
annual meetings of the Womans Re
lief Corps and the Sons and Daughters
of Veterans opened here today and
will continue through Thursday. The
encampment is honored this year by
the presence of Commander-in-Chief
John E. Gilman and the members of
itis staff. 1 . ij. .
lyii" i iiy yi'" ' j. . iT i ijiiii ijii i. ' ii uii nil' ' V n, 9 .
Jiore for ($itls
A store that is brimful of new spring
cttire for girls of all ages, from the par
ticular young lady to the tiny tot just
able to waik
-and tha prices are even more attractive
than the goods themselves. ' V
Bring lour Girls tfew, and fit Jhem Cut in aMce $
: Wngnanii-vuck or white press, r
TATZ iri'TEikdoXs la it. .
Plant to Work This Season Srils
Brick to Union.
La Grande's brick yard will woi a
this summer as usual. John Wilson
has purchased it from the Kreiger es
tate and already there is activity to
be seen at the yards. Today he start
ed his men to loading out 300,000
brick for the new high school build
ing at Union and many other orders
from Union and Wiallowa counties
have been filed the past few days.
It Is with considerable satisfaction
that La Grande people will read of th
certainty of the. brick yard operation
this year, for when the yard runs on
full time it means the scattering of an
other good sized pay roll in La Grande
end La Grande knows what It m:ans
to have the payrolls. ;
The quality of brick made by this
yard is recognized throughout Pastern
Oregon as the best and shipments in
the past have even been mad& into
Idaho. . ' , .
AH predict a prosperous .season In
the brick business with Mr. Wilson at
its head.
The Sound Sleep of Good Uralth.
Cannot be overestimated and any ail
ment that prevents It is a menace to
health. J. L. Southers, Eau fclalre,
Wis., says: "I have been unable to
sleep soundly nights, because of palm
across my back and soreness of my
kidneys. My appetite was very poo
and my general condition was mucl
run down. I have been taking Foh;
Kidney Pills but a short time and now
sleep as sound as a rock, my general
condition is greatly Improved, and I t The good roads movement is on In
know that Foley Kidney Pills havo ?arnTest 1Q . Grande Ronde valley.J
...,. , I-; J. Conrad and a. number of his:
low the usj of Foley Kidney Pills.
They are a prompt corrective of uri
aary Irregularities. ;Try them.
Hill's Drug store. '
k. 4. 6. 8. 11, 13. 15, 18 20 22 25 27 29.
Will Hold Another Meeting xt Sat.
nrday Sight
Pills at once. Refuse substitutes.
Hill's drug store. ;; ,
Ap. 4. 6, 9, 11. 13, 15, 18 20 22 25 27 29.
Notice to Publishers.
Notice Is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received at the office of
the City Recorder until Wednesday
evening April 19th, 1911, for the
priming and binding of fifteen hun
dred copies of the rules and regula
tions governing the water department
and the plumbing rules and regula-
Also give, prices on 1,000 and 2,000
lots. Sizes and style of bindings can
be teen at the recorders office.
By order of the city council, April
12th, 1911. -' : -' - : , ;
4-14-5t . . Recorder.
Directory of the Fraternal Orders
of La Grande, Oregon
A. P. & A. M. La Grande Lodge No.
41, A F. ft A. M. holds regula; meet
ings" first and third Saturdays at
7:30 "p. m. Cordial welcome to all
Masons. L, M. HOYT, W.M. ,
A. C. WILLIAMS, Secretary.
B. P. O. E. La Grande Lodge No. 433
meets each Thursday evening at 8
o'clock In Elk's club, corner of Depot-
street and Washington avenue.
Visiting brothers are cordially ln
vltaa to attend. t
H. E. COOLIDGE, Rec. Sec.
Grande Lodge No. 169 W. O. : W.
, meets every second and fourth Sat
urdays at K. P. halL All visiting
mebers welcome.
. J. H. KEENEY. Clerk.
M. W. A. La Grande Camp No. 7703
meets every Monday m the month at
the I. O. O. F. hall. All visiting
neighbors are cordially Invited to
ittend. ; ; ,
D. E. COX. Clerk.
REBEKAHS Crystal Lodge No. H
- meets every Tuesday evening In the
T r f rn ' .1.
i. i. u. r . utui. ah Tisiung mem
, bers are invited to attend. '
Lodge No. 27 mes every Monday
night in Castle hall, (old Elk's halL)
A Pythian welcome to all visiting
R. L. LINCOLN, M. of R. ft 8.
O. E. S. Hope Chapter No. 13, O. B.
C. bolifl stated communications the
second and fourth Wednesdays of
each month. Visiting members cor
dially Invited. ' "y
Ronde Circle No. 47 meets " .
first anu raird Thursday evi- a
In the mo. . vt Ibe I. O. O .
AH vlaithig ..ters are n.-v...
There's a Hat Here Just Right foMfou
-we know that there's a hat here that will please you because we have every
shape that is correct, in every shade that is good, and our prices assure you of the
oest value ror tne least money. Drop in and sea how you look in some of them.
fr SC02AN(fl)N
neighbors have been creating senti
ment favoring the repairing of the
Hunter-lane for several weeks and
their efforts are bearing fruit. A mass
meeting at the Iowa school house a
few nights ago indicated the people
want better roads and to further com
plete a working organization a meet
ing will be held Saturday night at
Pleasant Grove school house.
This meeting is open to the public
and the farmers desire everyone pres
ent who has an interest in the Union i
county highways. Several La Grande I
business men have expressed the In
tention ot attending and there Is a
possibility that tha county court will
have a representative present.
For the Third Time In Ten Days, Chug.
Williams Is Arrested.
Charles Williams commenced a ser
of 25 days' employment "with the citv
this rooming when Police Judge Hum
phrey was call:d uuon to administer
justice to the gentleman who. for the
third time in ten days, was hailed be
fore the tribunal for belug drunk and
disorderly. Xo sooner was he out of
his last sentence than he sinned again.
He will work out his fine, commencing
Uptown office Main 720
Residence phone Main 25
Foley Kidney Pills contain in con
centrated form ingredients of estab
lished therapeutic value for the
prompt alleviation of all kidney an!
bladder ailments. Foley Kidney Pills
are amisecptic, tonic and restorative.
Do not allow your kidney trouble to
progress beyond the reach of medi
cine, but start taking Foley Kidney
I .' . ' ':'
Swift's Premium Hams i
ody who uses
praise them above all com
petitors ....What everybody
says must be true
City Grocery & Bakery f
i The Home of Fancy Groceries f