La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 20, 1911, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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mrrmjOTiAV a tttt on inn
XXX J. j XXX J.IXXJ i.Jt xoxx.
Dogs Impounded.
The following dogs are Impounded
by the city and owners should call at
once and pay charges on same:
One coal black dog, -
One yellow bird dog with 1910 tag
on. .' ;..' - ' ',
One black curly water spaniel.
;." One snail female water spaniel.'
And all kinds of dors.
They will be held tlx days after
which they will b; dlsnoBed of.
D Ap 15-6t Poundmaster.
Does 50 Per Gent
Profit Interest Yoa?
tt 1 UM IBMSSWISM Will HMIMII " mm mm ,Wnm IUj
We have a ten acr: orchard a
mile from town that -made bet
ter than fifty per cent of the
purchase price over and abpve
all -expenses, last year. This
property is getting better every
year, and besides making a
nice home, Is certainly a good
investment. Com. in and let's
talk it over. '
While we have property for
eala in all parts of the valley,
we just call your attention to a
few of our exceptional bargains.
, 1G0 acres. 8 miles from town,
county road on two sides, good
buildings, railroad siding at cor
nu of plate, land suitable for
fruit, grain or alfalfa. Price
195.00 per acre.
; 80 acres of the best sand-ridgj
and near the foot of Mt Emily,
on county road that will be mac
adamized this year. This tract
is all In cultivation, a portion In
alfalfa. It Is almost adjoining
some of the largest and best or
chards in Grande Ronde vall.y.
This land is suitable for most
and purpose and will make you
. money from the day you buy It.
Price of. the 80 acres, only $8,
500.00. w . .
,f 40 acres three miles' w:st of
Summerville, about one third
cleared and in timothy, all the
very beat of soil, 'no rock. some,
fine timb.r, a new house that
cost $800.00 and other new im
provements. . There is a fine
stream of water crossing this
place and the soil is some of the in the valley. The owner
lives in the east and, is very
anxious to sell. I will only take
a small amount of cash to han
dle it, with one and two years
on deferred payments. Come
in and see about the price on
thkn it will surprise you.
Have a fine ten acre orchard
tract In Fruitdale that beloni
to an estate. This property must
be sold, price and terms exceed
ing good. A nice revenue pro
ducing home.
A Number of Fine Younjr Or-
; chard Tracts In the Im
bier District
Can take city property on first
payment and give terms on bal
ance.: "
i City property, all descriptions
and prices. , ,. ' '
6 room house and four large
lots on Washington avenue, $2,
000.00 terms.
6 room house and two 50-foot
lots, shade, trees, shrubbery,
nice lawn, room for garden or
two more houses, a fine home
on Washington avenue $1,900.00
terms. ".
New five room modern cottage
on Adams avenue, $2,500.00.
Four room house and ground
120 by 120 feet, small barn, trees
and other improvements at cor
ner of Fourth street and B ave
nue, Old Town, only $850.00.
Payment down $350.00, $10.00
p:r month on balance.
i Five room modern house and
large lot, close in on Sixth se
cernent sidewalk, shade trees
and Bhrubbery only $2,300.00
terms. , . .
Five room house, newly painted
and papered, city water, sewer
connections, lot 50 by 120, ust
icross street from A. B. C. laun
dry, only $1,300.00 small pay
ment down balance monthly.
House and 2 lots tour blocks
from round house only $525.00.
' Four room hous:, cellar, good
woodshed, and tw nice Us, only
three blocks from round house,
$1,100.00 easy terms.
; One and one-half acres, near
Stoddard planing mill $700.00.,
r One acre tract with house on
Cove avenue $800.00.
Some nice vacant lots In west
em part of the city from $100.00
UP'Lots in Carr's sub-division
will make you money. Only $10
down and $10 per month; : no .In
terest, no taxes until after final
payment. The main sewer runs
through this property; It is on
macadam street and all nice big
lots. These lots will double In
value Inside of two years. Come
In and let us tell you about the
money to be made In buying
this property. . ' '
, We have property everywhere
i-some good exchangessome
excellent business propositions,
and would like to have you come
In and see our list.
Trust Company
(Continued from page Six)
Examiners from 1904 to 1907. His of
fice Is nicely equipped, and he has kept
up with progress In every detail of
den lstry. He wears a name that all
Americans ara proud to honor. Give
the name and loactlon. '
, 4 Dr. It. L. Lincoln, 1205 Adams
avenue, .
47 L, J. Frtnch Shoe company, 06
Depot street
NUMBER 48. What Is the name of
the new amusement hall where there
la nothing but pool tables no bill
iards? It is a popular place, growing
more bo very day. The leading
brands of Imported and domestic ci
gars and tobacco can also be found
here.- It Is on a corner. It Is the
place to turn your Wis hours Into busy
minuteB. It Is. named after the 41st
state of the Union. Give th? name
and location.
49 Montana Pool Hall, southeast
comer Itepot street and Jefferson ave
nue. '
;.' NUMBER 49. This is a drug store,
not he kind that advertises a liniment
of such power that when applied to
a dog's tail would cause It to gr?w out
i?a!n, and arain auplted to the siV
end picked up from the dust of the
street, would cause a new dog to grow
oiit but the kind that sells all first
class, dependable goods, standard rem-
dies and sundries. It Is the stor
that has made such a hit with con
fcctl"7 i lie Hi""
it leads. It has been established in
this city under the present manage
ment but eight months. It has built
up a reputation for the prompt and ac
curate filing of physician's prescrip
tions. . Give the name and , location.
You can omit one letter from the name
ir.rt it will still be right. -
rigut urug company, , i-'u
Adams avenue. . ;'
. NUMBER 0. In what leading gro
cery can be purchased the famous
i Chase: & Sanborn coffees. There is
j only one place In town where they
I can be found. Chase & Sanborn teas
' and coffees are known- the world over
! as the sine qui non of excellence, and
they selected this 6tore to handle their
: product here because It stands as a
representative of the higher class of
groceries. This grocery store has the
electric scales, the electric coffee mill,
v1 Fxw?mm
M 1 KMMamrft
In (act the only way we lire Is by
dyeing. Don't dye yourself.
It's teller than dyeing yourself.
asp die for ALL;;J,,;::
. .Onr charge tor dyeing for you wont
be hgih. A sample Job Is sufficient
For best dyelnj end cleaning hare us
do it,
Phone Main (4.
Phone Main b
the latest meat sllcer, the most mod
ern equipment throughout Their wag
ons go all over the city and if you will I
watch where they stop you will findi
where the best families live. Give name
; and location.
I 60 J. G. Snodrass
1211 Adams!
NUMBER 51. What is the. name and
location of the "sparker" who sets
things going In the electrical line all
around this country? They carry ev
erv kind nf electrlral merchandise, mo- , if
tors, gas and electric fixtures, lamps, fir
?kctric irons, etc. Furnish estimates ; j.
on all kinds of electrical work, take H
couirucia in tui pans oi iu couniy
Th:v make a sneclalty of f arm-lisrnt- f
Ing outfltB. There are many new j J
things coming out In the electrical .jY
line all the time; It will pay you to J J ,
drnn Into thla ntnrn nncasinnnltv lust I
iu ueo uuw i til ueuiuu me inuca ;uuui
bnvi lnnaprl I Jf
51 La (.rand? Electric Supply com
pany, 108 Elm street - '
A 1 f VIS
i U . !
msB and tmiim
NUMBER 52. '
La Grande Bottling Works, 190S
First street
NUMBER 53. In what large store
will you find the Monarch malleable
ranges, the O. V. B. cutlery, the Lowe
Bros.' paints, the Domo cream. separa
ors; and In the furniture line the Sea
ley mattresses, the Macey bookcases,
the Twin Pedestal tables, and many
othe exclusive and superior lines of
ra rchandise. This store occupies
three floors and a basement and has
them all filled. It has been making
history here. for 15 years. They carry
compl.te lines of hardware house
furnishing ' goods, " builders' . black
smiths', wagonmakers,', miners' and
, ,, .
gnns, ammunition and fishing tackle.
They have the exclusive agency hero
for tha- . Mikado roofing. You are to
give the name and location of this es
tablishment. ;
53 W. II. Bohnenkamp " company,
1301 Adams avenue.
NUMBER 54. This number repre
sentB a skilled veterinarian whose
name and location you ae to give. H
has been practicing here years and
has established . a ; reputation tl)f.'
makes him authority on all animal dls
cases. He is not of the class of veter
inarians one of whom, legend says,
was called upon to minister to a Blck
man In the absence of a physician, and
frankly told the anxious friends that
he coujd not cure the disease the man
had, but that he could give him some
thing to turn it Into the "botts" and
then he could cure the "botts." He
treats all kinds of animals and the
people of this valley keep him pretty
busy all the time. He Is the oldest
veterinarian In the valley. Give his
name and location ;
54 Dr. P. A. Charlton, 2110 Third
street. '
NUMBER 55 There fs a satisfaction
about buying paints and wall paper
from a dealer who has the technical
knowledge which enables him to ad
vise and counsel his patrons as to the
blending of colors and numerous othe'
details which the ordinary dispenser
of paints from a mixed stock of mer
chandise kno3 nothing about. This
well known paint store carries' a full
line of paints, oils, varnishes, wall pa
paper, etc. This store has not been
doing business in this city more than
100 years. They are txclusive sales
agents here for the Acme quality new
Era paints, the best paint manufac
tured. Also do contracting In paint
ing and decorating of all kinds. What
Is the name and location?
55 Clogston & Nutter, Sixth street
... NUMBER 66. Thre Is In this city
a corsetiere who is exclusive agent for
the ' celebrated Gossard corset; also
who has had ample experience and
can fit and demonstrate. These cor
sets will produce the long, slender,
sweeping lines to the figures. They
are recommended by, both physicians
and dressmakers. What U her name?
56 Mrs. Robert Fattrson.
NUMBER 67. Who is the scientific
optician of La Grande. Also give the
location of his office., This party has
been practising In this 4lty about four
years in all. It has been discovered
that headaches, indigestion, nervous
ness, insomnia and many other re
flexes which have puzzled the medical
fraternity for years, are caused by
the unbalanced mifscles of the eyes. In
no other branch of science Is there
need for more careful diagnosis, and
for accurate fitting of lenses. At this
office you will get the very best re
sults. He grinds all his own lenses
and is thoroughly competent to meet
any emergency.
57 O. 91. Heacock, Adams avenue
next door to postofflce.
annot Be -M& ffisewhisire
The choicest Imbler fruit lands
CS3G0to.i '
can be had for $450 an acre.
Terms, 10 pet cent dovm and ,
$25 a month for four years, v
Jll tracts are cared for, and taxes and
expense are paid by us.
Uo proven fruit district will meet these
prices and terms. Hake rigid investi
gation and comparison and then call
Uii any Oi mc iGiiuvVi hjj iiiuS I
G. L. Cleaver, v
La Grande Investment Co.
Wenaha Lumber Co.
Sherwood Williams,
. Hill & Hibbard.
NkJV f
Savoy Hotel
The rooms are good and
Steam heated only . one
block from depot
D. C. Brichoux,Prop.
Kvery family has need of a good, reliame
ilniment. For sprains, bruises, soreneK? of
the muscles and rheumatic pains there Is
none better than Chamberlain'. 8old V)
II deaiera.
v".,;' Summons. ' . t
In the circuit court of the state of
Oregon, for Union county. ;
Arthur A. DeFord, Plaintiff, vs. Lu
ella DeFord, Defendant.
To , Luella DeFord; defendant.: In
the name of the state of Oregon, You
are hereby required to appear and an
swer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled court and cause
on orjbefore the 12th day or MaV, 1911.
after the. publication of this summons
for six weeks In the La Grande 'Even
ing Observer, And you will take no
tice,, that If you fall to so 'appear and
answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff
the dissolution of the marriage con
tract existing between yourself, and
plaintiff. This summons Is published
by order of the Hon. J. W. Knowles,
Judge of the above entitled court, dat
ed March 30th, 1911, directing It to be
published In the La Grande Evening
Observer, for six, consecutive weeks,
first publication to be in Issue . of
March 30th, 1911. ' .
Attorney for' Plaintiff.
DMch 3O-Ap.6-13-20-27-My 4-11. ' ;
tablets. Druggists refund money If
It falls to cure. E. W. GROVES Ig-
wlll take the decree of the court, for nature on each box. 26c.
Tou Must Try on a Gossard
Corset to Realize Why
It Excels. :-,
The Gossard Corset shown here
Is model O and Is for the wom
an of full proportions. It
makes a solid figure appear
slender and graceful. . The bust
fits close, without raising the
bust when seated, $8.50. Other
models $3.50 and $5.00. .
Mrs. Robert Pattison
Phone, black 1481."
IX IU Iff w
,J?-5iltT?.WM,e(1 dlstrtct torido nn) exhibit aromple Latest Motlol
3 Mzyc e I uraUhetl by . Our aitentNO very where are makbur
iS.JfSW J- R.0.u'ReD untl ou leolve and approve of your
y2yri?hlntt acU to u at our ex iwnso i noZrln il ...
crude bicycles it to
e Bin all profit above '
FACTORY PF.ICES51? fi",rul!il1 "? hl"I
.r.Ti . . txwsU'le to mnlte atom
ictuBl Urxnry cost you m ve fio to $25 mlddU'ra
blitfcln M MAT niiir Z t lZ V ' t (niarani oenina your
uicytiB. ne nor BUY a Mcvrlaor n rule rf ti im . . .
(rule MotcIm lot
I in Arta nntfl
,wij.:.., , w,,.r ,;UIU,UU.' 5 nc fiirn our uuheardof
it I UU HILL HZ A5I U.llarlt.U . fVVu f""i"""irb"itmii
our urlMM.
"tU, Ip4ir ud .
fl Aft SI S amvvlm"ml'mnMVlMIWi'larrtlaUjii
rttultmtall trltirftk.,.!!. 1.
tmm ..Ll -lmf'' Mlrr.M Ullhtr4,r$4,SS,
MJAiinnrTDAimi Friiiiiiiiiiiii
lESSRIPIJONa J'" !. "zea. It
1dlni. very DnnMn
mpeelal quality of ruhlr. wblcb uevcr be.
met uorous and whw-h ii,uk nn ,nnii
micTiiros without 1 ...
Ve have hundred nf lit,.,..,
. rfiTn naveoniy own pumped up once
"iiuio wnson. inty wo ifU no more tlmn
JgtftTO :rf I
, , J m-. . . amXJV
ift'w i th:e4rubbrtrl
"A"ndpunoturatria'R" ,
tfSfoo'nnn h,u.ii 'I 1m ln( 'rtll .1.. i .1 li...a
Ei""' r "ZmL.:i i l " """"riwiiiB Qualities De ntr uwi ip prevent Mm eutt inc. Thla
Krl.i7.??"111 of tll,a- W'clally prepared VJ? 'r outlaat any ether
Kaye amlnod and fonnd thorn it'rlVtlr -f.T. 1 ou 4,0 DOt COt until yoa
tturii.l tOU xDenw If for.n. tW"-- '.VJ: B""n"," orrtw w tt tlrra m.. h
ipoiuy wnt toon Irm nfe In . l-nk. if oi lWlm.Z7ti'.. Prf"Otl n-llabt
,a iTTi "?a ,"" "wynt nie
IrIJr" V" ro"lo plel th.t-bmi to w.nt bioTcliion-111 Viil, or,,ntiuirprl
Sii2!LILrbun,l'1"rtltTro;r?7 0U1"U fourontor. W.w,t
F YOU NEED nlSft!lfW
Htae q-jot .bo, or writ. foJ w Tfir ftTSSSS IMffSSSS 'SLtXT " "w""'
HO NO 1" WAIT" T" ' pmital IMit. DO NOT THINK a ,.. . . .
I t
'A '
i i